Republicans wrong to slander and smear Ashely Judd. It will backfire.

If last election means anything, it shows that Republican candidates tell the truth about Democrat candidates and still lose.

The last election proves you can't run a sociopath who says stuff like "I like to fire people" and then expect to win.

The elections over and you still have to lie about what he actually said. That's really pathetic.

Oh, that's right, there was a context where he sounded less like a rich douchebag who like pushing people around.

Even though his whole life has been one of a rich douchebag pushing people around.

Kind of sucks when they push back, doesn't it?
Do you think Springsteen gives a rat's ass?

No, I think Springsteen IS a rat's ass.

I don't give a fuck what his opinion is, and I don't care for half of his repertoire.

I feel exactly the same way.......................about Ted Nugent.

As is your RIGHT. I've always thought that Nugent was a shitty musician, even when I was going through my teen years with his 'Wango Tango' on the radio.

I agree with his take on the 2nd Amendment, though...
So what exactly is the slander Republicans are supposedly saying? Is Ms Judd not an Obama supporter? I suppose I could understand why that would be a smear if it's not true.

If the last election means anything it shows that slandering Democratic candidates with Obama does not work

If last election means anything, it shows that Republican candidates tell the truth about Democrat candidates and still lose.

Really? Like when Mittens ran his ad showing Obama saying "if we keep talking about the economy, we're going to lose", and editing the ad in such a way so that it appeared Obama said it, when in reality, Obama was quoting what John McCain said during the 2008 election?

Yeah...............sure....................Republicans tell the "truth" allright.

Wanna talk about Dick Morris? How's about Karl Rove?
Who cares about Ashely Judd?



"While McConnell’s war chest is daunting, it is stuffed almost entirely by out-of-state and corporate PAC money. His grass-roots base is anemic, and individuals contributing $200 or less make up a sliver of the pie. A strong organizing effort could capitalize on that weakness, using his unpopularity and questionable votes to unseat him — something the Progressive Change Campaign Committee hopes to do.

Time and again, McConnell has ignored the needs of the people while staunchly defending the pay-to-play electoral system that shields him from legitimate challengers. And Kentuckians just might be fed up."


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