Restaurant owner kicks Sarah Sanders party out on moral grounds

No...he ran on strengthening the border and enforcing our immigration laws. The "separating" children thing is nothing more that a diversion to keep people from focusing on the IG report that just came out that shows how disgustingly corrupt the LAST administration was!
And perhaps that IG report is a diversion from how the republican house is cutting 100's of millions from medicare and SS ?

The Obama White house weaponizing the IRS and the Justice Department to use against it's political opponents is a "diversion"? Richard Nixon was rightly run out of office for doing far less than Barack Obama did while in office.

The GOP working to keep Medicare and Social Security solvent isn't a's grown ups doing things that need to be done to keep their household budget from becoming a joke!
Ever hear of starving the beast?? Exactly what repubs are trying to pull off

Think about why it's called a "beast" in the first place? Because it's grown too large and is eating us out of house and home? Duh? Yes...they're trying to starve the beast. Anyone who doesn't think the beast needs to brought under control is a fool.
And you help it along by giving billionaire huge tax breaks? Something doesn't add up smells bad

I got a nice little tax reduction because of Trump and I am not a billionaire. If you didn't get one then it is because you are not making enough money to pay income taxes.

By the way, the rich people in this country on Wall Street and the Limousine Liberals are the ones that backed Obama in 2008 and 2012 and Crooked Hillary in 2016.

They knew they would be able to buy whatever they needed from the Democrats.
Lexington went for Hillary, but the surrounding county was strongly Trump.

The Red Hen may have committed business seppuku. They are only a 3-star restaurant, and I would suspect a good percentage of their clientele support Trump.

NOTE: Just looked at YELP. It's down to 2 1/2 stars. :auiqs.jpg:

So what? By next month, they'll be back to 5 stars again.

Perhaps. Or perhaps a rival restaurant will let it be known that Republicans are welcome, and they will go there instead.
What a shame, and even worse, no doubt they'll be heroes.

We're just acting like children now. Adults don't do this, regardless of what they think of the other person.
So the baker should have baked the gay guys their cake?
What a shame, and even worse, no doubt they'll be heroes.
We're just acting like children now. Adults don't do this, regardless of what they think of the other person.
So the baker should have baked the gay guys their cake?
I wish they had.

And when they didn't, I wish the couple had just gotten over it and gone to someone else.

Not real fond of either character in that story.
And perhaps that IG report is a diversion from how the republican house is cutting 100's of millions from medicare and SS ?

The Obama White house weaponizing the IRS and the Justice Department to use against it's political opponents is a "diversion"? Richard Nixon was rightly run out of office for doing far less than Barack Obama did while in office.

The GOP working to keep Medicare and Social Security solvent isn't a's grown ups doing things that need to be done to keep their household budget from becoming a joke!
Ever hear of starving the beast?? Exactly what repubs are trying to pull off

Think about why it's called a "beast" in the first place? Because it's grown too large and is eating us out of house and home? Duh? Yes...they're trying to starve the beast. Anyone who doesn't think the beast needs to brought under control is a fool.
And you help it along by giving billionaire huge tax breaks? Something doesn't add up smells bad

I got a nice little tax reduction because of Trump and I am not a billionaire. If you didn't get one then it is because you are not making enough money to pay income taxes.

By the way, the rich people in this country on Wall Street and the Limousine Liberals are the ones that backed Obama in 2008 and 2012 and Crooked Hillary in 2016.

They knew they would be able to buy whatever they needed from the Democrats.
Yeah only made about 500K and paid 3 digits in taxes and any tax reduction you got will be lost because of tariffs The world hates us ,,,except Russia good work
Lexington went for Hillary, but the surrounding county was strongly Trump.

The Red Hen may have committed business seppuku. They are only a 3-star restaurant, and I would suspect a good percentage of their clientele support Trump.

NOTE: Just looked at YELP. It's down to 2 1/2 stars. :auiqs.jpg:

So what? By next month, they'll be back to 5 stars again.

Perhaps. Or perhaps a rival restaurant will let it be known that Republicans are welcome, and they will go there instead.

that would be a wise business decisions.
Lexington went for Hillary, but the surrounding county was strongly Trump.

The Red Hen may have committed business seppuku. They are only a 3-star restaurant, and I would suspect a good percentage of their clientele support Trump.

NOTE: Just looked at YELP. It's down to 2 1/2 stars. :auiqs.jpg:

So what? By next month, they'll be back to 5 stars again.

Perhaps. Or perhaps a rival restaurant will let it be known that Republicans are welcome, and they will go there instead.
Repub restaurants serve SOS
This is getting scary.
I was thinking the same thing. It's like everyone is going completely insane. I'm probably alone in thinking this, but to me it feels like this increasing division is being orchestrated somehow. Divide and conquer, that's the name of the game.
I'm with ya. I think it's a combination of things.

First, there are people on both ends of the spectrum who have a vested professional interest in keeping their flocks angry and divided.

Second, we're becoming more and more tribal and narcissistic.

And third, and this is the scary part to me, it has been so long since we communicated like adults that we appear to have lost the skills to do so.

I see this stuff day after day, I don't understand why we're choosing to behave like this, and I'm losing faith that we're going to recover.

You are so full of shit....hypocrite 101.

I typed this in a thread:

'The DOW will now probably open down for the year...mostly thanks to Trump's stupid trade policies.'

Dow futures slump more than 300 points as fears of a U.S.-China trade war ratchet up

And then you responded with the following:

'Oh good, another shallow, hyper-partisan thread on the stock market and macroeconomics. We need at least two or three of these per day.
The market gets a little emotional now and then, the "press" tries comically to assign various motivations, and each end of the spectrum celebrates any bad stock market news when the other side is in power. And, of course, both sides pretend the stock market is the economy when it suits them.

Ultimately, the market always calms down and remembers it's just about earnings.

Gawd, this stuff is so silly, so ignorant, and so transparent.'

Dow futures slump more than 300 points as fears of a U.S.-China trade war ratchet up

All I typed was what the markets did and that it was due to Trump's (stupid - IMO) trade most economists also thought (it seems).

Yet, you instantly turn on the partisan juke box and call my simple sentence 'silly, ignorant and transparent'.

And then when I question you about it and tell you I am run and hide and refuse to discuss it until someone else finally pressed you. And you attacked that guy rather viciously, and all he did was question why you did what you did. And then you proceed to tell him that he should not talk about economics to you since you are SUCH an expert (paraphrased).
You acted like a 6 year old.

And in this start attacking anyone who does not respect you for trying to act 'above it all'.

So you run around preaching how partisan, tribal and narcissistic everyone ELSE is...clearly acting like Mr. UN. Trying - obviously - to make yourself seem above it all.
But then you attack whomever and whatever you feel like with the same childishness and narcissism that you claim to despise.

You are full of it and yourself.

A restaurant owner in Lexington, Virginia kicked Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her party out of his restaurant ... on moral grounds.

The waiter at The Red Hen said, "I just served Sarah Huckabee Sanders for a total of 2 minutes before my owner kicked her out along with 7 of her other family members."

Others say the owner didn't want Huckabee Sanders in the restaurant out of "moral conviction."

This is the second time this week someone from the Trump Administration was drummed out of a restaurant. Earlier this week Homeland Sec;urity Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was booted from a Mexican restaurant near The White House.

The Red Hen's Yelp pages has blown up with glowing and damning reviews ... along political lines, of course.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Kicked Out of Restaurant on Moral Grounds

To bad she wasn't baking a gay wedding cake.
Guess she now knows what gays and blacks feel like.
This is getting scary.
I was thinking the same thing. It's like everyone is going completely insane. I'm probably alone in thinking this, but to me it feels like this increasing division is being orchestrated somehow. Divide and conquer, that's the name of the game.
I'm with ya. I think it's a combination of things.

First, there are people on both ends of the spectrum who have a vested professional interest in keeping their flocks angry and divided.

Second, we're becoming more and more tribal and narcissistic.

And third, and this is the scary part to me, it has been so long since we communicated like adults that we appear to have lost the skills to do so.

I see this stuff day after day, I don't understand why we're choosing to behave like this, and I'm losing faith that we're going to recover.

You are so full of shit....hypocrite 101.

I typed this in a thread:

'The DOW will now probably open down for the year...mostly thanks to Trump's stupid trade policies.'

Dow futures slump more than 300 points as fears of a U.S.-China trade war ratchet up

And then you responded with the following:

'Oh good, another shallow, hyper-partisan thread on the stock market and macroeconomics. We need at least two or three of these per day.
The market gets a little emotional now and then, the "press" tries comically to assign various motivations, and each end of the spectrum celebrates any bad stock market news when the other side is in power. And, of course, both sides pretend the stock market is the economy when it suits them.

Ultimately, the market always calms down and remembers it's just about earnings.

Gawd, this stuff is so silly, so ignorant, and so transparent.'

Dow futures slump more than 300 points as fears of a U.S.-China trade war ratchet up

All I typed was what the markets did and that it was due to Trump's (stupid - IMO) trade most economists also thought (it seems).

Yet, you instantly turn on the partisan juke box and call my simple sentence 'silly, ignorant and transparent'.

And then when I question you about it and tell you I am run and hide and refuse to discuss it until someone else finally pressed you. And you attacked that guy rather viciously, and all he did was question why you did what you did. And then you proceed to tell him that he should not talk about economics to you since you are SUCH an expert (paraphrased).
You acted like a 6 year old.

So you run around preaching how partisan, tribal and narcissistic everyone ELSE is...clearly acting like Mr. UN. Trying - obviously - to make yourself seem above it all.
But then you attack whomever and whatever you feel like with the same childishness and narcissism that you claim to despise.

You are full of it and yourself.
Holy crap, you're still sobbing over one post I wrote, what, six days ago? Are you always this weepy?

I sure can get up in the heads of the Regressives, that's for sure.

If you don't like my opinions, tough shit, drama queen.

I wouldn't want her in my restaurant either. It just causes disruption when regular people are trying to eat.
Good for the woman who owned the restaurant.

I say a private business that offers a non-life saving product or service should be able to serve anyone OR refuse to serve anyone they wish.

And yes, I thought this in regards to the gay wedding thing.

By the way...though I thought the gay wedding cake maker was an idiot for doing what he did (though I support his right to do it)....this restaurant owner I support 100%.
If I lived near there, I would eat at that restaurant this week JUST to support it.

Sarah Sanders is a bitch who is the mouth piece for a disgusting human being (Trump)...I hope she gets refused service everywhere she goes (so long as it is not an important service).
Last edited:
I wouldn't want her in my restaurant either. It just causes disruption when regular people are trying to eat.
I’m sure they could provide separate accommodations for Sarah
Maybe if she went around the back

You know what happens when you allow one Republican to eat in your establishment. They tell their friends and then more and more will want to be served

You gotta nip it in the bud
This is getting scary.
I was thinking the same thing. It's like everyone is going completely insane. I'm probably alone in thinking this, but to me it feels like this increasing division is being orchestrated somehow. Divide and conquer, that's the name of the game.
I'm with ya. I think it's a combination of things.

First, there are people on both ends of the spectrum who have a vested professional interest in keeping their flocks angry and divided.

Second, we're becoming more and more tribal and narcissistic.

And third, and this is the scary part to me, it has been so long since we communicated like adults that we appear to have lost the skills to do so.

I see this stuff day after day, I don't understand why we're choosing to behave like this, and I'm losing faith that we're going to recover.

You are so full of shit....hypocrite 101.

I typed this in a thread:

'The DOW will now probably open down for the year...mostly thanks to Trump's stupid trade policies.'

Dow futures slump more than 300 points as fears of a U.S.-China trade war ratchet up

And then you responded with the following:

'Oh good, another shallow, hyper-partisan thread on the stock market and macroeconomics. We need at least two or three of these per day.
The market gets a little emotional now and then, the "press" tries comically to assign various motivations, and each end of the spectrum celebrates any bad stock market news when the other side is in power. And, of course, both sides pretend the stock market is the economy when it suits them.

Ultimately, the market always calms down and remembers it's just about earnings.

Gawd, this stuff is so silly, so ignorant, and so transparent.'

Dow futures slump more than 300 points as fears of a U.S.-China trade war ratchet up

All I typed was what the markets did and that it was due to Trump's (stupid - IMO) trade most economists also thought (it seems).

Yet, you instantly turn on the partisan juke box and call my simple sentence 'silly, ignorant and transparent'.

And then when I question you about it and tell you I am run and hide and refuse to discuss it until someone else finally pressed you. And you attacked that guy rather viciously, and all he did was question why you did what you did. And then you proceed to tell him that he should not talk about economics to you since you are SUCH an expert (paraphrased).
You acted like a 6 year old.

So you run around preaching how partisan, tribal and narcissistic everyone ELSE is...clearly acting like Mr. UN. Trying - obviously - to make yourself seem above it all.
But then you attack whomever and whatever you feel like with the same childishness and narcissism that you claim to despise.

You are full of it and yourself.
Holy crap, you're still sobbing over one post I wrote, what, six days ago? Are you always this weepy?

I sure can get up in the heads of the Regressives, that's for sure.

If you don't like my opinions, tough shit, drama queen.


Oh is the hypocrite cometh.

The guy who loves to run around telling everyone how childish they are being...yet seems to have the honor and maturity of a spoiled, grade schooler.

Free advice...stop preaching how wonderful you are and how awful 'both sides' stink at it.

Have a WONDERFUL day.

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