Retarted Woman Attacked (video)

Tank, thanks for sharing that disgusting piece of filth. My day is complete. If you have any snuff films, torture flicks or people dying of cancer, please post them too. We can't get enough of this stuff!!! It makes us all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

Yes, it was horrible - no, I did NOT need to see it to understand that there are bad people in the world.



Should we ignore things like this in the future? Is ignoring it what YOU do to make it better? Im perplexed by your response.

I don't live in negativity, I find the world is a better place when we forget, as opposed to living in the past.

Living in the past is a sure way to keep getting the same results. Studies have proven this time and again.

Abraham Lincoln was robed and beaten by black pirates on the Mississippi; what if he had held that against all blacks?
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@ Tank, I'm sorry that I was kind of mean to you about the video - stuff like that really upsets me, but you certainly have the right to post it.
Tank, thanks for sharing that disgusting piece of filth. My day is complete. If you have any snuff films, torture flicks or people dying of cancer, please post them too. We can't get enough of this stuff!!! It makes us all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

Yes, it was horrible - no, I did NOT need to see it to understand that there are bad people in the world.


The title of the thread said what this was all about, what did you expect?

I'm warning people, what are you doing?

I'm doing plenty, thank you for asking. I do most of what I do to make the world a better place, by walking the walk, by ignoring the color of peoples skin as if there were no colors. I pick everyone up in my cab, no matter who they are. I judge people as much as humanly possible by the content of their character.

You know what, though? For me this isn't even an effort; I don't have to make a concerted effort to not be a racist. After many years of doing it, it kind of becomes automatic.
I must say though, that I am rewarded handsomely for my political neutrality.

A few years ago, I worked at Denny's. I was appalled by the fact that many servers would go up front to grab white people and leave the black people standing for very long periods of time. This did not set very well with me, so very often, my station was filled with the black people that none of the other servers wanted to take. I made a lot of regulars this way and the friends I made were very loyal and would only want me as their server.

People know when you aren't a racist prick; they can tell by looking into your eye.

Same thing with all people - they know who's a straight up guy and who's talking out the side of their neck.
How does you not being racist fix the problem of the alarming violence coming from the black community? You challenged him to explain what he is doing to fix the problem, and you have just failed your own challenge.
Tank, thanks for sharing that disgusting piece of filth. My day is complete. If you have any snuff films, torture flicks or people dying of cancer, please post them too. We can't get enough of this stuff!!! It makes us all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

Yes, it was horrible - no, I did NOT need to see it to understand that there are bad people in the world.



Why did you look at it, then? Nobody forced you to watch it. And I've seen and heard way worse on this forum.

Point taken, but I can piss and moan about anything a feel like. You have a problem with that? Too bad, I'm sure you will get over it just like me. ;)
The title of the thread said what this was all about, what did you expect?

I'm warning people, what are you doing?

I'm doing plenty, thank you for asking. I do most of what I do to make the world a better place, by walking the walk, by ignoring the color of peoples skin as if there were no colors. I pick everyone up in my cab, no matter who they are. I judge people as much as humanly possible by the content of their character.

You know what, though? For me this isn't even an effort; I don't have to make a concerted effort to not be a racist. After many years of doing it, it kind of becomes automatic.
I must say though, that I am rewarded handsomely for my political neutrality.

A few years ago, I worked at Denny's. I was appalled by the fact that many servers would go up front to grab white people and leave the black people standing for very long periods of time. This did not set very well with me, so very often, my station was filled with the black people that none of the other servers wanted to take. I made a lot of regulars this way and the friends I made were very loyal and would only want me as their server.

People know when you aren't a racist prick; they can tell by looking into your eye.

Same thing with all people - they know who's a straight up guy and who's talking out the side of their neck.

How does you not being racist fix the problem of the alarming violence coming from the black community? You challenged him to explain what he is doing to fix the problem, and you have just failed your own challenge.

I failed at my own challenge? Really? How did you draw that conclusion from a couple of posts on a website forum? Pretty astute of you....

How do I fix violence against whites? Good one ... by doing my part to not create even more misdirected animosity.

That's about it; that's about all anyone can ever do. You have a better idea? Let's hear it, friend.
I admirer your passion for this subject Mad_Cabbie

But the fact still remains that black customers leave poor tips and picking up blacks in a taxi has a greater chance of a crime.

Poor tips are an occupational hazard - I know all about blacks and tipping, I was a server for twenty years.

Advice to blacks - If you crave a higher standing in society, tip regardless of your service - white people do.

Advice for servers - count your tips at the end of the night and treat everyone as if they just left you a $100.00 bill, that way, you will look at all customers as good tippers and it will reflect in a positive attitude and bigger tips!


Almost no one is tipped in Sweden - maybe waiters in very expensive restaurants but nobody else. We Europeans tend to think that giving someone a tip demeans them; it suggests they are seen by the tipper as inferiors. We are surprised that the custom is so prevalent in the US

So here people are paid on the basis that they will not receive tips and the customer or passenger in a cab pay indirectly.
I think it is a good thing that tank posts this. THis gives us a idea about how fucked our society is and what needs to be discussed.

We have a lot of sick people walking our streets.


Can't just be hiding these attacks and others...they need to be exposed and the attackers caught and punished.
...or, they just keep right on doing it, bashing the helpless and weak.
Why did you look at it, then? Nobody forced you to watch it. And I've seen and heard way worse on this forum.

Point taken, but I can piss and moan about anything a feel like. You have a problem with that? Too bad, I'm sure you will get over it just like me. ;)

I was really annoyed by your initial response, but you just admitted your mistake and apologized, which is an exceptionally rare thing on message boards. I am impressed by you. Good job.

Well, I'm not perfect, that's for sure. I like Tank, I don't mind people who have dissenting opinions from myself.

The video upset me because I have a disabled family member, that's all. :(
I admirer your passion for this subject Mad_Cabbie

But the fact still remains that black customers leave poor tips and picking up blacks in a taxi has a greater chance of a crime.

Poor tips are an occupational hazard - I know all about blacks and tipping, I was a server for twenty years.

Advice to blacks - If you crave a higher standing in society, tip regardless of your service - white people do.

Advice for servers - count your tips at the end of the night and treat everyone as if they just left you a $100.00 bill, that way, you will look at all customers as good tippers and it will reflect in a positive attitude and bigger tips!


Almost no one is tipped in Sweden - maybe waiters in very expensive restaurants but nobody else. We Europeans tend to think that giving someone a tip demeans them; it suggests they are seen by the tipper as inferiors. We are surprised that the custom is so prevalent in the US

So here people are paid on the basis that they will not receive tips and the customer or passenger in a cab pay indirectly.

I never really felt demeaned by receiving gratuities - attaining humility is in no way shameful, it is in fact, considered by many to be virtuous.
Some people might only just be able to pay for the food, and not have any spare money to tip.

There is not really a large tipping culture in Australia...but in a restaurant, if the bill were say $83...people would likely pay $90.

If a cab fare came to say $17 or $18, people might pay $20.

Hotels...most locals carry/wheel their own bags to the room.


One very famous and beautiful Aussie model once said that when she first started in the workforce and was waiting tables in a restaurant as a part time job...the other girls told her that if she wore a low-cut top and leaned over that she would get larger tips.
She did. :}
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Some people might only just be able to pay for the food, and not have any spare money to tip.

There is not really a large tipping culture in Australia...but in a restaurant, if the bill were say $83...people would likely pay $90.

If a cab fare came to say $17 or $18, people might pay $20.

Hotels...most locals carry/wheel their own bags to the room.


One very famous and beautiful Aussie model once said that when she first started in the workforce and was waiting tables in a restaurant as a part time job...the other girls told her that if she wore a low-cut top and leaned over that she would get larger tips.
She did. :}

Well, that's a pretty lame excuse - you have money to eat (usually high-dollar food) but no money to tip? Even when I was poor, I tipped. Even when I was homeless - it was even more important to me in those dark days.

Notice, I'm taking both sides here? That's not a false position; I see both sides of this.
I admirer your passion for this subject Mad_Cabbie

But the fact still remains that black customers leave poor tips and picking up blacks in a taxi has a greater chance of a crime.

Poor tips are an occupational hazard - I know all about blacks and tipping, I was a server for twenty years.

Advice to blacks - If you crave a higher standing in society, tip regardless of your service - white people do.

Advice for servers - count your tips at the end of the night and treat everyone as if they just left you a $100.00 bill, that way, you will look at all customers as good tippers and it will reflect in a positive attitude and bigger tips!


Well Cabbie your latent Racism is appaulling but apart from that,as a Server you were paid a minimum pathetic hourly rate and no doubt relied on TIPPS.

And there lies your fundamental problem.....your employer only paid you subsistence wages...........but unlike me,you never stood up for your rights and a decent liveable wage.

You feel you can slander Black people at will,but I reckon with your attitude,no Blacks(YOUR TERMINOLOGY BY THE WAY) would want to pay you a cent.

I employ over 300 Team Members and the lowest hourly rate for a junior employee is $27 per hour................But I find Guys like you are fairly (or is that unfairly) GUTLESS,afraid to stand up or negotiate a decent wage for your
self to your boss. but blame Black people:eek:


I'm theliq I kick Ass Big Time because I CAN....AND DO
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Oops. Sorry. I thought this was a thread about Nancy Pelosi or Sarah Palin being attacked...

...carry on...

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