Resurfaced Video Of Lindsey Graham Owning The Libs Goes Viral


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Resurfaced video shows Lindsey Graham arguing for witnesses to testify at Bill Clinton impeachment trial

Now that Mitch McConnell is determined to move forward with an impeachment trial and promises to not call witnesses and only allow rules set by republicans -- despite the fact in the last impeachment trial -- the Senate agreed 100-0 on Senate rules -- there is a video that has resurfaced of Lindsey Graham owning the libs.

Say what you want about Lindsey, but he is a principled conservative who stands on principle and doesn't just change his views based on political winds like most Dem politicians -- so it was refreshing to see him totally owning the libs back in 1999 when he was discussing the importance of witnesses being called in an impeachment trial.

"In a C-SPAN interview from January 1999, Graham, a South Carolina representative at the time, spoke about the reasons he wanted witnesses in Clinton's impeachment. "The whole point that we're trying to make is that in every trial that there's ever been in the Senate, regarding impeachment, witnesses were called," he told C-SPAN. At the time, Graham said that if the Senate didn't "get to call meaningful witnesses" that "you're basically changing impeachment."

Funny how what Lindsey was saying back then is the exact opposite of what he is saying now -- but its what the Dems are saying now -- so he totally triggered them...Because by pretending to be in favor of something he was actually totally against -- he totally knew 20 years later, the Dems would try to impeach a Republican back to the future Democrat ownage -- well played Lindsey....

Another far left religious narrative being run!

The GOP wanted to use the Clinton impeachment standards!

The far left said NO!

And Pelsoi refuses to hand over the articles!

But how many witnesses did Trump get to call in the House hearings?
something happened to ms lindsey after he went 'golfing' with donny... that's went he spun a 180 & became president tinkles' biggest cheerleader. me thinx he was told that 'they' know where all the little boy bodies are buried in ms lindsey's closet.

Lindsay Graham is such a friggin wimp. Lindsay needs some big boy to follow like a dog. First there was McCain, now it’s Trump. Graham is a hypocrite and shallow. Even by politician standards the man has no core.

HARDBALL: Holy Crap. Lindsey Graham Just Threatened Democrats With His ‘Predicted’ Impeachment Witness List.

It’s the Return of Lindsey 2.0!

Senator Lindsey Graham issued a colossal throw-down to Democrats in a brief interlude between sessions of the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump.

In an interview during a media scrum on Tuesday, the South Carolina senator and Judiciary Committee leader made a "prediction" of his desired witnesses – witnesses that, you can bet, most Democratic senators would rather not hear from.

Graham said, "If you go down the road of witnesses, it's not going to be one, it's going to be many."

A reporter asked Graham about whether the GOP had 51 votes to keep the president out of trouble. Graham shot back: "I'll make a prediction. They'll be 51 Republican votes to call Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, the 'whistleblower,' uh, and the DNC staffer at a very minimum."

Graham brought up the "DNC staffer" who is believed to be Alexandra Chalupa, a Ukrainian-American and "contractor for the DNC" who tried to dig up dirt on Paul Manafort. The NY Post reported:

"Chalupa, a Ukrainian American who calls herself a “human rights lobbyist,” made a cameo minutes into the opening statement of House Intelligence Committee ranking member Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) in which he railed against the Democrats’ secretive impeachment process.

“Violating their own guidelines, Democrats repeatedly redacted from transcripts the name of Alexandra Chalupa, a contractor for the Democratic National Committee who worked with Ukrainian officials to collect dirt on the Trump campaign which she provided to the DNC and the Hillary Clinton campaign,” Nunes said.

Chalupa is the founder of a Washington political consulting firm and is co-chair of the DNC’s Ethnic Council, which reaches out to diaspora groups around the country to increase voter turnout, according to her LinkedIn.

But her most important role to date appears to be her investigation into Paul Manafort, President Trump’s former campaign manager, and his ties with Russia — which she conducted with the help of Ukrainian officials. I was not an opposition researcher for the DNC, and the DNC never asked me to go to the Ukrainian Embassy to collect information,” she said in July 2017."
Chalupa is vile hate-filled scum. Her Twitter timeline shows many retweets of Democrats' and Bug-eyed Schiff's protestations and the personal designation of Ivanka Trump as the "mafia princess":

Graham says that the House of Representatives blew it in its "inquiry." He said that instead of bringing impeachment counts against the president, "you could have litigated privilege in court rather than the Senate having to decide legal issues ... and I think that's bad for the country."

No kidding.
Resurfaced video shows Lindsey Graham arguing for witnesses to testify at Bill Clinton impeachment trial

Now that Mitch McConnell is determined to move forward with an impeachment trial and promises to not call witnesses and only allow rules set by republicans -- despite the fact in the last impeachment trial -- the Senate agreed 100-0 on Senate rules -- there is a video that has resurfaced of Lindsey Graham owning the libs.

Say what you want about Lindsey, but he is a principled conservative who stands on principle and doesn't just change his views based on political winds like most Dem politicians -- so it was refreshing to see him totally owning the libs back in 1999 when he was discussing the importance of witnesses being called in an impeachment trial.

"In a C-SPAN interview from January 1999, Graham, a South Carolina representative at the time, spoke about the reasons he wanted witnesses in Clinton's impeachment. "The whole point that we're trying to make is that in every trial that there's ever been in the Senate, regarding impeachment, witnesses were called," he told C-SPAN. At the time, Graham said that if the Senate didn't "get to call meaningful witnesses" that "you're basically changing impeachment."

Funny how what Lindsey was saying back then is the exact opposite of what he is saying now -- but its what the Dems are saying now -- so he totally triggered them...Because by pretending to be in favor of something he was actually totally against -- he totally knew 20 years later, the Dems would try to impeach a Republican back to the future Democrat ownage -- well played Lindsey....

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TDS is strong in this one. Luckily his ideas are poorly thought out and unimportant.

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