I am still waiting for Al Gore and John Kerry to explain the weather this week.

You are another idiot who confuses weather with climate.

BTW - it takes a tremendous amount of heat to create a winter storm. Climate change is the shortening of Spring and Fall with longer and harsher winters and summer.

Wrap your small head around that one.

Why are you name calling and insulting? The Climate changes and has been for 4.5 Billion years without rich white guys in the USA.

When their con begins to unravel the AGW cult members will become hysterical and incoherent. They've been in denial for decades. it's a sad thing to watch people implode.

We ended your thread on page 1.

and yet here you are. end would mean no more posting. Seems you are just confused and angry and a k00k!!!! A geniune k00k at that.
[QUOTE="bear513, post: 10505820, member: 36770"Lol the members.of the man made global warming cult is going on full meltdown now I Noticed not one tried to Debate, just hurl insults lmao
There is absolutely nothing left for them to debate. They lost during the last 25 or 30 years when nothing they predicted within a short time span happened. They are just "scientific" idiots with NO RESULTS. They're embarrassed. And they should be.
they are not scientific at all. They are left wing k00ks!!!!
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There's as much money available for global warming denialist studies, from corporate interests, as there is in taxpayer funding for research.

That's pure horseshit. The government spends tens of billions every year on so-called "global warming research." There are only a few millions spent by the private sector.
Bri--you see, they don't understand what a tax dollar even is. A corporation can spend its money how ever they want. But a Tax dollar is our dollar. And we ought to have the right to shut it off from the crazy nutty climate k00ks. That you see is a great big separation!!!! But, I understand the lefty losers don't know what a tax dollar even is.
The oco2 satellite shows that human activities in the USA China and India are not creating more CO2

If you are some combination of staggeringly stupid and/or dishonest, you could make such a lunatic claim.

However no sane, intelligent and honest person would ever consider saying something so profoundly at odds with reality.
again with the tag moment. hahaahahahahhahahaaha you ain't got any information worth discussing do you? Show us the lab work dude/dudetter.....
Except that's not happening. An embarassing want of corroborating evidence has plagued the GW cultists for over a decade now.

The observed ongoing strong warming says you're babbling nonsense. The data, that is. Which you work so hard to deny, hence why you're called "denier".

This planet is more dynamic and resilient than your stupid computer models predicted, and the only reason to continue this flight of error is because there's good money in perpetuating your mythology.

Oh, you're a political cult crank. Why didn't you just say so?

Only paranoid cranks babble about vast global conspiracies. You are such a paranoid crank. Nearly the entire planet considers you to be a crank, and they are correct.

By the way, Pope Francis will soon be issuing an encyclical calling for action against global warming. I await to see the delightful meltdowns that will incur in Catholics who have placed loyalty to a political cult over loyalty to God.
what the hell is this? What does this have to do with anything climate or science related? wait..................................................TAG you're it.
I see that none of the climatards have addressed the op, that there is proof that climatologists are skewing the data to keep funding in place.

Except there was no such proof presented. There was just a babbling senile crank making stuff up.

Naturally, it fooled you, because you are of similar intelligence and mindset.
no such proof presented? Where is that lab experiment lucky lucy?
jc, have your considered therapy for your obvious histrionic personality disorder?

You know, your constant attention-seeking and hysterical emotionalism.
jc, have your considered therapy for your obvious histrionic personality disorder?

You know, your constant attention-seeking and hysterical emotionalism.

Al nobel Gore
jc, have your considered therapy for your obvious histrionic personality disorder?

You know, your constant attention-seeking and hysterical emotionalism.
again, a tag post!!!! hohummm
I am still waiting for Al Gore and John Kerry to explain the weather this week.

You are another idiot who confuses weather with climate.

BTW - it takes a tremendous amount of heat to create a winter storm. Climate change is the shortening of Spring and Fall with longer and harsher winters and summer.

Wrap your small head around that one.

Another one who has no clue about atmospheric physics..
I am still waiting for Al Gore and John Kerry to explain the weather this week.

You are another idiot who confuses weather with climate.

BTW - it takes a tremendous amount of heat to create a winter storm. Climate change is the shortening of Spring and Fall with longer and harsher winters and summer.

Wrap your small head around that one.

could be, but man is not causing it. Thats the point
Getting back to the OP, do you deniers agree with the retired professor's claim that global warming science comes from Henry Kissinger's policy directive to kill all nonwhite people?
This thread seems to have gone slightly off the rails. Originally it was about whether the AGW cult wizards were fudging the data to get government funding. Now it seems to have degenerated into a debate about whether global warming is actually happening or not.

For years libturds have denied that government funding had any influence on the results the "scientists" who received it produced. Now one of their own admits it's the primary driver of their results. The AGW cult does not even want to touch that issue because it discredits every principle they claim to believe in.
Getting back to the OP, do you deniers agree with the retired professor's claim that global warming science comes from Henry Kissinger's policy directive to kill all nonwhite people?

We all agree that you're a deranged brainwashed cult member.
Awww. Bri loves me enough to follow me around like a puppy. Isn't that so sweet?

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