Republicans think handing corporations money creates jobs.

So you admit that ObamaCare has failed, seeing as how Obama himself said the average family would see a savings of $2500 a year.

Ummm, they do save an average of $2,500 a year.

View attachment 123829
I saved $900 a month.

In your case, I have NO doubt that someone else is footing your bill for you.
You're a fucking moron.

I can't wait until you get your precious Trumpcare.

You take a couple in their 50's who buy insurance as individual & throw in a preexisting condition. Prior the the Exchanges, we were paying $1800 a month. We bought an equivalent policy on the exchanges for $900. Now, I know
you are dumber than shit, but that is saving $900 a month. No subsidies.
I have news for the ultimate business man of all time, El Dumpster. Handing corporations money through tax cuts do not create jobs. Corporations hire people when they have a need.

If you want to create jobs, increase the demand for the products corporations supply. You do that by cutting taxes for the the middle & lower class people. They will spend that money & thereby increase demand.

If you want to bring those overseas corporate profits, end the tax break that said those profits aren't taxed until they bring them home.

Then, consider how much money Trump will profit from this tax break. Conflict of interest.

This tax break will not help struggling companies that make no or little profit.

It will actually reduce some investments. Corporatioins buying equipment, etc get a tax write off worth 35% & now that write off is only worth 15%.

'Trump is only helping himself.

Because we know that all money is owned by the government so when they take less from people it's a gift. God you're fucking dumb.
I have news for the ultimate business man of all time, El Dumpster. Handing corporations money through tax cuts do not create jobs. Corporations hire people when they have a need.

If you want to create jobs, increase the demand for the products corporations supply. You do that by cutting taxes for the the middle & lower class people. They will spend that money & thereby increase demand.

If you want to bring those overseas corporate profits, end the tax break that said those profits aren't taxed until they bring them home.

Then, consider how much money Trump will profit from this tax break. Conflict of interest.

This tax break will not help struggling companies that make no or little profit.

It will actually reduce some investments. Corporatioins buying equipment, etc get a tax write off worth 35% & now that write off is only worth 15%.

'Trump is only helping himself.

Because we know that all money is owned by the government so when they take less from people it's a gift. God you're fucking dumb.

I love when you pretend Americans hate supporting your country through taxes. How thew fuck do you think we can have a military? Are you people this fucking stupid?

" Boo hoo boo hoo the government is stealing my money"

I never said the government owns all the money.
I have news for the ultimate business man of all time, El Dumpster. Handing corporations money through tax cuts do not create jobs. Corporations hire people when they have a need.

If you want to create jobs, increase the demand for the products corporations supply. You do that by cutting taxes for the the middle & lower class people. They will spend that money & thereby increase demand.

If you want to bring those overseas corporate profits, end the tax break that said those profits aren't taxed until they bring them home.

Then, consider how much money Trump will profit from this tax break. Conflict of interest.

This tax break will not help struggling companies that make no or little profit.

It will actually reduce some investments. Corporatioins buying equipment, etc get a tax write off worth 35% & now that write off is only worth 15%.

'Trump is only helping himself.

/---- Says the Libtard who couldn't run a Kool Aid stand without adult supervision
I have news for the ultimate business man of all time, El Dumpster. Handing corporations money through tax cuts do not create jobs. Corporations hire people when they have a need.

If you want to create jobs, increase the demand for the products corporations supply. You do that by cutting taxes for the the middle & lower class people. They will spend that money & thereby increase demand.

If you want to bring those overseas corporate profits, end the tax break that said those profits aren't taxed until they bring them home.

Then, consider how much money Trump will profit from this tax break. Conflict of interest.

This tax break will not help struggling companies that make no or little profit.

It will actually reduce some investments. Corporatioins buying equipment, etc get a tax write off worth 35% & now that write off is only worth 15%.

'Trump is only helping himself.

Because we know that all money is owned by the government so when they take less from people it's a gift. God you're fucking dumb.

I love when you pretend Americans hate supporting your country through taxes. How thew fuck do you think we can have a military? Are you people this fucking stupid?

" Boo hoo boo hoo the government is stealing my money"

I never said the government owns all the money.

/---- ever think there is a difference between reasonable and unreasonable taxation? Ever think the Gubmint has poor money management policies? Ever think there is waste and fraud in Gubmint ? Do you live your life as irresponsibly as the Gubmint?
I have news for the ultimate business man of all time, El Dumpster. Handing corporations money through tax cuts do not create jobs. Corporations hire people when they have a need.

If you want to create jobs, increase the demand for the products corporations supply. You do that by cutting taxes for the the middle & lower class people. They will spend that money & thereby increase demand.

If you want to bring those overseas corporate profits, end the tax break that said those profits aren't taxed until they bring them home.

Then, consider how much money Trump will profit from this tax break. Conflict of interest.

This tax break will not help struggling companies that make no or little profit.

It will actually reduce some investments. Corporatioins buying equipment, etc get a tax write off worth 35% & now that write off is only worth 15%.

'Trump is only helping himself.

Because we know that all money is owned by the government so when they take less from people it's a gift. God you're fucking dumb.

I love when you pretend Americans hate supporting your country through taxes. How thew fuck do you think we can have a military? Are you people this fucking stupid?

" Boo hoo boo hoo the government is stealing my money"

I never said the government owns all the money.

You obviously think that they do because you labeled a tax cut as a gift, it would only be a gift if it was the states money to begin with.
I have news for the ultimate business man of all time, El Dumpster. Handing corporations money through tax cuts do not create jobs. Corporations hire people when they have a need.

If you want to create jobs, increase the demand for the products corporations supply. You do that by cutting taxes for the the middle & lower class people. They will spend that money & thereby increase demand.

If you want to bring those overseas corporate profits, end the tax break that said those profits aren't taxed until they bring them home.

Then, consider how much money Trump will profit from this tax break. Conflict of interest.

This tax break will not help struggling companies that make no or little profit.

It will actually reduce some investments. Corporatioins buying equipment, etc get a tax write off worth 35% & now that write off is only worth 15%.

'Trump is only helping himself.
End the work tax for real Persons, Only tax artificial Persons.
You obviously think that they do because you labeled a tax cut as a gift, it would only be a gift if it was the states money to begin with.
You obviously have to speak for others, because that is the only way you could possibly win a debate. I said "possibly". You are so bad, you could script both sides of a debate and still lose!

What RealDave said is true. 70% of the economy is consumer spending. It doesn't matter whether it is a private dollar, or a public dollar. All that matters, is that spending occurs. When people spend, demand goes up. When demand goes up, corporations start investing and hiring begins again.

Corporations are sitting on $6 trillion in profits, yet where are the jobs? They will not invest unless there is a return for that investment. They will not invest in an industry where there is no demand.
I have news for the ultimate business man of all time, El Dumpster. Handing corporations money through tax cuts do not create jobs. Corporations hire people when they have a need.

If you want to create jobs, increase the demand for the products corporations supply. You do that by cutting taxes for the the middle & lower class people. They will spend that money & thereby increase demand.

If you want to bring those overseas corporate profits, end the tax break that said those profits aren't taxed until they bring them home.

Then, consider how much money Trump will profit from this tax break. Conflict of interest.

This tax break will not help struggling companies that make no or little profit.

It will actually reduce some investments. Corporatioins buying equipment, etc get a tax write off worth 35% & now that write off is only worth 15%.

'Trump is only helping himself.

Because we know that all money is owned by the government so when they take less from people it's a gift. God you're fucking dumb.

I love when you pretend Americans hate supporting your country through taxes. How thew fuck do you think we can have a military? Are you people this fucking stupid?

" Boo hoo boo hoo the government is stealing my money"

I never said the government owns all the money.

You obviously think that they do because you labeled a tax cut as a gift, it would only be a gift if it was the states money to begin with.
The social Power to Tax is delegated by the People. It is the States' money, whenever it may be necessary and proper to discover ways and means, to appropriate monies, from the People.
You obviously think that they do because you labeled a tax cut as a gift, it would only be a gift if it was the states money to begin with.
You obviously have to speak for others, because that is the only way you could possibly win a debate. I said "possibly". You are so bad, you could script both sides of a debate and still lose!

What RealDave said is true. 70% of the economy is consumer spending. It doesn't matter whether it is a private dollar, or a public dollar. All that matters, is that spending occurs. When people spend, demand goes up. When demand goes up, corporations start investing and hiring begins again.

Corporations are sitting on $6 trillion in profits, yet where are the jobs? They will not invest unless there is a return for that investment. They will not invest in an industry where there is no demand.
/---- Not true: "Consumer spending, consumer demand, consumption, or consumption expenditure is the purchasing of goods and services by individuals or families." It does not include Government spending. Consumer spending - Wikipedia
I have news for the ultimate business man of all time, El Dumpster. Handing corporations money through tax cuts do not create jobs. Corporations hire people when they have a need.

If you want to create jobs, increase the demand for the products corporations supply. You do that by cutting taxes for the the middle & lower class people. They will spend that money & thereby increase demand.

If you want to bring those overseas corporate profits, end the tax break that said those profits aren't taxed until they bring them home.

Then, consider how much money Trump will profit from this tax break. Conflict of interest.

This tax break will not help struggling companies that make no or little profit.

It will actually reduce some investments. Corporatioins buying equipment, etc get a tax write off worth 35% & now that write off is only worth 15%.

'Trump is only helping himself.

I agree with some of your sentiment. However you have to explain to me how you give a substantial tax break to people who pay Little or no federal tax, the middle and lower class people you mention. You do realize we already have a progressive tax system, don't you?

You also said Trump will benefit from the tax break and it was a conflict of interest. Please provide a link that demonstrates your claim. Unless of course you just made it up.

Fuck your link. People learn things over the course of their life. Perhap you shoA ratuld try to be responsible for your own learning & do your own research. Read about the most effective way to put money in the hands of those that will spend it.

Obama had a tax break for working people by utilizing employment taxes. You give a break here & then have the feds reimburse SS/Medicare. You cap it at a given income level.

Looking at those self leaked tax returns, Trump would have saved 30 Million. His elimination of the estate tax would be a 4 billion tax brerak.

Ok, no problem, calm down. Your sensitive and emotional, I get that. Facts are not a concern for you, that's fine. The important thing is that you are a happy, productive person, and if you are, then you can believe whatever you want. Good for you bud.
A corporation will invest in R&D to create areas that they think may be a demand for. Most of the time they are correct and there is growth, higher wages and improved lives of consumers.

So that is supply-side economics, which is just trickle-down economics by another name. No, businesses don't invest in R&D unless there is demand for them to do so. "If you built it, they will come" works in the movies for ghostly ballparks, but not in reality, where it matters. Drug companies, for instance, spend far, far more on marketing and advertising than on R&D. If they were to get a corporate tax cut, how exactly would that translate to more R&D? The answer is it won't. If it hasn't already, why would it start?
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I know it's hard for you to accept because of your ideology, but it's the truth. In fact, one of your very own fellow barnyard animals, Julie Boonstra, made the same claim you are making here...only to find out that her claim was 100% wrong, that she was saving exactly as much as Obama said she would, and when confronted with the facts what was Boonstra's response? Same as yours...she refused to accept reality. Literally, that is what she said "I choose not to accept that" was her response to the reporter who uncovered the truth surrounding her fake claims of Obamacare victimhood. The Kochs spent millions producing an ad that featured that lying sow, trying to gin up fake outrage over Obamacare in advance of the 2012 election. It didn't work...because it was a shit claim then, just like it's a shit claim now.
They should use the money to give workers a raise so they can buy more. Tax breaks don't create jobs. You have s supply/demand economy and there's a lot of pent up demand due to wage stagnation. Increase wages, increase the spending power of the working class and kick start job creation.

This. 100%. Terrific post.
Handing them money? It belongs to them, to begin with.
I have news for the ultimate business man of all time, El Dumpster. Handing corporations money through tax cuts do not create jobs. Corporations hire people when they have a need.

If you want to create jobs, increase the demand for the products corporations supply. You do that by cutting taxes for the the middle & lower class people. They will spend that money & thereby increase demand.

If you want to bring those overseas corporate profits, end the tax break that said those profits aren't taxed until they bring them home.

Then, consider how much money Trump will profit from this tax break. Conflict of interest.

This tax break will not help struggling companies that make no or little profit.

It will actually reduce some investments. Corporatioins buying equipment, etc get a tax write off worth 35% & now that write off is only worth 15%.

'Trump is only helping himself.
How can we get the right wing to create more jobs? Get them into public office where conflict of interest rules, matter.

Kushner, Trump’s senior adviser, resigned from some 260 entities and sold off 58 businesses or investments that lawyers identified as posing potential conflicts of interest, the documents show.
How can we get the right wing to create more jobs? Get them into public office where conflict of interest rules, matter.

Unfortunately, the right-wing has no idea how to create jobs. That's why they are dusting off the "trickle down" playbook by calling it something different. For Conservatives, facts don't matter. Labels do.

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