
There is no evidence to your claims of whales dying from temperature change.
They are dying from entanglement in fishing gear and ship strikes. I never said they were dying directly from warming.
For one thing, moron; Whales are mammals and can easily adapt to changing temperatures, they do it every year.
The issue is that their prey are moving and following their prey has increased their exposure to fishing and freighter traffic.
Appeal to authority fallacy.
Versus your appeal to ignorance?

Appeal to authority

Tip: There are two easy ways to avoid committing appeal to authority: First, make sure that the authorities you cite are experts on the subject you’re discussing. Second, rather than just saying “Dr. Authority believes X, so we should believe it, too,” try to explain the reasoning or evidence that the authority used to arrive at his or her opinion. That way, your readers have more to go on than a person’s reputation. It also helps to choose authorities who are perceived as fairly neutral or reasonable, rather than people who will be perceived as biased."

That is incorrect. Certainly excess noise can confuse their navigation but whales do not die from confusion. They die when they get their eardrums ruptured by loud sonar blasts. That has happened on multiple occasions from active naval sonars and is quickly discernible in necropsies. Besides, as pointed out, the amount of seismic testing taking place off the East coast is absolutely trivial compared to what has been taking place worldwide for decades in the search for oil and is conducted in a controlled fashion these days using several mitigating strategies to specifically avoid injuring whales. Necropsies on the whales have indicated that the most have died from entanglement in fishing gear and ship collisions. Environmentalists have suggested that warming oceans have caused prey fish and plankton to relocate which has had the effect of pushing whales closer to shore creating greater exposure to fishing and freight traffic.
Ruptured eardrums?
Like some pinnipeds, cetaceans have no external pinnae. But, unlike pinnipeds, the ear canals of cetaceans are not thought to be functional. In odontocetes (toothed whales) the ear canal is narrow and plugged with debris and dense wax. Additionally, the ear canals do not attach to the tympanic membrane(ear drum).

Try again.
Ruptured eardrums?
Like some pinnipeds, cetaceans have no external pinnae. But, unlike pinnipeds, the ear canals of cetaceans are not thought to be functional. In odontocetes (toothed whales) the ear canal is narrow and plugged with debris and dense wax. Additionally, the ear canals do not attach to the tympanic membrane(ear drum).

Try again.
Having spent most of my adult life testing Navy sonars, I can guarantee you that whale's hearing can be physically damaged by active sonars. At full power, the intensity is enough to kill a human being at close range.

Then stop building off shire windfarms.
Stop navies from using active sonars outside of wartime. Stop offshore oil exploration. The amount of air gun use for the installation of these towers is absolutely trivial, involves mammal mitigation measures and there is zero evidence that they have harmed a single whale.
Stop navies from using active sonars outside of wartime. Stop offshore oil exploration. The amount of air gun use for the installation of these towers is absolutely trivial, involves mammal mitigation measures and there is zero evidence that they have harmed a single whale.
Except for dead whales. I am inclined to disbelieve climate loons because they generally cling to their dogma.
Except for dead whales. I am inclined to disbelieve climate loons because they generally cling to their dogma.
In this case, I would be clinging to the evidence. Have you seen any reports that show any of the dead whales were killed by seismic air guns?

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