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Republicans think handing corporations money creates jobs.

Here's how stupid Democrats like the OP are; they think that tax cuts are the government handing money to the corporations. People that stupid shouldn't be allowed to vote.
Here's how stupid Democrats like the OP are; they think that tax cuts are the government handing money to the corporations. People that stupid shouldn't be allowed to vote.
People like the OP should move to Cuba, where he could live in his/her/its(have no clue about its gender) Socialist Utopian Paradise, where everyone is treated equally, equally poor and equally miserable, and leave the rest of US alone. We don't want shitheads here anymore, as was shown in the last election. But liberals never learn, they will keep on burning and attacking and harming women, to the point that there wont be a liberal in power for 100 years.

They don't understand that demand is what drives an economy. When you buy a song the artist makes maybe $1.50 per song, minus expenses as you note. Only if the demand is great does the artist make a lot of money. Aerosmith released a new album a couple years ago, no demand and they only sold maybe 10,000 albums. When their music was in demand they sold millions. No demand, no sales.

You give a tax break to the poor and middle class though and you DO drive up demand for products because these people spend money which drives the economy.
The question is, the demand for what?
The poor on Long Island own houses, large screen TVs and Smart Phones.
Not everyone has air conditioning and 99 cent stores are popping up everywhere.
What exactly do the poor want?

Granted, this spectrum of the poor may not fair so well in certain Red States, but what do the poor want?

A loaded question.

Just ask 'what do human beings NEED'. In sales you either fill a need or create a need and fill that need. The poor are human like any other human. Why is that not apparent to some?

It's very apparent to me and I blame both Parties for leaving minorities behind.
Most of the poor I meet want nice cars but a lot of them already lease BMWs.
I have no idea where they get the money or the credit rating.

'Most' of the poor you meet?

Come now, let us not start bloviating. We aren't talking about the handful of people you run into in your life, we are talking about tens of millions of people that find it hard to eat every day. 1/6 of children in the US go to bed hungry every night.
You want to see REAL poverty, just look at those living in Africa or South America. You libfucks and your poverty levels are so fucking bullshit. Marxism is all about taking from those that work and giving to those that don't work, till the point when those working stop, and then everyone is equal, equally poor and equally miserable.

Marxism: Not only evil in practice, but evil in theory too | Conservative Home
Sixty-five million were murdered in China – starved, hounded to suicide, shot as class traitors. Twenty million in the USSR, 2 million in North Korea, 1.7 million in Africa. The nightmare of Cambodia (2 million dead) is especially vivid. ‘Reactionaries’ were sorted out from the base population on the grounds of being supporters of the old regime, having gone to school or just for wearing glasses. They were taken to the side of paddy fields and hacked to death by teenagers.”

His view that all human relations are shaped by economics and that everything we do is measured in purely material terms reduced the individual to a pawn in a historic war between competing classes. You’re not a person – you’re either an exploiter or an alienated peasant. At least the crowned tyrants who preceded him had some sense of the value of the human soul; at least they saw their power as limited by God, tradition and a passing respect for conscience. After Marx, all these things stood in the way of progress and could be brushed aside with the swish of a signature on a death list.”
And to think that these tards who vote for Marxist policies think they will be around once this government is no longer. George Bernard Shaw, a confirmed Marxist tells what he think about the liberal scum of the Earth. You don't work you don't live.

I have news for the ultimate business man of all time, El Dumpster. Handing corporations money through tax cuts do not create jobs. Corporations hire people when they have a need.

If you want to create jobs, increase the demand for the products corporations supply. You do that by cutting taxes for the the middle & lower class people. They will spend that money & thereby increase demand.

If you want to bring those overseas corporate profits, end the tax break that said those profits aren't taxed until they bring them home.

Then, consider how much money Trump will profit from this tax break. Conflict of interest.

This tax break will not help struggling companies that make no or little profit.

It will actually reduce some investments. Corporatioins buying equipment, etc get a tax write off worth 35% & now that write off is only worth 15%.

'Trump is only helping himself.
Regressives think keeping more of YOUR money is being "given" money.
Here's how stupid Democrats like the OP are; they think that tax cuts are the government handing money to the corporations. People that stupid shouldn't be allowed to vote.
People like the OP should move to Cuba, where he could live in his/her/its(have no clue about its gender) Socialist Utopian Paradise, where everyone is treated equally, equally poor and equally miserable, and leave the rest of US alone. We don't want shitheads here anymore, as was shown in the last election. But liberals never learn, they will keep on burning and attacking and harming women, to the point that there wont be a liberal in power for 100 years.

So, you think handing money to corporations is "free Market" capitalism? The country needs revenue to operate. We have a tax code. Trump wants to change it by reducing the tax burden on corporations & rich people while throw as tidbit to the Middle Class (like Bush did). Who will make up that loss of revenue? A real free market tax cut would make sure that tax cut money is spent in the economy. Tax cuts for working people do that best. Tax cuts for your orange buddy do very little.
I have news for the ultimate business man of all time, El Dumpster. Handing corporations money through tax cuts do not create jobs. Corporations hire people when they have a need.

If you want to create jobs, increase the demand for the products corporations supply. You do that by cutting taxes for the the middle & lower class people. They will spend that money & thereby increase demand.

If you want to bring those overseas corporate profits, end the tax break that said those profits aren't taxed until they bring them home.

Then, consider how much money Trump will profit from this tax break. Conflict of interest.

This tax break will not help struggling companies that make no or little profit.

It will actually reduce some investments. Corporatioins buying equipment, etc get a tax write off worth 35% & now that write off is only worth 15%.

'Trump is only helping himself.

You dumbasses think that Trump will not have more money if his tax reform is passed. Do you people wake up this stupid every freakin day of your miserable little life?
Here's how stupid Democrats like the OP are; they think that tax cuts are the government handing money to the corporations. People that stupid shouldn't be allowed to vote.
People like the OP should move to Cuba, where he could live in his/her/its(have no clue about its gender) Socialist Utopian Paradise, where everyone is treated equally, equally poor and equally miserable, and leave the rest of US alone. We don't want shitheads here anymore, as was shown in the last election. But liberals never learn, they will keep on burning and attacking and harming women, to the point that there wont be a liberal in power for 100 years.

So, you think handing money to corporations is "free Market" capitalism? The country needs revenue to operate. We have a tax code. Trump wants to change it by reducing the tax burden on corporations & rich people while throw as tidbit to the Middle Class (like Bush did). Who will make up that loss of revenue? A real free market tax cut would make sure that tax cut money is spent in the economy. Tax cuts for working people do that best. Tax cuts for your orange buddy do very little.

Why do you hate rich people and want them to suffer?

Suppose that every day, ten men go out for lunch and the bill for all ten comes to $100.

If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something like this:

  • The first four men (the poorest) would pay nothing.
  • The fifth would pay $1.
  • The sixth would pay $3.
  • The seventh would pay $7.
  • The eighth would pay $12.
  • The ninth would pay $18.
  • The tenth man (the richest) would pay $59.
So, that's what they decided to do.

The ten men ate lunch in the restaurant every day and seemed quite happy with the arrangement, until one day, the owner threw them a curve ball.

"Since you are all such good customers," he said, "I'm going to reduce the cost of your daily lunch by $20.00." So lunch for the ten men would now cost just $80.

The group still wanted to pay their bill the way we pay our taxes. So the first four men were unaffected. They would still eat for free. But what about the other six men? How could they divide the $20 windfall so that everyone would get his fair share?

They realized that $20 divided by six is $3.33. But if they subtracted that from everybody's share, then the fifth man and the sixth man would each end up being paid to eat his lunch.

So the bar owner suggested that it would be fair to reduce each man's bill by a higher percentage the poorer he was, to follow the principle of the tax system they had been using, and he proceeded to work out the amounts he suggested that each should now pay.

  • And so the fifth man, like the first four, now paid nothing (100% off).
  • The sixth now paid $2 instead of $3 (33% off).
  • The seventh now paid $5 instead of $7 (28% off).
  • The eighth now paid $9 instead of $12 (25% off).
  • The ninth now paid $14 instead of $18 (22% off).
  • The tenth now paid $49 instead of $59 (16% off).
Each of the six was better off than before. And the first four continued to eat lunch for free. But, once outside the bar, the men began to compare the amount they got off.

The sixth man said, "I only got $1 off out of the $20 while the tenth man got $10 off!"

"Yeah, that's right," exclaimed the fifth man. "I only got $1 off, too. It's unfair that he got ten times more benefit than me!"

"That's true!" shouted the seventh man. "Why should he get $10 off, when I got only $2? The wealthy get all the breaks!"

"Wait a minute," yelled the first four men in unison, "we didn't get anything at all. This new tax system exploits the poor!"

The nine men surrounded the tenth and told him they they were angry that he got so much off while they each got very little.

The next day the tenth man didn't show up for lunch, so the nine sat down and had their lunchs without him. But when it came time to pay the bill, they discovered something important. They didn't have enough money amongst all of them for even half of the bill!

And that is how our tax system works. The people who already pay the highest taxes will naturally get the largest benefit from a tax reduction. Tax them too much, attack them for being wealthy, and they just may not show up anymore. In fact, they might start eating overseas, where the atmosphere is somewhat friendlier.

For those who understand, no explanation is needed.

For those who do not understand, no explanation is possible.
So, you think handing money to corporations is "free Market" capitalism? The country needs revenue to operate. We have a tax code. Trump wants to change it by reducing the tax burden on corporations & rich people while throw as tidbit to the Middle Class (like Bush did). Who will make up that loss of revenue? A real free market tax cut would make sure that tax cut money is spent in the economy. Tax cuts for working people do that best. Tax cuts for your orange buddy do very little.
Liberals think all their wet dream spending projects are written in stone. When you make less, you spend less. But income will likely go up. Liberals do not understand economics.
I have news for the ultimate business man of all time, El Dumpster. Handing corporations money through tax cuts do not create jobs. Corporations hire people when they have a need.

If you want to create jobs, increase the demand for the products corporations supply. You do that by cutting taxes for the the middle & lower class people. They will spend that money & thereby increase demand.

If you want to bring those overseas corporate profits, end the tax break that said those profits aren't taxed until they bring them home.

Then, consider how much money Trump will profit from this tax break. Conflict of interest.

This tax break will not help struggling companies that make no or little profit.

It will actually reduce some investments. Corporatioins buying equipment, etc get a tax write off worth 35% & now that write off is only worth 15%.

'Trump is only helping himself.

You dumbasses think that Trump will not have more money if his tax reform is passed. Do you people wake up this stupid every freakin day of your miserable little life?
You are quoting "me" on something I never posted.
So, you think handing money to corporations is "free Market" capitalism? The country needs revenue to operate. We have a tax code. Trump wants to change it by reducing the tax burden on corporations & rich people while throw as tidbit to the Middle Class (like Bush did). Who will make up that loss of revenue? A real free market tax cut would make sure that tax cut money is spent in the economy. Tax cuts for working people do that best. Tax cuts for your orange buddy do very little.
Liberals think all their wet dream spending projects are written in stone. When you make less, you spend less. But income will likely go up. Liberals do not understand economics.
So, you think that the Republicans are going to cut spending? They were too chickenshit to pick anything to cut last time & we got the sequester. Trump already spelled out cuts to pay for his military expansion. What are they going to cut now?

The best part of all, you are sofa king stupid you believe the line how the cuts will be paid for through economic expansion?

How when your orange buddy's "Buy American" plan will cost US Corporations export business.

Only av true moron wants to tie up 300 million customers by alienating billions of customers. By exiting the TPP, he has cost US Agriculture billions of dollars.
Here's how stupid Democrats like the OP are; they think that tax cuts are the government handing money to the corporations. People that stupid shouldn't be allowed to vote.
People like the OP should move to Cuba, where he could live in his/her/its(have no clue about its gender) Socialist Utopian Paradise, where everyone is treated equally, equally poor and equally miserable, and leave the rest of US alone. We don't want shitheads here anymore, as was shown in the last election. But liberals never learn, they will keep on burning and attacking and harming women, to the point that there wont be a liberal in power for 100 years.

So, you think handing money to corporations is "free Market" capitalism? The country needs revenue to operate. We have a tax code. Trump wants to change it by reducing the tax burden on corporations & rich people while throw as tidbit to the Middle Class (like Bush did). Who will make up that loss of revenue? A real free market tax cut would make sure that tax cut money is spent in the economy. Tax cuts for working people do that best. Tax cuts for your orange buddy do very little.
The country needs TAXES(liberals love the talking point revenue) to keep an overbloated bureaucracy going, where they steal from the working class then give it to liberal shmucks who don't work, and that is called liberal FAIRNESS. This is why the left wing radical terrorists are out in force, trying to brow beat the rest of US into submission. All it is doing is moving more moderates and somewhat conservative working Democrats farther, and farther right. President Trump won because of the mentally challenged liberals creating such an environment of Hate to the US.
So, you think handing money to corporations is "free Market" capitalism? The country needs revenue to operate. We have a tax code. Trump wants to change it by reducing the tax burden on corporations & rich people while throw as tidbit to the Middle Class (like Bush did). Who will make up that loss of revenue? A real free market tax cut would make sure that tax cut money is spent in the economy. Tax cuts for working people do that best. Tax cuts for your orange buddy do very little.
Liberals think all their wet dream spending projects are written in stone. When you make less, you spend less. But income will likely go up. Liberals do not understand economics.
So, you think that the Republicans are going to cut spending? They were too chickenshit to pick anything to cut last time & we got the sequester. Trump already spelled out cuts to pay for his military expansion. What are they going to cut now?

The best part of all, you are sofa king stupid you believe the line how the cuts will be paid for through economic expansion?

How when your orange buddy's "Buy American" plan will cost US Corporations export business.

Only av true moron wants to tie up 300 million customers by alienating billions of customers. By exiting the TPP, he has cost US Agriculture billions of dollars.
They were too chickenshit to pick anything to cut last time & we got the sequester.
It is too damn easy to prove that a stupid liberal(redundant statement) has no clue what is going on around them. Which is why they "THINK" that we are the stupid ones, while they are the epitome of Stupidness... Obama Signs Order to Begin Sequester Cuts
President Obama and congressional leaders today failed to reach a breakthrough to avert a sweeping package of automatic spending cuts, setting into motion $85 billion of across-the-board belt-tightening that neither had wanted to see.

President Obama officially initiated the cuts with an order to agencies Friday evening.
Not hard to prove how stupid a liberal is....

Here's how stupid Democrats like the OP are; they think that tax cuts are the government handing money to the corporations. People that stupid shouldn't be allowed to vote.
People like the OP should move to Cuba, where he could live in his/her/its(have no clue about its gender) Socialist Utopian Paradise, where everyone is treated equally, equally poor and equally miserable, and leave the rest of US alone. We don't want shitheads here anymore, as was shown in the last election. But liberals never learn, they will keep on burning and attacking and harming women, to the point that there wont be a liberal in power for 100 years.

So, you think handing money to corporations is "free Market" capitalism? The country needs revenue to operate. We have a tax code. Trump wants to change it by reducing the tax burden on corporations & rich people while throw as tidbit to the Middle Class (like Bush did). Who will make up that loss of revenue? A real free market tax cut would make sure that tax cut money is spent in the economy. Tax cuts for working people do that best. Tax cuts for your orange buddy do very little.
The country needs TAXES(liberals love the talking point revenue) to keep an overbloated bureaucracy going, where they steal from the working class then give it to liberal shmucks who don't work, and that is called liberal FAIRNESS. This is why the left wing radical terrorists are out in force, trying to brow beat the rest of US into submission. All it is doing is moving more moderates and somewhat conservative working Democrats farther, and farther right. President Trump won because of the mentally challenged liberals creating such an environment of Hate to the US.
President Trump won because we have too many dumbasses, racists & bigots in this country. Trump spews hate & you love hate. A pair made in Hell.

Its been 100 days & Trump has done shit. Where are the jobs bills? Where is the spending bill? Where is the plan to eliminate ISIS?

If helping poor people is a liberal thing, then why won't Republicans just end welfare & food stamps & every program to help poor people? See what happens to pur economy then.
Here's how stupid Democrats like the OP are; they think that tax cuts are the government handing money to the corporations. People that stupid shouldn't be allowed to vote.
People like the OP should move to Cuba, where he could live in his/her/its(have no clue about its gender) Socialist Utopian Paradise, where everyone is treated equally, equally poor and equally miserable, and leave the rest of US alone. We don't want shitheads here anymore, as was shown in the last election. But liberals never learn, they will keep on burning and attacking and harming women, to the point that there wont be a liberal in power for 100 years.

So, you think handing money to corporations is "free Market" capitalism? The country needs revenue to operate. We have a tax code. Trump wants to change it by reducing the tax burden on corporations & rich people while throw as tidbit to the Middle Class (like Bush did). Who will make up that loss of revenue? A real free market tax cut would make sure that tax cut money is spent in the economy. Tax cuts for working people do that best. Tax cuts for your orange buddy do very little.
The country needs TAXES(liberals love the talking point revenue) to keep an overbloated bureaucracy going, where they steal from the working class then give it to liberal shmucks who don't work, and that is called liberal FAIRNESS. This is why the left wing radical terrorists are out in force, trying to brow beat the rest of US into submission. All it is doing is moving more moderates and somewhat conservative working Democrats farther, and farther right. President Trump won because of the mentally challenged liberals creating such an environment of Hate to the US.
President Trump won because we have too many dumbasses, racists & bigots in this country. Trump spews hate & you love hate. A pair made in Hell.

Its been 100 days & Trump has done shit. Where are the jobs bills? Where is the spending bill? Where is the plan to eliminate ISIS?

If helping poor people is a liberal thing, then why won't Republicans just end welfare & food stamps & every program to help poor people? See what happens to pur economy then.
Didn't take long for the shithead to get back to the liberal playbook.

Here's how stupid Democrats like the OP are; they think that tax cuts are the government handing money to the corporations. People that stupid shouldn't be allowed to vote.
People like the OP should move to Cuba, where he could live in his/her/its(have no clue about its gender) Socialist Utopian Paradise, where everyone is treated equally, equally poor and equally miserable, and leave the rest of US alone. We don't want shitheads here anymore, as was shown in the last election. But liberals never learn, they will keep on burning and attacking and harming women, to the point that there wont be a liberal in power for 100 years.

So, you think handing money to corporations is "free Market" capitalism? The country needs revenue to operate. We have a tax code. Trump wants to change it by reducing the tax burden on corporations & rich people while throw as tidbit to the Middle Class (like Bush did). Who will make up that loss of revenue? A real free market tax cut would make sure that tax cut money is spent in the economy. Tax cuts for working people do that best. Tax cuts for your orange buddy do very little.
The country needs TAXES(liberals love the talking point revenue) to keep an overbloated bureaucracy going, where they steal from the working class then give it to liberal shmucks who don't work, and that is called liberal FAIRNESS. This is why the left wing radical terrorists are out in force, trying to brow beat the rest of US into submission. All it is doing is moving more moderates and somewhat conservative working Democrats farther, and farther right. President Trump won because of the mentally challenged liberals creating such an environment of Hate to the US.
President Trump won because we have too many dumbasses, racists & bigots in this country. Trump spews hate & you love hate. A pair made in Hell.

Its been 100 days & Trump has done shit. Where are the jobs bills? Where is the spending bill? Where is the plan to eliminate ISIS?

If helping poor people is a liberal thing, then why won't Republicans just end welfare & food stamps & every program to help poor people? See what happens to pur economy then.
Perhaps Trump has decided not to keep you in the loop because he's tried of your never ending lying?
So, you think handing money to corporations is "free Market" capitalism? The country needs revenue to operate. We have a tax code. Trump wants to change it by reducing the tax burden on corporations & rich people while throw as tidbit to the Middle Class (like Bush did). Who will make up that loss of revenue? A real free market tax cut would make sure that tax cut money is spent in the economy. Tax cuts for working people do that best. Tax cuts for your orange buddy do very little.
Liberals think all their wet dream spending projects are written in stone. When you make less, you spend less. But income will likely go up. Liberals do not understand economics.
So, you think that the Republicans are going to cut spending? They were too chickenshit to pick anything to cut last time & we got the sequester. Trump already spelled out cuts to pay for his military expansion. What are they going to cut now?

The best part of all, you are sofa king stupid you believe the line how the cuts will be paid for through economic expansion?

How when your orange buddy's "Buy American" plan will cost US Corporations export business.

Only av true moron wants to tie up 300 million customers by alienating billions of customers. By exiting the TPP, he has cost US Agriculture billions of dollars.
They were too chickenshit to pick anything to cut last time & we got the sequester.
It is too damn easy to prove that a stupid liberal(redundant statement) has no clue what is going on around them. Which is why they "THINK" that we are the stupid ones, while they are the epitome of Stupidness... Obama Signs Order to Begin Sequester Cuts
President Obama and congressional leaders today failed to reach a breakthrough to avert a sweeping package of automatic spending cuts, setting into motion $85 billion of across-the-board belt-tightening that neither had wanted to see.

President Obama officially initiated the cuts with an order to agencies Friday evening.
Not hard to prove how stupid a liberal is....

View attachment 123701

1) On the verge of a shutdown, Congress raised the debt ceiling under a promise of spending cuts. To insure the spending cuts, Congress had a period of time to cut spending as they saw best or everything would be cut across the board (sequester).
2) Congress approved this when the raised the debt ceiling.

3) As the deadline approached, Republicans refuse cut spending & decided to allow the sequester to happen

Quit blaming Obama because your Republican party is so pathetic that they can't do what hey claim they want to do because they are too chickenshit. They knew if they decided which to cut, they would get the blame. So they just cut everything from help for vets to help to old people.
Here's how stupid Democrats like the OP are; they think that tax cuts are the government handing money to the corporations. People that stupid shouldn't be allowed to vote.
People like the OP should move to Cuba, where he could live in his/her/its(have no clue about its gender) Socialist Utopian Paradise, where everyone is treated equally, equally poor and equally miserable, and leave the rest of US alone. We don't want shitheads here anymore, as was shown in the last election. But liberals never learn, they will keep on burning and attacking and harming women, to the point that there wont be a liberal in power for 100 years.

So, you think handing money to corporations is "free Market" capitalism? The country needs revenue to operate. We have a tax code. Trump wants to change it by reducing the tax burden on corporations & rich people while throw as tidbit to the Middle Class (like Bush did). Who will make up that loss of revenue? A real free market tax cut would make sure that tax cut money is spent in the economy. Tax cuts for working people do that best. Tax cuts for your orange buddy do very little.
The country needs TAXES(liberals love the talking point revenue) to keep an overbloated bureaucracy going, where they steal from the working class then give it to liberal shmucks who don't work, and that is called liberal FAIRNESS. This is why the left wing radical terrorists are out in force, trying to brow beat the rest of US into submission. All it is doing is moving more moderates and somewhat conservative working Democrats farther, and farther right. President Trump won because of the mentally challenged liberals creating such an environment of Hate to the US.
President Trump won because we have too many dumbasses, racists & bigots in this country. Trump spews hate & you love hate. A pair made in Hell.

Its been 100 days & Trump has done shit. Where are the jobs bills? Where is the spending bill? Where is the plan to eliminate ISIS?

If helping poor people is a liberal thing, then why won't Republicans just end welfare & food stamps & every program to help poor people? See what happens to pur economy then.
Didn't take long for the shithead to get back to the liberal playbook.

View attachment 123702

Not at all, just recognizing the fact that the racists, bigots, women hating fucktards like you supported Trump.
People like the OP should move to Cuba, where he could live in his/her/its(have no clue about its gender) Socialist Utopian Paradise, where everyone is treated equally, equally poor and equally miserable, and leave the rest of US alone. We don't want shitheads here anymore, as was shown in the last election. But liberals never learn, they will keep on burning and attacking and harming women, to the point that there wont be a liberal in power for 100 years.

So, you think handing money to corporations is "free Market" capitalism? The country needs revenue to operate. We have a tax code. Trump wants to change it by reducing the tax burden on corporations & rich people while throw as tidbit to the Middle Class (like Bush did). Who will make up that loss of revenue? A real free market tax cut would make sure that tax cut money is spent in the economy. Tax cuts for working people do that best. Tax cuts for your orange buddy do very little.
The country needs TAXES(liberals love the talking point revenue) to keep an overbloated bureaucracy going, where they steal from the working class then give it to liberal shmucks who don't work, and that is called liberal FAIRNESS. This is why the left wing radical terrorists are out in force, trying to brow beat the rest of US into submission. All it is doing is moving more moderates and somewhat conservative working Democrats farther, and farther right. President Trump won because of the mentally challenged liberals creating such an environment of Hate to the US.
President Trump won because we have too many dumbasses, racists & bigots in this country. Trump spews hate & you love hate. A pair made in Hell.

Its been 100 days & Trump has done shit. Where are the jobs bills? Where is the spending bill? Where is the plan to eliminate ISIS?

If helping poor people is a liberal thing, then why won't Republicans just end welfare & food stamps & every program to help poor people? See what happens to pur economy then.
Didn't take long for the shithead to get back to the liberal playbook.

View attachment 123702

Not at all, just recognizing the fact that the racists, bigots, women hating fucktards like you supported Trump.

Don't you ever get tired of lying? Ever?

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