Restaurant owner kicks Sarah Sanders party out on moral grounds

The ONLY Person who locked kids up in dog cages was OBAMA! How many times do you have to be told that?

These so called parents are endangering the welfare of their children by their actions. That is NOT a misdemeanor, and a majority of them are second time attempts at entery a felony.

You don't like the law, get it changed. However, enforcing the law is not an option.

Conversation over. If you want to sit with your head in the sand and lie, this conversation is going nowhere, and I'm not wasting anymore time.
Good, get back to Me when you stop buying into the bullshit you are being spoonfed.

You don't even realize you are inadvertently admitting Trump's actions. You blame the vision of kids in dog cages on Obama, then 2 seconds later say that Trump and his people are just enforcing the law. That's just sad.
Enforcing the law does not equate to putting kids in dog cages. You probably don't know this -- you just regurgitate what you hear from the media -- The the Flores settlement set a minimum standard for how children are to be housed. Obama didn't follow it -- he was real big on not following any laws -- But the separation of families is not the horror show you are being led to believe.

If you look around carefully, you'll find that while the housing of these kids is not your dream American home, it is not dog cages. Those pictures -- of kids in dog cages -- are from 2014. Trump was NOT President in 2014.

I do know this, and they are in dog cages. Reporters and politicians have seen it with their own eyes on tours. Good lord, give it up.

You keep contradicting yourself.

"OMG Obama was the one that put the kids in dog cages!"

2 seconds later:

"It's ok for Trump to put kids in dog cages because he is enforcing the law."
Trump does not have them in dog cages. Last time I'm going to say that to you.
It's no different than the baker. He didn't want to compromise his morals, well the restaurant owner doesn't believe in how the Trump administration is treating immigrant kids and being liars.
Really, the restaurant owner has a religious objection to serving people who work for the United States government?

It doesn't have to be a religious objection, just a sincerely held belief; such a requirement would be discriminatory. Religion is not entitled to a preference. Even if the objection required a religion-based foundation, there is plenty in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam to justify the restaurant's actions (apologies to Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Wiccans, Pagans, etc.; I just don't know enough about your religions).

The restaurant already has to pay to fumigate the place. Let this ignorant, holiler-than-thou-art liar have a tv dinner at home.
Perhaps you should take a comprehension class. I did not say it took that. The owner can refuse to do business for any reason. It highlights her bigotry, but nothing more.

The reality is, that her stance is nowhere near the equivalent of the case of the baker. The baker had a moral justification. The restaurant owner is just practicing political hatred.

How to you know that the restaurateur doesn't have a moral justification? It certainly seems like s/he does. Ever stop to think that s/he might be a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim? Huh?
How many Republicans did she ban from her establishment prior to Sander's visit?

That will be your answer to the moral justification.

The baker has held a LIFELONG religious conviction that homosexuality is a sin. Agree with his conviction or not, he has held it his entire life.

This owner just hates Trump and people around Trump or all Republicans since the opening of the business, would have been banned.
Thanks for ruling out Sanders' ejection being due to her being a Republican. :113:
Conversation over. If you want to sit with your head in the sand and lie, this conversation is going nowhere, and I'm not wasting anymore time.
Good, get back to Me when you stop buying into the bullshit you are being spoonfed.

You don't even realize you are inadvertently admitting Trump's actions. You blame the vision of kids in dog cages on Obama, then 2 seconds later say that Trump and his people are just enforcing the law. That's just sad.
Enforcing the law does not equate to putting kids in dog cages. You probably don't know this -- you just regurgitate what you hear from the media -- The the Flores settlement set a minimum standard for how children are to be housed. Obama didn't follow it -- he was real big on not following any laws -- But the separation of families is not the horror show you are being led to believe.

If you look around carefully, you'll find that while the housing of these kids is not your dream American home, it is not dog cages. Those pictures -- of kids in dog cages -- are from 2014. Trump was NOT President in 2014.

I do know this, and they are in dog cages. Reporters and politicians have seen it with their own eyes on tours. Good lord, give it up.

You keep contradicting yourself.

"OMG Obama was the one that put the kids in dog cages!"

2 seconds later:

"It's ok for Trump to put kids in dog cages because he is enforcing the law."
If you are going to continue to keep your head buried up the media's ass, there is no keeping this conversation going. You're not interested in the welfare of these children; just in what it means as a weapon against Trump.

Wrong. I've always cared about the welfare of others. Otherwise I wouldn't have chosen the career field I have.

You don't even realize how you contradict yourself with each statement.
Ya know when you were a kid and would have fun wrestling matches with siblings or friends. Invariably, the asshole of the group would do something to purposefully cause injury to someone. Everyone else played by the "rules" and avoided taking it too far. But that one asshole just couldn't help himself. He fucked it up for everyone.
By all accounts, neighbors of Little Donnie Trump described him that way

Could be.
Good for the woman who owned the restaurant.

I say a private business that offers a non-life saving product or service should be able to serve anyone OR refuse to serve anyone they wish.

And yes, I thought this in regards to the gay wedding thing.

By the way...though I thought the gay wedding cake maker was an idiot for doing what he did (though I support his right to do it)....this restaurant owner I support 100%.
If I lived near there, I would eat at that restaurant this week JUST to support it.

Sarah Sanders is a bitch who is the mouth piece for a disgusting human being (Trump)...I hope she gets refused service everywhere she goes (so long as it is not an important service).

Nope. Immutable characteristics shall not be used as a reason to deny service in a civilized and learned society.

That's what we have decided. Sadly, some people are having a hard time with the concept.
Lexington went for Hillary, but the surrounding county was strongly Trump.

The Red Hen may have committed business seppuku. They are only a 3-star restaurant, and I would suspect a good percentage of their clientele support Trump.

NOTE: Just looked at YELP. It's down to 2 1/2 stars. :auiqs.jpg:

So what? By next month, they'll be back to 5 stars again.

Perhaps. Or perhaps a rival restaurant will let it be known that Republicans are welcome, and they will go there instead.
Umm, you were celebrating conservatives dragging down their rating. I am merely pointing out their rating reflects each months votes. With the attention span of your average conservative being about that of a gnat, by next month, their rating will be back to 5 stars and business will continue as usual.

Actually, they've gone from 5 stars to 3 since early May, before this incident.

You poor thing, bless your heart.

Their reviews are monthly. The 5 star rating for May is for the month of may. Not since early May. :eusa_doh:


Yelp's rating system is based upon "monthly trends."

How is the Monthly Trend of a business's rating calculated? | Support Center | Yelp
Ya know when you were a kid and would have fun wrestling matches with siblings or friends. Invariably, the asshole of the group would do something to purposefully cause injury to someone. Everyone else played by the "rules" and avoided taking it too far. But that one asshole just couldn't help himself. He fucked it up for everyone.
By all accounts, neighbors of Little Donnie Trump described him that way

Could be.
more than "could be"

{{{ When a ball bounced into their garden, he threatened to tell his father and the police about those responsible.

Dennis Burnham, who lived next door, was a toddler when his mother briefly put him in a playpen in their garden. She returned a few minutes later to find the current U.S. president, then aged five or six, standing at his fence throwing rocks at the little boy.

His mother warned Dennis to ‘stay away from the Trumps’ as they didn’t want him ‘beaten up’ by the family bully.

Another local child, Steven Nachtigall, now a 66-year-old doctor, said he never forgot Trump, a ‘loudmouth bully’, once jumping off his bike and pummelling another boy.

Even as a child Donald Trump was a horror | Daily Mail Online
Did the guy you voted for run on an agenda of separating children from parents and separating America from the rest of the world ,,,? Did he run on the great separations of Americans ? Question,,,,,if you knew those were the roads he would take would you still have voted for him?

I didn’t vote Trump however we have been separating families in America for many many years before Trump was ever President, but you will overlook that travesty and only key on one issue and ignore a greater issue.
PAP contrary to republican beliefs NO Dem wants illegals into this country ...We want the ones here for many years committing no crime ,and their families, able to stay here

Did you read my post? I didn’t mention Dem beliefs at all, I am saying that Americans have taken away the children of Americans for a long long time and the government is given themselves more and more power to do so. So I am more concerned about American parents being separated from their families in this country than people trying to enter illegally.
The laws against discrimination only cover immutable characteristics, with the exception of religion, which an individual can change.

Actually that's not true in a lot of places. A person's sexual identity can be changed on a whim at any time, same with their sexual preferences. A lot of people, most notably Rep. Bachmann's husband, work with homosexuals who desire to straighten up.
A restaurant owner in Lexington, Virginia kicked Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her party out of his restaurant ... on moral grounds.

The waiter at The Red Hen said, "I just served Sarah Huckabee Sanders for a total of 2 minutes before my owner kicked her out along with 7 of her other family members."

Others say the owner didn't want Huckabee Sanders in the restaurant out of "moral conviction."

This is the second time this week someone from the Trump Administration was drummed out of a restaurant. Earlier this week Homeland Sec;urity Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was booted from a Mexican restaurant near The White House.

The Red Hen's Yelp pages has blown up with glowing and damning reviews ... along political lines, of course.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Kicked Out of Restaurant on Moral Grounds

To bad she wasn't baking a gay wedding cake.
I wouldn't serve her because she be so fugly..
Sarah Sanders says restaurant owner in Virginia told her to leave

Will visit this restuarant the next time I am in Alexandria....for sure! BIG TIP!

I would too...if I lived anywhere near it.

Good for her (the restaurant owner).

Sarah Sanders is a bitch for being the mouthpiece of her disgusting boss.
oh come on Mcrocket, don't be so closed minded towards powerful women, she's a very nice lady that is attacked 24/7 by dumb liberal bigots
I wonder how much worse this gets.
Intolerance will continue to grow, the extremes will see to it.
You don't think trump helped bring it on bashing and lying about everyone and their fathers and continues to do so?

I have no clue what you are saying, it makes no sense. I think presidents can help relieve or create tension, Clinton and Reagan relieved tension, Obama and Trump amp up tension.
I am saying that Americans have taken away the children of Americans for a long long time and the government is given themselves more and more power to do so. So I am more concerned about American parents being separated from their families in this country than people trying to enter illegally.

Protecting children from ignorant and nasty parents is great work!

911 call details alleged abuse in family chaining case
I am saying that Americans have taken away the children of Americans for a long long time and the government is given themselves more and more power to do so. So I am more concerned about American parents being separated from their families in this country than people trying to enter illegally.

Protecting children from ignorant and nasty parents is great work!

911 call details alleged abuse in family chaining case

So parents that involve their children in illegal activity should have them taken away?
I guess a private business can kick out who they want. At least that's what everyone here agrees with. So she just goes somewhere else. Not really need here.
So what will Sanders do with the restaurant when she sues it into oblivion.....................

Keep it or sell it...............
Ya know when you were a kid and would have fun wrestling matches with siblings or friends. Invariably, the asshole of the group would do something to purposefully cause injury to someone. Everyone else played by the "rules" and avoided taking it too far. But that one asshole just couldn't help himself. He fucked it up for everyone.
By all accounts, neighbors of Little Donnie Trump described him that way

Could be.
more than "could be"

{{{ When a ball bounced into their garden, he threatened to tell his father and the police about those responsible.

Dennis Burnham, who lived next door, was a toddler when his mother briefly put him in a playpen in their garden. She returned a few minutes later to find the current U.S. president, then aged five or six, standing at his fence throwing rocks at the little boy.

His mother warned Dennis to ‘stay away from the Trumps’ as they didn’t want him ‘beaten up’ by the family bully.

Another local child, Steven Nachtigall, now a 66-year-old doctor, said he never forgot Trump, a ‘loudmouth bully’, once jumping off his bike and pummelling another boy.

Even as a child Donald Trump was a horror | Daily Mail Online

Can u believe that asswipe is now the, so called, president. What a DICK....

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