Restaurant owner kicks Sarah Sanders party out on moral grounds

So what will Sanders do with the restaurant when she sues it into oblivion.....................

Keep it or sell it...............
are you on medication? Sue because of being refused service? LOL

We'll see............that owner is playing with the big dogs now....................

Big dogs? You are in need of serious help
You think Sanders is minor league...............LOL

The restaurant might as well fold now.............:abgg2q.jpg:
It's not a chain restaurant is it? Locals will not stop going
but anyone who goes after her to disrupt her business will face justice in the courts
So what will Sanders do with the restaurant when she sues it into oblivion.....................

Keep it or sell it...............
are you on medication? Sue because of being refused service? LOL

We'll see............that owner is playing with the big dogs now....................

Big dogs? You are in need of serious help
You think Sanders is minor league...............LOL

The restaurant might as well fold now.............:abgg2q.jpg:
It's not a chain restaurant is it? Locals will not stop going
History will show who's correct on this one........

So what will Sanders do with the restaurant when she sues it into oblivion.....................

Keep it or sell it...............
are you on medication? Sue because of being refused service? LOL

We'll see............that owner is playing with the big dogs now....................

Big dogs? You are in need of serious help
You think Sanders is minor league...............LOL

The restaurant might as well fold now.............:abgg2q.jpg:
It's not a chain restaurant is it? Locals will not stop going

Yes they will, dumbass. Let's see if they're in business next year, k?

I say they won't be.
The left is completely out of control and has now reduced themselves to the childish behavior of disrupting Republicans at eating establishments.

The restaurants are complicit in this bullshit because they ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN rather than removing the people acting like unhinged lunatics.

Let these establishments know what you think. Call them, boycott them.

So you can dish it out, but you can't take it to well huh gramps?

How's that whole businesses can serve who they want thing working out for there pal?
Take what? I've always said any business can refuse for any reason. I've also said the community will sort it out.
I have no problem with their choice. I likewise have no problem if the community runs them out of business as a result. In fact I hope to see it happen.
At some point we're going to have left wing and right wing restaurants and shops and everything else.

That's when we'll know that we've become so pathetic that we've fucked ourselves for good.
You gotta pass it to see what's in it. HAHA
You believe that quote was terrible? She was talking about the reality

“We have to pass the bill,” she said, “so that you can find out what is in it — away from the fog of the controversy.”
At some point we're going to have left wing and right wing restaurants and shops and everything else.

That's when we'll know that we've become so pathetic that we've fucked ourselves for good.
Will the signs be Republicans working here.............or will it be We speak English here.

The laws against discrimination only cover immutable characteristics, with the exception of religion, which an individual can change.

Actually that's not true in a lot of places. A person's sexual identity can be changed on a whim at any time, same with their sexual preferences. A lot of people, most notably Rep. Bachmann's husband, work with homosexuals who desire to straighten up.

that's pure bullshit and you know it. I'm heterosexual and I am aware that this started when I was under ten. This "they can change" carp is just put out by the phony garbage "Christians." They make things up as they go along. If bachmann can't get laid properly, she should look for another husband.
So what will Sanders do with the restaurant when she sues it into oblivion.....................

Keep it or sell it...............
are you on medication? Sue because of being refused service? LOL

We'll see............that owner is playing with the big dogs now....................


Can dish it out but can't take it huh snowflake?
Who da fuck have we been get a meal..............Only loser Liberals have that policy............

The Baker won due to religion............this isn't a religious case...and they can be sued .........even if they somehow win.......they would be broke without someone paying their legal bills................
I guess a private business can kick out who they want. At least that's what everyone here agrees with. So she just goes somewhere else. Not really need here.

All Americans need to boycott the narrow minded.
When will you be boycotting yourself? :420:

Who have I refused to serve? I never refused service to anyone. Now I have stayed out of places that discriminated against people of color and I will still continue to do so. I seem to be more open minded than the left wing nuts such a stupid yourself.

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