Retired Air Force officer sentenced to 3 years for storing classified information at his Florida home

Not interested. Thanks, not in a game mood today.
Should trump be any different? This guy was Clinton's national security advisor who literally 'stole' classified documents.


“Guilty, your honor,” Berger responded when asked how he pleaded.

The charge of unauthorized removal and retention of classified material is a misdemeanor that carries a maximum sentence of a year in prison and up to a $100,000 fine.

However, under a plea agreement that Robinson must accept, Berger would serve no jail time but instead pay a $10,000 fine, surrender his security clearance for three years and cooperate with investigators. Security clearance allows access to classified government materials.
And yet you're the only one defending someone who broke the law.....
Pence and Biden mean well, their intentions could never be questions. But like everyone else in this world they are only human. People make mistakes, of they admit their mistakes that is excellent and worthy of due consideration. Show me a person who believes they are perfect and you already know they are the furthest thing from that. Arrogance and Ignorance are not good qualities.
Yeah, that's because Biden makes Trump look like a boy scout.
Who are you kidding. trump and his holdings have had 4,095 lawsuits against them, mostly fraud, from the full spectrum of the American people. Biden had few personal lawsuits against him until he became president. So far there's 65 of them, all from republicans, Texas leads the pack. And personally, Eric Schmitt, republican from.Missouri leads with 25 lawsuits. So a simple review of these facts would allow any half-intelligent person to conclude trump is the super villain in this scenario and Biden is the victim of political attacks. End of story.Once again you've lied in some weird attempt to protect the most prolific liar of all times.
Who are you kidding. trump and his holdings have had 4,095 lawsuits against them, mostly fraud, from the full spectrum of the American people. Biden had few personal lawsuits against him until he became president. So far there's 65 of them, all from republicans, Texas leads the pack. And personally, Eric Schmitt, republican from.Missouri leads with 25 lawsuits. So a simple review of these facts would allow any half-intelligent person to conclude trump is the super villain in this scenario and Biden is the victim of political attacks. End of story.Once again you've lied in some weird attempt to protect the most prolific liar of all times.
Biden has insulated himself by surrounding himself with the duped idiot's that need him to protect and stand up for their mentally deranged idiotic self's...... He is far more nefarious and evil than Trump ever thought about being. People like you have been completely fooled by the man, and why is that ???
Pence and Biden mean well, their intentions could never be questions.
How is it a sitting Senator who does not have any reason whatsoever, to remove classified documents from DC, not once, but many times, not qualify as criminally liable under the law?
How is it a sitting Senator who does not have any reason whatsoever, to remove classified documents from DC, not once, but many times, not qualify as criminally liable under the law?
The fate of Pence and Biden isn't up to you or I to decide. I'm just glad they were straight forward above the discovery and fully cooperative with the authorities. That speaks volumes for the character of each man. As to your question about senators having access to classified documents; many do, it depends on what committes they are on and the information is on a need to know basis.
There is a difference between forgetting that one has some documents left around your house, as with Biden and Pence, and what has clearly happened with Trump and this retired man, who kept documents on purpose.

Hilary, it was about emails and non of them classified. She was totally exonerated.Just ask James Comey about it.

Is forgetting you have classified documents an excuse you or I could use in court?
Pence and Biden mean well, their intentions could never be questions. But like everyone else in this world they are only human. People make mistakes, of they admit their mistakes that is excellent and worthy of due consideration. Show me a person who believes they are perfect and you already know they are the furthest thing from that. Arrogance and Ignorance are not good qualities.
How the fuck do you know what their intentions were? Seriously.

Like I said. You dont like Trump so he's guilty. You tolerate Pence and like Biden so they are innocent. Im glad you're not a judge.
Is forgetting you have classified documents an excuse you or I could use in court?
It's got to be comparable to manslaughter, involuntary manslaughter, and murder in self defense. Everything isn't black and white. Let's let the courts handle this one IF that is even called for. And yes the other
guy is definitely black or at least rotten orange.
How the fuck do you know what their intentions were? Seriously.

Like I said. You dont like Trump so he's guilty. You tolerate Pence and like Biden so they are innocent. Im glad you're not a judge.
If I were the judge I would have to recuse myself because several of my family members had very bad experiences with the orange creature. I'm glad you're not the judge, you're so purposely blind you can't see the truth. Fortunately it's in the hands of professionals.
There seems to be a double standard here. You know who was storing classified information you know where and really nothing has been done about it.
I do believe they found documents in various places.
Not sure how you know who can get away with it.

A retired Air Force lieutenant colonel was sentenced to three years in federal prison Thursday for storing files with classified information at his Florida home, the Department of Justice announced.

Robert Birchum pleaded guilty earlier this year to unlawfully possessing and retaining classified documents relating to national defense, the department said in a news release.
Birchum served nearly three decades in the Air Force and held several roles that required him to handle classified information, prosecutors said. In his plea agreement, Birchum admitted to having stored hundreds of files that contained information with top secret, secret or confidential classification markings in unauthorized locations.
In 2017, investigators found that Birchum “knowingly removed more than 300 classified files or documents” and kept them in “his home, his overseas officer’s headquarters, and a storage pod in his driveway,” according to the release. More than 30 of those files and documents were marked “Top Secret” – the highest level of classification.

Totally different circumstances, totally different consequences. No double standard at play here, just common sense.
If I were the judge I would have to recuse myself because several of my family members had very bad experiences with the orange creature. I'm glad you're not the judge, you're so purposely blind you can't see the truth. Fortunately it's in the hands of professionals.
How can you be this oblivious to the fact that you keep making my point for me?

Actually I’m just not willing to convict or exonerate amyone without seeing the evidence.
Despite what his criminal, compromised, classified pilfering Commander and Chief did, this officer obviously had some classified information in his possession.

The mitaty are not Democrats - they hate the military. Democrays get away with everything.

'Duty, honor, service before self' - a code Democrats know nothng about. He broke the law. He'll serve the time, unlike his Commander and Chief

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