Republicans to target unions, expand school choice in states

Umm. There are TONS of Charter Schools here.
The unions just took it in the shorts in Massachusetts. The State legislature is about to pass a law which raises the cap on the number of Charter Schools. There was a referendum on the statewide ballot which was in effect a question to allow the local boards have authority to expand Charters. That failed 2-1. The main reason is voters were concerned such a law would give local school districts too much power.
I have no idea other than to protect the unions, why left wingers are so fearful of parents having choices as to where their kids go to school.
As long as the kids are getting a good education in an environment that is conducive to same, who cares. I don;'t understand the mentality of a captive marketplace.

It goes back to what Rush says all the time. Unions are a way of getting tax money from the taxpayers to the Democrat party. We pay taxes for these schools--some of which ends up in the hands of the unions. Election time comes, and unions heavily support the Democrat party. So of course they are going to protect that money as much as possible.
Ah...and you buy what Rushbo says, don't you?

Yes I do..........that is unless you can show me where he's wrong.
Ah...a Rushbo worshipper........he's right about you suckers.....:lol:
You listen to Rush?

No, she heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend you've been messing around.
Who are Republicans fighting for, when they go after unions and union busting? Are they in bed with the Corporations? Certainly not in bed with the citizens who work in Union jobs that pay well....

Republicans are fighting for choice.

I remember years ago when I was out looking for jobs, I'd apply to someplace that had a union. I would be up front and tell them I had no interest in joining a union. They told me either I join the union or they can't hire me.

Do you think that's fair?
Our company doesn't deliver to auto plants anymore. Why? Unions. I could have a full trailer for an auto plant and spend nearly the entire day sitting there waiting to get unloaded. Go to a non-union company, I'm unloaded in 30 to 40 minutes in most cases.

Has it occurred to you that they know your company is run by scab assholes who don't provide good benefits and they simply want to make your life difficult?

If I make a pickup or delivery at a company I've never been to before and know nothing about, I can tell you within five minutes whether they are union or not. The attitude and performance by the workers are completely different. In fact with my experiences with unions, I could write a book on them.

Would be the title be, "I'm an asshole who couldn't get into a union because no one likes me" ?
Our company doesn't deliver to auto plants anymore. Why? Unions. I could have a full trailer for an auto plant and spend nearly the entire day sitting there waiting to get unloaded. Go to a non-union company, I'm unloaded in 30 to 40 minutes in most cases.

Has it occurred to you that they know your company is run by scab assholes who don't provide good benefits and they simply want to make your life difficult?

If I make a pickup or delivery at a company I've never been to before and know nothing about, I can tell you within five minutes whether they are union or not. The attitude and performance by the workers are completely different. In fact with my experiences with unions, I could write a book on them.

Would be the title be, "I'm an asshole who couldn't get into a union because no one likes me" ?
Are you Union?
What they are talking about is choice in education and employment. Liberals don't like choices. Choice means freedom.

Actually, I'm more interested in results.

You see, Wisconsin tried what you guys are talking about, and it failed miserably.

Here's something from the Right Wing National Review...

Why School Choice Is Failing, by Michael Q. McShane, National Review

What has been the result? On the 2011 NAEP, a test given to a nationally representative sample in every state and to a select group of large districts, Milwaukee eighth-graders scored a 254 in math and 238 in reading. To put those numbers in some context, on those same tests the averages in Chicago were 270 and 253, respectively, and the large-city averages for the whole test were 274 and 255. On the NAEP, 10 points equates approximately to one year of knowledge, meaning that even compared with their peers only in other big cities, Milwaukee students are two grades below average in math and almost two grades below in reading.

Here's the real problem with the School Choice Crowd. they don't understand that correlation doesn't equal causality.

Kids in Private Schools do better because they have parents who are involved. They make sure their kids get glasses and go to school with a good lunch. When they get home, they make sure they do their homework. They show up to the parent teacher meetings.

If you give a poor kid a voucher, it doesn't fix all the other problems.

The other end of it is that school choice usually means that the charter or private school cherry picks the kids they want. I went to Catholic Schools in the 1970's. You know what happened to the kids who were trouble makers, who had learning disabilities, etc.

They got fobbed off on the public schools.

So, no, taking money from the Public Schools and giving them to private schools doesn't really fix the problem.
Ahh, the old teacher's union fallback position. Test scores. Meaningless pap. It is well regarded that standardized test scores do not measure intelligence. In fact standardized tests measure one thing. The student's ability to take the test.
Urban school districts with struggling schools never show high test scores.
So the article shows no context.
Look, school choice( not vouchers. No one is talking about vouchers) is a cry for help. The system in place is not working for inner city kids. It hasn't in three or more decades. Let them decide where they want to go to school. And BTW, most people who want to choose their child's school, are members of minority communities. Same applies to vouchers.
And your analysis of "poor kids".....I assume you mean minority children not being able to succeed despite the fact that they are given better tools and a better educational environment "won't work" is patently racist.
Obama lunch anyone?

Our company doesn't deliver to auto plants anymore. Why? Unions. I could have a full trailer for an auto plant and spend nearly the entire day sitting there waiting to get unloaded. Go to a non-union company, I'm unloaded in 30 to 40 minutes in most cases.

Has it occurred to you that they know your company is run by scab assholes who don't provide good benefits and they simply want to make your life difficult?

If I make a pickup or delivery at a company I've never been to before and know nothing about, I can tell you within five minutes whether they are union or not. The attitude and performance by the workers are completely different. In fact with my experiences with unions, I could write a book on them.

Would be the title be, "I'm an asshole who couldn't get into a union because no one likes me" ?
This is soooo stupid one can't even respond
Uh.... I don't know. Maybe the 91% that use them?

Are you saying that your 9% should pay for services they don't use? Yeah, that makes total sense.

That's exactly what my sister did and she's in debt for life because she wanted to make sure her kids got a Catholic education. Her property taxes are almost as bad as mine. Over half of what we pay for property taxes here goes to the schools me nor any of my tenants have children in.
Well, if she didn't want to be in debt, she shouldn't have had kids she couldn't afford to educate.

She educated them and made a sacrifice to do so. Nothing wrong with that. Her kids are doing great. My nephew has a Masters degree and passed college with flying colors. I don't know if that would have been the case if he was stuck in public school.
How much should the rich get to keep as profit during alleged times of war on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror?

If you don't want the poor to care how much then don't ask the poor for a work ethic, either.

How much of their own money should the rich be allowed to keep? If it's their money, why is that a question?

I see you refuse to answer my question, and with good reason. You know damn well we can't have a society sitting at home on unemployment simply because they are too lazy to work or don't want to work. If we have a society like that, then I'm quitting my job to sit home on unemployment with tens of millions of others that would join me.

"Just what is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

How much should the rich get to keep as profit during alleged times of war on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror. For comparison and contrast, Nazis understood fiscal policy:

In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

Only the right wing is cognitively dissonant enough to lower taxes during alleged times of war.
Since there will always be crime, recreational narcotics, terror and poverty, are businesses on the hook forever in the United States of America to give away the money they created?
it is about lowering your business tax burden through simplification of government; only the right, never gets it.

Has it occurred to you that they know your company is run by scab assholes who don't provide good benefits and they simply want to make your life difficult?

Oh yes Joe, I'm sure with the dozens of trucking outfits they serve, they research each one to find out how they conduct business.

Well there must be a lot of them out there, because we all just sit there and wait to get unloaded. Sure, we charge for waiting and unloading time, but the workers could care less. They're not paying the bill, and they make great money whether their company does well or poorly.

Would be the title be, "I'm an asshole who couldn't get into a union because no one likes me" ?

I don't want to be part of a union. That's my choice.
given that Charter schools have worse record than public schools, and that's before all the protections to keep the scams out are eliminated, um, yeah, that would be a bad thing.

The thing about it is, no one wants to set up Charter Schools in the Cleetus states. There's no money to be made there. They want to get into LA and NY and Chicago, where there are big old pots of money to be had.
Umm. There are TONS of Charter Schools here.
The unions just took it in the shorts in Massachusetts. The State legislature is about to pass a law which raises the cap on the number of Charter Schools. There was a referendum on the statewide ballot which was in effect a question to allow the local boards have authority to expand Charters. That failed 2-1. The main reason is voters were concerned such a law would give local school districts too much power.
I have no idea other than to protect the unions, why left wingers are so fearful of parents having choices as to where their kids go to school.
As long as the kids are getting a good education in an environment that is conducive to same, who cares. I don;'t understand the mentality of a captive marketplace.

It goes back to what Rush says all the time. Unions are a way of getting tax money from the taxpayers to the Democrat party. We pay taxes for these schools--some of which ends up in the hands of the unions. Election time comes, and unions heavily support the Democrat party. So of course they are going to protect that money as much as possible.
Ah...and you buy what Rushbo says, don't you?

Yes I do..........that is unless you can show me where he's wrong.
Ah...a Rushbo worshipper........he's right about you suckers.....:lol:

You on the left hate Rush because he tells us about things your party doesn't want us to know about.
given that Charter schools have worse record than public schools, and that's before all the protections to keep the scams out are eliminated, um, yeah, that would be a bad thing.

The thing about it is, no one wants to set up Charter Schools in the Cleetus states. There's no money to be made there. They want to get into LA and NY and Chicago, where there are big old pots of money to be had.
Umm. There are TONS of Charter Schools here.
The unions just took it in the shorts in Massachusetts. The State legislature is about to pass a law which raises the cap on the number of Charter Schools. There was a referendum on the statewide ballot which was in effect a question to allow the local boards have authority to expand Charters. That failed 2-1. The main reason is voters were concerned such a law would give local school districts too much power.
I have no idea other than to protect the unions, why left wingers are so fearful of parents having choices as to where their kids go to school.
As long as the kids are getting a good education in an environment that is conducive to same, who cares. I don;'t understand the mentality of a captive marketplace.

It goes back to what Rush says all the time. Unions are a way of getting tax money from the taxpayers to the Democrat party. We pay taxes for these schools--some of which ends up in the hands of the unions. Election time comes, and unions heavily support the Democrat party. So of course they are going to protect that money as much as possible.
Ah...and you buy what Rushbo says, don't you?

Yes I do..........that is unless you can show me where he's wrong.
Ah...a Rushbo worshipper........he's right about you suckers.....:lol:
Ahh the old rush line. You know 20 years and he's still there. You're still lost as to why.
i wonder if many grade schools are hanging posters of polar bears living on sheets of ice with a caption reading that its the fault of our white parents driving too many SUV's
You "wonder"? You mean you don't help out at your children's school? You don't actively participate in their education? So you mooch off our education system, doing nothing but complaining?
You assume the OP has children in school.
Mooch...You prick. What the fuck do you call that check we have to write to the municipality or county every 12 months?....Mooch.. What an asshole
So...if the OP doesn't have some children in school.....why are they ranting as if they know what the heck is going on?

And I write a check every 6 months.....looks like YOU are the mooch here.
The "workers rights" thing. No.....Money does not protect the rights of workers. Legislation does that.

except how do you think legislation gets done?... hint.. why do you think the the Koch Brothers spend billions on politics?

The problem in states where public employees have many protections is two fold. One the workers soon realize they are unassailable in every way. They become complacent, Then instead of performing their jobs, they revert to "putting in their time". Complacency begets mediocrity. When merit is eliminated from the equation and the slackers are rewarded dime for dime as the best workers, the machine breaks down. Hence the reason why public school systems, especially in urban areas and some suburban areas are not performing as well as they once did.

Not really. if that were the case, you would not have so many teachers paying for teaching supplies out of their own pockets.

Why Teachers Are Going Broke Buying School Supplies

nobody becomes a teacher because they want to make a shitton of money.

Right to work....Its the best way to go. Workers MUST be given choices. It is their right to choose whether or not they wish to join a labor collective.

What that usually turn into is "no rights at work". Why would you pay for a union if you get the same benefits of having a union? The problem with "Right to work" is that you get too many free riders who benefit until the point where the union is no longer effective. THAT'S when the one percenters start rolling back salaries...

They should call it, "No rights at work."

Now, all that said, I wouldn't mind seeing us go from National Unions to Work Councils like they have in Germany and Japan, where unions are organized at the shop level and they are given a say in the management of the operation.

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