Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

There's a reason some would prefer that more limited conversation. For most Americans, payroll and state and local taxes make up the majority of their tax bill. The federal income tax, by contrast, is our most progressive tax -- it's the tax we've designed to place the heaviest burden on the rich while bypassing the poor. And we've done that, again, because the working class is already paying a fairly high tax bill through payroll and state and local taxes.

But most people don't know very much about the tax code.

Boy, you could say that again.

Those payroll taxes you speak of are more like savings accounts. Unless you pass away before retirement, you will get your Social Security money back, you will get your FICA back because FICA is just a fancy word for Social Security. You will get you medicare deductions back. And if you live to the average lifespan, you will get much more back than you put in.

Your city and state taxes provide you with services YOU use every day.

Outside of entitlements, Congress spends income tax money for everything else, and nearly half of the people in this country don't pay that tax.
Who's fault is that? The rich have a capital gains tax preference, to help create Jobs Booms, so the poor can also be Patriotic, and pay personal income taxes through a work ethic from the Age of Iron.

Democrats would never allow it. When they promise people more goodies, they do so with the expectation it will cost somebody else. If we all had to pay for those goodies, the Democrats would not be able to offer them anymore.
Skull Pilot, you seem to think that getting a job is as easy as just going out and taking it. The "burger flippers" are doing that sometimes because it is what they can find at the time. And they can't put life and bills on hold to wait for a better job.

Please tell me you realize that

I realize that people think one 40 hour a week job should be all they need.

If you need 500 a week to live then it's up to you to find a way to earn 500 a week.
If you can only get 10 an hour for your skills then you work 50 hours a week in any combination of full or part time jobs needed either for an employer or for yourself

anyone of sound mind and able body is capable of supporting himself

It's cute that you think that someone may need to work 50 hours to make ends meet. Have you seen the maps that show how much it costs to rent apartments, in terms of minimum wage hours worked? Some apartment rents cost upwards of 100 minimum wage hours.

That's why you go in with roommates.
It's a shytty life in dupe world. Great job! Soon we'll be a banana republic! Yay!

Why is that, because you get a roommate or two? How do you suppose those illegals that you leftists love so much get away with it? They squeeze ten people in a two bedroom house or apartment.
I didn't sign up for anything, I don't care for Trump. But he is a hell of a lot better than the slimy Clinton. Funny how it is okay for Democrats to fuck you over but you don't like it when Republicans do.
Slimy only in dupe world. When did Dems fuck us? LOL.

Seriously? You have to ask? Lol! Even Sealy will tell you the Dems have screwed us over, only a dishonest partisan hack would claim otherwise. Wake up dupe, both the Dems and the GOP love your ignorance.
Actually the dems didn't fuck the people the people fucked themselves by voting GOP or even worse, not showing up to vote.
We have the government we have because only right and left wingers are the only ones who vote every 2 years

The Dems are now the other party for the rich, it happened during the Clinton administration and in 2009 people were losing their homes at record rates and what did the democrats do? Bailout the rich and let the middle class suffer. Read the links I gave Franco, there are liberals that realize what has happened to the Democratic Party, only the dupes that can't see it.
All because the New BS GOP BLOCKED everything, stupid. Except ACA, the best thing that ever happened for poor workers.

And the worst thing that ever happened to middle-class workers.
As you can see, the poorer you are, the more state and local taxes bite into your income. As you get richer, those taxes recede, and you're mainly getting hit be federal taxes. So that's another lesson: When you omit state and local taxes from your analysis, you're omitting the taxes that hit lower-income taxpayers hardest.
So the poorer you are the more impact local taxes has on what's left in your pocket and we shouldn't consider they pay no federal tax?

You're a genius.
You're not. Point is, you're duped by your greedy idiot rich GOP brainwashers. They pay no more %wise than the middle class, and end up with all the new wealth, dupe. While the middle class and the country fall apart...

Nobody "ends up with new wealth" they created the new wealth and it's rightfully theirs.
Skull Pilot, you seem to think that getting a job is as easy as just going out and taking it. The "burger flippers" are doing that sometimes because it is what they can find at the time. And they can't put life and bills on hold to wait for a better job.

Please tell me you realize that

You don't "wait" for a better job, you go out and find that job. Good jobs don't come knocking at your door.
Skull Pilot, you seem to think that getting a job is as easy as just going out and taking it. The "burger flippers" are doing that sometimes because it is what they can find at the time. And they can't put life and bills on hold to wait for a better job.

Please tell me you realize that

I realize that people think one 40 hour a week job should be all they need.

If you need 500 a week to live then it's up to you to find a way to earn 500 a week.
If you can only get 10 an hour for your skills then you work 50 hours a week in any combination of full or part time jobs needed either for an employer or for yourself

anyone of sound mind and able body is capable of supporting himself

It's cute that you think that someone may need to work 50 hours to make ends meet. Have you seen the maps that show how much it costs to rent apartments, in terms of minimum wage hours worked? Some apartment rents cost upwards of 100 minimum wage hours.

That's why you go in with roommates.
It's a shytty life in dupe world. Great job! Soon we'll be a banana republic! Yay!

Why is that, because you get a roommate or two? How do you suppose those illegals that you leftists love so much get away with it? They squeeze ten people in a two bedroom house or apartment.
Yup, soon all the nonrich will live like illegals in GOP America. Build a wall and give the rich a tax cut. THAT will do nothing!
I addressed every single one of your posts. I wouldn't, nor have I, recommend, that anyone start a family on today's min wage. But it was more feasible in our country's history. And that was without government supports. So, we can't have it both ways. Either everyone survives on livable wages, or the demand for a government safety net subsidizes stagnant wages.
There you go with the livable wage thing again. Starter wages are not for grown adults to raise families on. It's for kids (young adults). If you can't get past minimum wage we don't need them to reproduce.

You forget that large numbers of minimum wage workers are spouses taking a second job in the household to try to make ends meet.
so they are not depending on a MW wage job to "survive"

What part of making ends meet don't you understand?

I get it. You want a large permanent underclass of working poor in this country much like you would see in the Third World, or maybe Mexico, etc.

The question is why do you want that?

Which horse will run faster, the one with the carrot dangling in front of him or the one that won't leave the barn because you feed him so many carrots he doesn't even want to get up?

Tough love is what's needed for many of these people. If you give them no reason to try, they won't try.
Oh good Christ, I know how jobs are found. "Wait" was a figure of speech. I have had times when I took the job that was available until I could find the better one. But you can't force someone to employ you. It's not just like picking low-hanging fruit
As you can see, the poorer you are, the more state and local taxes bite into your income. As you get richer, those taxes recede, and you're mainly getting hit be federal taxes. So that's another lesson: When you omit state and local taxes from your analysis, you're omitting the taxes that hit lower-income taxpayers hardest.
So the poorer you are the more impact local taxes has on what's left in your pocket and we shouldn't consider they pay no federal tax?

You're a genius.
You're not. Point is, you're duped by your greedy idiot rich GOP brainwashers. They pay no more %wise than the middle class, and end up with all the new wealth, dupe. While the middle class and the country fall apart...

Nobody "ends up with new wealth" they created the new wealth and it's rightfully theirs.
Small business does that. The megarich GOPers laugh at you all the way to the bank.
I addressed every single one of your posts. I wouldn't, nor have I, recommend, that anyone start a family on today's min wage. But it was more feasible in our country's history. And that was without government supports. So, we can't have it both ways. Either everyone survives on livable wages, or the demand for a government safety net subsidizes stagnant wages.
There you go with the livable wage thing again. Starter wages are not for grown adults to raise families on. It's for kids (young adults). If you can't get past minimum wage we don't need them to reproduce.

You forget that large numbers of minimum wage workers are spouses taking a second job in the household to try to make ends meet.
so they are not depending on a MW wage job to "survive"

What part of making ends meet don't you understand?

I get it. You want a large permanent underclass of working poor in this country much like you would see in the Third World, or maybe Mexico, etc.

The question is why do you want that?

Which horse will run faster, the one with the carrot dangling in front of him or the one that won't leave the barn because you feed him so many carrots he doesn't even want to get up?

Tough love is what's needed for many of these people. If you give them no reason to try, they won't try.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
I addressed every single one of your posts. I wouldn't, nor have I, recommend, that anyone start a family on today's min wage. But it was more feasible in our country's history. And that was without government supports. So, we can't have it both ways. Either everyone survives on livable wages, or the demand for a government safety net subsidizes stagnant wages.
There you go with the livable wage thing again. Starter wages are not for grown adults to raise families on. It's for kids (young adults). If you can't get past minimum wage we don't need them to reproduce.

You forget that large numbers of minimum wage workers are spouses taking a second job in the household to try to make ends meet.
so they are not depending on a MW wage job to "survive"

What part of making ends meet don't you understand?

I get it. You want a large permanent underclass of working poor in this country much like you would see in the Third World, or maybe Mexico, etc.

The question is why do you want that?

Which horse will run faster, the one with the carrot dangling in front of him or the one that won't leave the barn because you feed him so many carrots he doesn't even want to get up?

Tough love is what's needed for many of these people. If you give them no reason to try, they won't try.

And then there's the horse who never gets a decent bite of the carrot and falls down dead from exhaustion. But by God, that horse had self-respect!
I addressed every single one of your posts. I wouldn't, nor have I, recommend, that anyone start a family on today's min wage. But it was more feasible in our country's history. And that was without government supports. So, we can't have it both ways. Either everyone survives on livable wages, or the demand for a government safety net subsidizes stagnant wages.
There you go with the livable wage thing again. Starter wages are not for grown adults to raise families on. It's for kids (young adults). If you can't get past minimum wage we don't need them to reproduce.

You forget that large numbers of minimum wage workers are spouses taking a second job in the household to try to make ends meet.

Wrong again:

Marital status. Of those paid an hourly wage, never- married workers, who tend to be young, were more likely (7 percent) than married workers (2 percent) to earn the federal minimum wage or less. (See table 8.)
Slimy only in dupe world. When did Dems fuck us? LOL.

Seriously? You have to ask? Lol! Even Sealy will tell you the Dems have screwed us over, only a dishonest partisan hack would claim otherwise. Wake up dupe, both the Dems and the GOP love your ignorance.
Actually the dems didn't fuck the people the people fucked themselves by voting GOP or even worse, not showing up to vote.
We have the government we have because only right and left wingers are the only ones who vote every 2 years

The Dems are now the other party for the rich, it happened during the Clinton administration and in 2009 people were losing their homes at record rates and what did the democrats do? Bailout the rich and let the middle class suffer. Read the links I gave Franco, there are liberals that realize what has happened to the Democratic Party, only the dupes that can't see it.
All because the New BS GOP BLOCKED everything, stupid. Except ACA, the best thing that ever happened for poor workers.

And the worst thing that ever happened to middle-class workers. the way health care was going before ACA. Thanks GOP! Now go after ridiculous hospital costs etc etc, and mainly GOP/crony insurer sabotage.
Most folks i've ever known, work as many hours available to them. They're far from being 'Lazy Welfare' folks. Y'all are demonizing people who are just struggling to get by. Hopefully one day you'll see the error of your ways.
so you've never employed anyone and had everyone you call to ask to come in say no

thanks for admitting that

and where did I call anyone lazy?

You always have those that say no, it is the way it is.
which contradicts the idiot who says people will work as much as they can

Most say yes. You just choose to believe that most say no. It's part of your warped 'Their All Evil Lazy Welfare People' fantasy. Y'all greedy Republicans gotta let that fantasy go. It's hateful delusional thinking.

Most do not say yes
I know because I have experience in the matter and you don't

and please quote me where I used the word lazy anywhere in this thread

That's all you Asshole

They just don't like you. And gee, i wonder why? Most do say yes. Most Workers grab any extra hours they can get. And most of those who do say no, have valid reasons.

You're just choosing to fixate on the very few who are lazy. Again, that's part of your 'Their All Evil Lazy Welfare People' fantasy. You live in the fantasy to justify mistreating fellow Americans. I bet you consider yourself a 'Good Christian' too.
Skull Pilot, you seem to think that getting a job is as easy as just going out and taking it. The "burger flippers" are doing that sometimes because it is what they can find at the time. And they can't put life and bills on hold to wait for a better job.

Please tell me you realize that

I realize that people think one 40 hour a week job should be all they need.

If you need 500 a week to live then it's up to you to find a way to earn 500 a week.
If you can only get 10 an hour for your skills then you work 50 hours a week in any combination of full or part time jobs needed either for an employer or for yourself

anyone of sound mind and able body is capable of supporting himself

It's cute that you think that someone may need to work 50 hours to make ends meet. Have you seen the maps that show how much it costs to rent apartments, in terms of minimum wage hours worked? Some apartment rents cost upwards of 100 minimum wage hours.
never heard of a roommate huh?

I know it's a novel concept and it has never been done before
so you've never employed anyone and had everyone you call to ask to come in say no

thanks for admitting that

and where did I call anyone lazy?

You always have those that say no, it is the way it is.
which contradicts the idiot who says people will work as much as they can

Most say yes. You just choose to believe that most say no. It's part of your warped 'Their All Evil Lazy Welfare People' fantasy. Y'all greedy Republicans gotta let that fantasy go. It's hateful delusional thinking.

Most do not say yes
I know because I have experience in the matter and you don't

and please quote me where I used the word lazy anywhere in this thread

That's all you Asshole

They just don't like you. And gee, i wonder why? Most do say yes. Most Workers grab any extra hours they can get. And most of those who do say no, have valid reasons.

You're just choosing to fixate on the very few who are lazy. Again, that's part of your 'Their All Evil Lazy Welfare People' fantasy. You live in the fantasy to justify mistreating fellow Americans. I bet you consider yourself a 'Good Christian' too.

You are wrong of course.

I used to be a shift manager for a company in my late 20s and I used to make overtime calls all the time I got far more nos than yeses

if you were right I would have always found someone to work OT on my very first call
Oh good Christ, I know how jobs are found. "Wait" was a figure of speech. I have had times when I took the job that was available until I could find the better one. But you can't force someone to employ you. It's not just like picking low-hanging fruit

My industry is looking for 60,000 workers they can't find. Out of desperation, they are bringing in foreigners to do the jobs because Americans won't do them.

Yep, they got their SNAP's cards, their Obama phone, their HUD house in the suburbs, free medical care. Why work?

I spend my day in industrial areas, most of them are loaded with HELP WANTED signs. They can't find people to work. The ones willing to work can't pass the drug test because smoking pot is more important than earning a living.
Oh good Christ, I know how jobs are found. "Wait" was a figure of speech. I have had times when I took the job that was available until I could find the better one. But you can't force someone to employ you. It's not just like picking low-hanging fruit
if you have the skills the employer needs you don't have to force them to hire you
Oh man, just more pathetic demonizing to justify your poor treatment of struggling fellow Americans. I guess it makes y'all greedy white Republicans sleep better at night.

You're fighting some imagined 'Evil Boogeyman.' But in reality, these folks are just hard-working fellow Americans. We're an incredibly rich nation, we can do much better for our People.

How long have you lived in this country? Do you even have an understanding about how our government should work?

It's not up to "we" to do better for our people, it's up to people to do better for themselves. That's the entire concept behind a free country and society. Getting government involved in all our personal decision making is what socialist, communist, and dictator societies are about. The only people that we should help out are those who cannot do for themselves---not those that don't feel like doing for themselves.

Y'all need to let go of your 'Their All Evil Lazy Welfare People' fantasy. I know it makes you feel justified in mistreating your fellow Americans, but it's not the reality. The vast majority of American Workers are hard-working folks just trying to get by. And our current Minimum Wage is an absolute embarrassment. We can and should do much better.
the vast majority of workers earn way more than MW so what are you whining about?

So what are you whining about?
I'm not

I have said over and over that increases on the low end are no big deal
All I;m talking about is the idiotic push for a 15 an hour MW

Yup, throw the slaves a whole .25 cent. That'll help. What a guy. ;)
They just don't like you. And gee, i wonder why? Most do say yes. Most Workers grab any extra hours they can get. And most of those who do say no, have valid reasons.

Correct, they do have valid reasons. If they earn to much, the government takes it out of their food stamp allowance.

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