Gore's right, you are brainwashed functional morons. End of story. The GOP is the only party in the world that denies GW.
Lol the members.of the man made global warming cult is going on full meltdown now I Noticed not one tried to Debate, just hurl insults lmao

What did this guy say that is debatable? In the OP, he said something about Al Gore and something about scientists skewing their findings to a political end.

As soon as he says something about climate change...feel free to quote him.
You are another idiot who confuses weather with climate.

BTW - it takes a tremendous amount of heat to create a winter storm. Climate change is the shortening of Spring and Fall with longer and harsher winters and summer.

Wrap your small head around that one.

One of their newer comebacks^^^^^^^^^it's related to changing global warming to climate change.

Fuck are you dumb.

Global warming causes climate change. It's been that way for 30 years.

Your stupid fucking talking point just makes you look all the more pathetic.

Since you seem to be the expert on CC could you explain how climate change comes into effect without a resultant change in the weather? Really? How do scientists know that the climate is changing? By the amount of heat? How do you measure the amount of heat? I realize measuring the amount of heat is not just as easy as measuring the temperature. BUT the temperature is a component of measuring heat. So you could have a match burning which would be as hot as a bonfire but not contain the same amount of heat. So if CC is happening the temperature certainly should rise. So it seems to me to be just another BS argument to say that weather does not indicate CC, nothing else does indicate CC.

And right now outside my house certainly does not indicate a positive change in temperature due to CC or anything else.
You are another idiot who confuses weather with climate.

BTW - it takes a tremendous amount of heat to create a winter storm. Climate change is the shortening of Spring and Fall with longer and harsher winters and summer.

Wrap your small head around that one.

One of their newer comebacks^^^^^^^^^it's related to changing global warming to climate change.

Fuck are you dumb.

Global warming causes climate change. It's been that way for 30 years.

Your stupid fucking talking point just makes you look all the more pathetic.

Since you seem to be the expert on CC could you explain how climate change comes into effect without a resultant change in the weather? Really? How do scientists know that the climate is changing? By the amount of heat? How do you measure the amount of heat? I realize measuring the amount of heat is not just as easy as measuring the temperature. BUT the temperature is a component of measuring heat. So you could have a match burning which would be as hot as a bonfire but not contain the same amount of heat. So if CC is happening the temperature certainly should rise. So it seems to me to be just another BS argument to say that weather does not indicate CC, nothing else does indicate CC.

And right now outside my house certainly does not indicate a positive change in temperature due to CC or anything else.
Silly ass, when the temperature, which has been declining for several thousand years, suddenly goes up significantly, it is warming. Glacier National Park, by 2030, will have no glaciers. The Arctic Ocean will likely see at least one period by that same date where there is no ice. Both Anarctica and Greenland are losing massive amounts of ice, and the sea level is rising because of that, and the warming of the oceans water.
Egad, you stupid ass, the trend was toward entering another ice age, albeit very slowly, not leaving one. And then we put over 40%+ more CO2 into the atmosphere, as well as an additional 250% more CH4, and the temperature is spiking upward.


Figure 6: Composite Northern Hemisphere land and land plus ocean temperaturereconstructions and estimated 95% confidence intervals. Shown for comparison are published Northern Hemisphere reconstructions (Mann 2008).

Paleoclimatology draws upon a range of proxies and methodologies to calculate past temperatures. This allows independent confirmation of the basic hockey stick result: that the past few decades are the hottest in the past 1,300 years.

What evidence is there for the hockey stick

Multiple studies, all showing the same thing, declining temperatures until the start of the industrial revolution.
You are another idiot who confuses weather with climate.

BTW - it takes a tremendous amount of heat to create a winter storm. Climate change is the shortening of Spring and Fall with longer and harsher winters and summer.

Wrap your small head around that one.

One of their newer comebacks^^^^^^^^^it's related to changing global warming to climate change.

Fuck are you dumb.

Global warming causes climate change. It's been that way for 30 years.

Your stupid fucking talking point just makes you look all the more pathetic.

Since you seem to be the expert on CC could you explain how climate change comes into effect without a resultant change in the weather? Really? How do scientists know that the climate is changing? By the amount of heat? How do you measure the amount of heat? I realize measuring the amount of heat is not just as easy as measuring the temperature. BUT the temperature is a component of measuring heat. So you could have a match burning which would be as hot as a bonfire but not contain the same amount of heat. So if CC is happening the temperature certainly should rise. So it seems to me to be just another BS argument to say that weather does not indicate CC, nothing else does indicate CC.

And right now outside my house certainly does not indicate a positive change in temperature due to CC or anything else.
Silly ass, when the temperature, which has been declining for several thousand years, suddenly goes up significantly, it is warming. Glacier National Park, by 2030, will have no glaciers. The Arctic Ocean will likely see at least one period by that same date where there is no ice. Both Anarctica and Greenland are losing massive amounts of ice, and the sea level is rising because of that, and the warming of the oceans water.

Maybe that will happen but you never offered a single shred of proof linking it to a wisp of CO2. You never presented even one single experiment that shows how a 120ppm increase in CO2 will raise temperature.

All you do is point to stories on the Weather Channel and blame it on global warming

That's not science
You silly liberals still crack me up , in your mind it seems to me you think we didn't graduate from high school Or slept through science class or on old rocks other thread.he thinks no one used S.P.C. I have been using it at work for the past 30 years
Right, the climate has always been changing since God Created man in 2876 BC! (give or take a thousand years), I wonder if the cavemen often complained about global warming and blamed it on Al Gore senior.
I think cavemen started AGW with the invention of fart-lighting.
You are another idiot who confuses weather with climate.

BTW - it takes a tremendous amount of heat to create a winter storm. Climate change is the shortening of Spring and Fall with longer and harsher winters and summer.

Wrap your small head around that one.

One of their newer comebacks^^^^^^^^^it's related to changing global warming to climate change.

Fuck are you dumb.

Global warming causes climate change. It's been that way for 30 years.

Your stupid fucking talking point just makes you look all the more pathetic.

My climate has not really changed in as long as I can remember. Except it is much cleaner then it w
Bet that fellow recieved his check in the mail from Exxon.

Why do you think Exxon gives a crap? Has anyone moderated their use of oil because of GW/CC/CD or whatever initials are in vogue today? Gosh you folks have to have your boogie men.
The oco2 satellite shows that human activities in the USA China and India are not creating more CO2
But But but but Leonardo DiCrapio made a speech!

At the UN!

And, you still don't believe!?!?!?!



Why, exactly was Leonardo Dicrapio making a speech in front of the UN? The left (get this) dismiss the 30,000 scientists who say man made global warming is a hoax. The left (get this) claim all of those scientists are only "physicists" so their claims are legitimate.

So, what sort of degree does Dicrapio have in climatology?

Fucking liberals.

If the fact that this guy is allowed to make an actual talk to the world leaders (snicker, world leaders) about manbearpig does not convince you this is all a scam, then nothing will.

Then again I am trying to convince the left, who cannot be convinced of anything. They just dream of the day where they can turn into blue flying creatures and then fly to a planet that has a big beautiful tree where they spend eternity with other like minded assholes in eternal harmony.
There ya go folks, someone on the inside admitted it, so-called "climate scientists" prostitute their science to conform to the AGW cult's agenda and keep the gravy coming in.

Andrew Desiderio 8211 George Washington University

While much of the debate over climate change surrounds whether or not it is occurring, one glaciologist and retired professor says the real issue is that the topic is being used as a political pawn to siphon money and votes.

Dr. Terry Hughes, in an interview with The College Fix, said researchers want to keep federal funding for climate change alive, and politicians want to earn environmentalist votes, and both predict global pandemonium to that end.

Hughes, a professor emeritus of earth sciences and climate change at the University of Maine, said for years his colleagues urged him to be in lockstep with former Vice President Al Gore – “the drum major in the parade denouncing global warming as an unmitigated disaster,” he told The College Fix.

But Hughes – who believes global warming is actually a good thing because more carbon dioxide is good for the environment in many ways – said he does not want to march to that beat.

“Too many (the majority) of climate research scientists are quite willing to prostitute their science by giving these politicians what they want,” he said.

A retired professor talks to "The College Fix" and bripat gets a boner.

What a loser.

Please take your hate somewhere else. Soon goons like you will be massacring anyone who dares to challenge the AGW Taliban orthodoxy.

You deniers are like truthers-- all a bunch of drama queens when your moronic evidence is shredded in minutes.

Your little pathetic thread is over. Done. And now you're like, shit, what do I do? DRAMA QUEEN "goons like you…"

I don't need to come to your house to make you my bitch. No massacre required. Just a daily bitch slapping on USMB.
The only drama I see is coming from you.
thanks for posting, Bri. But this is not news. Intelligent people have known for years that AGW is a lie and a hoax.

He is not claiming that AGW is a hoax. He is claiming that a warming world is good for humanity and that the predictions of impending weather or climate related disasters are not going to occur.

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