Results of water privatization in Europe


Nov 14, 2012
"We do not want something like what happens in London, where now because of the profit orientation of the company 50 percent of the water seeps because the pipes are not repaired. That's what we do not want."
- Social Democrat in the EU Parliament Evelyne Gebhardt

The great and beloved leadership of the European Union plans to privatize the drinking water against better knowledge.
Results show already, how the privatization will take affect on the people´s living standard.

- Due to the low water pressure as result of a lack of maintenance of the supply lines in London flats in higher floors have periodically no water.
- Since privatization the price increase in Portugal is 400 %

The privatization in Europe has started decades ago, but was limited to the management and did not concern the water itself.
Wow, the most important element, water, is not a matter of interest here. How many people here think that profit is more important than water?
Water tyrannies are not uncommon in history.

In fact control over water (for irrigation) is probably why both Asyria and Egypt became great empires.

We're seeing the battle for water (irrigation) happening right now in our own WEST.
Water tyrannies are not uncommon in history.

In fact control over water (for irrigation) is probably why both Asyria and Egypt became great empires.

We're seeing the battle for water (irrigation) happening right now in our own WEST.
It is not a battle for water but a criminal act to make it a battle for water. They act if like they would own the water but it is public. They sell our water to private companies. We in Germany are even more concerned than the others because our tap water is mineral-rich drinking water in principle.
Water tyrannies are not uncommon in history.

In fact control over water (for irrigation) is probably why both Asyria and Egypt became great empires.

We're seeing the battle for water (irrigation) happening right now in our own WEST.

It is not a battle for water but a criminal act to make it a battle for water. They act if like they would own the water but it is public. They sell our water to private companies. We in Germany are even more concerned than the others because our tap water is mineral-rich drinking water in principle.

We agree completely except for one thing...this

It is not a battle for water but a criminal act to make it a battle for water

We are already seeing these battles over water in the Western states. Cities demanding that farmers stop taking so much water and vice versa.

You can call that criminal and in some cases it probably is, but the fact is that we need more water in some places than there is water to be had.

the American southwest and middle west are in trouble and with that trouble so too is our food supply.
[ame=]THE CORPORATION [18/23] Expansion Plan - YouTube[/ame]
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We agree completely except for one thing...this
Who the heck is "we" and what exactly do you not agree with?

We are already seeing these battles over water in the Western states. Cities demanding that farmers stop taking so much water and vice versa.

You can call that criminal and in some cases it probably is, but the fact is that we need more water in some places than there is water to be had.

the American southwest and middle west are in trouble and with that trouble so too is our food supply.
Desalination - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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