Republicans think if you repeat an accusation enough times, it becomes real.

How about Americans just see them both for what they are? Puppets of the elites.

The truth is, they are both right.

And the people that are really screwed? The people of the land.
If that were true, then why is one 90% white and the other one everyone else? Why does the US Chamber of Commerce give so much to Republicans. Are you sure you've thought this through?

So what? You are admitting that you are a racist?
I'm admitting the GOP leadership is for sale.
Only a delusional tard can look at one thing and see something totally different.


I completely forgot why I don't get involved in conversations with you. It's because you are so ignorant and don't know shit about politics. You watch too much TV and root for a party like it is a sporting event. Your ego is tied up into this shit, isn't it?

The leadership of both parties, is morally and ethically identical. Dispense with your illusions sir. They just do business with different folks. Let me draw an analogy to help illustrate it to help you understand.

This is the like Republican leadership and representation. . . .

A costly whore. You remember Kristen Davis right? Elliot Spitzer's little side game? She is probably a Libertarian, but that's beside the point for our analogy. lol

This represents the Democratic leadership and representation. . . .

Cheaper, but still willing to be bought in the right districts. Here we have the delusion of ethics, but still willing to be bought by the right folks for the right price. This is what we refer to as a two-dollar whore. (IN the minority districts they might now them as "crack whores.")

Crack whores, politicians. . . . same difference.

Stop being such a simple minded partisan and educate yourself. . .

Influence & Lobbying | OpenSecrets
Hey Harry I like old stories too My favorite is about how a republican lied us into a war that killed the soldiers he was supposed to protect,,,,,,,,gwb in case you forgot
yea i hear you....go back and read my old posts at that time you will see i said bush was a jerk for going into iraq....and go find all the times i have said bush was a half-assed piss poor leader...if you listen to dean you will get a lot of dishonest answers about many here....
Sorry Harry haven't been here long enough to know all the players but no matter what party you support I believe you're honest guy
no problem...i dont support any of the parties Ed.....the last main party person i voted for was last far as i am concerned bush and obama are both lower rung politicians who were and are in over their heads and both were and are piss poor leaders....and this country could sure use a leader right now,and i dont see one anywhere....
yes a leader who won't get us into an unnecessary war
as well as rally this country to start thinking in terms of we are all Americans not lefties or righties or conservatives or democrats....
Harry the 2 parties can disagree on some policies ,,but when one hates the other nothing will get done and imho that's what obama came into the WH facing .. hate
How about Americans just see them both for what they are? Puppets of the elites.

The truth is, they are both right.

And the people that are really screwed? The people of the land.
If that were true, then why is one 90% white and the other one everyone else? Why does the US Chamber of Commerce give so much to Republicans. Are you sure you've thought this through?

So what? You are admitting that you are a racist?
I'm admitting the GOP leadership is for sale.
Only a delusional tard can look at one thing and see something totally different.


I completely forgot why I don't get involved in conversations with you. It's because you are so ignorant and don't know shit about politics. You watch too much TV and root for a party like it is a sporting event. Your ego is tied up into this shit, isn't it?

The leadership of both parties, is morally and ethically identical. Dispense with your illusions sir. They just do business with different folks. Let me draw an analogy to help illustrate it to help you understand.

This is the like Republican leadership and representation. . . .

A costly whore. You remember Kristen Davis right? Elliot Spitzer's little side game? She is probably a Libertarian, but that's beside the point for our analogy. lol

This represents the Democratic leadership and representation. . . .

Cheaper, but still willing to be bought in the right districts. Here we have the delusion of ethics, but still willing to be bought by the right folks for the right price. This is what we refer to as a two-dollar whore. (IN the minority districts they might now them as "crack whores.")

Crack whores, politicians. . . . same difference.

Stop being such a simple minded partisan and educate yourself. . .

Influence & Lobbying | OpenSecrets
You call me ignorant and say I don't know shit and then link to a list of terms as if that somehow proves your obscure point.

Check out this exchange:
If that were true, then why is one 90% white and the other one everyone else? Why does the US Chamber of Commerce give so much to Republicans. Are you sure you've thought this through?​
So what? You are admitting that you are a racist?​
I'm admitting the GOP leadership is for sale.

Only a delusional tard can look at one thing and see something totally different.

You call me ignorant and you can't even think for yourself. The GOP is racist. When you have members of the GOP leadership publicly referring to the president as boy and tar baby and his family as "uppity", you can hardly come to any other rational opinion. Worse, it's so expected of the GOP, it doesn't even make the news.

When you have a coalition party like the Democrats, it becomes self policing. Look at the incredible damage caused by Republicans in the last 40 years. Democrats could never get away with apologizing to BP after that horrendous oil spill, a fake war in Iraq, cutting veterans benefits, screwing over people after a disaster like Katrina, redistributing the wealth of the nation to the top 1%, letting Bin Laden go, replacing Justice Department lawyers with Bible School Graduates, driving scientists out of Government, ordering scientists to hide results of their research, keeping first responders from help for 10 years, blocking millions from health care for political reasons, threatening the unemployment benefits of millions so the president would extend the Bush Tax cuts for the rich. Helping business move millions of jobs to China and watching over 40,000 factories close while giving tax benefits to those moving.

The list goes on. There is nothing here that hasn't been proven again and again on the USMB. And only the most ignorant of the ignorant tards believe the two parties are just alike.

Obama is a Muslim
Obama was born in Kenya
Obama is a communist
Obama gave Iran nuclear weapons
Obama messed up after Katrina.

So Obama must hate America.

Then there is:
Hillary Whitewater
Hillary Travelgate
Hillary Benghazi
Hillary emails

So she must be a criminal. Without any charges or convictions, with the GOP leadership admitting it's politically based, it must be true. Everyone has said it so many times.

Republicans are so conspiracy minded. What makes them that way?

On the other hand, when we bring up Republicans wanting to cut veterans benefits, blocking health care for first responders, cutting school lunches, protecting BP over Americans, being against equal pay for equal work, wanting to slash education, wanting to teach mysticism in public schools and so on, those are the GOP's real policies. So I'm guessing they need something equally awful for Democrats so they have a reason not to vote for them. What else could it be?


yea i hear you....go back and read my old posts at that time you will see i said bush was a jerk for going into iraq....and go find all the times i have said bush was a half-assed piss poor leader...if you listen to dean you will get a lot of dishonest answers about many here....
Sorry Harry haven't been here long enough to know all the players but no matter what party you support I believe you're honest guy
no problem...i dont support any of the parties Ed.....the last main party person i voted for was last far as i am concerned bush and obama are both lower rung politicians who were and are in over their heads and both were and are piss poor leaders....and this country could sure use a leader right now,and i dont see one anywhere....
yes a leader who won't get us into an unnecessary war
as well as rally this country to start thinking in terms of we are all Americans not lefties or righties or conservatives or democrats....
Harry the 2 parties can disagree on some policies ,,but when one hates the other nothing will get done and imho that's what obama came into the WH facing .. hate
a LEADER could have gotten the moderates on both sides to at least give him the benefit of the doubt until he at least fucked up.......the far right and left will never like who is president unless its someone who kisses their collective asses thats a given...those in the middle can play better than the ones on the far sides .....bush had 90% of the country behind him,look where he ended up....shitty leader....obama started talking to just his side after a year in....make all the excuses you want for the guy,but he is a shitty leader...bush and obama are 2 of the most divisive "leaders" i have ever experienced at this level of politics.... and thats mine and probably millions of peoples opinion of these 2 guys.....
How about Americans just see them both for what they are? Puppets of the elites.

The truth is, they are both right.

And the people that are really screwed? The people of the land.
If that were true, then why is one 90% white and the other one everyone else? Why does the US Chamber of Commerce give so much to Republicans. Are you sure you've thought this through?

So what? You are admitting that you are a racist?
I'm admitting the GOP leadership is for sale.
Only a delusional tard can look at one thing and see something totally different.


I completely forgot why I don't get involved in conversations with you. It's because you are so ignorant and don't know shit about politics. You watch too much TV and root for a party like it is a sporting event. Your ego is tied up into this shit, isn't it?

The leadership of both parties, is morally and ethically identical. Dispense with your illusions sir. They just do business with different folks. Let me draw an analogy to help illustrate it to help you understand.

This is the like Republican leadership and representation. . . .

A costly whore. You remember Kristen Davis right? Elliot Spitzer's little side game? She is probably a Libertarian, but that's beside the point for our analogy. lol

This represents the Democratic leadership and representation. . . .

Cheaper, but still willing to be bought in the right districts. Here we have the delusion of ethics, but still willing to be bought by the right folks for the right price. This is what we refer to as a two-dollar whore. (IN the minority districts they might now them as "crack whores.")

Crack whores, politicians. . . . same difference.

Stop being such a simple minded partisan and educate yourself. . .

Influence & Lobbying | OpenSecrets
You call me ignorant and say I don't know shit and then link to a list of terms as if that somehow proves your obscure point.

Check out this exchange:
If that were true, then why is one 90% white and the other one everyone else? Why does the US Chamber of Commerce give so much to Republicans. Are you sure you've thought this through?
So what? You are admitting that you are a racist?
I'm admitting the GOP leadership is for sale.
Only a delusional tard can look at one thing and see something totally different.

You call me ignorant and you can't even think for yourself. The GOP is racist. When you have members of the GOP leadership publicly referring to the president as boy and tar baby and his family as "uppity", you can hardly come to any other rational opinion. Worse, it's so expected of the GOP, it doesn't even make the news.

When you have a coalition party like the Democrats, it becomes self policing. Look at the incredible damage caused by Republicans in the last 40 years. Democrats could never get away with apologizing to BP after that horrendous oil spill, a fake war in Iraq, cutting veterans benefits, screwing over people after a disaster like Katrina, redistributing the wealth of the nation to the top 1%, letting Bin Laden go, replacing Justice Department lawyers with Bible School Graduates, driving scientists out of Government, ordering scientists to hide results of their research, keeping first responders from help for 10 years, blocking millions from health care for political reasons, threatening the unemployment benefits of millions so the president would extend the Bush Tax cuts for the rich. Helping business move millions of jobs to China and watching over 40,000 factories close while giving tax benefits to those moving.

The list goes on. There is nothing here that hasn't been proven again and again on the USMB. And only the most ignorant of the ignorant tards believe the two parties are just alike.

the 2 parties are not alike the way you are trying to say people have said they are,that they are identical........they are 2 birds on the same coin....they both want the same thing,power and total control,they just go about it differently....republicans tell you to your face you are a jerk and they dont like your kind....democrats tell you what you want to hear to your face,when you leave the room the real feelings come telling blacks and brown people how they are for their struggle for equality....after the minority leaves the room they say just dont move into my neighborhood....
If that were true, then why is one 90% white and the other one everyone else? Why does the US Chamber of Commerce give so much to Republicans. Are you sure you've thought this through?

So what? You are admitting that you are a racist?
I'm admitting the GOP leadership is for sale.
Only a delusional tard can look at one thing and see something totally different.


I completely forgot why I don't get involved in conversations with you. It's because you are so ignorant and don't know shit about politics. You watch too much TV and root for a party like it is a sporting event. Your ego is tied up into this shit, isn't it?

The leadership of both parties, is morally and ethically identical. Dispense with your illusions sir. They just do business with different folks. Let me draw an analogy to help illustrate it to help you understand.

This is the like Republican leadership and representation. . . .

A costly whore. You remember Kristen Davis right? Elliot Spitzer's little side game? She is probably a Libertarian, but that's beside the point for our analogy. lol

This represents the Democratic leadership and representation. . . .

Cheaper, but still willing to be bought in the right districts. Here we have the delusion of ethics, but still willing to be bought by the right folks for the right price. This is what we refer to as a two-dollar whore. (IN the minority districts they might now them as "crack whores.")

Crack whores, politicians. . . . same difference.

Stop being such a simple minded partisan and educate yourself. . .

Influence & Lobbying | OpenSecrets
You call me ignorant and say I don't know shit and then link to a list of terms as if that somehow proves your obscure point.

Check out this exchange:
If that were true, then why is one 90% white and the other one everyone else? Why does the US Chamber of Commerce give so much to Republicans. Are you sure you've thought this through?
So what? You are admitting that you are a racist?
I'm admitting the GOP leadership is for sale.
Only a delusional tard can look at one thing and see something totally different.

You call me ignorant and you can't even think for yourself. The GOP is racist. When you have members of the GOP leadership publicly referring to the president as boy and tar baby and his family as "uppity", you can hardly come to any other rational opinion. Worse, it's so expected of the GOP, it doesn't even make the news.

When you have a coalition party like the Democrats, it becomes self policing. Look at the incredible damage caused by Republicans in the last 40 years. Democrats could never get away with apologizing to BP after that horrendous oil spill, a fake war in Iraq, cutting veterans benefits, screwing over people after a disaster like Katrina, redistributing the wealth of the nation to the top 1%, letting Bin Laden go, replacing Justice Department lawyers with Bible School Graduates, driving scientists out of Government, ordering scientists to hide results of their research, keeping first responders from help for 10 years, blocking millions from health care for political reasons, threatening the unemployment benefits of millions so the president would extend the Bush Tax cuts for the rich. Helping business move millions of jobs to China and watching over 40,000 factories close while giving tax benefits to those moving.

The list goes on. There is nothing here that hasn't been proven again and again on the USMB. And only the most ignorant of the ignorant tards believe the two parties are just alike.
the 2 parties are not alike the way you are trying to say people have said they are,that they are identical........they are 2 birds on the same coin....they both want the same thing,power and total control,they just go about it differently....republicans tell you to your face you are a jerk and they dont like your kind....democrats tell you what you want to hear to your face,when you leave the room the real feelings come telling blacks and brown people how they are for their struggle for equality....after the minority leaves the room they say just dont move into my neighborhood....
if they can afford my neighborhood ,,,,come on down
Sorry Harry haven't been here long enough to know all the players but no matter what party you support I believe you're honest guy
no problem...i dont support any of the parties Ed.....the last main party person i voted for was last far as i am concerned bush and obama are both lower rung politicians who were and are in over their heads and both were and are piss poor leaders....and this country could sure use a leader right now,and i dont see one anywhere....
yes a leader who won't get us into an unnecessary war
as well as rally this country to start thinking in terms of we are all Americans not lefties or righties or conservatives or democrats....
Harry the 2 parties can disagree on some policies ,,but when one hates the other nothing will get done and imho that's what obama came into the WH facing .. hate
a LEADER could have gotten the moderates on both sides to at least give him the benefit of the doubt until he at least fucked up.......the far right and left will never like who is president unless its someone who kisses their collective asses thats a given...those in the middle can play better than the ones on the far sides .....bush had 90% of the country behind him,look where he ended up....shitty leader....obama started talking to just his side after a year in....make all the excuses you want for the guy,but he is a shitty leader...bush and obama are 2 of the most divisive "leaders" i have ever experienced at this level of politics.... and thats mine and probably millions of peoples opinion of these 2 guys.....
Republicans were plotting to bring him down before he even took the oath of off. So shadup turd.
If that were true, then why is one 90% white and the other one everyone else? Why does the US Chamber of Commerce give so much to Republicans. Are you sure you've thought this through?

So what? You are admitting that you are a racist?
I'm admitting the GOP leadership is for sale.
Only a delusional tard can look at one thing and see something totally different.


I completely forgot why I don't get involved in conversations with you. It's because you are so ignorant and don't know shit about politics. You watch too much TV and root for a party like it is a sporting event. Your ego is tied up into this shit, isn't it?

The leadership of both parties, is morally and ethically identical. Dispense with your illusions sir. They just do business with different folks. Let me draw an analogy to help illustrate it to help you understand.

This is the like Republican leadership and representation. . . .

A costly whore. You remember Kristen Davis right? Elliot Spitzer's little side game? She is probably a Libertarian, but that's beside the point for our analogy. lol

This represents the Democratic leadership and representation. . . .

Cheaper, but still willing to be bought in the right districts. Here we have the delusion of ethics, but still willing to be bought by the right folks for the right price. This is what we refer to as a two-dollar whore. (IN the minority districts they might now them as "crack whores.")

Crack whores, politicians. . . . same difference.

Stop being such a simple minded partisan and educate yourself. . .

Influence & Lobbying | OpenSecrets
You call me ignorant and say I don't know shit and then link to a list of terms as if that somehow proves your obscure point.

Check out this exchange:
If that were true, then why is one 90% white and the other one everyone else? Why does the US Chamber of Commerce give so much to Republicans. Are you sure you've thought this through?
So what? You are admitting that you are a racist?
I'm admitting the GOP leadership is for sale.
Only a delusional tard can look at one thing and see something totally different.

You call me ignorant and you can't even think for yourself. The GOP is racist. When you have members of the GOP leadership publicly referring to the president as boy and tar baby and his family as "uppity", you can hardly come to any other rational opinion. Worse, it's so expected of the GOP, it doesn't even make the news.

When you have a coalition party like the Democrats, it becomes self policing. Look at the incredible damage caused by Republicans in the last 40 years. Democrats could never get away with apologizing to BP after that horrendous oil spill, a fake war in Iraq, cutting veterans benefits, screwing over people after a disaster like Katrina, redistributing the wealth of the nation to the top 1%, letting Bin Laden go, replacing Justice Department lawyers with Bible School Graduates, driving scientists out of Government, ordering scientists to hide results of their research, keeping first responders from help for 10 years, blocking millions from health care for political reasons, threatening the unemployment benefits of millions so the president would extend the Bush Tax cuts for the rich. Helping business move millions of jobs to China and watching over 40,000 factories close while giving tax benefits to those moving.

The list goes on. There is nothing here that hasn't been proven again and again on the USMB. And only the most ignorant of the ignorant tards believe the two parties are just alike.
the 2 parties are not alike the way you are trying to say people have said they are,that they are identical........they are 2 birds on the same coin....they both want the same thing,power and total control,they just go about it differently....republicans tell you to your face you are a jerk and they dont like your kind....democrats tell you what you want to hear to your face,when you leave the room the real feelings come telling blacks and brown people how they are for their struggle for equality....after the minority leaves the room they say just dont move into my neighborhood....
This is why you are an ignorant turd. Assuming that minorities are so stupid and weak minded they are being led by evil white liberals.

Your tiny mind can't wrap itself around the truth. Blacks and Hispanics are integral parts of the Democratic Party. Just like whites and gays and women. That's because your insane and racist sense of white superiority doesn't allow you to see the reality. That's why you feel confident saying such shitty and fucked up things like:

after the minority leaves the room

Because you are shitty and fucked up as so many stalkers are.
no problem...i dont support any of the parties Ed.....the last main party person i voted for was last far as i am concerned bush and obama are both lower rung politicians who were and are in over their heads and both were and are piss poor leaders....and this country could sure use a leader right now,and i dont see one anywhere....
yes a leader who won't get us into an unnecessary war
as well as rally this country to start thinking in terms of we are all Americans not lefties or righties or conservatives or democrats....
Harry the 2 parties can disagree on some policies ,,but when one hates the other nothing will get done and imho that's what obama came into the WH facing .. hate
a LEADER could have gotten the moderates on both sides to at least give him the benefit of the doubt until he at least fucked up.......the far right and left will never like who is president unless its someone who kisses their collective asses thats a given...those in the middle can play better than the ones on the far sides .....bush had 90% of the country behind him,look where he ended up....shitty leader....obama started talking to just his side after a year in....make all the excuses you want for the guy,but he is a shitty leader...bush and obama are 2 of the most divisive "leaders" i have ever experienced at this level of politics.... and thats mine and probably millions of peoples opinion of these 2 guys.....
Republicans were plotting to bring him down before he even took the oath of off. So shadup turd.
all of them?....or just the farther right?....dont let your obsession make you a dishonest asswipe....
How about Americans just see them both for what they are? Puppets of the elites.

The truth is, they are both right.

And the people that are really screwed? The people of the land.
If that were true, then why is one 90% white and the other one everyone else? Why does the US Chamber of Commerce give so much to Republicans. Are you sure you've thought this through?

So what? You are admitting that you are a racist?
I'm admitting the GOP leadership is for sale.
Only a delusional tard can look at one thing and see something totally different.


I completely forgot why I don't get involved in conversations with you. It's because you are so ignorant and don't know shit about politics. You watch too much TV and root for a party like it is a sporting event. Your ego is tied up into this shit, isn't it?

The leadership of both parties, is morally and ethically identical. Dispense with your illusions sir. They just do business with different folks. Let me draw an analogy to help illustrate it to help you understand.

This is the like Republican leadership and representation. . . .

A costly whore. You remember Kristen Davis right? Elliot Spitzer's little side game? She is probably a Libertarian, but that's beside the point for our analogy. lol

This represents the Democratic leadership and representation. . . .

Cheaper, but still willing to be bought in the right districts. Here we have the delusion of ethics, but still willing to be bought by the right folks for the right price. This is what we refer to as a two-dollar whore. (IN the minority districts they might now them as "crack whores.")

Crack whores, politicians. . . . same difference.

Stop being such a simple minded partisan and educate yourself. . .

Influence & Lobbying | OpenSecrets
You call me ignorant and say I don't know shit and then link to a list of terms as if that somehow proves your obscure point.

Check out this exchange:
If that were true, then why is one 90% white and the other one everyone else? Why does the US Chamber of Commerce give so much to Republicans. Are you sure you've thought this through?
So what? You are admitting that you are a racist?
I'm admitting the GOP leadership is for sale.
Only a delusional tard can look at one thing and see something totally different.

You call me ignorant and you can't even think for yourself. The GOP is racist. When you have members of the GOP leadership publicly referring to the president as boy and tar baby and his family as "uppity", you can hardly come to any other rational opinion. Worse, it's so expected of the GOP, it doesn't even make the news.

When you have a coalition party like the Democrats, it becomes self policing. Look at the incredible damage caused by Republicans in the last 40 years. Democrats could never get away with apologizing to BP after that horrendous oil spill, a fake war in Iraq, cutting veterans benefits, screwing over people after a disaster like Katrina, redistributing the wealth of the nation to the top 1%, letting Bin Laden go, replacing Justice Department lawyers with Bible School Graduates, driving scientists out of Government, ordering scientists to hide results of their research, keeping first responders from help for 10 years, blocking millions from health care for political reasons, threatening the unemployment benefits of millions so the president would extend the Bush Tax cuts for the rich. Helping business move millions of jobs to China and watching over 40,000 factories close while giving tax benefits to those moving.

The list goes on. There is nothing here that hasn't been proven again and again on the USMB. And only the most ignorant of the ignorant tards believe the two parties are just alike.
No, only folks that don't know what is really going on and are duped by the establishment and MSM believe that they aren't controlled by the same folks.

Sure, everything you have said about the Republicans is true.

But some Republican partisan could get on here and produce a long list of tertiary crimes and nastiness Democrats are responsible for, and in the big scope of things, it means nothing next to the crimes that both parties are responsible for.

Do you HONESTLY believe just one party could be responsible for the wealth gap in this nation and the neo-colonialism by trans-corporatists in their global trade orgies?

Don't you think maybe, just maybe, that it has more to do with the policies of the central bank, the international banking cabal and the interventionist war mongering politicians in both parities?

yes a leader who won't get us into an unnecessary war
as well as rally this country to start thinking in terms of we are all Americans not lefties or righties or conservatives or democrats....
Harry the 2 parties can disagree on some policies ,,but when one hates the other nothing will get done and imho that's what obama came into the WH facing .. hate
a LEADER could have gotten the moderates on both sides to at least give him the benefit of the doubt until he at least fucked up.......the far right and left will never like who is president unless its someone who kisses their collective asses thats a given...those in the middle can play better than the ones on the far sides .....bush had 90% of the country behind him,look where he ended up....shitty leader....obama started talking to just his side after a year in....make all the excuses you want for the guy,but he is a shitty leader...bush and obama are 2 of the most divisive "leaders" i have ever experienced at this level of politics.... and thats mine and probably millions of peoples opinion of these 2 guys.....
Republicans were plotting to bring him down before he even took the oath of off. So shadup turd.
all of them?....or just the farther right?....dont let your obsession make you a dishonest asswipe....
If you continue to align yourself with a party of turds, then you identify with turds. So you are probably a turd.
If that were true, then why is one 90% white and the other one everyone else? Why does the US Chamber of Commerce give so much to Republicans. Are you sure you've thought this through?

So what? You are admitting that you are a racist?
I'm admitting the GOP leadership is for sale.
Only a delusional tard can look at one thing and see something totally different.


I completely forgot why I don't get involved in conversations with you. It's because you are so ignorant and don't know shit about politics. You watch too much TV and root for a party like it is a sporting event. Your ego is tied up into this shit, isn't it?

The leadership of both parties, is morally and ethically identical. Dispense with your illusions sir. They just do business with different folks. Let me draw an analogy to help illustrate it to help you understand.

This is the like Republican leadership and representation. . . .

A costly whore. You remember Kristen Davis right? Elliot Spitzer's little side game? She is probably a Libertarian, but that's beside the point for our analogy. lol

This represents the Democratic leadership and representation. . . .

Cheaper, but still willing to be bought in the right districts. Here we have the delusion of ethics, but still willing to be bought by the right folks for the right price. This is what we refer to as a two-dollar whore. (IN the minority districts they might now them as "crack whores.")

Crack whores, politicians. . . . same difference.

Stop being such a simple minded partisan and educate yourself. . .

Influence & Lobbying | OpenSecrets
You call me ignorant and say I don't know shit and then link to a list of terms as if that somehow proves your obscure point.

Check out this exchange:
If that were true, then why is one 90% white and the other one everyone else? Why does the US Chamber of Commerce give so much to Republicans. Are you sure you've thought this through?
So what? You are admitting that you are a racist?
I'm admitting the GOP leadership is for sale.
Only a delusional tard can look at one thing and see something totally different.

You call me ignorant and you can't even think for yourself. The GOP is racist. When you have members of the GOP leadership publicly referring to the president as boy and tar baby and his family as "uppity", you can hardly come to any other rational opinion. Worse, it's so expected of the GOP, it doesn't even make the news.

When you have a coalition party like the Democrats, it becomes self policing. Look at the incredible damage caused by Republicans in the last 40 years. Democrats could never get away with apologizing to BP after that horrendous oil spill, a fake war in Iraq, cutting veterans benefits, screwing over people after a disaster like Katrina, redistributing the wealth of the nation to the top 1%, letting Bin Laden go, replacing Justice Department lawyers with Bible School Graduates, driving scientists out of Government, ordering scientists to hide results of their research, keeping first responders from help for 10 years, blocking millions from health care for political reasons, threatening the unemployment benefits of millions so the president would extend the Bush Tax cuts for the rich. Helping business move millions of jobs to China and watching over 40,000 factories close while giving tax benefits to those moving.

The list goes on. There is nothing here that hasn't been proven again and again on the USMB. And only the most ignorant of the ignorant tards believe the two parties are just alike.
No, only folks that don't know what is really going on and are duped by the establishment and MSM believe that they aren't controlled by the same folks.

Sure, everything you have said about the Republicans is true.

But some Republican partisan could get on here and produce a long list of tertiary crimes and nastiness Democrats are responsible for, and in the big scope of things, it means nothing next to the crimes that both parties are responsible for.

Do you HONESTLY believe just one party could be responsible for the wealth gap in this nation and the neo-colonialism by trans-corporatists in their global trade orgies?

Don't you think maybe, just maybe, that it has more to do with the policies of the central bank, the international banking cabal and the interventionist war mongering politicians in both parities?

But some Republican partisan could get on here and produce a long list of tertiary crimes and nastiness Democrats are responsible for, and in the big scope of things, it means nothing next to the crimes that both parties are responsible for.

Then do it. Let's see them.
Unfortunately, today's Republicans tend to blame Democrats for their failings and they try to take credit for good things Democrats have done.


Taking down Bin Laden and equal pay for equal work.
If that were true, then why is one 90% white and the other one everyone else? Why does the US Chamber of Commerce give so much to Republicans. Are you sure you've thought this through?

So what? You are admitting that you are a racist?
I'm admitting the GOP leadership is for sale.
Only a delusional tard can look at one thing and see something totally different.


I completely forgot why I don't get involved in conversations with you. It's because you are so ignorant and don't know shit about politics. You watch too much TV and root for a party like it is a sporting event. Your ego is tied up into this shit, isn't it?

The leadership of both parties, is morally and ethically identical. Dispense with your illusions sir. They just do business with different folks. Let me draw an analogy to help illustrate it to help you understand.

This is the like Republican leadership and representation. . . .

A costly whore. You remember Kristen Davis right? Elliot Spitzer's little side game? She is probably a Libertarian, but that's beside the point for our analogy. lol

This represents the Democratic leadership and representation. . . .

Cheaper, but still willing to be bought in the right districts. Here we have the delusion of ethics, but still willing to be bought by the right folks for the right price. This is what we refer to as a two-dollar whore. (IN the minority districts they might now them as "crack whores.")

Crack whores, politicians. . . . same difference.

Stop being such a simple minded partisan and educate yourself. . .

Influence & Lobbying | OpenSecrets
You call me ignorant and say I don't know shit and then link to a list of terms as if that somehow proves your obscure point.

Check out this exchange:
If that were true, then why is one 90% white and the other one everyone else? Why does the US Chamber of Commerce give so much to Republicans. Are you sure you've thought this through?
So what? You are admitting that you are a racist?
I'm admitting the GOP leadership is for sale.
Only a delusional tard can look at one thing and see something totally different.

You call me ignorant and you can't even think for yourself. The GOP is racist. When you have members of the GOP leadership publicly referring to the president as boy and tar baby and his family as "uppity", you can hardly come to any other rational opinion. Worse, it's so expected of the GOP, it doesn't even make the news.

When you have a coalition party like the Democrats, it becomes self policing. Look at the incredible damage caused by Republicans in the last 40 years. Democrats could never get away with apologizing to BP after that horrendous oil spill, a fake war in Iraq, cutting veterans benefits, screwing over people after a disaster like Katrina, redistributing the wealth of the nation to the top 1%, letting Bin Laden go, replacing Justice Department lawyers with Bible School Graduates, driving scientists out of Government, ordering scientists to hide results of their research, keeping first responders from help for 10 years, blocking millions from health care for political reasons, threatening the unemployment benefits of millions so the president would extend the Bush Tax cuts for the rich. Helping business move millions of jobs to China and watching over 40,000 factories close while giving tax benefits to those moving.

The list goes on. There is nothing here that hasn't been proven again and again on the USMB. And only the most ignorant of the ignorant tards believe the two parties are just alike.
No, only folks that don't know what is really going on and are duped by the establishment and MSM believe that they aren't controlled by the same folks.

Sure, everything you have said about the Republicans is true.

But some Republican partisan could get on here and produce a long list of tertiary crimes and nastiness Democrats are responsible for, and in the big scope of things, it means nothing next to the crimes that both parties are responsible for.

Do you HONESTLY believe just one party could be responsible for the wealth gap in this nation and the neo-colonialism by trans-corporatists in their global trade orgies?

Don't you think maybe, just maybe, that it has more to do with the policies of the central bank, the international banking cabal and the interventionist war mongering politicians in both parities?

Did you bother watching the video? At 18 seconds, she calls it "advice" not orders.


1. Opinion about what could or should be done about a situation or problem; counsel.
So what? You are admitting that you are a racist?
I'm admitting the GOP leadership is for sale.
Only a delusional tard can look at one thing and see something totally different.


I completely forgot why I don't get involved in conversations with you. It's because you are so ignorant and don't know shit about politics. You watch too much TV and root for a party like it is a sporting event. Your ego is tied up into this shit, isn't it?

The leadership of both parties, is morally and ethically identical. Dispense with your illusions sir. They just do business with different folks. Let me draw an analogy to help illustrate it to help you understand.

This is the like Republican leadership and representation. . . .

A costly whore. You remember Kristen Davis right? Elliot Spitzer's little side game? She is probably a Libertarian, but that's beside the point for our analogy. lol

This represents the Democratic leadership and representation. . . .

Cheaper, but still willing to be bought in the right districts. Here we have the delusion of ethics, but still willing to be bought by the right folks for the right price. This is what we refer to as a two-dollar whore. (IN the minority districts they might now them as "crack whores.")

Crack whores, politicians. . . . same difference.

Stop being such a simple minded partisan and educate yourself. . .

Influence & Lobbying | OpenSecrets
You call me ignorant and say I don't know shit and then link to a list of terms as if that somehow proves your obscure point.

Check out this exchange:
If that were true, then why is one 90% white and the other one everyone else? Why does the US Chamber of Commerce give so much to Republicans. Are you sure you've thought this through?
So what? You are admitting that you are a racist?
I'm admitting the GOP leadership is for sale.
Only a delusional tard can look at one thing and see something totally different.

You call me ignorant and you can't even think for yourself. The GOP is racist. When you have members of the GOP leadership publicly referring to the president as boy and tar baby and his family as "uppity", you can hardly come to any other rational opinion. Worse, it's so expected of the GOP, it doesn't even make the news.

When you have a coalition party like the Democrats, it becomes self policing. Look at the incredible damage caused by Republicans in the last 40 years. Democrats could never get away with apologizing to BP after that horrendous oil spill, a fake war in Iraq, cutting veterans benefits, screwing over people after a disaster like Katrina, redistributing the wealth of the nation to the top 1%, letting Bin Laden go, replacing Justice Department lawyers with Bible School Graduates, driving scientists out of Government, ordering scientists to hide results of their research, keeping first responders from help for 10 years, blocking millions from health care for political reasons, threatening the unemployment benefits of millions so the president would extend the Bush Tax cuts for the rich. Helping business move millions of jobs to China and watching over 40,000 factories close while giving tax benefits to those moving.

The list goes on. There is nothing here that hasn't been proven again and again on the USMB. And only the most ignorant of the ignorant tards believe the two parties are just alike.
No, only folks that don't know what is really going on and are duped by the establishment and MSM believe that they aren't controlled by the same folks.

Sure, everything you have said about the Republicans is true.

But some Republican partisan could get on here and produce a long list of tertiary crimes and nastiness Democrats are responsible for, and in the big scope of things, it means nothing next to the crimes that both parties are responsible for.

Do you HONESTLY believe just one party could be responsible for the wealth gap in this nation and the neo-colonialism by trans-corporatists in their global trade orgies?

Don't you think maybe, just maybe, that it has more to do with the policies of the central bank, the international banking cabal and the interventionist war mongering politicians in both parities?

Did you bother watching the video? At 18 seconds, she calls it "advice" not orders.


1. Opinion about what could or should be done about a situation or problem; counsel.

If I played the whole video or went over her whole history with the CFR, what the CFR is, their history, and what they do, you would never even look at it. I figured you might look at something under 30 seconds, that is about your attention span.

You know nothing RDEAN.

If you seriously don't think she does the orders they send out, you are being obtuse. The only time she doesn't, is during an election season. For instance, the TPP. Once the election is over, that will turn around in a heart beat.
So what? You are admitting that you are a racist?
I'm admitting the GOP leadership is for sale.
Only a delusional tard can look at one thing and see something totally different.


I completely forgot why I don't get involved in conversations with you. It's because you are so ignorant and don't know shit about politics. You watch too much TV and root for a party like it is a sporting event. Your ego is tied up into this shit, isn't it?

The leadership of both parties, is morally and ethically identical. Dispense with your illusions sir. They just do business with different folks. Let me draw an analogy to help illustrate it to help you understand.

This is the like Republican leadership and representation. . . .

A costly whore. You remember Kristen Davis right? Elliot Spitzer's little side game? She is probably a Libertarian, but that's beside the point for our analogy. lol

This represents the Democratic leadership and representation. . . .

Cheaper, but still willing to be bought in the right districts. Here we have the delusion of ethics, but still willing to be bought by the right folks for the right price. This is what we refer to as a two-dollar whore. (IN the minority districts they might now them as "crack whores.")

Crack whores, politicians. . . . same difference.

Stop being such a simple minded partisan and educate yourself. . .

Influence & Lobbying | OpenSecrets
You call me ignorant and say I don't know shit and then link to a list of terms as if that somehow proves your obscure point.

Check out this exchange:
If that were true, then why is one 90% white and the other one everyone else? Why does the US Chamber of Commerce give so much to Republicans. Are you sure you've thought this through?
So what? You are admitting that you are a racist?
I'm admitting the GOP leadership is for sale.
Only a delusional tard can look at one thing and see something totally different.

You call me ignorant and you can't even think for yourself. The GOP is racist. When you have members of the GOP leadership publicly referring to the president as boy and tar baby and his family as "uppity", you can hardly come to any other rational opinion. Worse, it's so expected of the GOP, it doesn't even make the news.

When you have a coalition party like the Democrats, it becomes self policing. Look at the incredible damage caused by Republicans in the last 40 years. Democrats could never get away with apologizing to BP after that horrendous oil spill, a fake war in Iraq, cutting veterans benefits, screwing over people after a disaster like Katrina, redistributing the wealth of the nation to the top 1%, letting Bin Laden go, replacing Justice Department lawyers with Bible School Graduates, driving scientists out of Government, ordering scientists to hide results of their research, keeping first responders from help for 10 years, blocking millions from health care for political reasons, threatening the unemployment benefits of millions so the president would extend the Bush Tax cuts for the rich. Helping business move millions of jobs to China and watching over 40,000 factories close while giving tax benefits to those moving.

The list goes on. There is nothing here that hasn't been proven again and again on the USMB. And only the most ignorant of the ignorant tards believe the two parties are just alike.
the 2 parties are not alike the way you are trying to say people have said they are,that they are identical........they are 2 birds on the same coin....they both want the same thing,power and total control,they just go about it differently....republicans tell you to your face you are a jerk and they dont like your kind....democrats tell you what you want to hear to your face,when you leave the room the real feelings come telling blacks and brown people how they are for their struggle for equality....after the minority leaves the room they say just dont move into my neighborhood....
This is why you are an ignorant turd. Assuming that minorities are so stupid and weak minded they are being led by evil white liberals.

Your tiny mind can't wrap itself around the truth. Blacks and Hispanics are integral parts of the Democratic Party. Just like whites and gays and women. That's because your insane and racist sense of white superiority doesn't allow you to see the reality. That's why you feel confident saying such shitty and fucked up things like:

after the minority leaves the room

Because you are shitty and fucked up as so many stalkers are.
Awww did i say something about your little party you dont like dean?....truth hurts doesnt it jerkoff?....but then these are the people whos shit you eat up and never question what they do or say,which you kinda proved with your your eyes stupid ...if you were not so fucking obsessed with how fucked the republicans are you might be able to see people getting fucked by your asswipes too..
..your insane and racist sense of white superiority doesn't allow you to see the darker than many of the Mexicans i live around dumbass,and yes i have said this before...and im racist?...yet YOU mention skin color more than anyone here,do you know what a hypocrite is? no?....look in the mirror.........and if you dont like me commenting on your repetitious crap you throw up be like your good friend dottie and report me to the mods and tell them how mean old harry keeps on picking my threads apart and do like he does and try to get people banned he doesnt like or put me on ignore like that pussy does because his crying did not work.....basically dean if you dont like me commenting on your drivel TOUGH SHIT .....if you cant handle me you have a few alternatives, exercise one of them.....pussy...
as well as rally this country to start thinking in terms of we are all Americans not lefties or righties or conservatives or democrats....
Harry the 2 parties can disagree on some policies ,,but when one hates the other nothing will get done and imho that's what obama came into the WH facing .. hate
a LEADER could have gotten the moderates on both sides to at least give him the benefit of the doubt until he at least fucked up.......the far right and left will never like who is president unless its someone who kisses their collective asses thats a given...those in the middle can play better than the ones on the far sides .....bush had 90% of the country behind him,look where he ended up....shitty leader....obama started talking to just his side after a year in....make all the excuses you want for the guy,but he is a shitty leader...bush and obama are 2 of the most divisive "leaders" i have ever experienced at this level of politics.... and thats mine and probably millions of peoples opinion of these 2 guys.....
Republicans were plotting to bring him down before he even took the oath of off. So shadup turd.
all of them?....or just the farther right?....dont let your obsession make you a dishonest asswipe....
If you continue to align yourself with a party of turds, then you identify with turds. So you are probably a turd.
i dont align myself like you do with anyone...but then you are controlled im not, i can say what i want about either party....can you?....
How about Americans just see them both for what they are? Puppets of the elites.

The truth is, they are both right.

And the people that are really screwed? The people of the land.
If that were true, then why is one 90% white and the other one everyone else? Why does the US Chamber of Commerce give so much to Republicans. Are you sure you've thought this through?
Because Democrats lost the majority of white America due to racist articles in Salon, Huffington Post etc?
"Republicans think if you repeat an accusation enough times, it becomes real."


Conservative credo: repeat a lie often enough in the hope it's perceived to be 'true.'
Neo-Liberal/"Progressive" credo: Deny and attack the truth long enough and hope everyone is stupid enough to let you get away with it.
My very wise father used to say... Watch what the Democrats say... they are basically very shallow-minded people and what they protest and scream the loudest about is exactly what they are most guilty of themselves or would be guilty of in the same situation. They can't see how anyone could be different from them, so they assume their opposition is doing or behaving the way they would. Their reactions are always predicated on this.

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