Republicans think handing corporations money creates jobs.

How many Personal bankruptcies, does Mr. Trump have?

Don't know. None? But Trump wasn't elected because of his personal finances, he was elected in part because of his staggering "business successes". That a "successful" businessman would be good at running the country...apparently because we have amnesia from the last two times we've had an MBA sit in the Oval Office (Hoover, Bush the Dumber).
Should we "pass on this" since it is in the domain and about politics, in favor of "bookies" generating market based metrics for us?
The right wing wants to lower taxes; Mr. Trump could have ended the drug war in five minutes or less, by executive order, yesterday.

Why do they want to lower taxes? Did they forget we tried that 15 years ago and it didn't work? Yes, he could have ended the drug war very easily; reclassifying marijuana from Schedule 1 and expunging convictions and records for low-level drug possession charges. But they're consumed with re-hashing the failed policies of Reagan and Nixon, so the Drug War will only get worse.
A corporation will invest in R&D to create areas that they think may be a demand for. Most of the time they are correct and there is growth, higher wages and improved lives of consumers.

So that is supply-side economics, which is just trickle-down economics by another name. No, businesses don't invest in R&D unless there is demand for them to do so. "If you built it, they will come" works in the movies for ghostly ballparks, but not in reality, where it matters. Drug companies, for instance, spend far, far more on marketing and advertising than on R&D. If they were to get a corporate tax cut, how exactly would that translate to more R&D? The answer is it won't. If it hasn't already, why would it start?

Again, you are dead wrong and your ignorance is illustrated by your example. Drug companies ARE doing R&D all the time. I work in the medical field and see this first hand.

It isn't only drug companies.
Again, you are dead wrong and your ignorance is illustrated by your example. Drug companies ARE doing R&D all the time. I work in the medical field and see this first hand.It isn't only drug companies.

The largest source of funding for medical research is the NIH. Drug companies do R&D, but they spend far, far more on marketing and advertising. Furthermore, the R&D drug companies do isn't to cure diseases, but to treat symptoms. Why would a drug company cure a disease when they can make a fortune treating the symptoms? Why do you think there's not been a cure for cancer or diabetes? Because drug companies make too much money treating those symptoms. So it's not in their interest to cure the condition because then they won't have customers. Such is the pitfalls of for-profit medicine.
Again, you are dead wrong and your ignorance is illustrated by your example. Drug companies ARE doing R&D all the time. I work in the medical field and see this first hand.It isn't only drug companies.

The largest source of funding for medical research is the NIH. Drug companies do R&D, but they spend far, far more on marketing and advertising. Furthermore, the R&D drug companies do isn't to cure diseases, but to treat symptoms. Why would a drug company cure a disease when they can make a fortune treating the symptoms? Why do you think there's not been a cure for cancer or diabetes? Because drug companies make too much money treating those symptoms. So it's not in their interest to cure the condition because then they won't have customers. Such is the pitfalls of for-profit medicine.

That's one of the dumbest things I've ever read on this forum. Tell this to St Jude Children Research Hospital in Memphis. They work together with doctors, drug companies, etc and are constantly coming out with new research in the cure for cancer. They had a 20% survival rate back in 1960 when they opened their doors. Now they are over 90%. And St. Jude doesn't profit at all.

Drug companies are killing themselves to find a cure for cancer. That company would go down in the history books, not to mention would stand to make billions. It's the number one killer in America. You're a true idiot if you dont think drug companies are trying to cure it.
I have news for the ultimate business man of all time, El Dumpster. Handing corporations money through tax cuts do not create jobs. Corporations hire people when they have a need.

If you want to create jobs, increase the demand for the products corporations supply. You do that by cutting taxes for the the middle & lower class people. They will spend that money & thereby increase demand.

If you want to bring those overseas corporate profits, end the tax break that said those profits aren't taxed until they bring them home.

Then, consider how much money Trump will profit from this tax break. Conflict of interest.

This tax break will not help struggling companies that make no or little profit.

It will actually reduce some investments. Corporatioins buying equipment, etc get a tax write off worth 35% & now that write off is only worth 15%.

'Trump is only helping himself.
Why is allowing people who EARN money to keep it, considered handing people money? What of my money is considered your money?

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you never heard of taxation? Don't know how it works?
Leftists are so economically ignorant, they don't understand tax cuts are not 'handing money to corporations', it is letting them keep more of what they earn.
Were so economically ignorant that the economy does better under us. Go figure. Must be some more whacked out republican logic lol
like bailing out banks and corporations that couldn't run themselves? Good point. Lost 11B to GM and all they did was invest overseas.. I wonder if they would have invested here if we didn't have the highest corporate tax rate in the world?

Nope, they go for slave labor. That is why the next thing they do is cut min wage.

Minimum wage has been cut? When?
Leftists are so economically ignorant, they don't understand tax cuts are not 'handing money to corporations', it is letting them keep more of what they earn.
Were so economically ignorant that the economy does better under us. Go figure. Must be some more whacked out republican logic lol
No it doesn't. You're a fucking retard.
go find me ONE respectable source that suggest the economy does better under republicans. You can't. Because it doesn't. You're just anti reality like the rest of your klan.
Minimum wage has been cut? When?

In order for American workers to compete with those in the Third World, American workers would have to take a severe pay cut. We live in a globalized world and wages are globalized. American workers are at a disadvantage because they aren't willing to work 18 hours a day for $18 a day in conditions so terrible, the company employing them has to install suicide prevention nets on their buildings.
That's one of the dumbest things I've ever read on this forum. Tell this to St Jude Children Research Hospital in Memphis. They work together with doctors, drug companies, etc and are constantly coming out with new research in the cure for cancer. They had a 20% survival rate back in 1960 when they opened their doors. Now they are over 90%. And St. Jude doesn't profit at all.

Actually, the government is the largest funder of research for cancer cures. The latest budget allocates several hundred million dollars to Joe Biden's cancer moonshot challenge. Cancer survival is different than cancer cures. So it's great that they've upped the cancer survival rate, but cancer still persists, is still a condition that affects millions, and is still far more profitable to treat rather than to cure. Why would a drug company produce a one-time cure, when they can produce treatments for symptoms that have the patient paying for that treatment for the rest of their lives? They're a business.

Drug companies are killing themselves to find a cure for cancer. That company would go down in the history books, not to mention would stand to make billions. It's the number one killer in America. You're a true idiot if you dont think drug companies are trying to cure it.

No, they simply are not. It is not in the drug companies' interest to cure cancer. Doing so would put them out of business, or hurt their bottom line. Treating cancer is expensive and profitable. Hence, why there is no cure from the private sector. Why would they do something to undermine their own business model? Think, man.
No it doesn't. You're a fucking retard.

Yes, it does. You can simply look at things like cumulative job creation from 1980-today. 16 years of Democratic Presidents resulted in over 30,000,000 jobs. Whereas 20 years of Republican Presidents resulted in less than 20,000,000.
like bailing out banks and corporations that couldn't run themselves? Good point. Lost 11B to GM and all they did was invest overseas.. I wonder if they would have invested here if we didn't have the highest corporate tax rate in the world?

Nope, they go for slave labor. That is why the next thing they do is cut min wage.

Minimum wage has been cut? When?
won't happen. But the GOP dreams of such.
I guess having 8 consecutive years with low GDP growth (Obama was the first president to never have a single year of GDP growth above 3%) is good to liberals.

So Bush and Obama both had the same average GDP growth rate: 1.76%. The difference is that Obama created over 11,000,000 net jobs and Bush lost 460,000. If you are upset by the poor economic growth, why did you spend the last 8 years obstructing any efforts to improve the economy? Now that Conservatives are in control of all three branches, growth dropped to its lowest level in 3 years last quarter - 0.7%. So Trump's off to a terrible start. He also created the fewest jobs last March in 24 months. Bush only had growth above 3% because of the housing bubble. The same housing bubble that would pop and nearly destroy the global economy. The same housing bubble you blame on liberals. So you're giving Bush credit for the growth of the housing bubble that you subsequently blame on the Democrats.
No it doesn't. You're a fucking retard.

Yes, it does. You can simply look at things like cumulative job creation from 1980-today. 16 years of Democratic Presidents resulted in over 30,000,000 jobs. Whereas 20 years of Republican Presidents resulted in less than 20,000,000.
offensively open minded is certainly offensive, and his mind must be extremely open and spacious, as there is no material content. He comes in with his potty mouth and runs at the sign of facts, don't mind him.

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