Republicans Who Let Trump ‘Bully’ Party Will Seal Midterms Defeat, Senator Says

The Republicans can win if they put up a decent, intelligent candidate and back away from Trump and the extreme religious right.
Because you moonbats are sooooo interested in republicans winning elections and holding political power. :uhoh3:

How 'bout you deal with your own insane clown car of cultural Marxists, that comprise your dumpster fire of a party?
Because you moonbats are sooooo interested in republicans winning elections and holding political power. :uhoh3:

How 'bout you deal with your own insane clown car of cultural Marxists, that comprise your dumpster fire of a party?

I was a Republican for 35 years until Bush invaded Iraq.

Take a look at someone who is decent AND qualified like Evan McMullen.
The GOP will sweep the midterms. This could be a much larger historical wave then 2010.

Much like 2010, we will start seeing some recovery from the Xiden/Harris cluster there after, and after 2024 the dark chapter that is this admin will be hopefully in the rear view
Maybe the senile old bastard will kick. That would solve SOME problems.
I was a Republican for 35 years until Bush invaded Iraq.

Take a look at someone who is decent AND qualified like Evan McMullen.

Utah is the home of, for the most part, the most reliably squishy State worshiping "republicans" this side of Minnesnowta.....That number includes the milquetoast nobody McMullin.


Utah is the home of, for the most part, the most reliably squishy State worshiping "republicans" this side of Minnesnowta.....That number includes the milquetoast nobody McMullin.


He has excellent qualifications and experience, but go ahead and back another loser.. an ignorant showman with a big mouth.
He is right.

He left out three very important factors

The virus.

If the Republican Party continues to be cowards and refuses to fight the virus thus allowing more people to die, republicans will keep losing elections.

Reproductive Freedom

No one likes abortion. No one is pro abortion. The majority of the people in the United States are pro choice. A very large majority, even if they are against abortion, believes there should be exceptions for rape, incest, the health and life of the woman. If the republican party keeps writing and passing laws that take away the right to choose, especially in the case of rape and incest, republicans will keep losing elections.

Voting Rights

Republican Party keeps writing and passing laws to take away voting rights or heavily restrict voting rights. People will find ways to vote and to vote republicans out of office. Even with the older restrictive voting laws, republicans lost in places they believe they should always win. They saw that their existing laws to prevent people from voting weren't working so they wrote even more restrictive laws. ID to vote, of course but someone giving someone water has nothing to do with ID. Closing voting places at 5pm when people get off work has nothing to do with ID. Along with most of the new voting laws, they have nothing to do with ID or preventing vote fraud. Fraud that doesn't exist on a level to have any effect on any election. If republicans keep writing laws to prevent people from voting, republicans will keep losing elections.

If republicans want to win elections they need to change. The people of our nation don't want or like their economic or social policies. Republicans should realize that freedom is for everyone. Not just those who agree with their views.

Being Democrat Light and a Party of RINOs won't win any elections.

Standing up for Conservative American values and making America great again will.

That is unless the filthy Democrats steal elections then all bets are off.
He is right.

He left out three very important factors

The virus.

If the Republican Party continues to be cowards and refuses to fight the virus thus allowing more people to die, republicans will keep losing elections.

Reproductive Freedom

No one likes abortion. No one is pro abortion. The majority of the people in the United States are pro choice. A very large majority, even if they are against abortion, believes there should be exceptions for rape, incest, the health and life of the woman. If the republican party keeps writing and passing laws that take away the right to choose, especially in the case of rape and incest, republicans will keep losing elections.

Voting Rights

Republican Party keeps writing and passing laws to take away voting rights or heavily restrict voting rights. People will find ways to vote and to vote republicans out of office. Even with the older restrictive voting laws, republicans lost in places they believe they should always win. They saw that their existing laws to prevent people from voting weren't working so they wrote even more restrictive laws. ID to vote, of course but someone giving someone water has nothing to do with ID. Closing voting places at 5pm when people get off work has nothing to do with ID. Along with most of the new voting laws, they have nothing to do with ID or preventing vote fraud. Fraud that doesn't exist on a level to have any effect on any election. If republicans keep writing laws to prevent people from voting, republicans will keep losing elections.

If republicans want to win elections they need to change. The people of our nation don't want or like their economic or social policies. Republicans should realize that freedom is for everyone. Not just those who agree with their views.

Yeah. Keep slinging it. Keep pretending Democrats are just inherently right and have no need to change their approach. Keep lording it over people. Keep telling yourself that only crazy and stupid people could possibly disagree with you.

If Democrats want to win in 2022 they need to change. And they won't.
He has excellent qualifications and experience, but go ahead and back another loser.. an ignorant showman with a big mouth.
I didn't vote for Trump in either election, schmendrick.

McMullin is so qualified that he can't even win his home state.....He's almost as big a joke as you are, Jake.
He is right.

He left out three very important factors

The virus.

If the Republican Party continues to be cowards and refuses to fight the virus thus allowing more people to die, republicans will keep losing elections.

Reproductive Freedom

No one likes abortion. No one is pro abortion. The majority of the people in the United States are pro choice. A very large majority, even if they are against abortion, believes there should be exceptions for rape, incest, the health and life of the woman. If the republican party keeps writing and passing laws that take away the right to choose, especially in the case of rape and incest, republicans will keep losing elections.

Voting Rights

Republican Party keeps writing and passing laws to take away voting rights or heavily restrict voting rights. People will find ways to vote and to vote republicans out of office. Even with the older restrictive voting laws, republicans lost in places they believe they should always win. They saw that their existing laws to prevent people from voting weren't working so they wrote even more restrictive laws. ID to vote, of course but someone giving someone water has nothing to do with ID. Closing voting places at 5pm when people get off work has nothing to do with ID. Along with most of the new voting laws, they have nothing to do with ID or preventing vote fraud. Fraud that doesn't exist on a level to have any effect on any election. If republicans keep writing laws to prevent people from voting, republicans will keep losing elections.

If republicans want to win elections they need to change. The people of our nation don't want or like their economic or social policies. Republicans should realize that freedom is for everyone. Not just those who agree with their views.

I think it's unlikely the Republicans don't control Congress after the midterms, however, the specter of Trumpism could inhibit the number of gains they could see without it. We saw something similar happen in Nevada when the Republicans routed the Democrats in 2010. Harry Reid was down in the polls by double digits against two potential Republican candidates, but Republicans went and nominated Sharron Angle, a total a whack-a-doodle, and Reid ended up getting reelected by five points instead of losing by ten.
I didn't vote for Trump in either election, schmendrick.

McMullin is so qualified that he can't even win his home state.....He's almost as big a joke as you are, Jake.

He can win.. He didn't even show up until it was clear that Trump v Hillary was a loser for so many obvious reasons... and that was very late in the campaign.
From your source, dear child,

View attachment 541811
One of the seven Republican senators who voted to convict Donald Trump at his second impeachment trial warned on Sunday that the former president’s “bullying” of the party would lead to electoral defeat in next year’s midterms and beyond.
:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:

Well, what a surprise
There was not a hell of a lot of difference between the Democratic Party and the establishment Republican Party until just recently.

The Swamp really didn’t care who was elected. The gravy train would continue to roll. The military industrial complex would have nice little wars in far off places to milk for money. The pharmaceutical industry would be able to fleece Americans. The United States was headed down hill which was just fine as the intelligentsia hope eventually to set up a New World Order with one big worldwide government to rule all.

Then along came Trump.

However, the American political process often doesn’t reflect the will of the people of the nation as a whole – which is why the pandemic, the right to privacy, and the right to vote may not factor in the mid-term elections.

We may very well have again a Congress that doesn’t reflect the will of the majority of the American people.

Yes the minority has controlled our nation for way too long.

I wish there was a way to put a stop to it but the gerrymandering and voter suppression laws prevent it.

I don't know what will happen but people aren't going to take it much longer.
Yes the minority has controlled our nation for way too long.

I wish there was a way to put a stop to it but the gerrymandering and voter suppression laws prevent it.

I don't know what will happen but people aren't going to take it much longer.
Let's revisit this after the mid-terms, eh?
I was a Republican for 35 years until Bush invaded Iraq.

Take a look at someone who is decent AND qualified like Evan McMullen.
Evan McMullen? The guy who couldn't even win his home state? He's not even on my VP list.
Are you Bill Kristol surada?

I prefer Nikki Haley, Pence, Jordan, Cruz, or Pompeo. Anyone but Trump. That said, if Trump is the nominee I'll vote for him over senile Joe or Heels-Up.

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