Republicans think handing corporations money creates jobs.

like bailing out banks and corporations that couldn't run themselves? Good point. Lost 11B to GM and all they did was invest overseas.. I wonder if they would have invested here if we didn't have the highest corporate tax rate in the world?

Nope, they go for slave labor. That is why the next thing they do is cut min wage.
Yes, and even poor republicans support it .. go figure.
Poor white trashy's supports the GOP because it consists of nothing but white people...and no matter how bad they perform, white trash will support it.....cause they love being fucked over by their own

And that's it. This minority of whites in the country function entirely on emotion and all any Republican has to do is say 'we're taking our country back' and they're eyes glass over and their brains shut down and they become Republican voting robots. When in fact the country didn't 'go anywhere' and there is nothing to 'take back', it's just things change over time and these people want it to be 1950 forever. Or for some of them 1850. And anyone that promises that they can live in 1950 again is who will get their vote no matter how vile or lying the politician is.
You have to understand how liberals think.

The gov't owns everything you make. They're just nice enough to give you back a little bit to live on. At any time, they can and should be able to take more and more of what you make. After all, its never your money. It's the gov't giving you permission to keep a tiny bit.
I am so sick and tired of you government hating mf's that hate with the one hand and then have your hand out with the other. You are the government you fuckin idiot and its your representatives that you vote in that makes the laws you other words, fool, find a fuckin mirror and get off of sam's nuts!!
Lowering Corporate taxes helps them propel forward, to dump their money into increased productivity, to be more competitive, which could mean hiring more workers, increasing research funding, building new facilities etc.

How is that bad?

It would be great if that's what happens, but it just doesn't happen. It didn't happen when Reagan cut taxes, and it didn't happen when Bush cut taxes.

Any increase in jobs which came about after both of these tax cuts can be directly attributed to the massive increase in government spending that both men made after cutting taxes.

Reagan went on a military spending spree which doubled the deficit and then tripled it. The American Military Industrial Complex made out like bandits, and thousands of jobs created at places like Boeing, and other corporations whose primary customer is the US government. These are technically called "private sector jobs", and thus count as "new job creation", but these jobs would not exist if not for government spending.

In Bush's case, the government spending was on wars abroad which was even more detrimental to the US economy. The money was spent OUTSIDE the US. Massive amounts of government money provided limited economic stimulus in the US. At least Reagan's military spending stayed at home.

When his voodoo economics failed to deliver the jobs promised, unemployment hit 6%, and the deficit which was supposed to be paid for by growth, tripled, Reagan went on a government hiring spree because government workers pay mortgages and buy cars too. He also raised taxes too which shows that some people really do learn from their mistakes. Too bad the rest of the Republican Party skipped school that day.

Bush didn't cut Corporate taxes though, and Reagan did cut Corporate tax rates, and the economy boomed.
You have to understand how liberals think.

The gov't owns everything you make. They're just nice enough to give you back a little bit to live on. At any time, they can and should be able to take more and more of what you make. After all, its never your money. It's the gov't giving you permission to keep a tiny bit.
I am so sick and tired of you government hating mf's that hate with the one hand and then have your hand out with the other. You are the government you fuckin idiot and its your representatives that you vote in that makes the laws you other words, fool, find a fuckin mirror and get off of sam's nuts!!

Can you please tell me how I have my "hand out" to the gov't? Unlike you, I'm not receiving any gov't benefits. I pay taxes and live like everyone else. I don't get food stamps, unemployment, nothing. I'm completely self supportive.

Just because someone is "voted into office" doesn't mean I voted for him. So I can definitely hate my gov't, especially the last 8 years.
I have news for the ultimate business man of all time, El Dumpster. Handing corporations money through tax cuts do not create jobs. Corporations hire people when they have a need.

If you want to create jobs, increase the demand for the products corporations supply. You do that by cutting taxes for the the middle & lower class people. They will spend that money & thereby increase demand.

If you want to bring those overseas corporate profits, end the tax break that said those profits aren't taxed until they bring them home.

Then, consider how much money Trump will profit from this tax break. Conflict of interest.

This tax break will not help struggling companies that make no or little profit.

It will actually reduce some investments. Corporatioins buying equipment, etc get a tax write off worth 35% & now that write off is only worth 15%.

'Trump is only helping himself.

By "handing money" do you mean TAKING LESS?

Only fucking morons think when you give government more money the actually do more things with it.
Who has been getting the most benefit from our massive debt?

Only tax increases for the wealthiest until our debt is gone.
/---- Why should the wealthy pay down the politicians debt? They didn't create it. The fact they are wealthy proves they can manage money. After all the trillions we've been taxed the Gubmit should be pretty much self sufficient by now.
View attachment 124214
Here is the answer.

Who has been getting the most benefit from our massive debt?

Only tax increases for the wealthiest until our debt is gone.
I have news for the ultimate business man of all time, El Dumpster. Handing corporations money through tax cuts do not create jobs. Corporations hire people when they have a need.

If you want to create jobs, increase the demand for the products corporations supply. You do that by cutting taxes for the the middle & lower class people. They will spend that money & thereby increase demand.

If you want to bring those overseas corporate profits, end the tax break that said those profits aren't taxed until they bring them home.

Then, consider how much money Trump will profit from this tax break. Conflict of interest.

This tax break will not help struggling companies that make no or little profit.

It will actually reduce some investments. Corporatioins buying equipment, etc get a tax write off worth 35% & now that write off is only worth 15%.

'Trump is only helping himself.

By "handing money" do you mean TAKING LESS?

Only fucking morons think when you give government more money the actually do more things with it.
Who has been getting the most benefit from our massive debt?

Only tax increases for the wealthiest until our debt is gone.

No. SPEND LESS FUCKING MONEY. Give the government more in taxes, they will just spend more (which means the deficit isn't reduced - FYI)
lol. the right wing is all talk and no action in that regard. even "free chics" can compete with y'all, on that score.

end the drug war, right wingers.
After all the trillions we've been taxed the Gubmit should be pretty much self sufficient by now.

What is it you think you're entitled to from the government that you don't get?
/--- Absolutly nothing beyond this:
The basic functions of the United States government are listed in the Constitution. They are: 'To form a more perfect Union'; 'To establish Justice'; 'To insure domestic Tranquility'; 'To provide for the common defense'; 'To promote the general Welfare'; and 'To secure the Blessings of Liberty.'
Much as I may try, I cannot seem to find any powers enumerated for the common Offense nor the general Warfare.

I should never feel a sense of entitlement to them; but only repugnance and a chance to lower costs, every Two Years.
The fact they are wealthy proves they can manage money

No it doesn't. Trump's had how many bankruptcies? Why do you think he has to borrow money from Russia? US banks blacklist him because he's a shitty businessman.
/---- Trump had zero bankruptcies. Thanks for asking.

Why should Anyone ever take the right wing seriously about politics?

“You’ve taken business bankruptcies six times.”
–Hillary Clinton

“On occasion – four times – we used certain laws that are there.”
–Donald Trump
/---- No one said the Gubmint doesn't create consumer spending. So you agree Trickle Down works.
View attachment 124164
Reagan's theory has historically been proven not to work. Tax cuts for the rich, do not benefit the middle class.
/---- No one said the Gubmint doesn't create consumer spending. So you agree Trickle Down works.
View attachment 124164
Reagan's theory has historically been proven not to work. Tax cuts for the rich, do not benefit the middle class.
/--- What are you -- 9 years old? It doesn't benefit the MC because you say so? I was in my 30's when Reagan was president. I was on salary. I saw my paycheck take home go UP. Everyone who paid taxes got a tax cut. Not just the rich who paid high taxes but everyone. And more people were on the tax roles then rather than now. Revenue to the Treasury Dept almost doubled. Geeeeeze what a dolt.
View attachment 124232
all the right wing did was, spend and finance; you even get to live long enough to see it now, "old timer".
/---- No one said the Gubmint doesn't create consumer spending. So you agree Trickle Down works.
View attachment 124164
Reagan's theory has historically been proven not to work. Tax cuts for the rich, do not benefit the middle class.
/---- No one said the Gubmint doesn't create consumer spending. So you agree Trickle Down works.
View attachment 124164
Reagan's theory has historically been proven not to work. Tax cuts for the rich, do not benefit the middle class.
/--- What are you -- 9 years old? It doesn't benefit the MC because you say so? I was in my 30's when Reagan was president. I was on salary. I saw my paycheck take home go UP. Everyone who paid taxes got a tax cut. Not just the rich who paid high taxes but everyone. And more people were on the tax roles then rather than now. Revenue to the Treasury Dept almost doubled. Geeeeeze what a dolt.
View attachment 124232
all the right wing did was, spend and finance; you even get to live long enough to see it now, "old timer".
/--- We're working to fix it if the Washington Establishment will just get out of the way. As as far as being an old timer - it beats the hell out of dying young. I've experienced things you can't understand yet. Wait till you're my age and some snot nose kid tries to tell you what it was like long before he was born.
/--- We're working to fix it if the Washington Establishment will just get out of the way. As as far as being an old timer - it beats the hell out of dying young. I've experienced things you can't understand yet. Wait till you're my age and some snot nose kid tries to tell you what it was like long before he was born.

Trump has surrounded himself with Washington Establishment folks. His Transportation Secretary was Bush's Transportation Secretary for God's sake! His team seems to be stocked with Goldman Sachs alums. Boy, good thing Hillary with her Wall Street connections wasn't President, right? <sarcasm>
How many Personal bankruptcies, does Mr. Trump have?

Don't know. None? But Trump wasn't elected because of his personal finances, he was elected in part because of his staggering "business successes". That a "successful" businessman would be good at running the country...apparently because we have amnesia from the last two times we've had an MBA sit in the Oval Office (Hoover, Bush the Dumber).
/---- No one said the Gubmint doesn't create consumer spending. So you agree Trickle Down works.
View attachment 124164
Reagan's theory has historically been proven not to work. Tax cuts for the rich, do not benefit the middle class.
/---- No one said the Gubmint doesn't create consumer spending. So you agree Trickle Down works.
View attachment 124164
Reagan's theory has historically been proven not to work. Tax cuts for the rich, do not benefit the middle class.
/--- What are you -- 9 years old? It doesn't benefit the MC because you say so? I was in my 30's when Reagan was president. I was on salary. I saw my paycheck take home go UP. Everyone who paid taxes got a tax cut. Not just the rich who paid high taxes but everyone. And more people were on the tax roles then rather than now. Revenue to the Treasury Dept almost doubled. Geeeeeze what a dolt.
View attachment 124232
all the right wing did was, spend and finance; you even get to live long enough to see it now, "old timer".
/--- We're working to fix it if the Washington Establishment will just get out of the way. As as far as being an old timer - it beats the hell out of dying young. I've experienced things you can't understand yet. Wait till you're my age and some snot nose kid tries to tell you what it was like long before he was born.
The right wing wants to lower taxes; Mr. Trump could have ended the drug war in five minutes or less, by executive order, yesterday.

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