Restaraunt gives discount for praying

Religious Freedom Or Discrimination?

The issue doesn't exist outside the context of the relationship between a citizen and his government, where government alone has the capacity to discriminate with regard to religious freedom using the authority of the state.

In the context of the private sector, however, private persons objecting to other private persons praying in a public venue such as a restaurant does not constitute 'discrimination,' as religious persons remain at liberty to pray with impunity:

Like every provision of the Bill of Rights, the First Amendment applies only to the government. The free speech clause says that “Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of speech” (emphasis added). The text was properly understood only to restrain the U.S. Congress from prohibiting or punishing speech. Over the past century, courts have expanded the First Amendment to apply against state and local governments as well as the federal government,but never against a private company or individual.

The First Amendment won?t save you from your own bad judgment | Fox News
Consequently the premise of the thread is moot and a non-issue.

I guess you missed the reference to Title II of the CRA in the article, what a surprise.
God encourages us to pray to Him in private if my Bible reading memory serves me, not to put your prayers on 'display' just for others to see and hear..., no?
NC Diner Offers 15 Percent Discount For ?Praying In Public? Over Meal « CBS Charlotte

"After a receipt showing a 15 percent discount for “Praying in Public” hit social media, a Winston-Salem restaurant says it gives the discount all the time for customers who pray over their meals."

A laudable gesture by the owner of the restaurant. There is more than enough in society to encourage selfishness, narcissism, and the glorification of criminal or criminal-like behavior. Good to see something good once in a while.
What proof does the restaurant need that you were indeed actually praying and not just standing there looking solemn with your head hung down for a few moments?

Or does it need to be audible and official praying to get the discount?
What proof does the restaurant need that you were indeed actually praying and not just standing there looking solemn with your head hung down for a few moments?

Or does it need to be audible and official praying to get the discount?

I suppose that's the restaurant's call.
I'd sure as hell pretend to pray for 15%.

When I was in basic training I pretended to have religion just to get a breakup of the routine by being allowed to go to the church for a couple hours on Sundays, I was the loudest amen person in there.
NC Diner Offers 15 Percent Discount For ?Praying In Public? Over Meal « CBS Charlotte

"After a receipt showing a 15 percent discount for “Praying in Public” hit social media, a Winston-Salem restaurant says it gives the discount all the time for customers who pray over their meals."

A laudable gesture by the owner of the restaurant. There is more than enough in society to encourage selfishness, narcissism, and the glorification of criminal or criminal-like behavior. Good to see something good once in a while.

How about a discount for being helpful to the disabled, elderly, and very young? Nah, PRETENDING to pray is easier....
NC Diner Offers 15 Percent Discount For ?Praying In Public? Over Meal « CBS Charlotte

"After a receipt showing a 15 percent discount for “Praying in Public” hit social media, a Winston-Salem restaurant says it gives the discount all the time for customers who pray over their meals."

A laudable gesture by the owner of the restaurant. There is more than enough in society to encourage selfishness, narcissism, and the glorification of criminal or criminal-like behavior. Good to see something good once in a while.

How about a discount for being helpful to the disabled, elderly, and very young? Nah, PRETENDING to pray is easier....

Most people don't go out to eat at a restaurant to "help the disabled, elderly, and very young".

Besides that, it's well known that people of faith do more to help others, than those of no faith. Encouraging faith, is the best way to get those other things done.
I'd sure as hell pretend to pray for 15%.

When I was in basic training I pretended to have religion just to get a breakup of the routine by being allowed to go to the church for a couple hours on Sundays, I was the loudest amen person in there.

In basic training used to meet my wife at the chapel when we were both in da Army..My hands were'nt together praying..
NC Diner Offers 15 Percent Discount For ?Praying In Public? Over Meal « CBS Charlotte

"After a receipt showing a 15 percent discount for “Praying in Public” hit social media, a Winston-Salem restaurant says it gives the discount all the time for customers who pray over their meals."

A laudable gesture by the owner of the restaurant. There is more than enough in society to encourage selfishness, narcissism, and the glorification of criminal or criminal-like behavior. Good to see something good once in a while.

How about a discount for being helpful to the disabled, elderly, and very young? ....

You want to offer that in your restaurant? Go for it. Sounds like a fine idea.
God encourages us to pray to Him in private if my Bible reading memory serves me, not to put your prayers on 'display' just for others to see and hear..., no?

That's true, as quoted earlier. Therefore I should be able to get a 30% discount for honoring that sentiment by praying in private. Of course that means they won't know, so I'll just axe them if I can use their closet, as the biblical reference prescribes. Actually I think the bathroom will suffice.

Let the ostentatious muddle through with their paltry 15%. I'm goin' for da big bucks.
You cannot treat people who pray differently to those who don't.

That's how I see it too. You could say it amounts to a tax on the introverted. Or maybe more accurately, a bonus paid for psychological insecurity. A worthy comparison --- somewhere on the site (I didn't subscribe at the time so I don't know where it is) there's another restaurant that gives a discount if you order in Chinese. Anyone know that one, and if so can someone link it?

Mary says on her site that it's not a discount, but a "gift". I think she's in a very grey legal area there. Which no doubt someone's advised her by now.
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NC Diner Offers 15 Percent Discount For ?Praying In Public? Over Meal « CBS Charlotte

"After a receipt showing a 15 percent discount for “Praying in Public” hit social media, a Winston-Salem restaurant says it gives the discount all the time for customers who pray over their meals."

A laudable gesture by the owner of the restaurant. There is more than enough in society to encourage selfishness, narcissism, and the glorification of criminal or criminal-like behavior. Good to see something good once in a while.

How about a discount for being helpful to the disabled, elderly, and very young? ....

You want to offer that in your restaurant? Go for it. Sounds like a fine idea.

I do pro bono work for those listed, yes. And the poor, I am always thousands above the minimum required.
NC Diner Offers 15 Percent Discount For ?Praying In Public? Over Meal « CBS Charlotte

"After a receipt showing a 15 percent discount for “Praying in Public” hit social media, a Winston-Salem restaurant says it gives the discount all the time for customers who pray over their meals."

A laudable gesture by the owner of the restaurant. There is more than enough in society to encourage selfishness, narcissism, and the glorification of criminal or criminal-like behavior. Good to see something good once in a while.

How about a discount for being helpful to the disabled, elderly, and very young? Nah, PRETENDING to pray is easier....

Most people don't go out to eat at a restaurant to "help the disabled, elderly, and very young".

Besides that, it's well known that people of faith do more to help others, than those of no faith. Encouraging faith, is the best way to get those other things done.

In my town, those collecting for the young undocumented immigrants are churches and one civic organization, as I have posted repeatedly. Many faiths do place charity as a priority............some do not, in my area. I have worked at food banks, and donate, all have been church organizations.

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