Republicans think handing corporations money creates jobs.

Lowering Corporate taxes helps them propel forward, to dump their money into increased productivity, to be more competitive, which could mean hiring more workers, increasing research funding, building new facilities etc.

How is that bad?
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Lowering Corporations helps them propel forward

Propel forward to do what? If revenues are stagnant or are declining, how does giving a corporation a bigger tax break translate to increased revenues? All it does is increase profits, but you don't need more revenues to do that. Corporations can increase profits by slashing workforce (which is what they do). While this may make short-term profit sense, long-term it's done nothing to increase revenues, which come from consumer spending.

So cutting Best Buy's tax rate from 35% to 15% isn't going to suddenly make Joe Somebody rush out to buy a flatscreen.
I have news for the ultimate business man of all time, El Dumpster. Handing corporations money through tax cuts do not create jobs. Corporations hire people when they have a need.

If you want to create jobs, increase the demand for the products corporations supply. You do that by cutting taxes for the the middle & lower class people. They will spend that money & thereby increase demand.

If you want to bring those overseas corporate profits, end the tax break that said those profits aren't taxed until they bring them home.

Then, consider how much money Trump will profit from this tax break. Conflict of interest.

This tax break will not help struggling companies that make no or little profit.

It will actually reduce some investments. Corporatioins buying equipment, etc get a tax write off worth 35% & now that write off is only worth 15%.

'Trump is only helping himself.

I agree with some of your sentiment. However you have to explain to me how you give a substantial tax break to people who pay Little or no federal tax, the middle and lower class people you mention. You do realize we already have a progressive tax system, don't you?

You also said Trump will benefit from the tax break and it was a conflict of interest. Please provide a link that demonstrates your claim. Unless of course you just made it up.

Fuck your link. People learn things over the course of their life. Perhap you shoA ratuld try to be responsible for your own learning & do your own research. Read about the most effective way to put money in the hands of those that will spend it.

Obama had a tax break for working people by utilizing employment taxes. You give a break here & then have the feds reimburse SS/Medicare. You cap it at a given income level.

Looking at those self leaked tax returns, Trump would have saved 30 Million. His elimination of the estate tax would be a 4 billion tax brerak.

Ok, no problem, calm down. Your sensitive and emotional, I get that. Facts are not a concern for you, that's fine. The important thing is that you are a happy, productive person, and if you are, then you can believe whatever you want. Good for you bud.
Feel free to point out the items that were not the truth.
I have news for the ultimate business man of all time, El Dumpster. Handing corporations money through tax cuts do not create jobs. Corporations hire people when they have a need.

If you want to create jobs, increase the demand for the products corporations supply. You do that by cutting taxes for the the middle & lower class people. They will spend that money & thereby increase demand.

If you want to bring those overseas corporate profits, end the tax break that said those profits aren't taxed until they bring them home.

Then, consider how much money Trump will profit from this tax break. Conflict of interest.

This tax break will not help struggling companies that make no or little profit.

It will actually reduce some investments. Corporatioins buying equipment, etc get a tax write off worth 35% & now that write off is only worth 15%.

'Trump is only helping himself.

/---- Says the Libtard who couldn't run a Kool Aid stand without adult supervision
Says the Trumpster posting from a cell block.
Lowering Corporations helps them propel forward

Propel forward to do what? If revenues are stagnant or are declining, how does giving a corporation a bigger tax break translate to increased revenues? All it does is increase profits, but you don't need more revenues to do that. Corporations can increase profits by slashing workforce (which is what they do). While this may make short-term profit sense, long-term it's done nothing to increase revenues, which come from consumer spending.

So cutting Best Buy's tax rate from 35% to 15% isn't going to suddenly make Joe Somebody rush out to buy a flatscreen.

Corporations exist to produce, in which their productivity produces our economy, and corporate taxes hinders their production.
Corporations exist to produce, in which their productivity produces our economy, and corporate taxes hinders their production.

LOL! No, consumer spending is what drives our economy, and corporations exist to make a profit. 70% of our economy is consumer spending, actually. Corporate income tax rates have no impact on consumer spending. A corporation can increase its profit without increasing revenues. What you all have repeatedly failed to articulate once over the last 37 years, is how cutting the income taxes for a major corporations translates to increased consumer demand in the marketplace? You've failed to do it because there is no such connection. It relies on faith and magical thinking, which makes sense because the same people who rely on faith and magic thinking when it comes to the economy also guide their lives by the faith and magical thinking that God exists. You people subscribe to the Field of Dreams theory to economics; "if you build it, they will come". Which is magical thinking. As seen in the actual movie.

So it's really just the same, stupid ideas, applied to economics instead of the existence of God. It's childish to give those whoare already wealthy, more wealth and then stand back with your fingers crossed, hoping that there is...there is...I don't even know what. A business doesn't expand just because. They expand to meet demand because revenues grow. Try going into a bank to get a business loan with flat or declining revenues. You will get denied the loan because your business shows no growth. Growth comes from revenues, not profit. Conservatives are simply not intelligent enough to know the difference.
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/---- Not true: "Consumer spending, consumer demand, consumption, or consumption expenditure is the purchasing of goods and services by individuals or families." It does not include Government spending. Consumer spending - Wikipedia
I worked on a DOE contract for 4 years. The DOE is part of the government. I got paid every two weeks. The DOE paid my employer and my employer paid me. That is the government spending money on this particular project. Now, once I cashed my paycheck, I paid my rent, which benefited my landlord; I put gas in my car, which benefited the oil industry; I bought food, which benefited ranchers, farmers, etc.; I went out looking for bitches and ho's, which benefited the entertainment industry; I even paid taxes on that money, which benefited the government.

Everything I spent my paycheck on, was consumer spending. And that spending was a direct result of government spending.
I have news for the ultimate business man of all time, El Dumpster. Handing corporations money through tax cuts do not create jobs. Corporations hire people when they have a need.

If you want to create jobs, increase the demand for the products corporations supply. You do that by cutting taxes for the the middle & lower class people. They will spend that money & thereby increase demand.

If you want to bring those overseas corporate profits, end the tax break that said those profits aren't taxed until they bring them home.

Then, consider how much money Trump will profit from this tax break. Conflict of interest.

This tax break will not help struggling companies that make no or little profit.

It will actually reduce some investments. Corporatioins buying equipment, etc get a tax write off worth 35% & now that write off is only worth 15%.

'Trump is only helping himself.

By "handing money" do you mean TAKING LESS?

Only fucking morons think when you give government more money the actually do more things with it.
/---- Not true: "Consumer spending, consumer demand, consumption, or consumption expenditure is the purchasing of goods and services by individuals or families." It does not include Government spending. Consumer spending - Wikipedia
I worked on a DOE contract for 4 years. The DOE is part of the government. I got paid every two weeks. The DOE paid my employer and my employer paid me. That is the government spending money on this particular project. Now, once I cashed my paycheck, I paid my rent, which benefited my landlord; I put gas in my car, which benefited the oil industry; I bought food, which benefited ranchers, farmers, etc.; I went out looking for bitches and ho's, which benefited the entertainment industry; I even paid taxes on that money, which benefited the government.

Everything I spent my paycheck on, was consumer spending. And that spending was a direct result of government spending.
I have news for the ultimate business man of all time, El Dumpster. Handing corporations money through tax cuts do not create jobs. Corporations hire people when they have a need.

If you want to create jobs, increase the demand for the products corporations supply. You do that by cutting taxes for the the middle & lower class people. They will spend that money & thereby increase demand.

If you want to bring those overseas corporate profits, end the tax break that said those profits aren't taxed until they bring them home.

Then, consider how much money Trump will profit from this tax break. Conflict of interest.

This tax break will not help struggling companies that make no or little profit.

It will actually reduce some investments. Corporatioins buying equipment, etc get a tax write off worth 35% & now that write off is only worth 15%.

'Trump is only helping himself.

By "handing money" do you mean TAKING LESS?

Only fucking morons think when you give government more money the actually do more things with it.
/---- No one said the Gubmint doesn't create consumer spending. So you agree Trickle Down works.
lib idiot.jpg
Lowering Corporate taxes helps them propel forward, to dump their money into increased productivity, to be more competitive, which could mean hiring more workers, increasing research funding, building new facilities etc.

How is that bad?
It is only increasing our debt when we are on the wrong side of the Laffer Curve.
Lowering Corporations helps them propel forward

Propel forward to do what? If revenues are stagnant or are declining, how does giving a corporation a bigger tax break translate to increased revenues? All it does is increase profits, but you don't need more revenues to do that. Corporations can increase profits by slashing workforce (which is what they do). While this may make short-term profit sense, long-term it's done nothing to increase revenues, which come from consumer spending.

So cutting Best Buy's tax rate from 35% to 15% isn't going to suddenly make Joe Somebody rush out to buy a flatscreen.

Corporations exist to produce, in which their productivity produces our economy, and corporate taxes hinders their production.
Lousy management is worse. Henry Ford did not complain about taxes when he doubled autoworker wages, not minimum wages, to realize gains from productivity.
/---- Not true: "Consumer spending, consumer demand, consumption, or consumption expenditure is the purchasing of goods and services by individuals or families." It does not include Government spending. Consumer spending - Wikipedia
I worked on a DOE contract for 4 years. The DOE is part of the government. I got paid every two weeks. The DOE paid my employer and my employer paid me. That is the government spending money on this particular project. Now, once I cashed my paycheck, I paid my rent, which benefited my landlord; I put gas in my car, which benefited the oil industry; I bought food, which benefited ranchers, farmers, etc.; I went out looking for bitches and ho's, which benefited the entertainment industry; I even paid taxes on that money, which benefited the government.

Everything I spent my paycheck on, was consumer spending. And that spending was a direct result of government spending.
Good thing they didn't want to deny anyone, steak and lobster privileges, to help ensure a better product at lower cost.
I have news for the ultimate business man of all time, El Dumpster. Handing corporations money through tax cuts do not create jobs. Corporations hire people when they have a need.

If you want to create jobs, increase the demand for the products corporations supply. You do that by cutting taxes for the the middle & lower class people. They will spend that money & thereby increase demand.

If you want to bring those overseas corporate profits, end the tax break that said those profits aren't taxed until they bring them home.

Then, consider how much money Trump will profit from this tax break. Conflict of interest.

This tax break will not help struggling companies that make no or little profit.

It will actually reduce some investments. Corporatioins buying equipment, etc get a tax write off worth 35% & now that write off is only worth 15%.

'Trump is only helping himself.

By "handing money" do you mean TAKING LESS?

Only fucking morons think when you give government more money the actually do more things with it.
Who has been getting the most benefit from our massive debt?

Only tax increases for the wealthiest until our debt is gone.
I have news for the ultimate business man of all time, El Dumpster. Handing corporations money through tax cuts do not create jobs. Corporations hire people when they have a need.

If you want to create jobs, increase the demand for the products corporations supply. You do that by cutting taxes for the the middle & lower class people. They will spend that money & thereby increase demand.

If you want to bring those overseas corporate profits, end the tax break that said those profits aren't taxed until they bring them home.

Then, consider how much money Trump will profit from this tax break. Conflict of interest.

This tax break will not help struggling companies that make no or little profit.

It will actually reduce some investments. Corporatioins buying equipment, etc get a tax write off worth 35% & now that write off is only worth 15%.

'Trump is only helping himself.

By "handing money" do you mean TAKING LESS?

Only fucking morons think when you give government more money the actually do more things with it.
Who has been getting the most benefit from our massive debt?

Only tax increases for the wealthiest until our debt is gone.
/---- Why should the wealthy pay down the politicians debt? They didn't create it. The fact they are wealthy proves they can manage money. After all the trillions we've been taxed the Gubmit should be pretty much self sufficient by now.
tax cuts.png
I have news for the ultimate business man of all time, El Dumpster. Handing corporations money through tax cuts do not create jobs. Corporations hire people when they have a need.

If you want to create jobs, increase the demand for the products corporations supply. You do that by cutting taxes for the the middle & lower class people. They will spend that money & thereby increase demand.

If you want to bring those overseas corporate profits, end the tax break that said those profits aren't taxed until they bring them home.

Then, consider how much money Trump will profit from this tax break. Conflict of interest.

This tax break will not help struggling companies that make no or little profit.

It will actually reduce some investments. Corporatioins buying equipment, etc get a tax write off worth 35% & now that write off is only worth 15%.

'Trump is only helping himself.

By "handing money" do you mean TAKING LESS?

Only fucking morons think when you give government more money the actually do more things with it.
Who has been getting the most benefit from our massive debt?

Only tax increases for the wealthiest until our debt is gone.

No. SPEND LESS FUCKING MONEY. Give the government more in taxes, they will just spend more (which means the deficit isn't reduced - FYI)
/---- No one said the Gubmint doesn't create consumer spending. So you agree Trickle Down works.

Trickle down economics is when you give tax breaks to those at the very top in the hopes they will trickle down on everyone else by way of increased spending at the top. Of course, this is a shit theory today, as it was 37 years ago. Conservatives are either naive to, or willfully ignorant of the human condition of greed.
No. SPEND LESS FUCKING MONEY. Give the government more in taxes, they will just spend more (which means the deficit isn't reduced - FYI)

On what? Defense? Social Security? Medicare/Medicaid? Those three things alone make up nearly 90% of our overall budget. So if you are going to cut spending, it's got to come from those three areas.

Good luck with that.

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