Restaurant owner kicks Sarah Sanders party out on moral grounds

So what will Sanders do with the restaurant when she sues it into oblivion.....................

Keep it or sell it...............
are you on medication? Sue because of being refused service? LOL

I have no clue what you are saying, it makes no sense. I think presidents can help relieve or create tension, Clinton and Reagan relieved tension, Obama and Trump amp up tension.
Obama being black amped up tension

Trump being an asshole amped up tension

Obama pitted the elites against those that were clinging to their guns and bibles and people against insurance companies, told Republicans to ride in back, blamed Bush and Republicans for every problem for 8 years, banks against the working class, even after bailing the banks out. At least in his second term he did tone it down some.
Obama pitted the elites against those that were clinging to their guns and bibles and people against insurance companies, told Republicans to ride in back, blamed Bush and Republicans for every problem for 8 years, banks against the working class, even after bailing the banks out. At least in his second term he did tone it down some.
that conspiratorial spin is so old, it's flaking
I have no clue what you are saying, it makes no sense. I think presidents can help relieve or create tension, Clinton and Reagan relieved tension, Obama and Trump amp up tension.
Obama being black amped up tension

Trump being an asshole amped up tension

Wrong. Obama's Liberal agenda and constant blaming of President Bush (even though Liberals had a huge hand in the housing crisis) amped up tension. Obama was not actually a bad guy, it was Pelosi and Reid that were the real garbage. As for Trump, after 8 years of a Liberal agenda he is just what America needs right now. America First! Now Liberals are showing who the real bigots are.
So what will Sanders do with the restaurant when she sues it into oblivion.....................

Keep it or sell it...............
are you on medication? Sue because of being refused service? LOL

We'll see............that owner is playing with the big dogs now....................

Big dogs? You are in need of serious help
You think Sanders is minor league...............LOL

The restaurant might as well fold now.............:abgg2q.jpg:
I have no clue what you are saying, it makes no sense. I think presidents can help relieve or create tension, Clinton and Reagan relieved tension, Obama and Trump amp up tension.
Obama being black amped up tension

Trump being an asshole amped up tension

Wrong. Obama's Liberal agenda and constant blaming of President Bush (even though Liberals had a huge hand in the housing crisis) amped up tension. Obama was not actually a bad guy, it was Pelosi and Reid that was the real garbage. As for Trump, after 8 years of a Liberal agenda he is just what America needs right now. America First! Now Liberals are showing who the real bigots are.
Pelosi and Reid? Nah, McConnell and the Tea Party
The left is completely out of control and has now reduced themselves to the childish behavior of disrupting Republicans at eating establishments.

The restaurants are complicit in this bullshit because they ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN rather than removing the people acting like unhinged lunatics.

Let these establishments know what you think. Call them, boycott them.

So you can dish it out, but you can't take it to well huh gramps?

How's that whole businesses can serve who they want thing working out for there pal?
So what will Sanders do with the restaurant when she sues it into oblivion.....................

Keep it or sell it...............
are you on medication? Sue because of being refused service? LOL

Blacks and gays as well?
That is against the law, but you can refuse service to a black or gay person for reasons other that the fact that they are black or gay.

Happens every day in America and is legal
I have no clue what you are saying, it makes no sense. I think presidents can help relieve or create tension, Clinton and Reagan relieved tension, Obama and Trump amp up tension.
Obama being black amped up tension

Trump being an asshole amped up tension

Wrong. Obama's Liberal agenda and constant blaming of President Bush (even though Liberals had a huge hand in the housing crisis) amped up tension. Obama was not actually a bad guy, it was Pelosi and Reid that was the real garbage. As for Trump, after 8 years of a Liberal agenda he is just what America needs right now. America First! Now Liberals are showing who the real bigots are.
Pelosi and Reid? Nah, McConnell and the Tea Party

You gotta pass it to see what's in it. HAHA

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