Republicans think handing corporations money creates jobs.

/---- Why should the wealthy pay down the politicians debt?

Because they're the ones who funded their campaigns to get in office, to pass tax cuts, to create the very deficit you complain about right now.

So explain how your argument isn't just one big circle jerk?
The fact they are wealthy proves they can manage money

No it doesn't. Trump's had how many bankruptcies? Why do you think he has to borrow money from Russia? US banks blacklist him because he's a shitty businessman.
After all the trillions we've been taxed the Gubmit should be pretty much self sufficient by now.

What is it you think you're entitled to from the government that you don't get?
/--- Absolutly nothing beyond this:
The basic functions of the United States government are listed in the Constitution. They are: 'To form a more perfect Union'; 'To establish Justice'; 'To insure domestic Tranquility'; 'To provide for the common defense'; 'To promote the general Welfare'; and 'To secure the Blessings of Liberty.'
/---- Why should the wealthy pay down the politicians debt?

Because they're the ones who funded their campaigns to get in office, to pass tax cuts, to create the very deficit you complain about right now.

So explain how your argument isn't just one big circle jerk?
/--- Talk about circle jerk - prove the actions of wealthy people created the deficit when it's politicians trying to buy votes who created the debt. Not one DemocRAT politician has ever made that claim. It sounds like something you just made up because you can't answer my question.
/--- Talk about circle jerk - prove the actions of wealthy people created the deficit

Tax cuts reduce revenues. Conservatives promised that the tax cuts would lead to so much growth we'd be awash in revenue and surpluses that we wouldn't even know what to do with all that money. When that turned out to be a crock of shit, you douchebags moved the goalposts to this argument of emotion. Because you don't have facts or reality on your side, so you stake an emotional claim in an argument ignorant of the facts.

You complain about problems you create! That's masturbation. Name any Conservative policy or position and most likely it's masturbatory. Like welfare! Great example. Conservatives reformed welfare in 1996 "ending welfare as we know it". Fast-forward twenty years and Conservatives screech about welfare today. So their solution? To cut welfare that they reformed. Masturbation.

Here's another example; SNAP. Conservatives love to complain about SNAP usage, but SNAP eligibility is determined by income. The best way to reduce SNAP usage is to raise wages, thus reducing the amount of SNAP for which that worker qualifies. But you Conservatives oppose wage increases. So SNAP enrollment remains high even though the fix is simple. Masturbation.

And yet another example; the tax burden. Conservatives love to complain about how much of a share of the overall tax burden the wealthy pay. However, they only pay that large a share because they cut taxes so much, they removed the liability for nearly half of all workers. So you complain about the unfair tax burden, but it's only unfair because you morons made it that way. Masturbation.

Bring a whole new meaning when you tell a Conservative to go fuck themselves, doesn't it? That's what they seem to do, figuratively and literally.
/--- Absolutly nothing beyond this:
The basic functions of the United States government are listed in the Constitution. They are: 'To form a more perfect Union'; 'To establish Justice'; 'To insure domestic Tranquility'; 'To provide for the common defense'; 'To promote the general Welfare'; and 'To secure the Blessings of Liberty.'

So you didn't answer my question, though. Instead you vomited up a word salad of cliches, but you didn't really get into any specifics. But that's OK, Conservative knowledge is barely skin deep.
/---- No one said the Gubmint doesn't create consumer spending. So you agree Trickle Down works.
View attachment 124164
Reagan's theory has historically been proven not to work. Tax cuts for the rich, do not benefit the middle class.
/---- No one said the Gubmint doesn't create consumer spending. So you agree Trickle Down works.
View attachment 124164
Reagan's theory has historically been proven not to work. Tax cuts for the rich, do not benefit the middle class.
/--- What are you -- 9 years old? It doesn't benefit the MC because you say so? I was in my 30's when Reagan was president. I was on salary. I saw my paycheck take home go UP. Everyone who paid taxes got a tax cut. Not just the rich who paid high taxes but everyone. And more people were on the tax roles then rather than now. Revenue to the Treasury Dept almost doubled. Geeeeeze what a dolt.
RR pointing.jpg
/--- What are you -- 9 years old? It doesn't benefit the MC because you say so? I was in my 30's when Reagan was president. I was on salary. I saw my paycheck take home go UP. Everyone who paid taxes got a tax cut. Not just the rich who paid high taxes but everyone. And more people were on the tax roles then rather than now. Revenue to the Treasury Dept almost doubled. Geeeeeze what a dolt.
View attachment 124232
I voted for Reagan twice and I, myself, benefited from those tax cuts. But they did not create jobs. And as I recall, about a year later, Ronnie made one of the biggest tax increases in history.
/--- Absolutly nothing beyond this:
The basic functions of the United States government are listed in the Constitution. They are: 'To form a more perfect Union'; 'To establish Justice'; 'To insure domestic Tranquility'; 'To provide for the common defense'; 'To promote the general Welfare'; and 'To secure the Blessings of Liberty.'

So you didn't answer my question, though. Instead you vomited up a word salad of cliches, but you didn't really get into any specifics. But that's OK, Conservative knowledge is barely skin deep.
/---- You think the role of the Government outlined in the Constitution are just cliches? There is no talking to you. You are an idiot.

I have news for the ultimate business man of all time, El Dumpster. Handing corporations money through tax cuts do not create jobs. Corporations hire people when they have a need.

If you want to create jobs, increase the demand for the products corporations supply. You do that by cutting taxes for the the middle & lower class people. They will spend that money & thereby increase demand.

If you want to bring those overseas corporate profits, end the tax break that said those profits aren't taxed until they bring them home.

Then, consider how much money Trump will profit from this tax break. Conflict of interest.

This tax break will not help struggling companies that make no or little profit.

It will actually reduce some investments. Corporatioins buying equipment, etc get a tax write off worth 35% & now that write off is only worth 15%.

'Trump is only helping himself.
WTF? :laugh:
Trump supporters know in their guts, this white man, this nightmare in the white house is really not going to do a damn thing for them. But Trump makes them feel good, feel superior, feel that their white skin, their white privilege is still valid in this country and for those few that supports him, no matter what, its worth the bullshit. Most are racist, most are retiree's who have nothing in the game, but gain and so many are simply idiots who relish in white ideology and live the good ol days...via Trump and Sessions
Take the conservative thought that cutting taxes on companies creates jobs. Cut it to zero then. We'll have too many jobs to fill according to the fantasy economy cons see in their minds.

And this is why conservatives are so bad at economics. They think the theory of capitalism is exactly the same as the application of capitalism. They always hold some pollyanna view of things and reject any reality that contradicts it. Trickle-down economics has been proven to not work for 30 years, it only increases the national debt, but they cling to the past like a crack addict clings to his pipe.
And one would think...after Reagan, Bush 1 and 2 that trickle down economics has never ever worked in this country, only widen the gap between the top 2% and the rest of us.
like bailing out banks and corporations that couldn't run themselves? Good point. Lost 11B to GM and all they did was invest overseas.. I wonder if they would have invested here if we didn't have the highest corporate tax rate in the world?

Nope, they go for slave labor. That is why the next thing they do is cut min wage.
Yes, and even poor republicans support it .. go figure.
Poor white trashy's supports the GOP because it consists of nothing but white people...and no matter how bad they perform, white trash will support it.....cause they love being fucked over by their own
Lowering Corporate taxes helps them propel forward, to dump their money into increased productivity, to be more competitive, which could mean hiring more workers, increasing research funding, building new facilities etc.

How is that bad?

It would be great if that's what happens, but it just doesn't happen. It didn't happen when Reagan cut taxes, and it didn't happen when Bush cut taxes.

Any increase in jobs which came about after both of these tax cuts can be directly attributed to the massive increase in government spending that both men made after cutting taxes.

Reagan went on a military spending spree which doubled the deficit and then tripled it. The American Military Industrial Complex made out like bandits, and thousands of jobs created at places like Boeing, and other corporations whose primary customer is the US government. These are technically called "private sector jobs", and thus count as "new job creation", but these jobs would not exist if not for government spending.

In Bush's case, the government spending was on wars abroad which was even more detrimental to the US economy. The money was spent OUTSIDE the US. Massive amounts of government money provided limited economic stimulus in the US. At least Reagan's military spending stayed at home.

When his voodoo economics failed to deliver the jobs promised, unemployment hit 6%, and the deficit which was supposed to be paid for by growth, tripled, Reagan went on a government hiring spree because government workers pay mortgages and buy cars too. He also raised taxes too which shows that some people really do learn from their mistakes. Too bad the rest of the Republican Party skipped school that day.
You have to understand how liberals think.

The gov't owns everything you make. They're just nice enough to give you back a little bit to live on. At any time, they can and should be able to take more and more of what you make. After all, its never your money. It's the gov't giving you permission to keep a tiny bit.
Lowering Corporate taxes helps them propel forward, to dump their money into increased productivity, to be more competitive, which could mean hiring more workers, increasing research funding, building new facilities etc.

How is that bad?

It would be great if that's what happens, but it just doesn't happen. It didn't happen when Reagan cut taxes, and it didn't happen when Bush cut taxes.

Any increase in jobs which came about after both of these tax cuts can be directly attributed to the massive increase in government spending that both men made after cutting taxes.

Reagan went on a military spending spree which doubled the deficit and then tripled it. The American Military Industrial Complex made out like bandits, and thousands of jobs created at places like Boeing, and other corporations whose primary customer is the US government. These are technically called "private sector jobs", and thus count as "new job creation", but these jobs would not exist if not for government spending.

In Bush's case, the government spending was on wars abroad which was even more detrimental to the US economy. The money was spent OUTSIDE the US. Massive amounts of government money provided limited economic stimulus in the US. At least Reagan's military spending stayed at home.

When his voodoo economics failed to deliver the jobs promised, unemployment hit 6%, and the deficit which was supposed to be paid for by growth, tripled, Reagan went on a government hiring spree because government workers pay mortgages and buy cars too. He also raised taxes too which shows that some people really do learn from their mistakes. Too bad the rest of the Republican Party skipped school that day.

I was actually in highschool that day when Reagan destroyed the U.S.S.R


I remember that day exactly, because I was making out with Sharon... we were skipping school.. and heard it on the radio...

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