Republicans wrong to slander and smear Ashely Judd. It will backfire.

OK GOP. Keep your clothes on. Who do you think you are? Scott Brown?

America already knows Ashley Judd. America knows her mother, sister and their entire family. This is a Christian family, right out of the heart of Dixie. This is an even bigger miscalculation than gazillionaire Mitt Romney. Now, if she were black, then I suspect Republicans think it would probably be OK since Republicans are trying to appeal to their "base". But this is a "Judd". Ashley knows what it means to be poor. She knows what it really means to "make it" through hard work. She knows what it means to be a Christian.
Ashley Judd slammed as carpetbagger and Obama follower in pre-emptive commercial strike by Karl Rove super PAC* - NY Daily News

Ashley Judd Targeted By Karl Rove's Super PAC In Ad (VIDEO)

Conservative group blasts Ashley Judd as 'Obama-following, radical, Hollywood liberal' - First Read


The GOP has to beat people like her with "better policy", not slander and smears.

Oh so when it happens to a hot Liberal Actress you don't like it. Yet you cheer when your side smears anyone.

Pathetic asshole you are.

Pointing out Iraq was a fiasco and a debacle wasn't a personal attack.

Publishing the 47% video wasn't a personal attack.

Posting the "Feed the poor and they will breed" video wasn't a personal attack.

These people attacked reason. They were exposed. It's entirely different.
good question?
Why would it matter to anyone not living in Kentucky or Tennessee?

I guess once you sign on as a Democrat, you become theirs no matter it won't affect their states or's that thing with OWNING people they have

The people who miss "owning" other people are those Confederate Conservatives who still can't believe they lost the war.
Ashley Judd is hardly a christian and after all her christian bashing, Bush bashing, she is finally reaping what she has sown. I hear her career is finished over it. When ever will these people learn to keep their opinions to themselves? Another one bites the dust. Ashley seems to have forgotten who put her there.

EXACTLY! My husband has always liked Bruce Springstein. We started watching the program for the Sandy Relief victims, and Bruce was singing, my husband really got into it....the Bruce starts talking and saying things about how we should accept gay marriage and talking all politcal and my husband decided to shut that "shit" up. Springstein lost a fan....maybe a lot of them!

Your husband hates gay people? Why?
You said she hardly knew what it was like to be poor. Well there were a number of years as a child before the Judds became stars, when they were exactly that. How about doing some research, instead of just posting BS?

Funny, when we point out the same fact about Romney, that he wasnt born into a wealthy family since his dad didn't make his fortune until later in Mitt's life. It was conveniently ignored. There are still people claiming he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth despite being corrected multiple times.

That's just...different...somehow... :dunno:

No. It's not different. It's a lie. Mitt was born in 1947. He dad was already an executive and a big wig. Anyone who sits in front of a computer connected to the Internet can find out the truth in two minutes.
EXACTLY! My husband has always liked Bruce Springstein. We started watching the program for the Sandy Relief victims, and Bruce was singing, my husband really got into it....the Bruce starts talking and saying things about how we should accept gay marriage and talking all politcal and my husband decided to shut that "shit" up. Springstein lost a fan....maybe a lot of them!

Do you think Springsteen gives a rat's ass?

No, I think Springsteen IS a rat's ass.

I don't give a fuck what his opinion is, and I don't care for half of his repertoire.

Does your husband hate him now too?
OK GOP. Keep your clothes on. Who do you think you are? Scott Brown?

America already knows Ashley Judd. America knows her mother, sister and their entire family. This is a Christian family, right out of the heart of Dixie. This is an even bigger miscalculation than gazillionaire Mitt Romney. Now, if she were black, then I suspect Republicans think it would probably be OK since Republicans are trying to appeal to their "base". But this is a "Judd". Ashley knows what it means to be poor. She knows what it really means to "make it" through hard work. She knows what it means to be a Christian.
Ashley Judd slammed as carpetbagger and Obama follower in pre-emptive commercial strike by Karl Rove super PAC* - NY Daily News

Ashley Judd Targeted By Karl Rove's Super PAC In Ad (VIDEO)

Conservative group blasts Ashley Judd as 'Obama-following, radical, Hollywood liberal' - First Read


The GOP has to beat people like her with "better policy", not slander and smears.

Another case of the 'left' worrying about the 'right' getting it wrong. It's so heartwarming.

Don't worry. No one is "worrying". The right wing always gets it wrong. I want examples of them getting it right during the last 20 years. At least once.
The brain dead Judd is a good fit for the Democrat party...She can connect with all their brain dead voters

Now this is an attack. And it's "typical" of the right wing.

Sarah Palin hates Jeff Ross because he reminds her of "what Trig is going to look like when he's 40."

- Wayne Brady -

Yeah, Democrats are a class act.

Trig Palin is a retarded baby.

However, that sentence doesn't really do justice to Trig Palin, because Trig Palin is the most important retarded baby ever to have lived. Of the 100 billion human beings who have ever lived, every one of them has been a baby at some point, and 2.5 billion of them have been retarded. Thus, there have been more retarded babies in human history than the combined populations of India and China.

And yet not a single one of them have been important - except Trig Palin. Trig Palin is to retarded babies as Björk is to Icelanders. Trig Palin is to retarded babies as Frederick Douglass is to antebellum African-Americans. Trig Palin is to retarded babies as Sarah Palin is to retarded adults. In other words, when it comes to retarded babies, you could use the rest as shark bait, and no one would even notice: Trig Palin is all that matters.

It is no exaggeration to say that Trig Palin is the champagne of retarded babies.

Yeah, a real class act.

While we were off, Sarah Palin agreed to do commentary at Fox News, which is actually very similar to her day job: talking to a baby with Down syndrome. (The studio audience groans, then applauds).
- Bill Maher -

Yeah, Democrats are so classy.
So what exactly is the slander Republicans are supposedly saying? Is Ms Judd not an Obama supporter? I suppose I could understand why that would be a smear if it's not true.
Ashley Judd against tortoise faced Mitch McConnell

Should be quite a slugfest. Can't wait for the Republican slime machine to tear into poor Ashley and make Mitch look like such a dick

He won't look anymore like a dick then you people did and still do with Sarah Palin and she was a candidate for Vice President

:lol: Does somebody pay you to keep saying stupid things?? If they did you would be a millionaire by now.
Ashley Judd against tortoise faced Mitch McConnell

Should be quite a slugfest. Can't wait for the Republican slime machine to tear into poor Ashley and make Mitch look like such a dick

He won't look anymore like a dick then you people did and still do with Sarah Palin and she was a candidate for Vice President

:lol: Does somebody pay you to keep saying stupid things?? If they did you would be a millionaire by now.

Does that mean you're a billionaire?
Ashley Judd is hardly a christian and after all her christian bashing, Bush bashing, she is finally reaping what she has sown. I hear her career is finished over it. When ever will these people learn to keep their opinions to themselves? Another one bites the dust. Ashley seems to have forgotten who put her there.

That is how you right wing idiots think, isn't it?? People should keep their opinions to themselves when you don't agree with them. Especially if you buy their music and see their movies. I am so sick of you right wing bat crap crazies that I could barf all over you.

The sooner you all become extinct, the better.
This, in a thread where alleged right wingers are being told that they MUST keep their opinions to themselves...

Oh, the irony.
OK GOP. Keep your clothes on. Who do you think you are? Scott Brown?

America already knows Ashley Judd. America knows her mother, sister and their entire family. This is a Christian family, right out of the heart of Dixie. This is an even bigger miscalculation than gazillionaire Mitt Romney. Now, if she were black, then I suspect Republicans think it would probably be OK since Republicans are trying to appeal to their "base". But this is a "Judd". Ashley knows what it means to be poor. She knows what it really means to "make it" through hard work. She knows what it means to be a Christian.
Ashley Judd slammed as carpetbagger and Obama follower in pre-emptive commercial strike by Karl Rove super PAC* - NY Daily News

Ashley Judd Targeted By Karl Rove's Super PAC In Ad (VIDEO)

Conservative group blasts Ashley Judd as 'Obama-following, radical, Hollywood liberal' - First Read


The GOP has to beat people like her with "better policy", not slander and smears.

After reading 99% of this thread, the same question keeps coming to me, how can you claim anyone is slandering, smearing or blasting Judd for being an Maobama-following, radical, Hollywood liberal, when they a demonstrating the fact, with her own words? I don't think the clips, shown in the video, were taken from any of her films. Should we not accept that she is what she says she is?
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Yanno.....................considering that Mitch McConnell is interested in nothing but blocking anything that the current admistration proposes, and had done so for the past 4 years, yeah....................I'd like to see him voted out.

Maybe another celebrity is what DC needs, remember the support for the actor known as Reagan?
EXACTLY! My husband has always liked Bruce Springstein. We started watching the program for the Sandy Relief victims, and Bruce was singing, my husband really got into it....the Bruce starts talking and saying things about how we should accept gay marriage and talking all politcal and my husband decided to shut that "shit" up. Springstein lost a fan....maybe a lot of them!

Do you think Springsteen gives a rat's ass?

No, I think Springsteen IS a rat's ass.

I don't give a fuck what his opinion is, and I don't care for half of his repertoire.

I feel exactly the same way.......................about Ted Nugent.
Yanno.....................considering that Mitch McConnell is interested in nothing but blocking anything that the current admistration proposes, and had done so for the past 4 years, yeah....................I'd like to see him voted out.

Maybe another celebrity is what DC needs, remember the support for the actor known as Reagan?

And how about that Schwarenegger? He sure took advantage of his celebrity status...

I think Judd could beat McConnell and nothing would make me happier than to see that cinderblock get the boot.
Yanno..................I'd like to see Ted Nugent get some Karma returned to him.

If you speak evil, evil will be returned to you.

Maybe him shooting himself in the leg would be a good start. He is a "madman" after all.

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