Republicans wrong to slander and smear Ashely Judd. It will backfire.

Liberals are going to love her music and buy it by the tons, right?
Ashley Judd against tortoise faced Mitch McConnell

Should be quite a slugfest. Can't wait for the Republican slime machine to tear into poor Ashley and make Mitch look like such a dick

The Judd Family: Ashley, Wynonna, and Naomi (Mom).
Ashley Judd against tortoise faced Mitch McConnell

Should be quite a slugfest. Can't wait for the Republican slime machine to tear into poor Ashley and make Mitch look like such a dick

He won't look anymore like a dick then you people did and still do with Sarah Palin and she was a candidate for Vice President
Ashley Judd is hardly a christian and after all her christian bashing, Bush bashing, she is finally reaping what she has sown. I hear her career is finished over it. When ever will these people learn to keep their opinions to themselves? Another one bites the dust. Ashley seems to have forgotten who put her there.

EXACTLY! My husband has always liked Bruce Springstein. We started watching the program for the Sandy Relief victims, and Bruce was singing, my husband really got into it....the Bruce starts talking and saying things about how we should accept gay marriage and talking all politcal and my husband decided to shut that "shit" up. Springstein lost a fan....maybe a lot of them!
It's your husband's loss, certainly not Springsteen's.
Ashley Judd is hardly a christian and after all her christian bashing, Bush bashing, she is finally reaping what she has sown. I hear her career is finished over it. When ever will these people learn to keep their opinions to themselves? Another one bites the dust. Ashley seems to have forgotten who put her there.

EXACTLY! My husband has always liked Bruce Springstein. We started watching the program for the Sandy Relief victims, and Bruce was singing, my husband really got into it....the Bruce starts talking and saying things about how we should accept gay marriage and talking all politcal and my husband decided to shut that "shit" up. Springstein lost a fan....maybe a lot of them!

Do you think Springsteen gives a rat's ass?
Ashley Judd is hardly a christian and after all her christian bashing, Bush bashing, she is finally reaping what she has sown. I hear her career is finished over it. When ever will these people learn to keep their opinions to themselves? Another one bites the dust. Ashley seems to have forgotten who put her there.

EXACTLY! My husband has always liked Bruce Springstein. We started watching the program for the Sandy Relief victims, and Bruce was singing, my husband really got into it....the Bruce starts talking and saying things about how we should accept gay marriage and talking all politcal and my husband decided to shut that "shit" up. Springstein lost a fan....maybe a lot of them!

Do you think Springsteen gives a rat's ass?

No, I think Springsteen IS a rat's ass.

I don't give a fuck what his opinion is, and I don't care for half of his repertoire.
Ashley Judd is hardly a christian and after all her christian bashing, Bush bashing, she is finally reaping what she has sown. I hear her career is finished over it. When ever will these people learn to keep their opinions to themselves? Another one bites the dust. Ashley seems to have forgotten who put her there.

EXACTLY! My husband has always liked Bruce Springstein. We started watching the program for the Sandy Relief victims, and Bruce was singing, my husband really got into it....the Bruce starts talking and saying things about how we should accept gay marriage and talking all politcal and my husband decided to shut that "shit" up. Springstein lost a fan....maybe a lot of them!

Do you think Springsteen gives a rat's ass?

well yeah he's a 1% er that you on the left love..where's the ows now and the 99%?
how funny.
Ashley Judd against tortoise faced Mitch McConnell

Should be quite a slugfest. Can't wait for the Republican slime machine to tear into poor Ashley and make Mitch look like such a dick

He won't look anymore like a dick then you people did and still do with Sarah Palin and she was a candidate for Vice President

Sarah who?
You said she hardly knew what it was like to be poor. Well there were a number of years as a child before the Judds became stars, when they were exactly that. How about doing some research, instead of just posting BS?

Funny, when we point out the same fact about Romney, that he wasnt born into a wealthy family since his dad didn't make his fortune until later in Mitt's life. It was conveniently ignored. There are still people claiming he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth despite being corrected multiple times.

Yep, and Algore is no worth more than Romney. You don't see any libturds whining about that.

How did you do it??? You actually found a signature as stupid as you are!!! :)
yeah , do they think this is America or something....oh wait

really??! Is that why they wrote on their hands a pledge to "serve their President"? LOL! Listen, Ashley is a full on marxist. There is no such thing as a Christian Marxist. Marx was a Satanist. Read Richard Wurmbrands book and get a real look at who Marx was.

Tell Ashley to give North Korea a try. She might like to have a look at what real communism looks like and think this thing over. Americans are not interested in what she is trying to sell here. Obviously. - J.

Never heard that Judd is a marxist. It would appear those on the right have broadened the definition of a Marxist.

As to whether there is no such thing as a marxist, that depends of the definition of Marxist. If it means to believe all that Karl Marx believe, then the answer is no. If the definition is broadened to included those who believe in liberal policies, then the answer is yes.

Never heard Marx was a Satanist. More likely an atheist.

You seem to be full of crap.
Ashley Judd is hardly a christian and after all her christian bashing, Bush bashing, she is finally reaping what she has sown. I hear her career is finished over it. When ever will these people learn to keep their opinions to themselves? Another one bites the dust. Ashley seems to have forgotten who put her there.

EXACTLY! My husband has always liked Bruce Springstein. We started watching the program for the Sandy Relief victims, and Bruce was singing, my husband really got into it....the Bruce starts talking and saying things about how we should accept gay marriage and talking all politcal and my husband decided to shut that "shit" up. Springstein lost a fan....maybe a lot of them!

Well, that's the kind of "fan" I would not WANT to have.

All musicians want the kind of fans who spend money on their recordings. They don't give a damn about your politics when they are taking your money.

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