Respect Marriage bill violates freedom of religion

What were you expecting?

That I would deny that there are horrible sinners inside the Baptist Church when we know that Satan is everywhere?

Most of the pedophiles could walk across the street to MSNBC or the NYTIMES and be treated as hero’s if they are willing to attack Jesus and renounce God

But they are just weak men who were lured by the prevailing liberal culture of sex

They should have been stronger but were not

Who cares about what a religion wants? We are a secular country under a Constitution and the rule of law.
It doesn’t even have anything to do with religion, that’s a red herring and fearmongering.

Again, churches will remain at liberty to discriminate against gay and transgender Americans and refuse to accommodate same-sex couples.
The mooching deadbeat loser class needs government to be their mommy and daddy, stealing OUR money to pay their fat lazy ass bills.
To be blunt: we need as much government as necessary to safeguard citizens’ rights and protected liberties from conservatives’ efforts to violate those rights and protected liberties.

This legislation is necessary in response to the right’s agenda to disadvantage gay and transgender Americans by codifying bigotry and hate in secular law.

Conservatives need to understand that ‘less government’ and ‘small government’ are far much more than just reckless, irresponsible tax cuts and deregulation.
How vital is it that you live in South Carolina?
Much more vital that I be allowed to live in the state of my choice than it is vital to prevent a cousins couple from being legally recognized as married in one.

Do you have a biblical objection to cousin marriage?
Much more vital that I be allowed to live in the state of my choice than it is vital to prevent a cousins couple from being legally recognized as married in one.

Do you have a biblical objection to cousin marriage?
I disagree

Do you have a biblical objection to cousin marriage?

I think the objection is scientific and it seems wise to me

And I suspect libs dont want to marry their cousin either

But someday maybe a child or an animal
I disagree
Why is it so vital that a state be able to not recognize a married cousins couple?
Do you have a biblical objection to cousin marriage?

I think the objection is scientific and it seems wise to me

And I suspect libs dont want to marry their cousin either

But someday maybe a child or an animal
What is the scientific objection?

I am happily married, and most of my cousins are way too country for my tastes, so it is not a personal issue. But I have a second cousin who was so bratty that I used to say she was my sister's cousin. She grew up into a Galleria hottie, and now she is a classy woman in her fifties. Allah forbid something happen to Mrs. Flops, I'd ring her up for a mini-family reunion.

If we decided to marry, what business is that of anyone's?

Yes, Democrats are clearly trying to take us in the direction of children being fair game. They aren't really hiding it.
The doctrine of freedom of religion concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons or entities.

Just as private religious entities remained at liberty to refuse to accommodate same-sex couples after Obergefell, so too would private religious entities remained at liberty to refuse to accommodate same-sex couples, interracial couples, and couples of a different religion after the passage of Federal marriage protection.

Again, the legislation would apply solely to state and local governments.
As a Canadian, I don't support the stripping away of rights belonging to individual citizens of their protections from religious superstitious beliefs.

Americans who interpret otherwise are largely responsible for their country's descent to 54th. in the world on rights and freedoms.

All Christians should be concerned about this .. what I call a weasel bill.. No, I haven't read it (yet) but it looks like another one of those sneaky liberal bills that purports to do one thing while really accomplishing something else that their sick souls care about more...

I am still searching through sites on this issue.. but as one person put it.. yeh.. looks like any religious protections in that bill are WEAK.

Only if you're a Fascist. You don't have to marry a same sex partner.

All Christians should be concerned about this .. what I call a weasel bill.. No, I haven't read it (yet) but it looks like another one of those sneaky liberal bills that purports to do one thing while really accomplishing something else that their sick souls care about more...

I am still searching through sites on this issue.. but as one person put it.. yeh.. looks like any religious protections in that bill are WEAK.

The government should not have the power to redefine religious and cultural traditions. The bill is crap.

All Christians should be concerned about this .. what I call a weasel bill.. No, I haven't read it (yet) but it looks like another one of those sneaky liberal bills that purports to do one thing while really accomplishing something else that their sick souls care about more...

I am still searching through sites on this issue.. but as one person put it.. yeh.. looks like any religious protections in that bill are WEAK.
Our government is a secular entity. The laws of this country are secular. Equality and justice matter. You are still free to discriminate against gay marriage in your church but not in public. Discrimination is discrimination even if it's in the guise of religious freedom. Religious freedom means you are free to worship as you wish but not to affect other people's right to do the same or not at all.

(b) No Federal recognition of polygamous marriages.—Nothing in this Act, or any amendment made by this Act, shall be construed to require or authorize Federal recognition of marriages between more than 2 individuals.

So, if were going to do ALL of this in order to protect gay marrige...but we're going to stop at polygamous marriages??? What is the reason for this?!?!? If someone wants to have 8 wives and 15 girlfriends, why does the government want to deny recognition of that? If "love is love", then by golly, that should apply to polygamy too! They need to fix this!

So, if were going to do ALL of this in order to protect gay marrige...but we're going to stop at polygamous marriages??? What is the reason for this?!?!? If someone wants to have 8 wives and 15 girlfriends, why does the government want to deny recognition of that? If "love is love", then by golly, that should apply to polygamy too! They need to fix this!
That is really idiotic thinking. Polygamy was outlawed by the federal government in the 1800s. That's why the Mormons moved West to territories, so they could remain polygamous. I believe the federal government also passed the law that prohibits siblings from marrying. The government is known for during logical things and thankfully some of the Republicans sided with reason too.
That is really idiotic thinking. Polygamy was outlawed by the federal government in the 1800s. That's why the Mormons moved West to territories, so they could remain polygamous. I believe the federal government also passed the law that prohibits siblings from marrying. The government is known for during logical things and thankfully some of the Republicans sided with reason too.
I was being sarcastic, but, while I agree with the not marrying siblings things, why would the federal government outlaw polygamous marriage? I mean, really, if we're taking the whole religious aspect out of marriage and simply looking at it as a mutual agreement between two people, why can't it be a mutual agreement between 5 people?

Who says marriage has to be between 2 people only, and if someone does, why would they think that way?
That is really idiotic thinking. Polygamy was outlawed by the federal government in the 1800s. That's why the Mormons moved West to territories, so they could remain polygamous. I believe the federal government also passed the law that prohibits siblings from marrying. The government is known for during logical things and thankfully some of the Republicans sided with reason too.
Well hells bells on a pinstripe donkey! Looky what I found!

The majority of Christian denominations forbid all forms of multiple relationships, because they view the sanctity of marriage as a holy sacrament, and something that should not be infringed upon.

Looks like it was banned for religious reasons! Well, that shits gotta go! No room for religious discrimination in marriage! You should be able to love who you love....even if it's 20 people!

Mormons everywhere unite! Your ability to marry 12 different people is being unjustly discriminated against!
I was being sarcastic, but, while I agree with the not marrying siblings things, why would the federal government outlaw polygamous marriage? I mean, really, if we're taking the whole religious aspect out of marriage and simply looking at it as a mutual agreement between two people, why can't it be a mutual agreement between 5 people?

Who says marriage has to be between 2 people only, and if someone does, why would they think that way?
Go ahead try to get the polygamy laws reversed. Be my guest. Some of the religious community was upset about gay marriage. I believe more of the religious community would be upset about provoking polygamy laws. Cuz most of them really believe that marriage is between two.
Well hells bells on a pinstripe donkey! Looky what I found!

Looks like it was banned for religious reasons! Well, that shits gotta go! No room for religious discrimination in marriage! You should be able to love who you love....even if it's 20 people!

Mormons everywhere unite! Your ability to marry 12 different people is being unjustly discriminated against!
Thanks for the laugh.

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