From skimming the article it seems that this retired professor isn't saying that Global warming is not happening; however, he is saying that global warming is a good thing -- the sky is not falling because of it.

Wrong, he said CO2 is good for the environment. He didn't say global warming was happening. When he accuses climate researches of skewing their results, he pretty much says it's not happening.

"His reasons for why global warming is a good thing, Hughes told the Capital Journal, isthat “atmospheric CO2 would greatly increase agricultural production,” “thawing permafrost would increase by one-seventh Earth’s landmass open to extensive human habitation,” and “if the sea level did rise, there would be a global economic boom,” among other arguments."
I see that none of the climatards have addressed the op, that there is proof that climatologists are skewing the data to keep funding in place.
There's as much money available for global warming denialist studies, from corporate interests, as there is in taxpayer funding for research.
I don't believe in global warming but my dream job would be a whistleblower who goes against those industries who pollute air and water. If I had the power I would have just taken duke energies to the cleaners for toxifying the water near Charleston..instead the CEO probably got a huge bonus since the greedy filthy, slimeball company got away with murder.

In other words, you don't believe in AIDS, but you'd love to cry RAPE next time you take it the ass.
I am still waiting for Al Gore and John Kerry to explain the weather this week.

You are another idiot who confuses weather with climate.

BTW - it takes a tremendous amount of heat to create a winter storm. Climate change is the shortening of Spring and Fall with longer and harsher winters and summer.

Wrap your small head around that one.

Why are you name calling and insulting? The Climate changes and has been for 4.5 Billion years without rich white guys in the USA.

When their con begins to unravel the AGW cult members will become hysterical and incoherent. They've been in denial for decades. it's a sad thing to watch people implode.

We ended your thread on page 1.

The oco2 satellite shows that human activities in the USA China and India are not creating more CO2

Here is the map of CO2 from OCO2. I didn't see a color key but it appears that if red is worse then yellow SA, Africa and China has the biggest concentrations. Home Page - Orbiting Carbon Observatory
The oco2 satellite shows that human activities in the USA China and India are not creating more CO2

Here is the map of CO2 from OCO2. I didn't see a color key but it appears that if red is worse then yellow SA, Africa and China has the biggest concentrations. Home Page - Orbiting Carbon Observatory

Clearly, the Amazon and the Congo are melting the ice caps
I am still waiting for Al Gore and John Kerry to explain the weather this week.

You are another idiot who confuses weather with climate.

BTW - it takes a tremendous amount of heat to create a winter storm. Climate change is the shortening of Spring and Fall with longer and harsher winters and summer.

Wrap your small head around that one.

Why are you name calling and insulting? The Climate changes and has been for 4.5 Billion years without rich white guys in the USA.

When their con begins to unravel the AGW cult members will become hysterical and incoherent. They've been in denial for decades. it's a sad thing to watch people implode.

We ended your thread on page 1.


Really? Yet, somehow it's still here. What are you responding to if not my thread?
I don't believe in global warming but my dream job would be a whistleblower who goes against those industries who pollute air and water. If I had the power I would have just taken duke energies to the cleaners for toxifying the water near Charleston..instead the CEO probably got a huge bonus since the greedy filthy, slimeball company got away with murder.

In other words, you don't believe in AIDS, but you'd love to cry RAPE next time you take it the ass.

That makes no sense whatsoever.

Par for the course were your concerned, however.
There ya go folks, someone on the inside admitted it, so-called "climate scientists" prostitute their science to conform to the AGW cult's agenda and keep the gravy coming in.

Andrew Desiderio 8211 George Washington University

While much of the debate over climate change surrounds whether or not it is occurring, one glaciologist and retired professor says the real issue is that the topic is being used as a political pawn to siphon money and votes.

Dr. Terry Hughes, in an interview with The College Fix, said researchers want to keep federal funding for climate change alive, and politicians want to earn environmentalist votes, and both predict global pandemonium to that end.

Hughes, a professor emeritus of earth sciences and climate change at the University of Maine, said for years his colleagues urged him to be in lockstep with former Vice President Al Gore – “the drum major in the parade denouncing global warming as an unmitigated disaster,” he told The College Fix.

But Hughes – who believes global warming is actually a good thing because more carbon dioxide is good for the environment in many ways – said he does not want to march to that beat.

“Too many (the majority) of climate research scientists are quite willing to prostitute their science by giving these politicians what they want,” he said.

A retired professor talks to "The College Fix" and bripat gets a boner.

What a loser.

Please take your hate somewhere else. Soon goons like you will be massacring anyone who dares to challenge the AGW Taliban orthodoxy.

You deniers are like truthers-- all a bunch of drama queens when your moronic evidence is shredded in minutes.

Your little pathetic thread is over. Done. And now you're like, shit, what do I do? DRAMA QUEEN "goons like you…"

I don't need to come to your house to make you my bitch. No massacre required. Just a daily bitch slapping on USMB.
drama queens? Wow, you playing tag on here whiny little bitch that you are, I think me sees you looking in a mirror as you write.
OP- Could you get any more obscure? LOL. He never said it isn't happening duh. Much like Rush's proof it's a hoax because of a couple numbskulls at an obscure E. Anglia semi-college fudging their fecked up experiment. You people are brain washed Neanderthals...
take two aspirin and call us in the morning.
how can man cause global warming? its as if the far left thinks that we have the power to physically move the sun and moon. maybe man has a very long chain wrapped around the sun and moves to closer to China when it gets too hot in the USA, right?
Jimmy Stewart lasso'd the moon for Mary in a Wonderful Life back in the 40's. It's been down hill since.
Gore rule invoked many times, starting with post #2. The first little bitch to bring up Gore forfeits the thread for their side. That happened long ago.

Those who can discuss science, do. Little bitches who can't, they whine about Gore. This is why I recommend testosterone supplements as a cure for denialism. Masculine men simply don't squeal hysterically like these denier little bitches.

Oh, the retired Dr. Terence Hughes declared climate science was linked to Henry Kissinger's 1974 directive to kill all nonwhite people. That is, the doctor is a senile conspiracy fruit loop. No wonder the deniers here identify with him.

Deniers, good luck in using Dr. "Henry Kissinger wanted to kill nonwhite people" Hughes as your poster boy. But then, compared to most deniers, he actually sounds kind of sane.
playing more tag I see.
Gore rule invoked many times, starting with post #2. The first little bitch to bring up Gore forfeits the thread for their side. That happened long ago.

Those who can discuss science, do. Little bitches who can't, they whine about Gore. This is why I recommend testosterone supplements as a cure for denialism. Masculine men simply don't squeal hysterically like these denier little bitches.

Oh, the retired Dr. Terence Hughes declared climate science was linked to Henry Kissinger's 1974 directive to kill all nonwhite people. That is, the doctor is a senile conspiracy fruit loop. No wonder the deniers here identify with him.

Deniers, good luck in using Dr. "Henry Kissinger wanted to kill nonwhite people" Hughes as your poster boy. But then, compared to most deniers, he actually sounds kind of sane.
Since Gore is on your side....your side loses.
look, even they know he's a k00k!
[QUOTE="bear513, post: 10505820, member: 36770"Lol the members.of the man made global warming cult is going on full meltdown now I Noticed not one tried to Debate, just hurl insults lmao[/QUOTE]
There is absolutely nothing left for them to debate. They lost during the last 25 or 30 years when nothing they predicted within a short time span happened. They are just "scientific" idiots with NO RESULTS. They're embarrassed. And they should be.
He's the poster child for global warming bullshit

No he's not. He's _your_ poster child, not ours. Nobody on the rational side cares about Gore in any way, as he's not a scientist. We never bring him up, but you constantly mancrush on him in a disturbingly sexual fashion.

We do get it. You suck manbearpig balls at the science. And you know it. But rather than admit you're just a bleating cult pissdrinker, you vainly try to deflect all conversations towards your hysterical weeping about a politician.

So, what physical feature of Gore attracts you the most? Is it his pudge that you dream about?
stop the game of tag please!
Gore rule invoked many times, starting with post #2. The first little bitch to bring up Gore forfeits the thread for their side. That happened long ago.

Those who can discuss science, do. Little bitches who can't, they whine about Gore. This is why I recommend testosterone supplements as a cure for denialism. Masculine men simply don't squeal hysterically like these denier little bitches.

Oh, the retired Dr. Terence Hughes declared climate science was linked to Henry Kissinger's 1974 directive to kill all nonwhite people. That is, the doctor is a senile conspiracy fruit loop. No wonder the deniers here identify with him.

Deniers, good luck in using Dr. "Henry Kissinger wanted to kill nonwhite people" Hughes as your poster boy. But then, compared to most deniers, he actually sounds kind of sane.
Since Gore is on your side....your side loses.
look, even they know he's a k00k!
A billionaire k00k! Money from flying around in his multimillion dollar , carbon spewing jet to preach about global warming.

Based upon the satellite evidence, the AGW Kooks should spend most of their efforts educating people in the Amazon, the Congo and Indonesia.

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