Republicans to target unions, expand school choice in states

OK ray then how about nobody in america has kids except if they make at least 500 thousand dollars per year.
Then you would complain our military is shrinking because people aren't having enough kids. I would highly disagree and perhaps ahuge birthrate decline for many years would be the way to go. That means a lot more low paying jobs unfilled which to my retired viewpoint, and yes I collect social security...happily. With businesses struggling to find workers we all win.
There are now only 59.6 births per 1,000 women in the US, the lowest rate ever recorded in the United States. The number of births slightly exceeds the number of deaths so the population will grow slightly without considering migration. There are both positive and negative aspects of a slower growing population.
Liberal whining, hyperbole, and fabrications aside, there is no way to explain the Trump victory based on experience nor logic.
In fact, they must recognize this as well, and, thus, are ready to accept any fable.

It defied every political science meme.

I see it as a miracle of biblical proportions, and one last chance for America to turn itself around.

Yeah, you see, it's very simple to explain.

The Russians hacked the election, and a lot of the usual safeguards we have to prevent EXACTLY THIS SORT OF THING FROM HAPPENING didn't engage.

The Media normalized Trump's behavior. Normally, you say things like he said, your career is over and you are putting a newspaper in front of your face when you leave your house in the morning.

Now we are stuck with this guy, and he will be a disaster.

Again, how did they hack the election? I hear all about hacking but I heard they hacked the Democratic Party's emails, then leaked the emails.

Are you saying they hacked the voting machines?
Hacking the actually voting machines and not being discovered is almost impossible because they are not online during the voting. The votes are either stored on a cartridge, hard drive, paper punched card, or a marked card. All machines produce a paper backup. The danger in manipulating votes is in counting, not the voting.

The Russian hacking had no effect on the voting process. The question of whether it had any effect on voter decisions is unknown and will remain so. However, Russia has had a long history of inference in the political process of selecting leaders in other nations. To think that Russia would not attempt to do so in US elections seems a bit naive.

This is not the first time Russia has meddled in US presidential elections. Russia attempted to persuade Adlai Stevenson, the Democratic presidential nominee in 1952 and 1956, to run again and offered to support him. This is probably the best documented attempt but there are others.
The Russians Tried Once Before to Meddle in a U.S. Presidential Election
Liberal whining, hyperbole, and fabrications aside, there is no way to explain the Trump victory based on experience nor logic.
In fact, they must recognize this as well, and, thus, are ready to accept any fable.

It defied every political science meme.

I see it as a miracle of biblical proportions, and one last chance for America to turn itself around.

Yeah, you see, it's very simple to explain.

The Russians hacked the election, and a lot of the usual safeguards we have to prevent EXACTLY THIS SORT OF THING FROM HAPPENING didn't engage.

The Media normalized Trump's behavior. Normally, you say things like he said, your career is over and you are putting a newspaper in front of your face when you leave your house in the morning.

Now we are stuck with this guy, and he will be a disaster.

Again, how did they hack the election? I hear all about hacking but I heard they hacked the Democratic Party's emails, then leaked the emails.

Are you saying they hacked the voting machines?
Hacking the actually voting machines and not being discovered is almost impossible because they are not online during the voting. The votes are either stored on a cartridge, hard drive, paper punched card, or a marked card. All machines produce a paper backup. The danger in manipulating votes is in counting, not the voting.

The Russian hacking had no effect on the voting process. The question of whether it had any effect on voter decisions is unknown and will remain so. However, Russia has had a long history of inference in the political process of selecting leaders in other nations. To think that Russia would not attempt to do so in US elections seems a bit naive.

This is not the first time Russia has meddled in US presidential elections. Russia attempted to persuade Adlai Stevenson, the Democratic presidential nominee in 1952 and 1956, to run again and offered to support him. This is probably the best documented attempt but there are others.
The Russians Tried Once Before to Meddle in a U.S. Presidential Election

1. "The Russian hacking had no effect on the voting process."
I appreciate you posting this...but, based on this line from your link....what's your point??

2. "The question of whether it had any effect on voter decisions is unknown and will remain so. "

That's false.
..the proof that this 'fake news' tale of Russia changing the course of our election....

a. The day before any leaks, wikileaks or otherwise, the RealClearPolitics had Hillary at 48%

b. The election result gave Hillary 48.08% per the election.

Soooo......where is any....ANY....result due to Russia, Putin, Wiki, or Mickey Mouse????
If increased the criminal's vote tally.

3. May I point out that the real news is that Trump actually won the popular vote, once you discount the illegal alien vote that was ginned up by the snake in the White House.
"Hack" means to gain control of the voting system.

No such thing happened.

The Left is notorious for a strangled and tortuous use of the English language to imply what they cannot prove.

First, it's naive to think that Russians would hack the DNC and not also try to hack voting systems.

Second, 17 intelligence agencies said the Russians did try to influence the election.

But Im sure you're okay with this. Is there any level of proof that would convince you? Probably not.
Hacking the actually voting machines and not being discovered is almost impossible because they are not online during the voting. The votes are either stored on a cartridge, hard drive, paper punched card, or a marked card. All machines produce a paper backup. The danger in manipulating votes is in counting, not the voting.

The Russian hacking had no effect on the voting process. The question of whether it had any effect on voter decisions is unknown and will remain so. However, Russia has had a long history of inference in the political process of selecting leaders in other nations. To think that Russia would not attempt to do so in US elections seems a bit naive.

I don't think that it's that cut and dried. For instance, PA has no paper ballots. Hacking those machines would have been relatively easy, and possibly undetectable.

I simply can't believe that they invested as much helping Trump as they did and then would draw a line somewhere.
3. May I point out that the real news is that Trump actually won the popular vote, once you discount the illegal alien vote that was ginned up by the snake in the White House.

No, Trump didn't win the popular vote.
"Hack" means to gain control of the voting system.

No such thing happened.

The Left is notorious for a strangled and tortuous use of the English language to imply what they cannot prove.

First, it's naive to think that Russians would hack the DNC and not also try to hack voting systems.

Second, 17 intelligence agencies said the Russians did try to influence the election.

But Im sure you're okay with this. Is there any level of proof that would convince you? Probably not.

I think Joe is morphing into one of those nutters that inhabits the CT forum.

I think Joe is morphing into one of those nutters that inhabits the CT forum.

I think you are sweating bullets now that it's becoming more obvious Trump had Russian help.

I feel your pain, buddy. Now everything this guy does will be seen through the lens of "What does Putin get out of this?"
"Hack" means to gain control of the voting system.

No such thing happened.

The Left is notorious for a strangled and tortuous use of the English language to imply what they cannot prove.

First, it's naive to think that Russians would hack the DNC and not also try to hack voting systems.

Second, 17 intelligence agencies said the Russians did try to influence the election.

But Im sure you're okay with this. Is there any level of proof that would convince you? Probably not.

Zero proof doesn't work for me....

Seems copacetic for you, though.
3. May I point out that the real news is that Trump actually won the popular vote, once you discount the illegal alien vote that was ginned up by the snake in the White House.

No, Trump didn't win the popular vote.'re correct if one counts the illegal aliens that the snake, Obama, told to go vote and there'd be no "investigations."

But in America we eschew counting illegal alien votes.

Hence....Trump won the popular and electoral college votes.

I think Joe is morphing into one of those nutters that inhabits the CT forum.

I think you are sweating bullets now that it's becoming more obvious Trump had Russian help.

I feel your pain, buddy. Now everything this guy does will be seen through the lens of "What does Putin get out of this?"

Joe is officially a Troofer now.

Go pick up your tinfoil, and your obsession with melting steel at the front desk.
I think Joe is morphing into one of those nutters that inhabits the CT forum.

I think you are sweating bullets now that it's becoming more obvious Trump had Russian help.

I feel your pain, buddy. Now everything this guy does will be seen through the lens of "What does Putin get out of this?"

Which is exactly how your puppet masters planned it.
I don't think that it's that cut and dried. For instance, PA has no paper ballots. Hacking those machines would have been relatively easy, and possibly undetectable.

I simply can't believe that they invested as much helping Trump as they did and then would draw a line somewhere.

There is no "they" there is "he" and he is your failed President.
OK ray then how about nobody in america has kids except if they make at least 500 thousand dollars per year.
Then you would complain our military is shrinking because people aren't having enough kids. I would highly disagree and perhaps ahuge birthrate decline for many years would be the way to go. That means a lot more low paying jobs unfilled which to my retired viewpoint, and yes I collect social security...happily. With businesses struggling to find workers we all win.

You don't need a half-mil a year to educate your children. There are plenty of families making less than six figures that do it today. One of those families are tenants of mine. The father works as a computer tech (making nowhere near six figures) and his wife stays home and home schools their two children. A friend of mine the same. He works two full-time jobs and has been supporting his family since he and his wife got married. They raised three children all home schooled and again, he makes nowhere near six figures.

Now as far as public school, I don't mind doing my part. But I do believe that people with kids in the school should pay more than people with no kids in the school. As I stated earlier, I'm paying more to the schools with no children attending than other people on my street that do have kids in those schools. If anybody here thinks that's fair, I would sure love for them to explain to me how.
Liberal whining, hyperbole, and fabrications aside, there is no way to explain the Trump victory based on experience nor logic.
In fact, they must recognize this as well, and, thus, are ready to accept any fable.

It defied every political science meme.

I see it as a miracle of biblical proportions, and one last chance for America to turn itself around.

Yeah, you see, it's very simple to explain.

The Russians hacked the election, and a lot of the usual safeguards we have to prevent EXACTLY THIS SORT OF THING FROM HAPPENING didn't engage.

The Media normalized Trump's behavior. Normally, you say things like he said, your career is over and you are putting a newspaper in front of your face when you leave your house in the morning.

Now we are stuck with this guy, and he will be a disaster.

Again, how did they hack the election? I hear all about hacking but I heard they hacked the Democratic Party's emails, then leaked the emails.

Are you saying they hacked the voting machines?
Hacking the actually voting machines and not being discovered is almost impossible because they are not online during the voting. The votes are either stored on a cartridge, hard drive, paper punched card, or a marked card. All machines produce a paper backup. The danger in manipulating votes is in counting, not the voting.

The Russian hacking had no effect on the voting process. The question of whether it had any effect on voter decisions is unknown and will remain so. However, Russia has had a long history of inference in the political process of selecting leaders in other nations. To think that Russia would not attempt to do so in US elections seems a bit naive.

This is not the first time Russia has meddled in US presidential elections. Russia attempted to persuade Adlai Stevenson, the Democratic presidential nominee in 1952 and 1956, to run again and offered to support him. This is probably the best documented attempt but there are others.
The Russians Tried Once Before to Meddle in a U.S. Presidential Election

Well we don't know if Russia leaked the emails or not, their reputation precedes them. However, no one has given solid proof who hacked the computers and no one has proof the Russians are involved, it is all speculation.

The US government has an obligation to it's citizens to investigate and then let the citizens know if the Russians are involved or not and what the evidence is. Simply retaliating against Russia is not proof of anything.

The current tactic is saying yes they are involved and not releasing proof is highly suspicious.
Liberal whining, hyperbole, and fabrications aside, there is no way to explain the Trump victory based on experience nor logic.
In fact, they must recognize this as well, and, thus, are ready to accept any fable.

It defied every political science meme.

I see it as a miracle of biblical proportions, and one last chance for America to turn itself around.

Yeah, you see, it's very simple to explain.

The Russians hacked the election, and a lot of the usual safeguards we have to prevent EXACTLY THIS SORT OF THING FROM HAPPENING didn't engage.

The Media normalized Trump's behavior. Normally, you say things like he said, your career is over and you are putting a newspaper in front of your face when you leave your house in the morning.

Now we are stuck with this guy, and he will be a disaster.

Again, how did they hack the election? I hear all about hacking but I heard they hacked the Democratic Party's emails, then leaked the emails.

Are you saying they hacked the voting machines?
Hacking the actually voting machines and not being discovered is almost impossible because they are not online during the voting. The votes are either stored on a cartridge, hard drive, paper punched card, or a marked card. All machines produce a paper backup. The danger in manipulating votes is in counting, not the voting.

The Russian hacking had no effect on the voting process. The question of whether it had any effect on voter decisions is unknown and will remain so. However, Russia has had a long history of inference in the political process of selecting leaders in other nations. To think that Russia would not attempt to do so in US elections seems a bit naive.

This is not the first time Russia has meddled in US presidential elections. Russia attempted to persuade Adlai Stevenson, the Democratic presidential nominee in 1952 and 1956, to run again and offered to support him. This is probably the best documented attempt but there are others.
The Russians Tried Once Before to Meddle in a U.S. Presidential Election

Well we don't know if Russia leaked the emails or not, their reputation precedes them. However, no one has given solid proof who hacked the computers and no one has proof the Russians are involved, it is all speculation.

The US government has an obligation to it's citizens to investigate and then let the citizens know if the Russians are involved or not and what the evidence is. Simply retaliating against Russia is not proof of anything.

The current tactic is saying yes they are involved and not releasing proof is highly suspicious.

Listening to the radio today, I heard the host remind his audience several times of the Assange interview with Hannity being aired tonight. In that interview, Assange swears that Russia had absolutely nothing to do with those emails.
Why is not having kids a bad thing even for those who can easily afford them? If the birthrate drops big time nobody fills low wage jobs(great great thing) and there are lots of jobs available. Could be the answer to strengthen the country.
Homeschooling is not an option for two working parents. Perhaps they should be discouraged from having kids.
Liberal whining, hyperbole, and fabrications aside, there is no way to explain the Trump victory based on experience nor logic.
In fact, they must recognize this as well, and, thus, are ready to accept any fable.

It defied every political science meme.

I see it as a miracle of biblical proportions, and one last chance for America to turn itself around.

Yeah, you see, it's very simple to explain.

The Russians hacked the election, and a lot of the usual safeguards we have to prevent EXACTLY THIS SORT OF THING FROM HAPPENING didn't engage.

The Media normalized Trump's behavior. Normally, you say things like he said, your career is over and you are putting a newspaper in front of your face when you leave your house in the morning.

Now we are stuck with this guy, and he will be a disaster.

Again, how did they hack the election? I hear all about hacking but I heard they hacked the Democratic Party's emails, then leaked the emails.

Are you saying they hacked the voting machines?
Hacking the actually voting machines and not being discovered is almost impossible because they are not online during the voting. The votes are either stored on a cartridge, hard drive, paper punched card, or a marked card. All machines produce a paper backup. The danger in manipulating votes is in counting, not the voting.

The Russian hacking had no effect on the voting process. The question of whether it had any effect on voter decisions is unknown and will remain so. However, Russia has had a long history of inference in the political process of selecting leaders in other nations. To think that Russia would not attempt to do so in US elections seems a bit naive.

This is not the first time Russia has meddled in US presidential elections. Russia attempted to persuade Adlai Stevenson, the Democratic presidential nominee in 1952 and 1956, to run again and offered to support him. This is probably the best documented attempt but there are others.
The Russians Tried Once Before to Meddle in a U.S. Presidential Election

1. "The Russian hacking had no effect on the voting process."
I appreciate you posting this...but, based on this line from your link....what's your point??

2. "The question of whether it had any effect on voter decisions is unknown and will remain so. "

That's false.
..the proof that this 'fake news' tale of Russia changing the course of our election....

a. The day before any leaks, wikileaks or otherwise, the RealClearPolitics had Hillary at 48%

b. The election result gave Hillary 48.08% per the election.

Soooo......where is any....ANY....result due to Russia, Putin, Wiki, or Mickey Mouse????
If increased the criminal's vote tally.

3. May I point out that the real news is that Trump actually won the popular vote, once you discount the illegal alien vote that was ginned up by the snake in the White House.
I was attempting to answer your question, "Are you saying they hacked the voting machines? The answer was obviously, no. However, Russia was attempting to influence the election as they have done in other countries such as France by stealing private sensitive information and seeing it was leaked to public in order to discredit a candidate they did not want see elected.

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