Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

I went two a Chinese buffet yesterday and not one worker there could speak English. Does anyone believe any of those workers are legal immigrants? It's practically slavery 2017 right under our noses
Why wouldn't they be legal? Slavery? Yet you enjoyed the prices. LOL.
And you believe Republicans are going to solve this?
where did I ever say that?

and I don't know how many times I have to tell you before it sinks into your thick skull that I am not nor have I ever been a reublican

He has binary thinking disease, he can't get past Democrat or Republican thinking. What is sad is that is the thinking that got us into this mess.
No I get it. Especially when Republicans are in charge because then reality collides with their rhetoric. For example healthcare. Now we see us liberals were right. The GOP lied about the aca. Turns out things would be worse if not for it.

Maybe you idiots should have voted against Republicans in 2010 instead of giving them back control of the house and senate.

You rewarded bad behavior.

And last I checked we have two parties. If you aren't a democrat then you're a Republican. And you guys got us in this message. I don't blame the politicians anymore. I would favor the rich too. You don't need favoring. You vote for them even when they fuck you. Or almost as good you people reward them by not voting

With healthcare the Democrats are wrong, what we have is free premiums with people not being able to afford the deductible. See if you give people with no money health insurance and a $3500 deductible, it does them no good. So really the Democrat party was wrong. You have no proof that we were worse off, that is an opinion.

Also, it wasn't just Republicans that voted in 2010, so your blame game is also a flawed opinion.

We have more than two party's in fact there are several hundred. Just your way of not taking blame for a mess that all helped create. If you have voted either Republican or Democrat, you helped get us into this mess because you only hold the Republicans accountable.
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$3500 deductible and survive cancer or don't have insurance so you can't afford the million dollar cure.

That may be so if you could get a crap policy like that for around $200.00 a month. But the last plan I checked out on Commie Care wanted $725.00 a month with a $7,000 deductible and a $7,100 out of pocket. No prescription coverage, no dental or eye, and a $50.00 copay for all doctors visits.

How would I be able to pay that, pay for all my prescriptions, and pay my medical bills since the insurance didn't cover anything?
where did I ever say that?

and I don't know how many times I have to tell you before it sinks into your thick skull that I am not nor have I ever been a reublican

He has binary thinking disease, he can't get past Democrat or Republican thinking. What is sad is that is the thinking that got us into this mess.
No I get it. Especially when Republicans are in charge because then reality collides with their rhetoric. For example healthcare. Now we see us liberals were right. The GOP lied about the aca. Turns out things would be worse if not for it.

Maybe you idiots should have voted against Republicans in 2010 instead of giving them back control of the house and senate.

You rewarded bad behavior.

And last I checked we have two parties. If you aren't a democrat then you're a Republican. And you guys got us in this message. I don't blame the politicians anymore. I would favor the rich too. You don't need favoring. You vote for them even when they fuck you. Or almost as good you people reward them by not voting

With healthcare the Democrats are wrong, what we have is free premiums with people not being able to afford the deductible. See if you give people with no money health insurance and a $3500 deductible, it does them no good. So really the Democrat party was wrong. You have no proof that we were worse off, that is an opinion.

Also, it wasn't just Republicans that voted in 2010, so your blame game is also a flawed opinion.

We have more than two party's in fact there are several hundred. Just your way of not taking blame for a mess that all helped create. If you have voted either Republican or Democrat, you helped get us into this mess because you only hold the Republicans accountable.
2 options

$3500 deductible and survive cancer or don't have insurance so you can't afford the million dollar cure.

That may be so if you could get a crap policy like that for around $200.00 a month. But the last plan I checked out on Commie Care wanted $725.00 a month with a $7,000 deductible and a $7,100 out of pocket. No prescription coverage, no dental or eye, and a $50.00 copay for all doctors visits.

How would I be able to pay that, pay for all my prescriptions, and pay my medical bills since the insurance didn't cover anything?
That's a lie. It's about $300 a month which is still too much I agree.

We need single payer.

Are Republicans willing to fix the problem? The only way they know how is to let insurance companies deny insuring the sick and not cover the poor.

Some things shouldn't be for profit
The funny thing is, you said that like you believed it.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
Now where did I complain about the victims? Look in the mirror.
The poor and middle class are the victims, dolt. We have the worst rich poor gap and upward mobility ever TODAY. Reaganism, not obstructed Obama, dupe.
So all that money spent on the war on poverty accomplished...what exactly?
we have "poor" people that are richer than 70% of the entire population of the planet

Are you a globalist? Because you are so concerned about the poor on other countries.
If the paycheck isn't enough to feed you and shelter you, it's not much of a reward. Again, people act like you can just hop to a better job if you're not satisfied with your current pay. Wages are stagnant. It's a fact.

If you have nothing more to add to the profit margin and productivity of a company, why do you deserve more pay?

Go to night school, take a part time job, work overtime, take courses online, get off your duff and quit acting like a victim.


If an employee had nothing to add to the profit margin, why are they hired in the first place?

Who is acting like a victim? Low-wage employees are asserting how much their time, effort, and skills are worth. That's advocating for themselves, not being victims.

and just how much profit do you think an employer makes on a MW employee?

It ain't much

and the skills needed to perform MW work aren't worth much
If you want to make more than MW then you have to make the time you sell to your employer worth more

Funny I always thought of my employers (when I had them) as customers who I sell a product to and I always wanted to give them the highest quality product I could which means that in every entry level job I had the first thing I ever did was find out exactly what I had to do to get a promotion.

That's how I was managing the entire dairy section of a large supermarket when I was 17 and still in high school and was making almost twice as much as the guys who just wanted to stock shelves

I repeat, if min. wage workers aren't adding to the profit, then why are they hired? The goodness of the company's heart?
He has binary thinking disease, he can't get past Democrat or Republican thinking. What is sad is that is the thinking that got us into this mess.
No I get it. Especially when Republicans are in charge because then reality collides with their rhetoric. For example healthcare. Now we see us liberals were right. The GOP lied about the aca. Turns out things would be worse if not for it.

Maybe you idiots should have voted against Republicans in 2010 instead of giving them back control of the house and senate.

You rewarded bad behavior.

And last I checked we have two parties. If you aren't a democrat then you're a Republican. And you guys got us in this message. I don't blame the politicians anymore. I would favor the rich too. You don't need favoring. You vote for them even when they fuck you. Or almost as good you people reward them by not voting

With healthcare the Democrats are wrong, what we have is free premiums with people not being able to afford the deductible. See if you give people with no money health insurance and a $3500 deductible, it does them no good. So really the Democrat party was wrong. You have no proof that we were worse off, that is an opinion.

Also, it wasn't just Republicans that voted in 2010, so your blame game is also a flawed opinion.

We have more than two party's in fact there are several hundred. Just your way of not taking blame for a mess that all helped create. If you have voted either Republican or Democrat, you helped get us into this mess because you only hold the Republicans accountable.
2 options

$3500 deductible and survive cancer or don't have insurance so you can't afford the million dollar cure.

That may be so if you could get a crap policy like that for around $200.00 a month. But the last plan I checked out on Commie Care wanted $725.00 a month with a $7,000 deductible and a $7,100 out of pocket. No prescription coverage, no dental or eye, and a $50.00 copay for all doctors visits.

How would I be able to pay that, pay for all my prescriptions, and pay my medical bills since the insurance didn't cover anything?
That's a lie. It's about $300 a month which is still too much I agree.

We need single payer.

Are Republicans willing to fix the problem? The only way they know how is to let insurance companies deny insuring the sick and not cover the poor.

Some things shouldn't be for profit

Why would I lie about something like that? I'm telling you it's the truth, and if I wanted to keep my current providers I've been going to all of my life, that was the only insurance plan they had available. Even the operator that took my application said she couldn't afford anything like that.

They did have another plan for about $400.00, but I would have to go to crappy doctors and hospitals, and that too had the same coverage as the $725.00 plan. So I'd have to have all my records transferred over to the new (whatever) get all new doctors, and I would still have no real coverage unless I walked out in front of a moving bus.

What you have to understand is that this entire plot was vote buying; being able to insure low income people on the backs of middle-class and wealthy people. But low income people generally vote Democrat and that was the goal.
Who is acting like a victim? Low-wage employees are asserting how much their time, effort, and skills are worth. That's advocating for themselves, not being victims.

You're making them a victim. YOU are saying the just because you would feel good, they should be paid more than their worth to a business. That is treating them as a victim.

When I was paid the minimum wage, my first "real" job, as a bagboy in a large grocery store, I was jubilant that I had been hired and that I was going to do the best possible work so I would keep the job.


I don't want workers paid more because it would "feel good." I want those who are willing and able to work to be fairly compensated because a strong middle class makes for a strong economy. Do you want fewer people on gov't assistance? The vast majority getting that kind of help are the working poor. We are subsidizing low wages with our tax money going to SNAP and WIC and Rental assistance and heating assistance and Medicaid. WE are making up for the company's lack of paying a living wage.
Who is acting like a victim? Low-wage employees are asserting how much their time, effort, and skills are worth. That's advocating for themselves, not being victims.

You're making them a victim. YOU are saying the just because you would feel good, they should be paid more than their worth to a business. That is treating them as a victim.

When I was paid the minimum wage, my first "real" job, as a bagboy in a large grocery store, I was jubilant that I had been hired and that I was going to do the best possible work so I would keep the job.


I don't want workers paid more because it would "feel good." I want those who are willing and able to work to be fairly compensated because a strong middle class makes for a strong economy. Do you want fewer people on gov't assistance? The vast majority getting that kind of help are the working poor. We are subsidizing low wages with our tax money going to SNAP and WIC and Rental assistance and heating assistance and Medicaid. WE are making up for the company's lack of paying a living wage.

So is that the fault of the company or fault of our government?

When our government offers these goodies, people do what they can to stay under the income level to keep those goodies coming in. It's not like these people are working 50 to 60 hours a week and living in a HUD house using food stamps.
No I get it. Especially when Republicans are in charge because then reality collides with their rhetoric. For example healthcare. Now we see us liberals were right. The GOP lied about the aca. Turns out things would be worse if not for it.

Maybe you idiots should have voted against Republicans in 2010 instead of giving them back control of the house and senate.

You rewarded bad behavior.

And last I checked we have two parties. If you aren't a democrat then you're a Republican. And you guys got us in this message. I don't blame the politicians anymore. I would favor the rich too. You don't need favoring. You vote for them even when they fuck you. Or almost as good you people reward them by not voting

With healthcare the Democrats are wrong, what we have is free premiums with people not being able to afford the deductible. See if you give people with no money health insurance and a $3500 deductible, it does them no good. So really the Democrat party was wrong. You have no proof that we were worse off, that is an opinion.

Also, it wasn't just Republicans that voted in 2010, so your blame game is also a flawed opinion.

We have more than two party's in fact there are several hundred. Just your way of not taking blame for a mess that all helped create. If you have voted either Republican or Democrat, you helped get us into this mess because you only hold the Republicans accountable.
2 options

$3500 deductible and survive cancer or don't have insurance so you can't afford the million dollar cure.

That may be so if you could get a crap policy like that for around $200.00 a month. But the last plan I checked out on Commie Care wanted $725.00 a month with a $7,000 deductible and a $7,100 out of pocket. No prescription coverage, no dental or eye, and a $50.00 copay for all doctors visits.

How would I be able to pay that, pay for all my prescriptions, and pay my medical bills since the insurance didn't cover anything?
That's a lie. It's about $300 a month which is still too much I agree.

We need single payer.

Are Republicans willing to fix the problem? The only way they know how is to let insurance companies deny insuring the sick and not cover the poor.

Some things shouldn't be for profit

Why would I lie about something like that? I'm telling you it's the truth, and if I wanted to keep my current providers I've been going to all of my life, that was the only insurance plan they had available. Even the operator that took my application said she couldn't afford anything like that.

They did have another plan for about $400.00, but I would have to go to crappy doctors and hospitals, and that too had the same coverage as the $725.00 plan. So I'd have to have all my records transferred over to the new (whatever) get all new doctors, and I would still have no real coverage unless I walked out in front of a moving bus.

What you have to understand is that this entire plot was vote buying; being able to insure low income people on the backs of middle-class and wealthy people. But low income people generally vote Democrat and that was the goal.
That's why I say take it away. Those poor people aren't even smart enough to show up to vote and assure they keep health insurance.

At least kick kids off their parents plan once they are 18 unless they're going to college or trade school.

So you admitted there is a cheaper option. Thanks. That's the one I was on. Who gives a shit about keeping your doctor. I've had hundreds of doctors. Do you like his small hands when he cups your balls and says cough?
If the paycheck isn't enough to feed you and shelter you, it's not much of a reward. Again, people act like you can just hop to a better job if you're not satisfied with your current pay. Wages are stagnant. It's a fact.

If you have nothing more to add to the profit margin and productivity of a company, why do you deserve more pay?

Go to night school, take a part time job, work overtime, take courses online, get off your duff and quit acting like a victim.


If an employee had nothing to add to the profit margin, why are they hired in the first place?

Who is acting like a victim? Low-wage employees are asserting how much their time, effort, and skills are worth. That's advocating for themselves, not being victims.

and just how much profit do you think an employer makes on a MW employee?

It ain't much

and the skills needed to perform MW work aren't worth much
If you want to make more than MW then you have to make the time you sell to your employer worth more

Funny I always thought of my employers (when I had them) as customers who I sell a product to and I always wanted to give them the highest quality product I could which means that in every entry level job I had the first thing I ever did was find out exactly what I had to do to get a promotion.

That's how I was managing the entire dairy section of a large supermarket when I was 17 and still in high school and was making almost twice as much as the guys who just wanted to stock shelves

Either this happened decades ago, or I call bullshit. In the last 20 years, a manager of one section of a supermarket would not make twice (or "almost twice") what the min. wage employees make.
With healthcare the Democrats are wrong, what we have is free premiums with people not being able to afford the deductible. See if you give people with no money health insurance and a $3500 deductible, it does them no good. So really the Democrat party was wrong. You have no proof that we were worse off, that is an opinion.

Also, it wasn't just Republicans that voted in 2010, so your blame game is also a flawed opinion.

We have more than two party's in fact there are several hundred. Just your way of not taking blame for a mess that all helped create. If you have voted either Republican or Democrat, you helped get us into this mess because you only hold the Republicans accountable.
2 options

$3500 deductible and survive cancer or don't have insurance so you can't afford the million dollar cure.

That may be so if you could get a crap policy like that for around $200.00 a month. But the last plan I checked out on Commie Care wanted $725.00 a month with a $7,000 deductible and a $7,100 out of pocket. No prescription coverage, no dental or eye, and a $50.00 copay for all doctors visits.

How would I be able to pay that, pay for all my prescriptions, and pay my medical bills since the insurance didn't cover anything?
That's a lie. It's about $300 a month which is still too much I agree.

We need single payer.

Are Republicans willing to fix the problem? The only way they know how is to let insurance companies deny insuring the sick and not cover the poor.

Some things shouldn't be for profit

Why would I lie about something like that? I'm telling you it's the truth, and if I wanted to keep my current providers I've been going to all of my life, that was the only insurance plan they had available. Even the operator that took my application said she couldn't afford anything like that.

They did have another plan for about $400.00, but I would have to go to crappy doctors and hospitals, and that too had the same coverage as the $725.00 plan. So I'd have to have all my records transferred over to the new (whatever) get all new doctors, and I would still have no real coverage unless I walked out in front of a moving bus.

What you have to understand is that this entire plot was vote buying; being able to insure low income people on the backs of middle-class and wealthy people. But low income people generally vote Democrat and that was the goal.
That's why I say take it away. Those poor people aren't even smart enough to show up to assure they keep health insurance.

At least kick kids off their parents plan once they are 18 unless they're going to college or trade school.

So you admitted there is a cheaper option. Thanks. That's the one I was on. Who gives a shit about keeping your doctor. I've had hundreds of doctors. Do you like his small hands when he cups your balls and says cough?

Yes, I do like my doctors, and I do like the facility I've been going to ALL OF MY LIFE! It's a shame when people have to scramble around getting services from places they don't want to deal with all because Democrats are trying to create as many new government dependents as possible.

Commie Care has crap plans for outrageous money--plans you'll never get a dime off of. HTF do you call something like this "affordable" when plans cost more than a house payment? That's not affordable and it certainly isn't coverage.
I don't want workers paid more because it would "feel good." I want those who are willing and able to work to be fairly compensated because a strong middle class makes for a strong economy. Do you want fewer people on gov't assistance? The vast majority getting that kind of help are the working poor. We are subsidizing low wages with our tax money going to SNAP and WIC and Rental assistance and heating assistance and Medicaid. WE are making up for the company's lack of paying a living wage.
The company lives in the same world though. They have bills to pay as well. So they will need to charge more, that means fewer goods or services being sold which means employees drop to part time or are let go.

Government regulations is why so many hire two part timers instead of one full timer. If the government is spending our money they are taking it from us to begin with. You believe in trickle up economics and I believe the market decides best. Less government=more business=higher wages.
Who is acting like a victim? Low-wage employees are asserting how much their time, effort, and skills are worth. That's advocating for themselves, not being victims.

You're making them a victim. YOU are saying the just because you would feel good, they should be paid more than their worth to a business. That is treating them as a victim.

When I was paid the minimum wage, my first "real" job, as a bagboy in a large grocery store, I was jubilant that I had been hired and that I was going to do the best possible work so I would keep the job.


I don't want workers paid more because it would "feel good." I want those who are willing and able to work to be fairly compensated because a strong middle class makes for a strong economy. Do you want fewer people on gov't assistance? The vast majority getting that kind of help are the working poor. We are subsidizing low wages with our tax money going to SNAP and WIC and Rental assistance and heating assistance and Medicaid. WE are making up for the company's lack of paying a living wage.

So is that the fault of the company or fault of our government?

When our government offers these goodies, people do what they can to stay under the income level to keep those goodies coming in. It's not like these people are working 50 to 60 hours a week and living in a HUD house using food stamps.

That is such bullshit. First of all, if you're living in HUD housing, you probably have kids. Where are those parents supposed to put kids if they work 50-60 hours a them in a closet? Because daycare sucks away any extra income from working OT.

It's not about keeping "goodies" it's about a plan of basic survival. Hell, yeah, if I was on Medicaid, and if earning $50 more a week made me completely ineligible for Medicaid, I wouldn't work it, either. Because that $50 won't do shit to buy health insurance.

Before anyone goes on the "don'thavekidsifyoucan'taffordthem" tangent, I agree. But that's the reality, and we cannot set public policy based on how we wish everyone would act. Besides, one thing I do know is that even when you're prepared to have kids, sometimes in life, shit happens.
I don't want workers paid more because it would "feel good." I want those who are willing and able to work to be fairly compensated because a strong middle class makes for a strong economy. Do you want fewer people on gov't assistance? The vast majority getting that kind of help are the working poor. We are subsidizing low wages with our tax money going to SNAP and WIC and Rental assistance and heating assistance and Medicaid. WE are making up for the company's lack of paying a living wage.
The company lives in the same world though. They have bills to pay as well. So they will need to charge more, that means fewer goods or services being sold which means employees drop to part time or are let go.

Government regulations is why so many hire two part timers instead of one full timer. If the government is spending our money they are taking it from us to begin with. You believe in trickle up economics and I believe the market decides best. Less government=more business=higher wages.

I feel for small businesses, but I know that corporate profits are at an all-time high, while they work to keep wages low. They aren't suffering, but still want to blame government for low wages, because they are "too regulated."

I cannot speak to every regulation out there, but many are for employee and consumer protections. Which ones would you eliminate?
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$3500 deductible and survive cancer or don't have insurance so you can't afford the million dollar cure.

That may be so if you could get a crap policy like that for around $200.00 a month. But the last plan I checked out on Commie Care wanted $725.00 a month with a $7,000 deductible and a $7,100 out of pocket. No prescription coverage, no dental or eye, and a $50.00 copay for all doctors visits.

How would I be able to pay that, pay for all my prescriptions, and pay my medical bills since the insurance didn't cover anything?
That's a lie. It's about $300 a month which is still too much I agree.

We need single payer.

Are Republicans willing to fix the problem? The only way they know how is to let insurance companies deny insuring the sick and not cover the poor.

Some things shouldn't be for profit

Why would I lie about something like that? I'm telling you it's the truth, and if I wanted to keep my current providers I've been going to all of my life, that was the only insurance plan they had available. Even the operator that took my application said she couldn't afford anything like that.

They did have another plan for about $400.00, but I would have to go to crappy doctors and hospitals, and that too had the same coverage as the $725.00 plan. So I'd have to have all my records transferred over to the new (whatever) get all new doctors, and I would still have no real coverage unless I walked out in front of a moving bus.

What you have to understand is that this entire plot was vote buying; being able to insure low income people on the backs of middle-class and wealthy people. But low income people generally vote Democrat and that was the goal.
That's why I say take it away. Those poor people aren't even smart enough to show up to assure they keep health insurance.

At least kick kids off their parents plan once they are 18 unless they're going to college or trade school.

So you admitted there is a cheaper option. Thanks. That's the one I was on. Who gives a shit about keeping your doctor. I've had hundreds of doctors. Do you like his small hands when he cups your balls and says cough?

Yes, I do like my doctors, and I do like the facility I've been going to ALL OF MY LIFE! It's a shame when people have to scramble around getting services from places they don't want to deal with all because Democrats are trying to create as many new government dependents as possible.

Commie Care has crap plans for outrageous money--plans you'll never get a dime off of. HTF do you call something like this "affordable" when plans cost more than a house payment? That's not affordable and it certainly isn't coverage.

Sorry, but all I hear is the sound of high-pitched whining. "I don't care if everyone will be insured, I want my doctor that I had ALL OF MY LIFE!"

Cry me a river. Meanwhile, uninsured cancer patient is quietly dying in a corner.
Who is acting like a victim? Low-wage employees are asserting how much their time, effort, and skills are worth. That's advocating for themselves, not being victims.

You're making them a victim. YOU are saying the just because you would feel good, they should be paid more than their worth to a business. That is treating them as a victim.

When I was paid the minimum wage, my first "real" job, as a bagboy in a large grocery store, I was jubilant that I had been hired and that I was going to do the best possible work so I would keep the job.


I don't want workers paid more because it would "feel good." I want those who are willing and able to work to be fairly compensated because a strong middle class makes for a strong economy. Do you want fewer people on gov't assistance? The vast majority getting that kind of help are the working poor. We are subsidizing low wages with our tax money going to SNAP and WIC and Rental assistance and heating assistance and Medicaid. WE are making up for the company's lack of paying a living wage.

So is that the fault of the company or fault of our government?

When our government offers these goodies, people do what they can to stay under the income level to keep those goodies coming in. It's not like these people are working 50 to 60 hours a week and living in a HUD house using food stamps.

That is such bullshit. First of all, if you're living in HUD housing, you probably have kids. Where are those parents supposed to put kids if they work 50-60 hours a them in a closet? Because daycare sucks away any extra income from working OT.

It's not about keeping "goodies" it's about a plan of basic survival. Hell, yeah, if I was on Medicaid, and if earning $50 more a week made me completely ineligible for Medicaid, I wouldn't work it, either. Because that $50 won't do shit to buy health insurance.

Before anyone goes on the "don'thavekidsifyoucan'taffordthem" tangent, I agree. But that's the reality, and we cannot set public policy based on how we wish everyone would act. Besides, one thing I do know is that even when you're prepared to have kids, sometimes in life, shit happens.

But not to all the people I've seen. When I go to the store and these women pull out the SNAP's card, they usually have three, four or more kids with them. You can't expect me to believe just a few years earlier, these mothers were doing fine and supporting their kids, and all of a sudden, they have to use food stamps.

Yes, there are WORKING families that do put in 50 to 60 hours a week, and they find places for their kids to stay. That's besides the fact that even if a woman is forced to stay home to watch the kids, it's only until they go to school and then she could get a job.

And yes, it is about keeping goodies. As I have mentioned, I work in industry. Our customers that use temp services ask them to work OT, and they refuse because it would interfere with their food stamp stipend. Two years ago I had to evict a family of four because of food stamps. The mother didn't even consider my suggestion that she get a job on the weekend to catch up on their rent while her live in boyfriend stayed home with the kids. She was getting $225.00 a month in food stamps and didn't want to let that go. They chose eviction instead.
That may be so if you could get a crap policy like that for around $200.00 a month. But the last plan I checked out on Commie Care wanted $725.00 a month with a $7,000 deductible and a $7,100 out of pocket. No prescription coverage, no dental or eye, and a $50.00 copay for all doctors visits.

How would I be able to pay that, pay for all my prescriptions, and pay my medical bills since the insurance didn't cover anything?
That's a lie. It's about $300 a month which is still too much I agree.

We need single payer.

Are Republicans willing to fix the problem? The only way they know how is to let insurance companies deny insuring the sick and not cover the poor.

Some things shouldn't be for profit

Why would I lie about something like that? I'm telling you it's the truth, and if I wanted to keep my current providers I've been going to all of my life, that was the only insurance plan they had available. Even the operator that took my application said she couldn't afford anything like that.

They did have another plan for about $400.00, but I would have to go to crappy doctors and hospitals, and that too had the same coverage as the $725.00 plan. So I'd have to have all my records transferred over to the new (whatever) get all new doctors, and I would still have no real coverage unless I walked out in front of a moving bus.

What you have to understand is that this entire plot was vote buying; being able to insure low income people on the backs of middle-class and wealthy people. But low income people generally vote Democrat and that was the goal.
That's why I say take it away. Those poor people aren't even smart enough to show up to assure they keep health insurance.

At least kick kids off their parents plan once they are 18 unless they're going to college or trade school.

So you admitted there is a cheaper option. Thanks. That's the one I was on. Who gives a shit about keeping your doctor. I've had hundreds of doctors. Do you like his small hands when he cups your balls and says cough?

Yes, I do like my doctors, and I do like the facility I've been going to ALL OF MY LIFE! It's a shame when people have to scramble around getting services from places they don't want to deal with all because Democrats are trying to create as many new government dependents as possible.

Commie Care has crap plans for outrageous money--plans you'll never get a dime off of. HTF do you call something like this "affordable" when plans cost more than a house payment? That's not affordable and it certainly isn't coverage.

Sorry, but all I hear is the sound of high-pitched whining. "I don't care if everyone will be insured, I want my doctor that I had ALL OF MY LIFE!"

Cry me a river. Meanwhile, uninsured cancer patient is quietly dying in a corner.

This is true, and the Democrats created many of them.
Who is acting like a victim? Low-wage employees are asserting how much their time, effort, and skills are worth. That's advocating for themselves, not being victims.

You're making them a victim. YOU are saying the just because you would feel good, they should be paid more than their worth to a business. That is treating them as a victim.

When I was paid the minimum wage, my first "real" job, as a bagboy in a large grocery store, I was jubilant that I had been hired and that I was going to do the best possible work so I would keep the job.


I don't want workers paid more because it would "feel good." I want those who are willing and able to work to be fairly compensated because a strong middle class makes for a strong economy. Do you want fewer people on gov't assistance? The vast majority getting that kind of help are the working poor. We are subsidizing low wages with our tax money going to SNAP and WIC and Rental assistance and heating assistance and Medicaid. WE are making up for the company's lack of paying a living wage.

So is that the fault of the company or fault of our government?

When our government offers these goodies, people do what they can to stay under the income level to keep those goodies coming in. It's not like these people are working 50 to 60 hours a week and living in a HUD house using food stamps.

That is such bullshit. First of all, if you're living in HUD housing, you probably have kids. Where are those parents supposed to put kids if they work 50-60 hours a them in a closet? Because daycare sucks away any extra income from working OT.

It's not about keeping "goodies" it's about a plan of basic survival. Hell, yeah, if I was on Medicaid, and if earning $50 more a week made me completely ineligible for Medicaid, I wouldn't work it, either. Because that $50 won't do shit to buy health insurance.

Before anyone goes on the "don'thavekidsifyoucan'taffordthem" tangent, I agree. But that's the reality, and we cannot set public policy based on how we wish everyone would act. Besides, one thing I do know is that even when you're prepared to have kids, sometimes in life, shit happens.

But not to all the people I've seen. When I go to the store and these women pull out the SNAP's card, they usually have three, four or more kids with them. You can't expect me to believe just a few years earlier, these mothers were doing fine and supporting their kids, and all of a sudden, they have to use food stamps.

Yes, there are WORKING families that do put in 50 to 60 hours a week, and they find places for their kids to stay. That's besides the fact that even if a woman is forced to stay home to watch the kids, it's only until they go to school and then she could get a job.

And yes, it is about keeping goodies. As I have mentioned, I work in industry. Our customers that use temp services ask them to work OT, and they refuse because it would interfere with their food stamp stipend. Two years ago I had to evict a family of four because of food stamps. The mother didn't even consider my suggestion that she get a job on the weekend to catch up on their rent while her live in boyfriend stayed home with the kids. She was getting $225.00 a month in food stamps and didn't want to let that go. They chose eviction instead.

Awful, bad poor people. Why are they allowed to live?

You DO NOT know the circumstances of any of those people's real lives. You don't get to go to the "welfare tree" and pick food stamps off the branches. You have to demonstrate need, and you open up your whole financial life to scrutiny. Do some people make lousy choices? Yes. That's why no one is given welfare indefinitely anymore.

By the way, you mentioned temp services. Why would someone mess with benefits that they know they can count on to get a few OT hours of temporary work?

You also mentioned school as an option for daycare. Schools are not in session for 50-60 hours a week.

Even after school care (any decent ones) are expensive.
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That's a lie. It's about $300 a month which is still too much I agree.

We need single payer.

Are Republicans willing to fix the problem? The only way they know how is to let insurance companies deny insuring the sick and not cover the poor.

Some things shouldn't be for profit

Why would I lie about something like that? I'm telling you it's the truth, and if I wanted to keep my current providers I've been going to all of my life, that was the only insurance plan they had available. Even the operator that took my application said she couldn't afford anything like that.

They did have another plan for about $400.00, but I would have to go to crappy doctors and hospitals, and that too had the same coverage as the $725.00 plan. So I'd have to have all my records transferred over to the new (whatever) get all new doctors, and I would still have no real coverage unless I walked out in front of a moving bus.

What you have to understand is that this entire plot was vote buying; being able to insure low income people on the backs of middle-class and wealthy people. But low income people generally vote Democrat and that was the goal.
That's why I say take it away. Those poor people aren't even smart enough to show up to assure they keep health insurance.

At least kick kids off their parents plan once they are 18 unless they're going to college or trade school.

So you admitted there is a cheaper option. Thanks. That's the one I was on. Who gives a shit about keeping your doctor. I've had hundreds of doctors. Do you like his small hands when he cups your balls and says cough?

Yes, I do like my doctors, and I do like the facility I've been going to ALL OF MY LIFE! It's a shame when people have to scramble around getting services from places they don't want to deal with all because Democrats are trying to create as many new government dependents as possible.

Commie Care has crap plans for outrageous money--plans you'll never get a dime off of. HTF do you call something like this "affordable" when plans cost more than a house payment? That's not affordable and it certainly isn't coverage.

Sorry, but all I hear is the sound of high-pitched whining. "I don't care if everyone will be insured, I want my doctor that I had ALL OF MY LIFE!"

Cry me a river. Meanwhile, uninsured cancer patient is quietly dying in a corner.

This is true, and the Democrats created many of them.

Democrats created cancer?

You are officially off the deep end.

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