Republicans Who Let Trump ‘Bully’ Party Will Seal Midterms Defeat, Senator Says

He is right.

He left out three very important factors

The virus.

If the Republican Party continues to be cowards and refuses to fight the virus thus allowing more people to die, republicans will keep losing elections.

Reproductive Freedom

No one likes abortion. No one is pro abortion. The majority of the people in the United States are pro choice. A very large majority, even if they are against abortion, believes there should be exceptions for rape, incest, the health and life of the woman. If the republican party keeps writing and passing laws that take away the right to choose, especially in the case of rape and incest, republicans will keep losing elections.

Voting Rights

Republican Party keeps writing and passing laws to take away voting rights or heavily restrict voting rights. People will find ways to vote and to vote republicans out of office. Even with the older restrictive voting laws, republicans lost in places they believe they should always win. They saw that their existing laws to prevent people from voting weren't working so they wrote even more restrictive laws. ID to vote, of course but someone giving someone water has nothing to do with ID. Closing voting places at 5pm when people get off work has nothing to do with ID. Along with most of the new voting laws, they have nothing to do with ID or preventing vote fraud. Fraud that doesn't exist on a level to have any effect on any election. If republicans keep writing laws to prevent people from voting, republicans will keep losing elections.

If republicans want to win elections they need to change. The people of our nation don't want or like their economic or social policies. Republicans should realize that freedom is for everyone. Not just those who agree with their views.

You’re going to be very unhappy after the Republican wave in the mid terms. Your bullshit about abortion and voting restrictions is rejected by sane people. The economy, the botched withdrawals from Afghanistan, floods of unvaccinated illegals spreading Covid all over the country. You have ZERO to run on.
"Whodat" do know that is a well plowed ground?
And as is appropriate: If you make an assertion. Either prove it, or offer the forum credible respectable sourcing.

Or quit whining.

"Democrats cheated", "stealing elections"...."No way Biden got 80 million votes".

Well, mein freund, prove it.
It's show or go time.

Saddle up, Skippy.


What 'event' would that be?
If you are referring to the Del Rio bridge, well, why "democrat" (your words, not mine).
Do those Haitians have badges or membership cards declaring proving such? Did they register under the bridge as Dems?

My point is, if, in fact, you are referring to Del Rio......well, mi amigo, you are a lost puppy.
That doesn't know what he is talking about. Your comment is merely uber-partisan nonsense. 'Fringie' stuff.

No dis intended.
Del Rio is facing a disaster you dumbfuck. As stated by the mayor of Del Rio. You are an idiot. Dis intended.
America First is populist. Bringing jobs back to the US is populist. Fair Trade is populist. Low inflation is populist. Rising wages is populist, a great economy is populist.

What do the dems offer? (besides the AFG catastrophe, being held in CONTEMPT by the Brits, pissing off Canada by killing KeystoneXL, and now pissing off the French by mishandling the Aussie sub deal.)
Open Borders and lax immigration policies, lower wages
Defund the police, more dangerous streets
Russia First Energy policies, approved Nord Stream 2
Lax Military posture, CRT and woke bullshit
The Green New Deal, wasting $trillions
Support of criminals, no bail, etc.
Reprogramed US education system: Critical Race Theory vs Traditional/Family Values
Oppose school vouchers
China First trade policies
Outsourcing jobs by taxing corporations so much they relocate
HR-1 grab for one-party rule
Make DC & PR new states taking over the US senate forever
Replacing the Electoral College with the popular vote
Totally turning the US into a socialist/failed state.
Packing the US Supreme Court with Leftists
Hitler ran and won on a "Germany First" platform.

Pretty much everything you listed is what Hitler ran on.

Fascism is a rightwing thing, and the Republican Party is America's rightwing.

Hence, the Republican Party is a fascist party.
Republicans are a party of radicals
True – a Party of reactionaries, demagogues, liars, and autocrats.

But they won’t be paying at the polls – at least not anytime soon.

Our political process represents the will of the states, not the people – where often the will of the people of the nation as a whole is not reflected in the makeup of the Federal government.

Republicans have perverted and exploited this process in bad faith in an effort to create and maintain the tyranny of Republican minority rule.
Hitler ran and won on a "Germany First" platform.
Pretty much everything you listed is what Hitler ran on.
Fascism is a rightwing thing, and the Republican Party is America's rightwing.
Hence, the Republican Party is a fascist party.
1. Liar. There is no "Germany First" in Hitler's platform. He was more about racial purity, duh.

2. Liar, read the link in #1 and learn what Hitler ran on.

3. FASCISM: "A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism."
Fascism is more like the democrats than Republicans with their "centralized (one party) Federal government and opposition to states' rights", as well as a "controlled economy", "violent suppression of the opposition" (see meme below), no "nationalism", but very heavy on "racism" like CRT. Just so you know which party are fascists, not even mentioning "antifa".
Hitler ran and won on a "Germany First" platform.

Pretty much everything you listed is what Hitler ran on.

Fascism is a rightwing thing, and the Republican Party is America's rightwing.

Hence, the Republican Party is a fascist party.
Actually I liken them more to the Taliban....but that is just me:biggrin:

However, the American political process often doesn’t reflect the will of the people of the nation as a whole – which is why the pandemic, the right to privacy, and the right to vote may not factor in the mid-term elections.

We may very well have again a Congress that doesn’t reflect the will of the majority of the American people.

It will reflect the will of the people of the districts those people were elected from and not what you want, so understand that!
Why, Fraudit results on Friday? :laughing0301:

We keep being told that report was coming on a certain date.

When that date arrives we don't get the report.

The last time their excuse was the virus.

Maybe we will finally get that sham of a report on the 24th.

I'm not going to hold my breath.
"Del Rio is facing a disaster........ You are an idiot. Dis intended."

Ah, poster "lantern", I assure you it is never my avatar's intent to upset or discombobulate your avatar. In fact, we ain't even gonna contest too strenuously the "idiot" name-calling. However.......

........ we must insist that our query to the good poster '
EABlair' is a fitting and proper query.

He asserts the Haitian's are Democrats, and now, evidently, so do you.
( Post #9: "What about the democrat super spreader event at the border?"

So, two questions to you. Like was asked of the Blair avatar:

  • Why do you think they are Democrats?
  • And, how would you know they are ......given they are a long long ways away, they having been living in Haiti, or originally from Haiti but been living in Mexico?

Can you provide the forum a link, or vetting, for your opinion those migrants (mostly Haitians) are card carrying (?), registered (?) verified (?) Democrats.

Batter up, poster 'lantern'.


* if you don't really know they are Democrats and really just made up your tale as some sort of a partisan marker, virtue-signaling to other MAGAHats,.....well, that's OK.
Simply admit it. The chatroom will understand. You simply got caught up in the heat of the moment. It happens.

Good luck.
We keep being told that report was coming on a certain date.

When that date arrives we don't get the report.

The last time their excuse was the virus.

Maybe we will finally get that sham of a report on the 24th.

I'm not going to hold my breath.
The longer head Ninja Doug “Q-Kook” Logan strings of out, the better the grift.
Even Karen Fann (a nut in her own right) has pretty much had it.


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