Retired Air Force officer sentenced to 3 years for storing classified information at his Florida home

Trump, aka Lord Voldemort, has an issue with following rules. Mainly because he has been President of his own organization for decades.

The Presidency of the USA is a totally different kind of organization. The documents do not belong to any President, Vice President, etc, etc.

If found and given back willingly, there has never been an issue. It is not the case with Trump after he returned the first 15 boxes.

What the issue is with Trump after May 2022 is pure obstruction to return all the other documents he had, which have also been proven recently to have been moved out of the storage place at Mar-a-lago before the day before the FBI was to come to check for more documents.

Trump's way to rile people like yourself is by repeating the words RIGGED and WITCH HUNT.
As none of you know, or care, what the rule of law is in your own country, Trump gets the reaction he wants from those who have loved him since his Real Estate or his Tv Show.

Do not ask yourself why Trump made sure that his supporters would send him donations after he started refusing to give the documents.

Do not ask yourself why Trump asked for donations after he left the WH.

Is he a Billionaire or not?

I do not know of ANY Billionaire who constantly asks for money for one reason or another. For charity, that is one thing, but Trump has never given any money for Charity which is why his Charity organization was closed. And so was Trump University. No real diplomas ever came out of that University and it had to be shut down.

Rule of Law is rule of law.

Here is the timeline of NARA attempting to get all government documents back from Trump. This is the most recent one.

What you choose to believe is on you.
Oh get down off of your soap box, because you know damned well that you have this fixation on Trump who has done no more or less than any other POTUS before him or after him has done.

Rule of law ? Give me a flipping break, otherwise how can that even fall from your lips knowing the breaking of law's or the ignoring of law's that the Democrat's and their leader's have done ??
Oh, ignorant one.

The whole picture has not come out yet, and NARA is never going to say what documents Trump had because Russia and others would then know what they were.

Oh, wise one :(
I figured you would fail. Oh nefarious one.
Oh get down off of your soap box, because you know damned well that you have this fixation on Trump who has done no more or less than any other POTUS before him or after him has done.

Rule of law ? Give me a flipping break, otherwise how can that even fall from your lips knowing the breaking of law's or the ignoring of law's that the Democrat's and their leader's have done ??
Nice conspiracy. Stay on that lane. The lane to nowhere.
I figured you would fail. Oh nefarious one.
The only figures are all of you who do not care about the laws of the USA and say that Trump can do anything he wants with anyone and anything.

Keep an eye on the future indictments. All the indictments he tried to avoid by staying President of the USA.

It is all catching up with him.

Poor Donald.
The only figures are all of you who do not care about the laws of the USA and say that Trump can do anything he wants with anyone and anything.

Keep an eye on the future indictments. All the indictments he tried to avoid by staying President of the USA.

It is all catching up with him.

Poor Donald.
Again you fail, because you aren't consistent when it comes to expecting equal justice under the law's, and when this happens no one respects the law's anymore. That's what the lawbreakers on either side have caused, so a fixing of this NATION is needed, but I'm afraid the turmoil that has been created along with the rippling effect has started a tsunami.
Again you fail, because you aren't consistent when it comes to expecting equal justice under the law's, and when this happens no one respects the law's anymore. That's what the lawbreakers on either side have caused, so a fixing of this NATION is needed, but I'm afraid the turmoil that has been created along with the rippling effect has started a tsunami.
You are a failure. An American failure. You want to Demand, Command what is and what is not instead of just following what the Laws ARE.

Tsunami, shmunami. STOP exaggerating and attempting to make others believe that you have any power. That is what Trump has done all of his life and now he is paying the price for wanting things HIS way and not how the law says it should be.

November 2024. Go vote. That's it.
You are a failure. An American failure. You want to Demand, Command what is and what is not instead of just following what the Laws ARE.

Tsunami, shmunami. STOP exaggerating and attempting to make others believe that you have any power. That is what Trump has done all of his life and now he is paying the price for wanting things HIS way and not how the law says it should be.

November 2024. Go vote. That's it.
We all have the power to vote if not interfered with, so that is formerly our best option and power. However, just as it has been experienced with Anheuser Busch recently, the American's voting power (when collectively working together on a vote to boycott) is an awesome thing to witness.

Election integrity must be restored, but until then, the boycotts will be the new American voting apparatus, otherwise to vote with one's wallet instead.
We all have the power to vote if not interfered with, so that is formerly our best option and power. However, just as it has been experienced with Anheuser Busch recently, the American's voting power (when collectively working together on a vote to boycott) is an awesome thing to witness.

Election integrity must be restored, but until then, the boycotts will be the new American voting apparatus, otherwise to vote with one's wallet instead.
Trump appointed Homeland Security man said that it was the most secure election in history, the 2020.
Which is exactly why Trump fired him. Trump did not like the truth.

But, do continue your fantasy trip.
Are you speaking of Trump or Biden or Pence?
President Trump had a SCIF at Mar-a-Lago and a constant Secret Service presence for life.

Biden, not so much. He was storing classified materials in his garage and other places.
Well, if you opened a case against a President who does not like being would get fired too. Trump is famous for firing people who will not do as he tells them.

Trump turned all of his followers against the FBI and the CIA. Only Trump was to be believed. He still thinks that way about the documents, or anything else.
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe said he was ousted from the bureau in March 2018 because he opened two investigations into President Donald Trump 10 months earlier.

“I believe I was fired because I opened a case against the president of the United States,” McCabe told host Scott Pelley during an interview on CBS News’ “60 Minutes” that aired Sunday.

Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions dismissed McCabe — a little more than a day before he was set to formally retire — at, Sessions said, the recommendation of the FBI’s Office of Professional Responsibility, which cited findings from a report by the Justice Department’s inspector general.

The department watchdog concluded that McCabe inappropriately authorized the disclosure of information to a Wall Street Journal reporter about an ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation, and lied about the leak to officials at DOJ.

Trump tweeted at the time that McCabe’s firing marked “a great day for the hard working men and women of the FBI — A great day for Democracy.”

Reflecting on that pronouncement during his “60 Minutes” appearance, McCabe said: “The idea that this president would know what a great day for the FBI or a great day for democracy was is preposterous.”

McCabe was elevated to the role of acting FBI director in May 2017 after Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, and said he promptly opened two investigations into the president. A criminal inquiry focused on whether Trump obstructed justice by firing Comey, and a separate counterintelligence probe sought to determine whether the president was acting on behalf of the Russian government.

To justify his firing of Comey, Trump cited a three-page memo by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein that detailed actions Comey took in relation to the FBI’s investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email during her time as secretary of State.

But McCabe on Sunday claimed that Trump had urged Rosenstein to reference in his memo the bureau’s investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election.

“Rod was concerned by his interactions with the president, who seemed to be very focused on firing the director and saying things like, ‘Make sure you put Russia in your memo.’ That concerned Rod in the same way that it concerned me and the FBI investigators on the Russia case,” McCabe said.

“He explained to the president that he did not need Russia in his memo. And the president responded, ‘I understand that, I am asking you to put Russia in the memo anyway.’”

In discussing concerns about Trump’s attitude toward Russia, McCabe recounted on “60 Minutes” a briefing he received from a bureau official who had attended a meeting with the president. McCabe said the official described Trump siding with Russian President Vladimir Putin over American intelligence officials on the subject of North Korea’s nuclear capabilities.

“Essentially, the president said he did not believe that the North Koreans had the capability to hit us here with ballistic missiles in the United States. And he did not believe that because President Putin had told him they did not. President Putin had told him that the North Koreans don’t actually have those missiles,” McCabe said.

“Intelligence officials in the briefing responded that that was not consistent with any of the intelligence our government possesses, to which the president replied, ‘I don’t care. I believe Putin.’”

In a statement to CBS News, the White House accused McCabe of opening “a completely baseless investigation into the president,” and said that he has “no credibility.”

Fifteen minutes before the airing of McCabe’s interview, the president tweeted that special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation “is totally conflicted, illegal and rigged,” adding: “Should never have been allowed to begin, except for the Collusion and many crimes committed by the Democrats. Witch Hunt!”

You accepting a person ,who was fired for a lack of candor, 'true' story on why he was fired?

I bet you love Michael Cohen.
If any President wants to declassify any document they MUST go though the process of declassifying them with the organization set up exactly for that purpose so that the government knows what documents have been declassified. So that they have a way of knowing, after any President leaves, what documents the government is supposed to have as ALL documents must be archived by NARA.

It is not "permission", it is a process to make sure that Secret and Classified documents, which could cause the death of agents on the field, do not end in the wrong hands at any time.

Homeland Security. I am sure you should be worrying about it with any President. THat any and all of them are being as careful and not taking or keeping documents on purpose, which is what Trump did after he left the WH.

NO President is allowed to take documents with themselves, which are not their private ones, after they leave the WH.
The executive is the process you dope. Even there was a process a President had to adhere to he sets that process as the classification authority so anytime he wanted to change said process he could.

SHOULD Presidents talk to the original classification office before declassifying a set of information? Yes. Does he HAVE to? No. SHOULD he follow their advice regarding declassification? Probably. Does he HAVE to? Absolutely not.

SHOULD the President inform the original classification entity he’s declassified a set of information? Yes. Does he HAVE to? No.

You’ll notice no one really said Trump was wrong in his assertion that he could have declassified the documents found at MaroLago only that he has no proof he did it. You’ll also notice the current administration has done nothing to change the fact that Presidents have the power to unilaterally declassify things.

In other words the “rules” don’t really apply to the person making the rules because they can change them 1 second before they “break” them.
The executive is the process you dope. Even there was a process a President had to adhere to he sets that process as the classification authority so anytime he wanted to change said process he could.

SHOULD Presidents talk to the original classification office before declassifying a set of information? Yes. Does he HAVE to? No. SHOULD he follow their advice regarding declassification? Probably. Does he HAVE to? Absolutely not.

SHOULD the President inform the original classification entity he’s declassified a set of information? Yes. Does he HAVE to? No.

You’ll notice no one really said Trump was wrong in his assertion that he could have declassified the documents found at MaroLago only that he has no proof he did it. You’ll also notice the current administration has done nothing to change the fact that Presidents have the power to unilaterally declassify things.

In other words the “rules” don’t really apply to the person making the rules because they can change them 1 second before they “break” them.
I suggest you go and be an intern at the WH sometime.


Sitting presidents do have “unilateral and complete authority" to declassify material, though it doesn't fully extend to information classified under the Atomic Energy Act, said national security attorney Bradley P. Moss.

Since the time of President Harry S. Truman there's been a set process for protecting the nation's secrets, including different levels of classification, said Glenn Gerstell, a former general counsel for the National Security Agency.

“It’s critically important that we don’t accidentally release information that, especially in the case of top secret information, could cause exceptionally grave damage to national security,” he said.


There's also a detailed process for declassification with rules laid out under executive order. Typically, if a president wants to declassify something, he checks with the agency in charge, which has broad say in whether the information becomes public, Gerstell said.

If documents are declassified, there’s usually a painstaking process of blacking out what information still stays secret. “It’s not a question of a concept being declassified, or boxes of documents. It’s a word by word determination,” he said.

The declassification order must be memorialized and any agencies that are affected have to be notified, Moss said. The individual documents then have to be re-marked to show they’re no longer considered classified.

“It’s not clear what Jedi-like lawyers said that you could declassify things with a thought, but the courts are unlikely to embrace that claim,” said Jonathan Turley, a George Washington University law professor who was a Republican witness during the first impeachment proceedings against Trump in 2019.

The Justice Department has said there is no indication that Trump took any steps to declassify the documents seized from his Florida home.

(full article online)

There seems to be a double standard here. You know who was storing classified information you know where and really nothing has been done about it.
I do believe they found documents in various places.
Not sure how you know who can get away with it.

A retired Air Force lieutenant colonel was sentenced to three years in federal prison Thursday for storing files with classified information at his Florida home, the Department of Justice announced.

Robert Birchum pleaded guilty earlier this year to unlawfully possessing and retaining classified documents relating to national defense, the department said in a news release.
Birchum served nearly three decades in the Air Force and held several roles that required him to handle classified information, prosecutors said. In his plea agreement, Birchum admitted to having stored hundreds of files that contained information with top secret, secret or confidential classification markings in unauthorized locations.
In 2017, investigators found that Birchum “knowingly removed more than 300 classified files or documents” and kept them in “his home, his overseas officer’s headquarters, and a storage pod in his driveway,” according to the release. More than 30 of those files and documents were marked “Top Secret” – the highest level of classification.

The stage is set. Imagine how many years trump will get.
There seems to be a double standard here. You know who was storing classified information you know where and really nothing has been done about it.
I do believe they found documents in various places.
Not sure how you know who can get away with it.

A retired Air Force lieutenant colonel was sentenced to three years in federal prison Thursday for storing files with classified information at his Florida home, the Department of Justice announced.

Robert Birchum pleaded guilty earlier this year to unlawfully possessing and retaining classified documents relating to national defense, the department said in a news release.
Birchum served nearly three decades in the Air Force and held several roles that required him to handle classified information, prosecutors said. In his plea agreement, Birchum admitted to having stored hundreds of files that contained information with top secret, secret or confidential classification markings in unauthorized locations.
In 2017, investigators found that Birchum “knowingly removed more than 300 classified files or documents” and kept them in “his home, his overseas officer’s headquarters, and a storage pod in his driveway,” according to the release. More than 30 of those files and documents were marked “Top Secret” – the highest level of classification.

one other thing to consider is that Military Code is much, much stricter laws than civilian U.S. Code on stuff like this....
one other thing to consider is that Military Code is much, much stricter laws than civilian U.S. Code on stuff like this....
But I still believe trump should get more prison time. He purposely did this and aggravated the situation.

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