Restaurant vandalized just because a GOP candidate was scheduled to be there

They took a cue from abortionists and ANTIFA. Janes Revenge has been burning down pro-life clinics. For those who say why don’t they hear positive things about the GOP ? The answer is the same for why you haven’t been hearing about domestic terrorists Janes Revenge; it doesn’t fit into the liberal media’s narrative. Republicans must be demonized to be exterminated and we must never hear of violence from the leftist causes. They leftist causes must be pure! Democrats sieg heil!

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Poopeypants uber alles!!!
I've read enough of your stuff to understand that you are simply good at trolling or one of the most ignorant mother fuckers that has ever been on here.
Either way you are of no value.
LOL look in the mirror. No substance and narrow minded means a whole lot to you.
I could give 2 cents about a troll like you.

Bleats the two bit troll. Face it clown boi, the dems are the new fascists. Virtually every post you make is devoid of thought and consists mainly of infantile insults.
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Bleats the two bit troll. Face it clown boi, the dems are the new fascists. Virtually every post you make is devoid of though and consists mainly of infantile insults.
Another idiot crawls out from under a rock. How about "though?" LOL

Being a conservative today is like being a Jew in Nazi Germany.
In Europe in some of the Western nations you will get a prison sentence for that remark. Here we are at the personal destruction stage if enforced in many ways of social media..
Since post #7 it's been a flame fest by the usual RWingers. Get a grip.

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