Restaurant owner kicks Sarah Sanders party out on moral grounds

WTF are you talking about? She is far from near starving to death, and they are not the only restaurant she could go to.

This restaurant is a public accommodation, and has the duty to provide food. They can't force someone out to find some place else.
I wouldn't want her in my restaurant either. It just causes disruption when regular people are trying to eat.
I’m sure they could provide separate accommodations for Sarah
Maybe if she went around the back

You know what happens when you allow one Republican to eat in your establishment. They tell their friends and then more and more will want to be served

You gotta nip it in the bud

Well I didn't say what I was really thinking. She's stood up at the podium and lied so much, I wouldn't be able to eat without getting sick if I had to stare at her while at a restaurant.
Let’s face it......Republicans are happier being with their own kind.

It's no different than the baker. He didn't want to compromise his morals, well the restaurant owner doesn't believe in how the Trump administration is treating immigrant kids and being liars.
Really, the restaurant owner has a religious objection to serving people who work for the United States government?

She has a religions moral ground not to serve people part of an administration that locks kids in dog cages.
Sarah Sanders says restaurant owner in Virginia told her to leave

Will visit this restuarant the next time I am in Alexandria....for sure! BIG TIP!
She needs to be shunned and thrown out of the country
It is up to democrats to throw everyone who disagrees with them out of the country.

It's time this division cracks open like like a rotten egg.
That would be Republicans. They want an all white country.
I’m sure they could provide separate accommodations for Sarah
Maybe if she went around the back

You know what happens when you allow one Republican to eat in your establishment. They tell their friends and then more and more will want to be served

You gotta nip it in the bud

Well I didn't say what I was really thinking. She's stood up at the podium and lied so much, I wouldn't be able to eat without getting sick if I had to stare at her while at a restaurant.
Let’s face it......Republicans are happier being with their own kind.

It's no different than the baker. He didn't want to compromise his morals, well the restaurant owner doesn't believe in how the Trump administration is treating immigrant kids and being liars.
Really, the restaurant owner has a religious objection to serving people who work for the United States government?

She has a religions moral ground not to serve people part of an administration that locks kids in dog cages.
Well, that hasn't happened since the last Administration.

But I'd like to see the well established religious grounds on which the owner's basis is exactly the same as the baker. After all, YOU are attempting to make them morally equivalent, even though a 3rd grader would know better.
It's no different than the baker. He didn't want to compromise his morals, well the restaurant owner doesn't believe in how the Trump administration is treating immigrant kids and being liars.

Actually, its totally different, because this was about basic sustenance for a human being. The restaurant owner wasn't being asked to cater a WH gala to celebrate America's return to greatness.

This is actually attempted murder, IMHO, as it is well known that food is necessary for maintaining life and the broad was trying to starve Sanders to death.
Are you saying Sanders isn't allowed to eat anywhere??
WTF are you talking about? She is far from near starving to death, and they are not the only restaurant she could go to.

This restaurant is a public accommodation, and has the duty to provide food. They can't force someone out to find some place else.

It's not a public restaurant, it is privately owned.
Correct, and as such, she has the right to refuse to do business with anyone.

However, it is NOT the same as the baker. Only in imbecile would try to make that kind of comparison.
Well I didn't say what I was really thinking. She's stood up at the podium and lied so much, I wouldn't be able to eat without getting sick if I had to stare at her while at a restaurant.
Let’s face it......Republicans are happier being with their own kind.

It's no different than the baker. He didn't want to compromise his morals, well the restaurant owner doesn't believe in how the Trump administration is treating immigrant kids and being liars.
Really, the restaurant owner has a religious objection to serving people who work for the United States government?

She has a religions moral ground not to serve people part of an administration that locks kids in dog cages.
Well, that hasn't happened since the last Administration.

But I'd like to see the well established religious grounds on which the owner's basis is exactly the same as the baker. After all, YOU are attempting to make them morally equivalent, even though a 3rd grader would know better.

How is it NOT the same? A baker can say he doesn't believe in gay weddings, and the restaurant owner can say he doesn't agree with putting CHILDREN in dog cages and discriminating against people based on their religion like the travel ban against Muslims.

Why fight it? Who wants to be somewhere they aren't wanted? She just needs to go to one of the other 5 million places to eat in the area.
The owner is now blaming it on her staff, saying they asked her to kick Sanders out. Meanwhile, the restaurant is being bombarded tonight with people calling to make reservations, using the name Donald Trump.

Why a small-town restaurant owner asked Sarah Huckabee Sanders to leave — and would do it again

You really have to laugh at the hate-driven Leftist kooks! The more they play their game of hate and bigotry, the more it just blows up in their face. They think they are being cute kicking a nationally known WH staff out of their restaurant and her whole party of 7, and all it has gotten them is a kick in the teeth. Now they have been bombarded with 1-star reviews, calls for boycott, overwhelming disapproval, flooded with angry phone calls ringing off the hook---- even their namesake restaurant in DC has disowned them saying they had nothing to do with it! Was it really worth the enormous loss of business this place is going to suffer for a few minutes of "feel good?"

What strikes me is the enormous gulf in inconsistency here: a few weeks ago, Roseanne Barr simply makes an off-color comment about a person and is literally drummed out of the business her show ERASED from history, never to be spoken of again except in dark alleys and here is this dimwit jerk of an owner actually throwing an entire party of customers out of their restaurant simply for being Republicans? Such hate against a woman for simply doing her job because they don't like who she works for? More violence prompted by the Leftwing Media.

I guess the GOOD NEWS is that these drooling knuckle-dragging morons at least didn't try to shoot her for being republican. Oh, if the DNC thinks this is going to win them popularity and elections in this country with these fascist GOON SQUAD tactics, they are in for an Oh-So-Rude awakening yet again in the Fall. I can't wait.
Let’s face it......Republicans are happier being with their own kind.

It's no different than the baker. He didn't want to compromise his morals, well the restaurant owner doesn't believe in how the Trump administration is treating immigrant kids and being liars.
Really, the restaurant owner has a religious objection to serving people who work for the United States government?

She has a religions moral ground not to serve people part of an administration that locks kids in dog cages.
Well, that hasn't happened since the last Administration.

But I'd like to see the well established religious grounds on which the owner's basis is exactly the same as the baker. After all, YOU are attempting to make them morally equivalent, even though a 3rd grader would know better.

How is it NOT the same? A baker can say he doesn't believe in gay weddings, and the restaurant owner can say he doesn't agree with putting CHILDREN in dog cages and discriminating against people based on their religion like the travel ban against Muslims.

Why fight it? Who wants to be somewhere they aren't wanted? She just needs to go to one of the other 5 million places to eat in the area.
I didn't say she should fight it. I said your attempt to equate her hatred of Sanders politics has no long-standing basis in a moral, religious standing such as a moral conviction against homosexuality.

The truth is, there is no comparison. Your statements of bans of people on religious grounds and caging children has no basis in fact. It is an obsessive opinion of yours that was fed to you by your handlers, the main stream media.
She has a religions moral ground not to serve people part of an administration that locks kids in dog cages.

Except for the fact that this never happened.

In any event, it would be great to see protests out in front of the restaurant, if not inside. Seal the place up tight as a drum, declare a strike.
It's no different than the baker. He didn't want to compromise his morals, well the restaurant owner doesn't believe in how the Trump administration is treating immigrant kids and being liars.
Really, the restaurant owner has a religious objection to serving people who work for the United States government?

She has a religions moral ground not to serve people part of an administration that locks kids in dog cages.
Well, that hasn't happened since the last Administration.

But I'd like to see the well established religious grounds on which the owner's basis is exactly the same as the baker. After all, YOU are attempting to make them morally equivalent, even though a 3rd grader would know better.

How is it NOT the same? A baker can say he doesn't believe in gay weddings, and the restaurant owner can say he doesn't agree with putting CHILDREN in dog cages and discriminating against people based on their religion like the travel ban against Muslims.

Why fight it? Who wants to be somewhere they aren't wanted? She just needs to go to one of the other 5 million places to eat in the area.
I didn't say she should fight it. I said your attempt to equate her hatred of Sanders politics has no long-standing basis in a moral, religious standing such as a moral conviction against homosexuality.

The truth is, there is no comparison. Your statements of bans of people on religious grounds and caging children has no basis in fact. It is an obsessive opinion of yours that was fed to you by your handlers, the main stream media.

It is MORAL. A REAL person with morals would never lock up an innocent child in a dog cage because of their parents committing a misdemeanor crime. It's fucking ridiculous. I guess you would have to have morals to understand it.
The restaurant should be shut down for discrimination.
That's the kind of thing the Regressive Left would do. Let people have their say. This should be instructing us on how bad we've allowed things to become.
Actually that is an excellent point. It is just interesting to speculate on giving these stupid Moon Bats a dose of their own medicine.
They have to live in their own hate.

Freedom of expression always points out the crazies, loud and clear.
Really, the restaurant owner has a religious objection to serving people who work for the United States government?

She has a religions moral ground not to serve people part of an administration that locks kids in dog cages.
Well, that hasn't happened since the last Administration.

But I'd like to see the well established religious grounds on which the owner's basis is exactly the same as the baker. After all, YOU are attempting to make them morally equivalent, even though a 3rd grader would know better.

How is it NOT the same? A baker can say he doesn't believe in gay weddings, and the restaurant owner can say he doesn't agree with putting CHILDREN in dog cages and discriminating against people based on their religion like the travel ban against Muslims.

Why fight it? Who wants to be somewhere they aren't wanted? She just needs to go to one of the other 5 million places to eat in the area.
I didn't say she should fight it. I said your attempt to equate her hatred of Sanders politics has no long-standing basis in a moral, religious standing such as a moral conviction against homosexuality.

The truth is, there is no comparison. Your statements of bans of people on religious grounds and caging children has no basis in fact. It is an obsessive opinion of yours that was fed to you by your handlers, the main stream media.

It is MORAL. A REAL person with morals would never lock up an innocent child in a dog cage because of their parents committing a misdemeanor crime. It's fucking ridiculous. I guess you would have to have morals to understand it.
The ONLY Person who locked kids up in dog cages was OBAMA! How many times do you have to be told that?

These so called parents are endangering the welfare of their children by their actions. That is NOT a misdemeanor, and a majority of them are second time attempts at entery a felony.

You don't like the law, get it changed. However, enforcing the law is not an option.
I wouldn't want her in my restaurant either. It just causes disruption when regular people are trying to eat.
I’m sure they could provide separate accommodations for Sarah
Maybe if she went around the back

You know what happens when you allow one Republican to eat in your establishment. They tell their friends and then more and more will want to be served

You gotta nip it in the bud

Well I didn't say what I was really thinking. She's stood up at the podium and lied so much, I wouldn't be able to eat without getting sick if I had to stare at her while at a restaurant.
Let’s face it......Republicans are happier being with their own kind.

It's no different than the baker. He didn't want to compromise his morals, well the restaurant owner doesn't believe in how the Trump administration is treating immigrant kids and being liars.
Really, the restaurant owner has a religious objection to serving people who work for the United States government?

It doesn't have to be a religious objection, just a sincerely held belief; such a requirement would be discriminatory. Religion is not entitled to a preference. Even if the objection required a religion-based foundation, there is plenty in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam to justify the restaurant's actions (apologies to Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Wiccans, Pagans, etc.; I just don't know enough about your religions).

The restaurant already has to pay to fumigate the place. Let this ignorant, holiler-than-thou-art liar have a tv dinner at home.
I’m sure if Huck Sanders wanted to eat there are plenty of other restaurants to serve her

Kind of like getting a wedding cake
I’m sure they could provide separate accommodations for Sarah
Maybe if she went around the back

You know what happens when you allow one Republican to eat in your establishment. They tell their friends and then more and more will want to be served

You gotta nip it in the bud

Well I didn't say what I was really thinking. She's stood up at the podium and lied so much, I wouldn't be able to eat without getting sick if I had to stare at her while at a restaurant.
Let’s face it......Republicans are happier being with their own kind.

It's no different than the baker. He didn't want to compromise his morals, well the restaurant owner doesn't believe in how the Trump administration is treating immigrant kids and being liars.
Really, the restaurant owner has a religious objection to serving people who work for the United States government?

It doesn't have to be a religious objection, just a sincerely held belief; such a requirement would be discriminatory. Religion is not entitled to a preference. Even if the objection required a religion-based foundation, there is plenty in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam to justify the restaurant's actions (apologies to Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Wiccans, Pagans, etc.; I just don't know enough about your religions).

The restaurant already has to pay to fumigate the place. Let this ignorant, holiler-than-thou-art liar have a tv dinner at home.
Perhaps you should take a comprehension class. I did not say it took that. The owner can refuse to do business for any reason. It highlights her bigotry, but nothing more.

The reality is, that her stance is nowhere near the equivalent of the case of the baker. The baker had a moral justification. The restaurant owner is just practicing political hatred.
She has a religions moral ground not to serve people part of an administration that locks kids in dog cages.
Well, that hasn't happened since the last Administration.

But I'd like to see the well established religious grounds on which the owner's basis is exactly the same as the baker. After all, YOU are attempting to make them morally equivalent, even though a 3rd grader would know better.

How is it NOT the same? A baker can say he doesn't believe in gay weddings, and the restaurant owner can say he doesn't agree with putting CHILDREN in dog cages and discriminating against people based on their religion like the travel ban against Muslims.

Why fight it? Who wants to be somewhere they aren't wanted? She just needs to go to one of the other 5 million places to eat in the area.
I didn't say she should fight it. I said your attempt to equate her hatred of Sanders politics has no long-standing basis in a moral, religious standing such as a moral conviction against homosexuality.

The truth is, there is no comparison. Your statements of bans of people on religious grounds and caging children has no basis in fact. It is an obsessive opinion of yours that was fed to you by your handlers, the main stream media.

It is MORAL. A REAL person with morals would never lock up an innocent child in a dog cage because of their parents committing a misdemeanor crime. It's fucking ridiculous. I guess you would have to have morals to understand it.
The ONLY Person who locked kids up in dog cages was OBAMA! How many times do you have to be told that?

These so called parents are endangering the welfare of their children by their actions. That is NOT a misdemeanor, and a majority of them are second time attempts at entery a felony.

You don't like the law, get it changed. However, enforcing the law is not an option.

Conversation over. If you want to sit with your head in the sand and lie, this conversation is going nowhere, and I'm not wasting anymore time.
Well I didn't say what I was really thinking. She's stood up at the podium and lied so much, I wouldn't be able to eat without getting sick if I had to stare at her while at a restaurant.
Let’s face it......Republicans are happier being with their own kind.

It's no different than the baker. He didn't want to compromise his morals, well the restaurant owner doesn't believe in how the Trump administration is treating immigrant kids and being liars.
Really, the restaurant owner has a religious objection to serving people who work for the United States government?

It doesn't have to be a religious objection, just a sincerely held belief; such a requirement would be discriminatory. Religion is not entitled to a preference. Even if the objection required a religion-based foundation, there is plenty in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam to justify the restaurant's actions (apologies to Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Wiccans, Pagans, etc.; I just don't know enough about your religions).

The restaurant already has to pay to fumigate the place. Let this ignorant, holiler-than-thou-art liar have a tv dinner at home.
Perhaps you should take a comprehension class. I did not say it took that. The owner can refuse to do business for any reason. It highlights her bigotry, but nothing more.

The reality is, that her stance is nowhere near the equivalent of the case of the baker. The baker had a moral justification. The restaurant owner is just practicing political hatred.
The restaurant owner stated her moral objection to Sanders

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