Repubs will not quit


VIP Member
Jul 26, 2012
Look, even after a thumping in the election last night, I still see the same old tired and WRONG shit on these forums.........

1. Obama is NOT a socialist/communist
2. What is going on in Greese is NOT because a leftist Gov. failed. stop watching FOX
3. Bengazi is NOT what Fox is telling you it is. Infact the security that is there was set up by the bush admin.
4. I am so tired of hearing that Obama is the welfare king and that Americans are more dependant on the Gov. because of him. This is not the case, trying to explain it to the right wingers here is pointless. But you are WRONG.
5. The country picked what direction to go last night. If you are a true pat. GET ON BOARD. Obama is YOUR president too
6. Running a party buy OBSTRUCTION is NOT a way to GOVERN, shit its not complicated
7. Austerity IS BAD, its killing Greese and Spain.

I can keep going but I will let this sink in for the tea baggers on here.
I was going to give a thoughtful well reasoned response to you misguiede lies, but after reading it again I found that thoughtful and well reasoned are concepts that you don't understand.
I was going to give a thoughtful well reasoned response to you misguiede lies, but after reading it again I found that thoughtful and well reasoned are concepts that you don't understand.

Thinking hurts your head... we get it.

Go back to Fox. Get your Sean on.
Speaking of the "same old tired shit..."

Look, even after a thumping in the election last night, I still see the same old tired and WRONG shit on these forums.........

1. Obama is NOT a socialist/communist
2. What is going on in Greese is NOT because a leftist Gov. failed. stop watching FOX
3. Bengazi is NOT what Fox is telling you it is. Infact the security that is there was set up by the bush admin.
4. I am so tired of hearing that Obama is the welfare king and that Americans are more dependant on the Gov. because of him. This is not the case, trying to explain it to the right wingers here is pointless. But you are WRONG.
5. The country picked what direction to go last night. If you are a true pat. GET ON BOARD. Obama is YOUR president too
6. Running a party buy OBSTRUCTION is NOT a way to GOVERN, shit its not complicated
7. Austerity IS BAD, its killing Greese and Spain.

I can keep going but I will let this sink in for the tea baggers on here.
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Look, even after a thumping in the election last night, I still see the same old tired and WRONG shit on these forums.........

1. Obama is NOT a socialist/communist
2. What is going on in Greese is NOT because a leftist Gov. failed. stop watching FOX
3. Bengazi is NOT what Fox is telling you it is. Infact the security that is there was set up by the bush admin.
4. I am so tired of hearing that Obama is the welfare king and that Americans are more dependant on the Gov. because of him. This is not the case, trying to explain it to the right wingers here is pointless. But you are WRONG.
5. The country picked what direction to go last night. If you are a true pat. GET ON BOARD. Obama is YOUR president too
6. Running a party buy OBSTRUCTION is NOT a way to GOVERN, shit its not complicated
7. Austerity IS BAD, its killing Greese and Spain.

I can keep going but I will let this sink in for the tea baggers on here.

Which part of the Government is referred to as the "peoples house"? And remind us who the PEOPLE elected to control it.

If you want to govern talk to Reid and Obama. They spent 2 years ignoring the House. How many bills properly passed and submitted by the House did Reid simple throw in the trash? Tell us when the last Budget was passed? And not an emergency continuing resolution.

Obama wants to lead? he needs to be open and honest about what he has and will do. Tell us about Benghazi, tell us why he refuses to make any compromise at all with House Republicans, tell us why he supports Reid in shutting down how the Congress works.

Explain to us why 200 years of common sense, you know, do not raise taxes in a recession, are suddenly wrong. Explain how 1 percent of the population is gonna stop the Government from being a trillion dollars in debt each year. Explain to us what actual cuts he will support, since the Democrats have REFUSED for 2 years to support any cuts.

Explain why the Republicans should compromise on taxes when the Dems will not compromise on cuts?

Remind us again how a signing statement can create a tax? He has said he will create a carbon tax with out Congress. That is ILLEGAL. Remind us how he wont raise taxes on the middle class while he already has, a tax on health insurance in 2014.

Remind us how he will drive coal out of business, then explain what will provide the 60 percent of all US electricity currently supplied by COAL. Remind us how he wants to increase gas prices to the level of Europe? You know they pay like 8 bucks a gallon?

Remind us how we should just let 10 to 20 MILLION Mexicans become US citizens. People already illegally in the Country.

Remind us how he is gonna ban semi automatic rifles and all handguns.
Look, even after a thumping in the election last night, I still see the same old tired and WRONG shit on these forums.........

1. Obama is NOT a socialist/communist
2. What is going on in Greese is NOT because a leftist Gov. failed. stop watching FOX
3. Bengazi is NOT what Fox is telling you it is. Infact the security that is there was set up by the bush admin.
4. I am so tired of hearing that Obama is the welfare king and that Americans are more dependant on the Gov. because of him. This is not the case, trying to explain it to the right wingers here is pointless. But you are WRONG.
5. The country picked what direction to go last night. If you are a true pat. GET ON BOARD. Obama is YOUR president too
6. Running a party buy OBSTRUCTION is NOT a way to GOVERN, shit its not complicated
7. Austerity IS BAD, its killing Greese and Spain.

I can keep going but I will let this sink in for the tea baggers on here.

You sound like someone with a "War is Not the Answer" bumper sticker. Why don't you tell us what IS instead of what "is not" for a change (assuming you have any clue).
Look, even after a thumping in the election last night, I still see the same old tired and WRONG shit on these forums.........

1. Obama is NOT a socialist/communist
2. What is going on in Greese is NOT because a leftist Gov. failed. stop watching FOX
3. Bengazi is NOT what Fox is telling you it is. Infact the security that is there was set up by the bush admin.
4. I am so tired of hearing that Obama is the welfare king and that Americans are more dependant on the Gov. because of him. This is not the case, trying to explain it to the right wingers here is pointless. But you are WRONG.
5. The country picked what direction to go last night. If you are a true pat. GET ON BOARD. Obama is YOUR president too
6. Running a party buy OBSTRUCTION is NOT a way to GOVERN, shit its not complicated
7. Austerity IS BAD, its killing Greese and Spain.

I can keep going but I will let this sink in for the tea baggers on here.[/QUOT

President Hussein appointed a communist domestic terrorist Van Jones to be on his phony green jobs board. That tells you something about Barry's agenda.

Benghazi might be worse than Fox said even though the true believers try to blame the security on Bush after we freaking bombed the resistance to extinction to pave the way for the muslem brotherhood.

Hussein's attorney general still hasn't come clean about his role in Fast/Furious

When is the Hussein administration going to try the jihad major for killing 13 of his own men?
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Texas tell me how I am wrong, please.

Not that you deserve an answer but I'll address one of your lies.

I know you being a commiecrat and all you probably missed the fact that the Lybian civil war occured on Maobamas watch. Ambasador Stevens was nominated by Maobama and his securtiy was Maobamas responsibility. President Bush had nothing to do with it. That's all ya get.
Look, even after a thumping in the election last night, I still see the same old tired and WRONG shit on these forums.........

1. Obama is NOT a socialist/communist
2. What is going on in Greese is NOT because a leftist Gov. failed. stop watching FOX
3. Bengazi is NOT what Fox is telling you it is. Infact the security that is there was set up by the bush admin.
4. I am so tired of hearing that Obama is the welfare king and that Americans are more dependant on the Gov. because of him. This is not the case, trying to explain it to the right wingers here is pointless. But you are WRONG.
5. The country picked what direction to go last night. If you are a true pat. GET ON BOARD. Obama is YOUR president too
6. Running a party buy OBSTRUCTION is NOT a way to GOVERN, shit its not complicated
7. Austerity IS BAD, its killing Greese and Spain.

I can keep going but I will let this sink in for the tea baggers on here.
I'm not even going to bother responding to an illiterate, ignorant, uneducated moron who spells Greece as "Greese", and TWICE. Perfect profile of an Obama supporter though. The masses of the asses. LOL
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I was going to give a thoughtful well reasoned response to you misguiede lies, but after reading it again I found that thoughtful and well reasoned are concepts that you don't understand.

Thinking hurts your head... we get it.

Go back to Fox. Get your Sean on.

Hey asshole on a board. You think you put up that avie and you think you are a tough guy?

Let's talk real. Come down my road. I do percussion and bow. By all means come down my road you fool.
Look, even after a thumping in the election last night, I still see the same old tired and WRONG shit on these forums.........

1. Obama is NOT a socialist/communist
2. What is going on in Greese is NOT because a leftist Gov. failed. stop watching FOX
3. Bengazi is NOT what Fox is telling you it is. Infact the security that is there was set up by the bush admin.
4. I am so tired of hearing that Obama is the welfare king and that Americans are more dependant on the Gov. because of him. This is not the case, trying to explain it to the right wingers here is pointless. But you are WRONG.
5. The country picked what direction to go last night. If you are a true pat. GET ON BOARD. Obama is YOUR president too
6. Running a party buy OBSTRUCTION is NOT a way to GOVERN, shit its not complicated
7. Austerity IS BAD, its killing Greese and Spain.

I can keep going but I will let this sink in for the tea baggers on here.

We will never quit fighting for freedom against communist like you.

Matthew they can't fight us in our blinds.

All they are are sick city folk who want hands out for everything. They want shit for free.

They are swine. I want my free Obama phone. I want free.

Thats them. They want every thing for free.

Hows your state working out for you franco?

you guys are such losers. now I love buffalo but your politicians are fucked in the brain.

and you keep voting them back in. so whos more fucked up?

and you are such losers and proud of it. that's what's even more worrisome. you are proud you are losers.
And for anyone who doesn't know I'm out of the GTA so on a good day I kick franco's ass. I'm a Hamilton baby.

That means I am deadly.
How can the most disgusting cities and their citizens rule America?

I don't get how the pigs run the trough.

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