Republicans, what do you think of Trump's statement on health care?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
I'm still trying to get my head around hearing a President of the United States clearly stating that he wants our health care system to fail. And then doubling down, saying, "I'm not gonna own it".

Is what he said okay with you? And if so, how many Americans would you be comfortable with seeing lose their coverage and suffer, before the GOP supposedly swoops in to save the day, after the party has completely failed to do so, so far?

"Own" what, precisely? What do you think about all this?
It's failing anyway, Trump is stating the obvious.

He shouldn't own it, Congress owns it.

Stop the bickering and BS and start governing.
I'm still trying to get my head around hearing a President of the United States clearly stating that he wants our health care system to fail. And then doubling down, saying, "I'm not gonna own it".

Is what he said okay with you? And if so, how many Americans would you be comfortable with seeing lose their coverage and suffer, before the GOP supposedly swoops in to save the day, after the party has completely failed to do so, so far?

"Own" what, precisely? What do you think about all this?

Sometimes the system has to break down before people are willing to fix it. Health Care, will not "collapse", as it is too fractured of a system to fail on a single point. What may happen is more insurance companies back out of exchanges, and premiums continue to increase due to all the mandated un-needed levels of coverage.
I'm still trying to get my head around hearing a President of the United States clearly stating that he wants our health care system to fail. And then doubling down, saying, "I'm not gonna own it".

Is what he said okay with you? And if so, how many Americans would you be comfortable with seeing lose their coverage and suffer, before the GOP supposedly swoops in to save the day, after the party has completely failed to do so, so far?

"Own" what, precisely? What do you think about all this?
Just the right wing having no solutions. They should have two plans since Mr. Trump is practically an Independent, and a One Percenter.

They should be resolving the "fine points" between the two plans.

Unfortunately, the right wing prefers to be worth-less, in the non-porn sector.
I'm still trying to get my head around hearing a President of the United States clearly stating that he wants our health care system to fail. And then doubling down, saying, "I'm not gonna own it".

Is what he said okay with you? And if so, how many Americans would you be comfortable with seeing lose their coverage and suffer, before the GOP supposedly swoops in to save the day, after the party has completely failed to do so, so far?

"Own" what, precisely? What do you think about all this?

Sometimes the system has to break down before people are willing to fix it. Health Care, will not "collapse", as it is too fractured of a system to fail on a single point. What may happen is more insurance companies back out of exchanges, and premiums continue to increase due to all the mandated un-needed levels of coverage.
Yeah, my guess is that we wouldn't see a total collapse, but man oh man, the optics of what he said.

But I don't think the GOP can get away with the notion that the Dems own this. They have all the power and could have done something. People just are not going to buy that line, no matter how many times it's repeated.
The RaTz created it all on their on - they own it, lock, stock and every welfare RaT giveaway barrel it contains. Their problem, let THEM fix it.

Don't have the votes, RaTz? Tuff shit. It's your law, your headache. You designed it to fail and lied to America about it when you passed it. You bunch of socialists shall reap what you have legislatively sown.
Obamacare is still in place. It will fail. Too bad. So sad. R's tried to negotiate not a replacement but a bandage solution to Obamacare and trying to appeal to D's when it is unfixable. Repeal and start from scratch.

But if those 3 R's won't vote to repeal Obamacare stays intact. Dem's own it.
The RaTz created it all on their on - they own it, lock, stock and every welfare RaT giveaway barrel it contains. Their problem, let THEM fix it.

Don't have the votes, RaTz? Tuff shit. It's your law, your headache. You designed it to fail and lied to America about it when you passed it. You bunch of socialists shall reap what you have legislatively sown.

Just the right wing having no solutions.
You can't paint a bold, dynamic mural with just half a color palette. That's what the GOP wants to do, and it won't happen. Too many are pushing for a true free market system, and it's just too late. The 2008 elections saw to that.
I'm still trying to get my head around hearing a President of the United States clearly stating that he wants our health care system to fail. And then doubling down, saying, "I'm not gonna own it".

Is what he said okay with you? And if so, how many Americans would you be comfortable with seeing lose their coverage and suffer, before the GOP supposedly swoops in to save the day, after the party has completely failed to do so, so far?

"Own" what, precisely? What do you think about all this?

Sometimes the system has to break down before people are willing to fix it. Health Care, will not "collapse", as it is too fractured of a system to fail on a single point. What may happen is more insurance companies back out of exchanges, and premiums continue to increase due to all the mandated un-needed levels of coverage.
Yeah, my guess is that we wouldn't see a total collapse, but man oh man, the optics of what he said.

But I don't think the GOP can get away with the notion that the Dems own this. They have all the power and could have done something. People just are not going to buy that line, no matter how many times it's repeated.

it's not a question of what they buy, its a question of who they feel sucks more in November of 2018.
Seriously? Out of all the shit he says you think THIS is bad optics?

How about this one:

"Together we’re going to deliver real change that once again puts Americans first....That begins with immediately repealing and replacing the disaster known as ObamacareYou’re going to have such great health care, at a tiny fraction of the cost—and it’s going to be so easy.


The man has already proved himself to be a completely clueless clown, little he can say to make that worse.
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I'm still trying to get my head around hearing a President of the United States clearly stating that he wants our health care system to fail. And then doubling down, saying, "I'm not gonna own it".

Is what he said okay with you? And if so, how many Americans would you be comfortable with seeing lose their coverage and suffer, before the GOP supposedly swoops in to save the day, after the party has completely failed to do so, so far?

"Own" what, precisely? What do you think about all this?

No he wants AHCA to fail not the health care system.
It was designed so poorly that we said it would fail before it passed.
Get off the blame game.
I'm still trying to get my head around hearing a President of the United States clearly stating that he wants our health care system to fail. And then doubling down, saying, "I'm not gonna own it".

Is what he said okay with you? And if so, how many Americans would you be comfortable with seeing lose their coverage and suffer, before the GOP supposedly swoops in to save the day, after the party has completely failed to do so, so far?

"Own" what, precisely? What do you think about all this?

No he wants AHCA to fail not the health care system.
It was designed so poorly that we said it would fail before it passed.
Get off the blame game.

But it didn't fail. You were wrong.

I'm still trying to get my head around hearing a President of the United States clearly stating that he wants our health care system to fail. And then doubling down, saying, "I'm not gonna own it".

Is what he said okay with you? And if so, how many Americans would you be comfortable with seeing lose their coverage and suffer, before the GOP supposedly swoops in to save the day, after the party has completely failed to do so, so far?

"Own" what, precisely? What do you think about all this?

No he wants AHCA to fail not the health care system.
It was designed so poorly that we said it would fail before it passed.
Get off the blame game.
I'm just pointing out something the President said. His own words.

If you're okay with that, great.
I'm still trying to get my head around hearing a President of the United States clearly stating that he wants our health care system to fail. And then doubling down, saying, "I'm not gonna own it".

Is what he said okay with you? And if so, how many Americans would you be comfortable with seeing lose their coverage and suffer, before the GOP supposedly swoops in to save the day, after the party has completely failed to do so, so far?

"Own" what, precisely? What do you think about all this?

Sometimes the system has to break down before people are willing to fix it. Health Care, will not "collapse", as it is too fractured of a system to fail on a single point. What may happen is more insurance companies back out of exchanges, and premiums continue to increase due to all the mandated un-needed levels of coverage.
Yeah, my guess is that we wouldn't see a total collapse, but man oh man, the optics of what he said.

But I don't think the GOP can get away with the notion that the Dems own this. They have all the power and could have done something. People just are not going to buy that line, no matter how many times it's repeated.
Not a single republican voted for obamacare, so yes, the dems own it.

If you bought a car that the salesman told you was a real gem but turned out to be a lemon, even after I told you it's not a good car, it's not my fault you're stuck with a shitty car just because I could fix it. Same with obamacare. The dems wrote the law, they crammed it down the Americans throat even though the majority were against it, and whatever happens because of that is all on the dems.

But my opinion of the republicans isn't much better. The vast majority of these rat pricks were waltzing around in 2015 crowing about, "WE NEED A FULL REPEAL," and now that they have a chance to do just that, THEY DON'T. I hate a liar, and these sons a bitches are liars. I think big insurance money is in Washington right now, and buying politicians like apples off a cart, and have all but crippled the chance of doing anything decent for the American people. I hate these people with a passion, the lobbyists and any politician corrupt enough to line his pockets with their money to buy his/her vote. These people are disgusting beyond words.
I'm still trying to get my head around hearing a President of the United States clearly stating that he wants our health care system to fail. And then doubling down, saying, "I'm not gonna own it".

Is what he said okay with you? And if so, how many Americans would you be comfortable with seeing lose their coverage and suffer, before the GOP supposedly swoops in to save the day, after the party has completely failed to do so, so far?

"Own" what, precisely? What do you think about all this?

Sometimes the system has to break down before people are willing to fix it. Health Care, will not "collapse", as it is too fractured of a system to fail on a single point. What may happen is more insurance companies back out of exchanges, and premiums continue to increase due to all the mandated un-needed levels of coverage.
Yeah, my guess is that we wouldn't see a total collapse, but man oh man, the optics of what he said.

But I don't think the GOP can get away with the notion that the Dems own this. They have all the power and could have done something. People just are not going to buy that line, no matter how many times it's repeated.
Not a single republican voted for obamacare, so yes, the dems own it.

If you bought a car that the salesman told you was a real gem but turned out to be a lemon, even after I told you it's not a good care, it's not my fault you're stuck with a shitty car just because I could fix it. Same with obamacare. The dems wrote the law, they crammed it down the Americans even though the majority were against it, and whatever happens because of that is all on the dems.

But my opinion of the republicans isn't much better. The vast majority of these rat pricks were waltzing around in 2015 crowing about, "WE NEED A FULL REPEAL," and now that they have a chance to do just that, THEY DON'T. I hate a liar, and these sons a bitches are liars. I think big insurance money is in Washington right now, and buying politicians like apples off a cart, and have all crippled doing anything decent for the American people. I hate these people with a passion, the lobbyists and any politician corrupt enough to line his pockets with their money to buy his/her vote. These people are disgusting beyond words.
The GOP could go full free market health care today if they wanted to.

They could push it through, just like the Dems did with the ACA, and off we go.

So either they own it, or they don't care enough about it to do something about it.

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