Repubs realize they guarantee midterms will be referendum on trump and his big lie.

Perhaps you could tell us which groups you don't think are part of some anti-trump conspiracy.
I don't think any of the 'Agencies' are engaged in an 'anti-Trump Conspiracy'; however, as evidence, convictions, firings, and reportedly over 20 whistleblowers (& Garland's attempts to silence them) prove, there are a lot of top leadership and a few other individuals in multiple agencies and even members of Congress who have been proven to have committed Perjury, criminally altered documents, violated the Constitution, violated the Patriot Act, Defrauded the FISA Court, illegally spied on the President and his team, criminally manufactured evidence, initiated and participated in the largest criminal political scandal in US history, and more.

To claim these things never happened is a denial of reality that excludes you from any serious discussions or debates.
Guess what? Stop the presses! Donald Trump lied!

Also, the former Republican President is not very bright. He never should have had his lawyers demand a special master from a now very vulnerable judge career-wise.

Because of that court filing, the Justice Department was given the opportunity to file publicly a lengthy response to Trump’s bid for a special master.

CNN reports, "Former President Donald Trump has pushed an “incomplete and inaccurate narrative” in his recent court filings about the Mar-a-Lago search, the Justice Department said in a historic court filing late Tuesday night.

"Prosecutors fleshed out new details about the ongoing criminal investigation into Trump’s potential mishandling of classified documents, which he took from the White House to his resort and home in Florida. Trump and his allies have denied any wrongdoing.

"The Justice Department filing gave federal investigators the chance to rebut – on the record – many of the claims that Trump, his lawyers and his political allies have been making as they’ve harshly attacked the FBI’s unprecedented search of his residence."

Thank you, Mr. Trump, the DOJ.

CNN continued, "Documents were “likely concealed and removed” from a storage room at Mar-a-Lago as part of an effort to “obstruct” the FBI’s investigation, the Justice Department said in its filing Tuesday.

"What’s more, the DOJ said that the search “cast serious doubt” on his lawyers’ claims that there had been a “diligent search” to return classified material in response to a grand jury subpoena.

"A Trump lawyer signed a statement to the Justice Department in June attesting that all of the classified material at Mar-a-Lago had been returned."

“That the FBI, in a matter of hours, recovered twice as many documents with classification markings as the ‘diligent search’ that the former President’s counsel and other representatives had weeks to perform calls into serious question the representations made in the June 3 certification and casts doubt on the extent of cooperation in this matter,” DOJ wrote.

It goes without elaboration that Trump has made his lawyers extremely vulnerable because they passed on his lies to the DOJ.

It is never very smart to lie to the DOJ.

Donald Trump is the leader of the Republican Party and the leading candidate for the Republican nomination for President.

What is going on?
People are actually giving any credibility to what the Feds are claiming? Well. Maybe it will play well come the election. Disappointing. Shocking even. We shall see.
Yes. We shall see. And, it will be fun to watch.

Democraps realize they guarantee midterms will be referendum on Brandon and his ineffectual & detrimental handling of everything.​

There. I corrected the imbecile thread headline.

Except that Joe Biden has been a VERY effective manager of the nation's resources.

Gun control, largest infrastructure bill since the 1950’s, inflation reduction act, 3.5% unemployment rate. NATO rebuilt and strengthened.
Worry about your own restrictive abortion laws, Simp.


Across Canadian provinces, abortions are regulated similarly to other health-care procedures. Through the Canada Health Act, Canadians have a right to access sexual and reproductive health services, which includes abortion.

However, it remains difficult to obtain in many provinces.

Abortions can be done medically via a pill or other medication taken at home, however, if the fetus is over nine weeks old, a surgical abortion is required.

According to Planned Parenthood Toronto, there are only 11 clinics in Ontario that offer surgical abortion, most of which are located in the southern region of the province. New Brunswick, for example, doesn't have a single clinic offering surgical abortion.

According to a study published by Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights in 2019, no providers in Canada offer abortion services more than 23 weeks and six days into a pregnancy. Those who are this far into their pregnancy and looking for an abortion often travel to the United States for the procedure instead, which would be in jeopardy should Roe v. Wade be overturned.

You didn't post a link for your bullshit. I'm guessing it's because it's a "questionable source". Here' s what Planned Parenthood REALLY said. Note the part where it says that Canada is the only country in the world where abortion is fully legal in Canada.

There are NO restrictive abortion laws in Canada, but unlike the USA, women in Canada don't go to "abortion clinics" to get abortions. They go to their family physicians and their OB/GYN's and then they go to the hospital where their doctor has admitting privileges.
To claim these things never happened is a denial of reality that excludes you from any serious discussions or debates.

And yet Bill Barr and John Dunham didn't charge ANYONE with ANYTHING, other than one FBI drone that the IG caught altering one supporting document on a FISA warrant. How is it that Trump knows all of these people are doing all of these things, but nobody else can ever find the evidence that what he says is true?????

Where are all these purported "whistleblower applications" Sleazy???? Where is all this evidence that everybody's picking on poor old Donnie the Traitor.
For the record, I HATE TED CRUZ.
For the mentally ill haters of Trump, Ted Cruz, who has a Law Degree, says the FBI FUCKED UP.
After so many of the right's steadfast and consistent leaders have been primaried in favor of those whose support for trump is stronger, those primary winners have no choice but to continue campaigning in praise of trump. In many cases, their support of trump is the only thing that allowed them to win their primaries. Can you see somebody like Hershal Walker, whose childish remarks have included his claim that we have enough trees, and some silliness about swapping air between the US and China, coming up with a coherant reason to vote republican, other than for the only reason he won his primary? Of course, there is Liz Cheney, who won her last election with 75% of the vote, and had a long history of being a leading conservative voice for her constiuants, but she was kicked out for not kissing trump's ass often enough. The right desperately wants to make the coming election about all the silly claims about Biden's age, but the die is cast. It will be about trump, and his bizarre lies, and it's too late to change that.
Silly claims about Joe’s age and the fact that he appears to have dementia?

Have you listened to him speak. Soemetimes he is fine but others show a serious problem. Of course you might not see the bad clips if you watch CNN or MSNBC,

I can show you 20 clips like this one.

I don't think any of the 'Agencies' are engaged in an 'anti-Trump Conspiracy'; however, as evidence, convictions, firings, and reportedly over 20 whistleblowers (& Garland's attempts to silence them) prove, there are a lot of top leadership and a few other individuals in multiple agencies and even members of Congress who have been proven to have committed Perjury, criminally altered documents, violated the Constitution, violated the Patriot Act, Defrauded the FISA Court, illegally spied on the President and his team, criminally manufactured evidence, initiated and participated in the largest criminal political scandal in US history, and more.

To claim these things never happened is a denial of reality that excludes you from any serious discussions or debates.
But the right wing accusation is that all those agencies are willing to lie to get trump. You don't want to accept anything from any agency. Of the thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of people involved from all those agencies, there probably are, and always habe been some that might behave poorly. You take every little issue, some of which are grossly exaggerated, and paint every agency as evil. That's just childishly stooooopid.
But the right wing accusation is
Who are all of these vague, generic, obscure, undefined sources you keep referencing ... or making up?

'Reliable sources', the 'Right Wing', 'Experts'....I think,ike the leftist fake news media, you're just making these entities up in an attempt to make your propaganda sound more legit.

It's not working.
Who are all of these vague, generic, obscure, undefined sources you keep referencing ... or making up?

'Reliable sources', the 'Right Wing', 'Experts'....I think,ike the leftist fake news media, you're just making these entities up in an attempt to make your propaganda sound more legit.

It's not working.

The only people "making things up" are Donald Trump and the people going to jail for him.
For the record, I HATE TED CRUZ.
For the mentally ill haters of Trump, Ted Cruz, who has a Law Degree, says the FBI FUCKED UP.

For the record Ted Cruz is a FUCK UP!

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