Respect Marriage bill violates freedom of religion

i don't care about that issue. I care about religious organizations being forced to.. say, perform sex change operations

forced to adopt children out to homosexuals, practicing

Exactly. If two fags want to pretend they're married have at it. But don't expect me to recognize it and keep the children they'll never conceive out of it
Exactly. If two fags want to pretend they're married have at it. But don't expect me to recognize it and keep the children they'll never conceive out of it
yeh.. whatever happened to best interest of child in such events as an adoption?

no sane person would say that it is just as good to have 2 males or 2 females for parents as it is to have one of both.. totally insulting to both genders.. not to mention God but we always have to take atheists into consideration, many of whom do not want children raised by fags either.. (ok, i don't know about thatMany thing.. but some)
yeh.. whatever happened to best interest of child in such events as an adoption?

no sane person would say that it is just as good to have 2 males or 2 females for parents as it is to have one of both.. totally insulting to both genders.. not to mention God but we always have to take atheists into consideration, many of whom do not want children raised by fags either.. (ok, i don't know about thatMany thing.. but some)

Mothers and fathers have distinctive roles in child development.
Mothers and fathers have distinctive roles in child development.

some people learn that only the hard way.. namely, they learn it when they become overwhelmed (what other kind are there?) single parents..

not pretty

very troubling to see the results of single family child rearing.. I hope some day America goes back to its Christian roots and has the sense to stay there.

All Christians should be concerned about this .. what I call a weasel bill.. No, I haven't read it (yet) but it looks like another one of those sneaky liberal bills that purports to do one thing while really accomplishing something else that their sick souls care about more...

I am still searching through sites on this issue.. but as one person put it.. yeh.. looks like any religious protections in that bill are WEAK.

I am a Christian and I am not worried. I am more worried about fascist Christians trying to take over the country.
None of which does those in an orphanage benefit from. We have thousands and thousands of families of single female or single male heads of households. Should we start removing their kids because of a lack of both a male and female in it?
It has been proven that children benefit more from two parent families.
Respect Marriage bill violates freedom of religion
Wrong – this is a lie.

The legislation would apply solely to state and local governments, private religious entities and private citizens would remain at liberty to discriminate against gay and transgender Americans and refuse to accommodate same-sex couples and interracial couples.
I am very suspect of anything that Democrats support.

I am in favor of states recognizing the marriages of other states. That has always been a part of the United States's law. In Texas, I can marry my first cousin. Maybe in South Carolina, they think that is incest and would not allow it. But, if I move to South Carolina with my wive/cousin it is vital to us that our marriage be valid there. Also for our kids, who have it bad enough with the extra toes and all.
How “vital” is it that you live in South Carolina?

I’m not sure you should be allowed to impose your way of life on others
None of which does those in an orphanage benefit from. We have thousands and thousands of families of single female or single male heads of households. Should we start removing their kids because of a lack of both a male and female in it?
Which does not relate to the bill.
To allow freedom of religion, it's necessary to allow lies and superstitious beliefs to be forced on more rational people.

The clash between religious beliefs and truth had to come eventually.

'Freedom of religion' can't be permitted to negatively influence the rights and freedoms of others!

Already the practice of lying to children about the god is child abuse that condemns children to a life of believing lies!
The doctrine of freedom of religion concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons or entities.

Just as private religious entities remained at liberty to refuse to accommodate same-sex couples after Obergefell, so too would private religious entities remained at liberty to refuse to accommodate same-sex couples, interracial couples, and couples of a different religion after the passage of Federal marriage protection.

Again, the legislation would apply solely to state and local governments.

All Christians should be concerned about this .. what I call a weasel bill.. No, I haven't read it (yet) but it looks like another one of those sneaky liberal bills that purports to do one thing while really accomplishing something else that their sick souls care about more...

I am still searching through sites on this issue.. but as one person put it.. yeh.. looks like any religious protections in that bill are WEAK.
A thread giving your opinion on a bill you havent read.
You can see how easy it is to get the CRT/grooming?whatever crap going.

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