man may be polluting the planet, but man is not changing its climate.

you libs and gore worshipers need to learn the difference between pollution and climate change.
He still didn't say global warming was happening. He only said the consequences would be good if it did happen.

by arguing that global warming is a good thing without saying that it is not happening, he is implying that it is happening. If his argument were that it is not happening, then why not simply make that argument and say so.

No, he is not implying a thing.
Okay then, the article does not have him saying that global warming is not happening. If he is not implying anything, then at best he is neutral on whether global warming is happening or not. He does say, not just imply, that global warming is a good thing.
So we really need to be doing all we can to make it happen.

Right! Let's use that coal to produce affordable energy.

we already are.
man may be polluting the planet, but man is not changing its climate.

you libs and gore worshipers need to learn the difference between pollution and climate change.
Back in the day, a chemical reaction that resulted in Energy + water + CO2 was considered pollution free.
man may be polluting the planet, but man is not changing its climate.

you libs and gore worshipers need to learn the difference between pollution and climate change.
Back in the day, a chemical reaction that resulted in Energy + water + CO2 was considered pollution free.

The AGW cult wants to make combustion illegal.
by arguing that global warming is a good thing without saying that it is not happening, he is implying that it is happening. If his argument were that it is not happening, then why not simply make that argument and say so.

No, he is not implying a thing.
Okay then, the article does not have him saying that global warming is not happening. If he is not implying anything, then at best he is neutral on whether global warming is happening or not. He does say, not just imply, that global warming is a good thing.
So we really need to be doing all we can to make it happen.

Right! Let's use that coal to produce affordable energy.

we already are.
Not as much as we used too...... Why are so many miners in the coal producing states unemployed now?
I am still waiting for Al Gore and John Kerry to explain the weather this week.

You are another idiot who confuses weather with climate.

BTW - it takes a tremendous amount of heat to create a winter storm. Climate change is the shortening of Spring and Fall with longer and harsher winters and summer.

Wrap your small head around that one.

Why are you name calling and insulting? The Climate changes and has been for 4.5 Billion years without rich white guys in the USA.

When their con begins to unravel the AGW cult members will become hysterical and incoherent. They've been in denial for decades. it's a sad thing to watch people implode.
and boy would we all loved to see Kerry get questioned, then the reporter ask Kerry, "Mr Secretary, can you name at least one country that is in dire straights because of intense heat due to global warming"?
Nothing wrong with coal saw energy and this would be a good time to increase the miners wages substantially. Its about time.
I am still waiting for Al Gore and John Kerry to explain the weather this week.

You are another idiot who confuses weather with climate.

BTW - it takes a tremendous amount of heat to create a winter storm. Climate change is the shortening of Spring and Fall with longer and harsher winters and summer.

Wrap your small head around that one.

Why are you name calling and insulting? The Climate changes and has been for 4.5 Billion years without rich white guys in the USA.

When their con begins to unravel the AGW cult members will become hysterical and incoherent. They've been in denial for decades. it's a sad thing to watch people implode.
and boy would we all loved to see Kerry get questioned, then the reporter ask Kerry, "Mr Secretary, can you name at least one country that is in dire straights because of intense heat due to global warming"?
That would also be a good question for Obama!
OP- Could you get any more obscure? LOL. He never said it isn't happening duh. Much like Rush's proof it's a hoax because of a couple numbskulls at an obscure E. Anglia semi-college fudging their fecked up experiment. You people are brain washed Neanderthals...
OP- Could you get any more obscure? LOL. He never said it isn't happening duh. Much like Rush's proof it's a hoax because of a couple numbskulls at an obscure E. Anglia semi-college fudging their fecked up experiment. You people are brain washed Neanderthals...

Rush cites a lot of different proofs for global warming being a hoax. If you idiots want to believe in Manbearpig, be my guest, but keep it out of public policy.
OP- Could you get any more obscure? LOL. He never said it isn't happening duh. Much like Rush's proof it's a hoax because of a couple numbskulls at an obscure E. Anglia semi-college fudging their fecked up experiment. You people are brain washed Neanderthals...
The Neanderthals died off because the Earth was too cold.

Drill baby Drill!
Whether global warming is fact or fiction is of little has zero effect on industry or corporate profits. What we should be focusing on is sticking to the companies who dump stuff into water. I wilol help them go off to China where they belong.
He still didn't say global warming was happening. He only said the consequences would be good if it did happen.

by arguing that global warming is a good thing without saying that it is not happening, he is implying that it is happening. If his argument were that it is not happening, then why not simply make that argument and say so.

No, he is not implying a thing.
Okay then, the article does not have him saying that global warming is not happening. If he is not implying anything, then at best he is neutral on whether global warming is happening or not. He does say, not just imply, that global warming is a good thing.
So we really need to be doing all we can to make it happen.

Right! Let's use that coal to produce affordable energy.
Can't afford your energy bill? The gubment pays fo mines!
how can man cause global warming? its as if the far left thinks that we have the power to physically move the sun and moon. maybe man has a very long chain wrapped around the sun and moves to closer to China when it gets too hot in the USA, right?





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