resistance in the West Bank

Sadly, as a result of Israeli policies, that is true. These sweet innocent kids unfortunately are legitimate targets.

I doubt anyone would deliberately target babies, but the settlements in West Bank are legitimate targets and if these are settlers' kids, then hopefully they will be alright and live long enough to make up their own minds about their own loyalties, but I doubt anyone would refuse an attack on a settlement due to their presence, frankly.

If you want them safe, don't make them into Occupiers. What sort of a parent would take children into a settlement with an admitted military function anyway?

How was Hadas Fogel killed? with candies?:doubt:

And you tell me your purpose is to grow a conscience into the hears of Zionists?

With that kind of concience, I rather be soulless!

Is your concience the same one allowing you saying that killing a three months old is justified? that's she's a legitimate target!

What the hell is wrong with you?!?
Zionists are soul-less.

Those were the days..........right?
Legitimate Target

Legitimate Target

Legitimate Target

Legitimate Target

Legitimate Target
You know what, fuck your legitimate targets!

I posted this....

Legitimate Target

...and this is what you said.

Originally posted by Lipbush:
Those were the days...
So according to you, not only are Palestinian children legitimate targets, you're nostalgic about shooting them.
Did I say anything about Palestinian children?

The photo is about a ruined building, I suppose one belongs to Hamas.

I don't see anything wrong with blowing the shit out of Hamas.
Did I say anything about Palestinian children?

The photo is about a ruined building, I suppose one belongs to Hamas.

I don't see anything wrong with blowing the shit out of Hamas.
Does the kid in the picture look like an adult?

So you think its okay to murder Gazan government officials?

And you tell me your purpose is to grow a conscience into the hears of Zionists?

With that kind of concience, I rather be soulless!

Is your concience the same one allowing you saying that killing a three months old is justified? that's she's a legitimate target!

What the hell is wrong with you?!?
Zionists are soul-less.

Those were the days..........right?

If by having a soul meaning saying that settler kids are legitimate targets (something both you and Amity said, btw), then I rather be soul-less.

Because appretly having any doesn't mean much
Did I say anything about Palestinian children?

The photo is about a ruined building, I suppose one belongs to Hamas.

I don't see anything wrong with blowing the shit out of Hamas.
Does the kid in the picture look like an adult?

So you think its okay to murder Gazan government officials?

I think it's ok to kill Hamas people at all times, at all places.
Did I say anything about Palestinian children?

The photo is about a ruined building, I suppose one belongs to Hamas.

I don't see anything wrong with blowing the shit out of Hamas.
Does the kid in the picture look like an adult?

The kid in the picture is alive.

What I cannot say about the children in my previous post.

Are you playing dumb, now?
You know, its like I said when Israeli bulldozer ran over Rachel Corrie, if you honestly can't see who you are running over with that thing, then you need to stop trying to operate them.

Ditto with attempting to bomb Hamas from a fighter jet. You can hardly find them in the huge swath of destruction. You kill probably 500 civilians for every Hamas fighter, and then try to justify the carnage by saying "well, there was probably a Hamas person in there somewhere."

Do you think Israeli settler kids are cuter than Palestinian kids? NOT!
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You know, its like I said when Israeli bulldozer ran over Rachel Corrie, if you honestly can't see who you are running over with that thing, then you need to stop trying to operate them.

Rachel Corrie was a poor twit who believed she's superman.
You know, its like I said when Israeli bulldozer ran over Rachel Corrie, if you honestly can't see who you are running over with that thing, then you need to stop trying to operate them.

Ditto with attempting to bomb Hamas from a fighter jet. You can hardly find them in the huge swath of destruction. You kill probably 500 civilians for every Hamas fighter, and then try to justify the carnage by saying "well, there was probably a Hamas person in there somewhere."

Now how do we know that it wasn't a Druze or Bedouin who was operating the bulldozer? Nobody really knows? By the way, every time Rachel Corrie is brought up (it seems people can't leave this misguided girl to rest in peace), they never mention the armed Muslim terrorist who hid in the office of the ISM, the group to which Rachel Corrie belonged. It seems that they don't care that this terrorist from England went to Mike's Place in Tel Aviv and blew himself up, killing people and wounding several others.

Hmm, I wonder how many innocent people Assad has had killed from his jets, or is this a no no that shouldn't be brought up because the Jews didn't do it.
The kid in the picture is alive.

What I cannot say about the children in my previous post.

Are you playing dumb, now?
Do you want to compare child deaths as a result of the occupation?

No, I'd like to ask why you justify killing children. Because even though it's what you just blamed ME for doing, the fault of this is all yours.

So killing children on the Palestinian side is terribly wrong, but Israeli children are a legitimate target.

Tell me one more time how ZIONISTS are soul-less...
If by having a soul meaning saying that settler kids are legitimate targets (something both you and Amity said, btw), then I rather be soul-less.

Because appretly having any doesn't mean much
The settlers are psycho Israeli insurgents who should be shot on sight.

They're violent pricks in need of a serious beat down.
I think it's ok to kill Hamas people at all times, at all places.
Then lose this deer-in-the-headlights expression, when they think the same thing about you.

No, precious.

Hamas praises the killing of ALL Israelis, wherever they are. That is not limited to soldiers alone.

They praise the killing of Israeli children, men, pregnant woman, old and sick.

I praise the killing of those who want ME killed.

I don't think it's ok that kids get killed because of stupid moves and governments.

But that's me. And that's them.

Don't compare those beasts to us. We've much more merciful.
If by having a soul meaning saying that settler kids are legitimate targets (something both you and Amity said, btw), then I rather be soul-less.

Because appretly having any doesn't mean much
The settlers are psycho Israeli insurgents who should be shot on sight.

They're violent pricks in need of a serious beat down.

How many Israeli settlers do you personally know?
I think that is possibly because they oppose the establishment of Israel within any and all borders? In that case, everyone whose ancestors weren't there on Jan 1, 1948 is an illegal settler and a legitimate target.

And why would they NOT hold this position? It is correct historically and I believe morally too. To back down from this position is a concession. And concessions are only given in the course of negotiations. So start talking to them.

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