Republicans wrong to slander and smear Ashely Judd. It will backfire.

great ad..


[ame=]American Crossroads Presents: Ashley's Story - YouTube[/ame]
You said she hardly knew what it was like to be poor. Well there were a number of years as a child before the Judds became stars, when they were exactly that. How about doing some research, instead of just posting BS?

Funny, when we point out the same fact about Romney, that he wasnt born into a wealthy family since his dad didn't make his fortune until later in Mitt's life. It was conveniently ignored. There are still people claiming he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth despite being corrected multiple times.

Yep, and Algore is no worth more than Romney. You don't see any libturds whining about that.
Should be interesting to watch the Republican machine come off as bullies even before she runs.

the fear and hate machine is in full swing and she said she was not running.
Their knees keep hitting their own chins.

They got nuthin besides hate and fear.
yeah , do they think this is America or something....oh wait

really??! Is that why they wrote on their hands a pledge to "serve their President"? LOL! Listen, Ashley is a full on marxist. There is no such thing as a Christian Marxist. Marx was a Satanist. Read Richard Wurmbrands book and get a real look at who Marx was.

Tell Ashley to give North Korea a try. She might like to have a look at what real communism looks like and think this thing over. Americans are not interested in what she is trying to sell here. Obviously. - J.


Another right wing kook plays the McCarthy Card, one can always tell by the smell of whiskey in the air and the lack of substance to the post.
Ripping hillbillies and coal miners wont win her very many votes.

It might in San Fransisco

Where is San Fransisco? And what makes anyone 'think' someone in San Francisco can vote for someone running for Senate in the State of Kentucky?

I will apologize if there is a San Fransisco in Kentucky.
Yep, especially in KY, is she the best the commiecrats can do? And they say we're in trouble.

Who Do You Think You Are - NBC Site

Her roots run deep in Kentucky

So I guess since my grandparents live in Colorado, I can run for Governor there?


Residency Requirements
Like the age requirement, the residency requirement is different from state to state. In Florida, for example, a person must be a resident of the state for at least seven years in order to run for gubernatorial office. However, Texas requires that a person be a resident for five years before running for office.

What Are the Requirements to Run for State Governor? |

a resident of Colorado for at least two years on the day of the election. The standard for residency is not affected by time out of the state due to civil or military service (Article VII, Section 4)

Governor of Colorado - Ballotpedia
Pretty thin skin from the bunch who are still attacking Sarah Palin four years after she lost the election.

It's not just the election, it's because Palin has provided us with so much fodder during the course of the last four years.

Don't worry though, she's slowly becoming irrelevant and slipping out of our minds.

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