resistance in the West Bank

The Arabs do this in every country.
So what's your point?

The Jews survived the Holocaust.
I think Israel can handle this.

That WASN'T my point.
I just thought the film was insightful about Palestinian's perceptions. As has been said, it is a bit of a Bantustan?

Hardly seeing as Palestine has its own government and is not part of Israel. It is more of a cess pit of cancer cells that needs chemical or radiation therapy to neutralise them.

They have the means to live in peace and prosperity but refuse to take the plunge because they don't want to lose their charity payouts and have to work for a living

The Bantustans had their own Governments, exactly like occupied territories. But, they collected their own taxes, unlike in the occupied territories where Israel collects the taxes.
I don't think you know much about the subject you are trying to address. FOA, PA manages civil affairs and that is about it. Secondly, what charity payouts are you hallucinating?

The P.A. manages everything and exists on charity from other countries, you know like you say Israel does with its aid packages. Well the Palestinians have their own UN agency that gives them $billions every year in charity. Then you had the EU charity that has since been stopped that was meant to pay their fuel bills, but they spent it on "pensions" for convicted terrorists. How about the aid from the US that they are talking about withholding because of the Palestinians refusal to sit down and talk. Those are the facts that are easily proven by just looking on the internet.

The PA manages nothing, not the borders, not the air space, not the territorial sea not even the collection of taxes which is handled by the Israelis. Plus the place is run under Israeli martial law.martial
That WASN'T my point.
I just thought the film was insightful about Palestinian's perceptions. As has been said, it is a bit of a Bantustan?

Hardly seeing as Palestine has its own government and is not part of Israel. It is more of a cess pit of cancer cells that needs chemical or radiation therapy to neutralise them.

They have the means to live in peace and prosperity but refuse to take the plunge because they don't want to lose their charity payouts and have to work for a living

The Bantustans had their own Governments, exactly like occupied territories. But, they collected their own taxes, unlike in the occupied territories where Israel collects the taxes.

The West Bank Jordanians get back a lot more than they contribute, IF they contribute anything substantial.
You seem to be contradicting yourself to claim the WBJs and Gazans are living in abject poverty, yet you seem to claim they pay any significant amount in taxes.
Poverty isn't the problem. I am working with a woman who is writing a book, and she keeps going back to the extreme poverty. And I keep telling her that isn't the point. The point is dignity, self-determination, and enfranchisement.
They ARE serving soldiers, obviously.

Not according to the elder statesmen of islam on this board that declare the P.A. has no standing army or soldiers. So they must be nothing more than terrorist mass murderers, and as such no government should be defending, supporting or nourishing them. By paying a "pension" that amounts to a politicians wage to each and every convicted Palestinian the P.A. is using the money that should be going to all the people in defending terrorism. Leaving them in debt and begging for more.
That WASN'T my point.
I just thought the film was insightful about Palestinian's perceptions. As has been said, it is a bit of a Bantustan?

Hardly seeing as Palestine has its own government and is not part of Israel. It is more of a cess pit of cancer cells that needs chemical or radiation therapy to neutralise them.

They have the means to live in peace and prosperity but refuse to take the plunge because they don't want to lose their charity payouts and have to work for a living

The Bantustans had their own Governments, exactly like occupied territories. But, they collected their own taxes, unlike in the occupied territories where Israel collects the taxes.

Of topic and deflecting again to try and change the subject. The west bank is nothing like S.A. it is a separate nation with its own government elected by the people. The Israelis are there purely to defend themselves from attacks coming from Syria and the Palestinians.
I don't think you know much about the subject you are trying to address. FOA, PA manages civil affairs and that is about it. Secondly, what charity payouts are you hallucinating?

The P.A. manages everything and exists on charity from other countries, you know like you say Israel does with its aid packages. Well the Palestinians have their own UN agency that gives them $billions every year in charity. Then you had the EU charity that has since been stopped that was meant to pay their fuel bills, but they spent it on "pensions" for convicted terrorists. How about the aid from the US that they are talking about withholding because of the Palestinians refusal to sit down and talk. Those are the facts that are easily proven by just looking on the internet.

The PA manages nothing, not the borders, not the air space, not the territorial sea not even the collection of taxes which is handled by the Israelis. Plus the place is run under Israeli martial law.martial

They cant manage their affairs and if Israel handed them over they would be fighting within a week. Controlling airspace and territorial waters is what martial law is all about. The Palestinians have it within their power to be free all they have to do is comply with International law and the UN resolutions and they will be free to go about their lives unhindered.
They cant manage their affairs and if Israel handed them over they would be fighting within a week. Controlling airspace and territorial waters is what martial law is all about. The Palestinians have it within their power to be free all they have to do is comply with International law and the UN resolutions and they will be free to go about their lives unhindered.
You got that ass-backwards!

Israel is the one in violation of international law and there are over 100 UN resolutions that say so.
Of topic and deflecting again to try and change the subject. The west bank is nothing like S.A. it is a separate nation with its own government elected by the people. The Israelis are there purely to defend themselves from attacks coming from Syria and the Palestinians.
An occupational force cannot claim self defense.
They ARE serving soldiers, obviously.

Not according to the elder statesmen of islam on this board that declare the P.A. has no standing army or soldiers. So they must be nothing more than terrorist mass murderers, and as such no government should be defending, supporting or nourishing them. By paying a "pension" that amounts to a politicians wage to each and every convicted Palestinian the P.A. is using the money that should be going to all the people in defending terrorism. Leaving them in debt and begging for more.

they have police
An occupational force cannot claim self defense.

I agree. All Israelis and Zionist settlers in Occupied Territories are legitimate targets. Again, Israeli policy in this regard unfortunately puts their own citizens at risk.
An occupational force cannot claim self defense.

I agree. All Israelis and Zionist settlers in Occupied Territories are legitimate targets. Again, Israeli policy in this regard unfortunately puts their own citizens at risk.

Legitimate Target

Legitimate Target

Legitimate Target

Legitimate Target

Legitimate Target
An occupational force cannot claim self defense.

I agree. All Israelis and Zionist settlers in Occupied Territories are legitimate targets. Again, Israeli policy in this regard unfortunately puts their own citizens at risk.

It looks like many converts lust for blood just like their fellow Muslims do in the rest of the Muslim world. I haven't seen anything in any article telling the Tibetans to kill, kill, kill the Chinese or that the Chinese civilians living there are legitimate targets. I guess the Tibetans are more civilized than Muslims.
Sadly, as a result of Israeli policies, that is true. These sweet innocent kids unfortunately are legitimate targets.

I doubt anyone would deliberately target babies, but the settlements in West Bank are legitimate targets and if these are settlers' kids, then hopefully they will be alright and live long enough to make up their own minds about their own loyalties, but I doubt anyone would refuse an attack on a settlement due to their presence, frankly.

If you want them safe, don't make them into Occupiers. What sort of a parent would take children into a settlement with an admitted military function anyway?
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Sadly, as a result of Israeli policies, that is true. They unfortunately are. I doubt anyone would deliberately target babies, but the settlements in West Bank are legitimate targets. If you want them safe, don't make them into Occupiers.

Sorry to disappoint you but the Israelis are perfectly entitled to build houses in areas they occupy in Judea and Samaria, by international law. Israel needs new homes and can't build them fast enough as they are still rehousing into permanent housing the Jews forcibly evicted from Gaza in 2005.

Your support for the murder of non-military personnel is sickening.
Sadly, as a result of Israeli policies, that is true. These sweet innocent kids unfortunately are legitimate targets.

I doubt anyone would deliberately target babies, but the settlements in West Bank are legitimate targets and if these are settlers' kids, then hopefully they will be alright and live long enough to make up their own minds about their own loyalties, but I doubt anyone would refuse an attack on a settlement due to a fear of innocent babies being hurt.

If you want them safe, don't make them into Occupiers. What sort of a parent would take children into a settlement with an admitted military function anyway?

As the viewers can see, Amity considers those innocent children as legitimate targets. Only a sick mind would think that way. It's just like her friends in the other Muslim countries who are killing each other. They also have no problem with killing children either.
Sadly, as a result of Israeli policies, that is true. These sweet innocent kids unfortunately are legitimate targets.

I doubt anyone would deliberately target babies, but the settlements in West Bank are legitimate targets and if these are settlers' kids, then hopefully they will be alright and live long enough to make up their own minds about their own loyalties, but I doubt anyone would refuse an attack on a settlement due to their presence, frankly.

If you want them safe, don't make them into Occupiers. What sort of a parent would take children into a settlement with an admitted military function anyway?

Palestinians have all too often, even their own.
Sadly, as a result of Israeli policies, that is true. These sweet innocent kids unfortunately are legitimate targets.

I doubt anyone would deliberately target babies, but the settlements in West Bank are legitimate targets and if these are settlers' kids, then hopefully they will be alright and live long enough to make up their own minds about their own loyalties, but I doubt anyone would refuse an attack on a settlement due to their presence, frankly.

If you want them safe, don't make them into Occupiers. What sort of a parent would take children into a settlement with an admitted military function anyway?

Palestinians have all too often, even their own.

I'm not sure where you mean ... camps? yes, they are very unsafe, but there is no choice.
Sadly, as a result of Israeli policies, that is true. These sweet innocent kids unfortunately are legitimate targets.

I doubt anyone would deliberately target babies, but the settlements in West Bank are legitimate targets and if these are settlers' kids, then hopefully they will be alright and live long enough to make up their own minds about their own loyalties, but I doubt anyone would refuse an attack on a settlement due to their presence, frankly.

If you want them safe, don't make them into Occupiers. What sort of a parent would take children into a settlement with an admitted military function anyway?

And you tell me your purpose is to grow a conscience into the hears of Zionists?

With that kind of concience, I rather be soulless!

Is your concience the same one allowing you saying that killing a three months old is justified? that's she's a legitimate target!

What the hell is wrong with you?!?

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