Republicans win back the white house by explaing our case to the center!


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Seriously, 48 percent of this nation is on some kind of entitlement and likely can't be moved to our side. We need to move towards the center making our case with the moderates to win this election. They make up 40 percent of this nation and are very important within the general election! WE must get enough to beat him.

We win them over by explaining why our case is far, far better then Obama's left wing idea's. WE must prove why we shouldn't TAX the rich more as it's one long chain 1# Rich build business and hires the workers 2# Workers make stuff 3# People buy stuff, 4# People go to work at the business, 5# Make more money, 6# Buy more stuff!. Lower unemployment! and a higher gdp!

We must explain that IT's the American dream to build your own business up from the ground up. Believe me, Obama will be playing on the majorities hatred for anyone that makes more money this year....Full scale class warfare.

People must understand marxism doens't work! Look at a history book: USSR, Mao China, Castro's Cuba, ect. Without a reason to better ones self the nation slowly rots and dies. If building a business and getting rich is seen as wrong, our living standards will dive into the third world.

For the republicans to win this election, we on the right are going to have to explain to at least 20 percent of the center that's what makes this country great! People must understand that their very living standards will go way down if we keep on this course.

This isn't going to be easy as people LOVE free shit. Our founders warned us of this day of democracy of the majority voting for more and more free shit!

We must remind them of the truth as Obama is a very good lier.

We must tell the truth about the debt that this man has put on our heads. He is heading us in the direction of Greece. We must tell the truth and back it up with stats, data and facts!

We must show that GLOBAL WARMING IS A CROAK OF SHIT! Ask the American people why the fuck do we need wind mills and solar, while we are the biggest coal nation on earth. Why should we pay more. Obama wants to take granny's pills away from her as she can't afford it and he cut 500 billion dollars from medicare! To fund a program that doesn't work. :lol:

We beat Obama by explaining our case to the American people. We remind them of the fact that our case is why our nation is that shining city on that hill!
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Seriously, 48 percent of this nation is on some kind of entitlement and likely can't be moved to our side. We need to move towards the center making our case with the moderates to win this election. They make up 40 percent of this nation and are very important within the general election! WE must get enough to beat him.

We win them over by explaining why our case is far, far better then Obama's left wing idea's. WE must prove why we shouldn't TAX the rich more as it's one long chain 1# Rich build business and hires the workers 2# Workers make stuff 3# People buy stuff, 4# People go to work at the business, 5# Make more money, 6# Buy more stuff!. Lower unemployment! and a higher gdp!

We must explain that IT's the American dream to build your own business up from the ground up. Believe me, Obama will be playing on the majorities hatred for anyone that makes more money this year....Full scale class warfare.

People must understand marxism doens't work! Look at a history book: USSR, Mao China, Castro's Cuba, ect. Without a reason to better ones self the nation slowly rots and dies. If building a business and getting rich is seen as wrong, our living standards will dive into the third world.

For the republicans to win this election, we on the right are going to have to explain to at least 20 percent of the center that's what makes this country great! People must understand that their very living standards will go way down if we keep on this course.

This isn't going to be easy as people LOVE free shit. Our founders warned us of this day of democracy of the majority voting for more and more free shit!

We must remind them of the truth as Obama is a very good lier.

We must tell the truth about the debt that this man has put on our heads. He is heading us in the direction of Greece. We must tell the truth and back it up with stats, data and facts!

We must show that GLOBAL WARMING IS A CROAK OF SHIT! Ask the American people why the fuck do we need wind mills and solar, while we are the biggest coal nation on earth. Why should we pay more. Obama wants to take granny's pills away from her as she can't afford it and he cut 500 billion dollars from medicare! To fund a program that doesn't work. :lol:

We beat Obama by explaining our case to the American people. We remind them of the fact that our case is why our nation is that shining city on that hill!

So here we have a Ron Paul supporter who says the GOP needs to move more to the center? :cuckoo:
Seriously, 48 percent of this nation is on some kind of entitlement and likely can't be moved to our side. We need to move towards the center making our case with the moderates to win this election. They make up 40 percent of this nation and are very important within the general election! WE must get enough to beat him.

We win them over by explaining why our case is far, far better then Obama's left wing idea's. WE must prove why we shouldn't TAX the rich more as it's one long chain 1# Rich build business and hires the workers 2# Workers make stuff 3# People buy stuff, 4# People go to work at the business, 5# Make more money, 6# Buy more stuff!. Lower unemployment! and a higher gdp!

We must explain that IT's the American dream to build your own business up from the ground up. Believe me, Obama will be playing on the majorities hatred for anyone that makes more money this year....Full scale class warfare.

People must understand marxism doens't work! Look at a history book: USSR, Mao China, Castro's Cuba, ect. Without a reason to better ones self the nation slowly rots and dies. If building a business and getting rich is seen as wrong, our living standards will dive into the third world.

For the republicans to win this election, we on the right are going to have to explain to at least 20 percent of the center that's what makes this country great! People must understand that their very living standards will go way down if we keep on this course.

This isn't going to be easy as people LOVE free shit. Our founders warned us of this day of democracy of the majority voting for more and more free shit!

We must remind them of the truth as Obama is a very good lier.

We must tell the truth about the debt that this man has put on our heads. He is heading us in the direction of Greece. We must tell the truth and back it up with stats, data and facts!

We must show that GLOBAL WARMING IS A CROAK OF SHIT! Ask the American people why the fuck do we need wind mills and solar, while we are the biggest coal nation on earth. Why should we pay more. Obama wants to take granny's pills away from her as she can't afford it and he cut 500 billion dollars from medicare! To fund a program that doesn't work. :lol:

We beat Obama by explaining our case to the American people. We remind them of the fact that our case is why our nation is that shining city on that hill!

So here we have a Ron Paul supporter who says the GOP needs to move more to the center? :cuckoo:

Actually, he said that we need to explain our case to the center, not move to the center. Then again, reading comprehension might not be your strength.
I think the point you might be overlooking is this:

Much of the remaining 52% are more worried about falling out of the middle class than they are outraged by those who already have.

Of that remaining 52%, how many of them are posed near the precipise of insolvency themselves?

In 2009, the total net worth of the Forbes 400 was $1.27 trillion.

The best information now available shows that in 2009 the bottom 60% (yes, now it's 60%, not 50%) of U.S. households owned only 2.3% of total U.S. wealth.

Edward Wolff, Professor of Economics at New York University, is the top academic expert on economic inequality in the U.S. He writes:

"A somewhat rough update, based on the change in housing and stock prices, shows a marked deterioration in middle-class wealth.

According to my estimates,

while mean wealth (in 2007 dollars) fell by 17.3 percent between 2007 and 2009 to $443,600, median wealth plunged by an astounding 36.1 percent to $65,400 (about the same level as in 1992!)

... Trends in inequality [from 2007 to mid-2009] ... show a fairly steep rise in wealth inequality ...

The share of the top 1 percent advanced from 34.6 to 37.1 percent, that of the top 5 percent from 61.8 to 65 percent, and that of the top quintile from 85 to 87.7 percent,

while that of the second quintile fell from 10.9 to 10 percent, that of the middle quintile from 4 to 3.1 percent, and that of the bottom two quintiles from 0.2 to -0.8 percent." (emphasis added)

Note: a "quintile" is 20% of U.S. households, so the middle and bottom two quintiles include 60% of U.S. households.

The problem facing the Republicans is this:

How do they convince people who KNOW they are in deep financial trouble, that they aren't?

The richer the rich have gotton?

The poorer the rest of us, the vast majority of us, have gotton.

Eventually even the very stupid figure it out.
The problem facing the Republicans is this:

How do they convince people who KNOW they are in deep financial trouble, that they aren't?

The richer the rich have gotton?

The poorer the rest of us, the vast majority of us, have gotton.

Eventually even the very stupid figure it out.
Editec, you know better than this. Your post is backwards. The Republicans do not need to convince anyone that they are not in financial trouble. No matter who you think is responsible, hell, no matter who they think is responsible, for their troubles it is the current administration that is going to pay for it. That is always how this works. The problem for the OBAMA administration is that they need to convince people they are better off now than they were 3 years ago. That is going to be tough. Even if it is TRUE, it will still be tough because of the amount of time that people are struggling.
Reagan wounded the GOP.

Bush killed it.

Now it's a zombie trying to act like it's alive and worthy of recognition.
Why should a millionaire who doesn't work pay taxes at a lower rate than the average American who does work?
Seriously, 48 percent of this nation is on some kind of entitlement and likely can't be moved to our side. We need to move towards the center making our case with the moderates to win this election. They make up 40 percent of this nation and are very important within the general election! WE must get enough to beat him.

We win them over by explaining why our case is far, far better then Obama's left wing idea's. WE must prove why we shouldn't TAX the rich more as it's one long chain 1# Rich build business and hires the workers 2# Workers make stuff 3# People buy stuff, 4# People go to work at the business, 5# Make more money, 6# Buy more stuff!. Lower unemployment! and a higher gdp!

We must explain that IT's the American dream to build your own business up from the ground up. Believe me, Obama will be playing on the majorities hatred for anyone that makes more money this year....Full scale class warfare.

People must understand marxism doens't work! Look at a history book: USSR, Mao China, Castro's Cuba, ect. Without a reason to better ones self the nation slowly rots and dies. If building a business and getting rich is seen as wrong, our living standards will dive into the third world.

For the republicans to win this election, we on the right are going to have to explain to at least 20 percent of the center that's what makes this country great! People must understand that their very living standards will go way down if we keep on this course.

This isn't going to be easy as people LOVE free shit. Our founders warned us of this day of democracy of the majority voting for more and more free shit!

We must remind them of the truth as Obama is a very good lier.

We must tell the truth about the debt that this man has put on our heads. He is heading us in the direction of Greece. We must tell the truth and back it up with stats, data and facts!

We must show that GLOBAL WARMING IS A CROAK OF SHIT! Ask the American people why the fuck do we need wind mills and solar, while we are the biggest coal nation on earth. Why should we pay more. Obama wants to take granny's pills away from her as she can't afford it and he cut 500 billion dollars from medicare! To fund a program that doesn't work. :lol:

We beat Obama by explaining our case to the American people. We remind them of the fact that our case is why our nation is that shining city on that hill!

- Half of the debt under Obama is a result of automatic spending to balance the recession. Most of the government spending came from Bush. The wars he started and the unpaid tax breaks are what increased spending.

- Welfare, of any kind, only makes up 11% of total US spending.

- Tax rates for the wealthy and corporations are at record lows

- You're right - marxism doesn't work. Luckily, however; raising taxes is NOT what Marxism is.

- The Republicans are too far right now for their ideals to appeal to moderates

- Global Warming is no hoax. 90% of the scientific community agrees that man-made Global Warming is a real phenomenon.

- Under Obama, we have had 22 months of private sector growth.
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Reagan wounded the GOP.

Bush killed it.

Now it's a zombie trying to act like it's alive and worthy of recognition.

It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.
Such asinine things have been said in the past and will be said again. Neither party is going anywhere and if you think that one is going to end, you are a complete idiot.
In 2004 the democrats were done and were on the fast track to never holding power again. What happened in 2009?

In 2009, the republicans were done and were on the fast track to never holding power again. What happened in 2010?

Fact is, the 2 parties are going to change blows for a long time to come.

Irreversible Death - The End of the Republican Party - Part 1

Archived-Articles: The Beginning of the End of the Democratic Party
"The Democratic Party is Toast" by Grover Norquist
Reagan wounded the GOP.

Bush killed it.

Now it's a zombie trying to act like it's alive and worthy of recognition.

It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.
Such asinine things have been said in the past and will be said again. Neither party is going anywhere and if you think that one is going to end, you are a complete idiot.
In 2004 the democrats were done and were on the fast track to never holding power again. What happened in 2009?

In 2009, the republicans were done and were on the fast track to never holding power again. What happened in 2010?

Fact is, the 2 parties are going to change blows for a long time to come.

Irreversible Death - The End of the Republican Party - Part 1

Archived-Articles: The Beginning of the End of the Democratic Party
"The Democratic Party is Toast" by Grover Norquist

We'll see...
Yeah keep explaining to the American people why its okay for them to be going broke.

Keep explaining to them that the market forces think they're not worth saving.

That'll work well at winning votes.

Now about half the Ameircan population is poor and getting poorer.

That is not a formula for a healthy society.
Seriously, 48 percent of this nation is on some kind of entitlement and likely can't be moved to our side. We need to move towards the center making our case with the moderates to win this election. They make up 40 percent of this nation and are very important within the general election! WE must get enough to beat him.

We win them over by explaining why our case is far, far better then Obama's left wing idea's. WE must prove why we shouldn't TAX the rich more as it's one long chain 1# Rich build business and hires the workers 2# Workers make stuff 3# People buy stuff, 4# People go to work at the business, 5# Make more money, 6# Buy more stuff!. Lower unemployment! and a higher gdp!

We must explain that IT's the American dream to build your own business up from the ground up. Believe me, Obama will be playing on the majorities hatred for anyone that makes more money this year....Full scale class warfare.

People must understand marxism doens't work! Look at a history book: USSR, Mao China, Castro's Cuba, ect. Without a reason to better ones self the nation slowly rots and dies. If building a business and getting rich is seen as wrong, our living standards will dive into the third world.

For the republicans to win this election, we on the right are going to have to explain to at least 20 percent of the center that's what makes this country great! People must understand that their very living standards will go way down if we keep on this course.

This isn't going to be easy as people LOVE free shit. Our founders warned us of this day of democracy of the majority voting for more and more free shit!

We must remind them of the truth as Obama is a very good lier.

We must tell the truth about the debt that this man has put on our heads. He is heading us in the direction of Greece. We must tell the truth and back it up with stats, data and facts!

We must show that GLOBAL WARMING IS A CROAK OF SHIT! Ask the American people why the fuck do we need wind mills and solar, while we are the biggest coal nation on earth. Why should we pay more. Obama wants to take granny's pills away from her as she can't afford it and he cut 500 billion dollars from medicare! To fund a program that doesn't work. :lol:

We beat Obama by explaining our case to the American people. We remind them of the fact that our case is why our nation is that shining city on that hill!

So here we have a Ron Paul supporter who says the GOP needs to move more to the center? :cuckoo:

Actually, he said that we need to explain our case to the center, not move to the center. Then again, reading comprehension might not be your strength.

Hey dumbfuck....what part of "We need to move towards the center" don't YOU understand? :confused:
Seriously, 48 percent of this nation is on some kind of entitlement and likely can't be moved to our side. We need to move towards the center making our case with the moderates to win this election. They make up 40 percent of this nation and are very important within the general election! WE must get enough to beat him.

We win them over by explaining why our case is far, far better then Obama's left wing idea's. WE must prove why we shouldn't TAX the rich more as it's one long chain 1# Rich build business and hires the workers 2# Workers make stuff 3# People buy stuff, 4# People go to work at the business, 5# Make more money, 6# Buy more stuff!. Lower unemployment! and a higher gdp!

We must explain that IT's the American dream to build your own business up from the ground up. Believe me, Obama will be playing on the majorities hatred for anyone that makes more money this year....Full scale class warfare.

People must understand marxism doens't work! Look at a history book: USSR, Mao China, Castro's Cuba, ect. Without a reason to better ones self the nation slowly rots and dies. If building a business and getting rich is seen as wrong, our living standards will dive into the third world.

For the republicans to win this election, we on the right are going to have to explain to at least 20 percent of the center that's what makes this country great! People must understand that their very living standards will go way down if we keep on this course.

This isn't going to be easy as people LOVE free shit. Our founders warned us of this day of democracy of the majority voting for more and more free shit!

We must remind them of the truth as Obama is a very good lier.

We must tell the truth about the debt that this man has put on our heads. He is heading us in the direction of Greece. We must tell the truth and back it up with stats, data and facts!

We must show that GLOBAL WARMING IS A CROAK OF SHIT! Ask the American people why the fuck do we need wind mills and solar, while we are the biggest coal nation on earth. Why should we pay more. Obama wants to take granny's pills away from her as she can't afford it and he cut 500 billion dollars from medicare! To fund a program that doesn't work. :lol:

We beat Obama by explaining our case to the American people. We remind them of the fact that our case is why our nation is that shining city on that hill!

Mitt Romney is rich agreed?
How many people does he employ when he's not running for President? Zero

Good luck with all of your post...boy, you'll need it.
Seriously, 48 percent of this nation is on some kind of entitlement and likely can't be moved to our side. We need to move towards the center making our case with the moderates to win this election. They make up 40 percent of this nation and are very important within the general election! WE must get enough to beat him.

We win them over by explaining why our case is far, far better then Obama's left wing idea's. WE must prove why we shouldn't TAX the rich more as it's one long chain 1# Rich build business and hires the workers 2# Workers make stuff 3# People buy stuff, 4# People go to work at the business, 5# Make more money, 6# Buy more stuff!. Lower unemployment! and a higher gdp!

We must explain that IT's the American dream to build your own business up from the ground up. Believe me, Obama will be playing on the majorities hatred for anyone that makes more money this year....Full scale class warfare.

People must understand marxism doens't work! Look at a history book: USSR, Mao China, Castro's Cuba, ect. Without a reason to better ones self the nation slowly rots and dies. If building a business and getting rich is seen as wrong, our living standards will dive into the third world.

For the republicans to win this election, we on the right are going to have to explain to at least 20 percent of the center that's what makes this country great! People must understand that their very living standards will go way down if we keep on this course.

This isn't going to be easy as people LOVE free shit. Our founders warned us of this day of democracy of the majority voting for more and more free shit!

We must remind them of the truth as Obama is a very good lier.

We must tell the truth about the debt that this man has put on our heads. He is heading us in the direction of Greece. We must tell the truth and back it up with stats, data and facts!

We must show that GLOBAL WARMING IS A CROAK OF SHIT! Ask the American people why the fuck do we need wind mills and solar, while we are the biggest coal nation on earth. Why should we pay more. Obama wants to take granny's pills away from her as she can't afford it and he cut 500 billion dollars from medicare! To fund a program that doesn't work. :lol:

We beat Obama by explaining our case to the American people. We remind them of the fact that our case is why our nation is that shining city on that hill!

Matt, I'm a little concerned when a guy who got banned here once for using a picture of Adolf Hitler as his avatar and screeching about minorities is talking about how he's going to "appeal to the center".

"Kinder, Gentler Fascism"?

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