Egad, you stupid ass, the trend was toward entering another ice age, albeit very slowly, not leaving one. And then we put over 40%+ more CO2 into the atmosphere, as well as an additional 250% more CH4, and the temperature is spiking upward.


Figure 6: Composite Northern Hemisphere land and land plus ocean temperaturereconstructions and estimated 95% confidence intervals. Shown for comparison are published Northern Hemisphere reconstructions (Mann 2008).

Paleoclimatology draws upon a range of proxies and methodologies to calculate past temperatures. This allows independent confirmation of the basic hockey stick result: that the past few decades are the hottest in the past 1,300 years.

What evidence is there for the hockey stick

Multiple studies, all showing the same thing, declining temperatures until the start of the industrial revolution.

That infamous graph is called "The Hockey Stick." It was proven to be a fraud.
There's as much money available for global warming denialist studies, from corporate interests, as there is in taxpayer funding for research.

That's pure horseshit. The government spends tens of billions every year on so-called "global warming research." There are only a few millions spent by the private sector.
Lol, he believes increased CO2 and rising ocean levels are a good thing.
Except that's not happening. An embarassing want of corroborating evidence has plagued the GW cultists for over a decade now. This planet is more dynamic and resilient than your stupid computer models predicted, and the only reason to continue this flight of error is because there's good money in perpetuating your mythology.
The oco2 satellite shows that human activities in the USA China and India are not creating more CO2

If you are some combination of staggeringly stupid and/or dishonest, you could make such a lunatic claim.

However no sane, intelligent and honest person would ever consider saying something so profoundly at odds with reality.
The oco2 satellite shows that human activities in the USA China and India are not creating more CO2

If you are some combination of staggeringly stupid and/or dishonest, you could make such a lunatic claim.

However no sane, intelligent and honest person would ever consider saying something so profoundly at odds with reality.



Admiral M busted...again!
Except that's not happening. An embarassing want of corroborating evidence has plagued the GW cultists for over a decade now.

The observed ongoing strong warming says you're babbling nonsense. The data, that is. Which you work so hard to deny, hence why you're called "denier".

This planet is more dynamic and resilient than your stupid computer models predicted, and the only reason to continue this flight of error is because there's good money in perpetuating your mythology.

Oh, you're a political cult crank. Why didn't you just say so?

Only paranoid cranks babble about vast global conspiracies. You are such a paranoid crank. Nearly the entire planet considers you to be a crank, and they are correct.

By the way, Pope Francis will soon be issuing an encyclical calling for action against global warming. I await to see the delightful meltdowns that will incur in Catholics who have placed loyalty to a political cult over loyalty to God.
how can man cause global warming? its as if the far left thinks that we have the power to physically move the sun and moon. maybe man has a very long chain wrapped around the sun and moves to closer to China when it gets too hot in the USA, right?

The Left started with Global Cooling. Then Global Warming. Now Climate Change. I maintain that the Earth has been doing each of these three for the past 4.5B Years and will continue to do so. I further maintain that man can maintain a better quality of life through clean air, clean water, etc. The Earth is going to do what it wants when it wants. This notion that bunch of rich white oilmen in the USA are impacting the climate is bullshit. Yet, the Left will try:

- Carbon credits and taxes based on consumption
- China, Russia, India are not held to fossil fuel consumption and production but the USA is capped
- No new Federal drilling permits, no coastal shelf drilling but the USA's Import-Export Bank funds $16B loan to Brazil so they can drill.
- University of East Anglia's Climate Change studies are not yielding data they want so they fabricate the data like Dan Rather did.
- Al Gore TV is sold to Big Oil
The oco2 satellite shows that human activities in the USA China and India are not creating more CO2

If you are some combination of staggeringly stupid and/or dishonest, you could make such a lunatic claim.

However no sane, intelligent and honest person would ever consider saying something so profoundly at odds with reality.
Bluster and spittle is all you cultists have left. Thanks for proving as much.
I see that none of the climatards have addressed the op, that there is proof that climatologists are skewing the data to keep funding in place.

Except there was no such proof presented. There was just a babbling senile crank making stuff up.

Naturally, it fooled you, because you are of similar intelligence and mindset.
The Left started with Global Cooling.

No, it didn't. It's always been warming.

Given you started your rant with a flat-out fabrication, it's safe to conclude that's all you have.

I understand you might not realize it was a fabrication, being that your cult has forbidden you to look at any outside sources. However, being you have chosen to keep yourself ignorant, you are responsible for that ignorance.
Gore's right, you are brainwashed functional morons. End of story. The GOP is the only party in the world that denies GW.
who is doing the brainwashing? I see more of Al Gore then any name in the world, and he is on your side, you back him, hmmm...seems like you are the one with the clean brain.

Ah, so you realize the magnitude of your screwup. The OCO-2 results look very close to what the models predicted, demonstrating how good the science was. Yet you inexplicably said it show the opposite. It's hard to get more wrong than that, but I'm sure you'll work at it.

It's an October snapshot, dumbass. Biomass burning in the southern hemisphere is emitting CO2 in the southern hemisphere. In the northern hemisphere, the summer growing season had absorbed the CO2. Just like the models said. When another snapshot is taken in the spring, the CO2 concentrations in the northern hemisphere will have exploded.

Admiral M busted...again!

Frank, you got caught being a brainless parrot again.. But you don't care. No matter how often you get humiliated, you'll just run back to the same crank sources for more punishment.
You are another idiot who confuses weather with climate.

BTW - it takes a tremendous amount of heat to create a winter storm. Climate change is the shortening of Spring and Fall with longer and harsher winters and summer.

Wrap your small head around that one.

One of their newer comebacks^^^^^^^^^it's related to changing global warming to climate change.

Fuck are you dumb.

Global warming causes climate change. It's been that way for 30 years.

Your stupid fucking talking point just makes you look all the more pathetic.

Since you seem to be the expert on CC could you explain how climate change comes into effect without a resultant change in the weather? Really? How do scientists know that the climate is changing? By the amount of heat? How do you measure the amount of heat? I realize measuring the amount of heat is not just as easy as measuring the temperature. BUT the temperature is a component of measuring heat. So you could have a match burning which would be as hot as a bonfire but not contain the same amount of heat. So if CC is happening the temperature certainly should rise. So it seems to me to be just another BS argument to say that weather does not indicate CC, nothing else does indicate CC.

And right now outside my house certainly does not indicate a positive change in temperature due to CC or anything else.
Silly ass, when the temperature, which has been declining for several thousand years, suddenly goes up significantly, it is warming. Glacier National Park, by 2030, will have no glaciers. The Arctic Ocean will likely see at least one period by that same date where there is no ice. Both Anarctica and Greenland are losing massive amounts of ice, and the sea level is rising because of that, and the warming of the oceans water.

Maybe that will happen but you never offered a single shred of proof linking it to a wisp of CO2. You never presented even one single experiment that shows how a 120ppm increase in CO2 will raise temperature.

All you do is point to stories on the Weather Channel and blame it on global warming

That's not science
yo..............T H I S
Ah, so you realize the magnitude of your screwup. The OCO-2 results look very close to what the models predicted, demonstrating how good the science was. Yet you inexplicably said it show the opposite. It's hard to get more wrong than that, but I'm sure you'll work at it.

It's an October snapshot, dumbass. Biomass burning in the southern hemisphere is emitting CO2 in the southern hemisphere. In the northern hemisphere, the summer growing season had absorbed the CO2. Just like the models said. When another snapshot is taken in the spring, the CO2 concentrations in the northern hemisphere will have exploded.

Admiral M busted...again!

Frank, you got caught being a brainless parrot again.. But you don't care. No matter how often you get humiliated, you'll just run back to the same crank sources for more punishment.

Al Gore:woohoo:
Lol, he believes increased CO2 and rising ocean levels are a good thing.

Yeah, warmth brings life, cold brings death.
Many lives affected today in the Chicago area. Flipped over cars and cars in ditches wreck after wreck due to the snow. Yet these mumbo jumbo marbles continue to cry about CC. Ain't it a hoot? Tell all of the thousands who lost something just today due to cold, cold so unbearable they close schools that our children use for educational purposes. But alas, the numskulls in the world like the actual deniers on here. fickle finger time!!!!!! :rock: :rock:...:rock:....:rock:
I don't believe in global warming but my dream job would be a whistleblower who goes against those industries who pollute air and water. If I had the power I would have just taken duke energies to the cleaners for toxifying the water near Charleston..instead the CEO probably got a huge bonus since the greedy filthy, slimeball company got away with murder.

In other words, you don't believe in AIDS, but you'd love to cry RAPE next time you take it the ass. really have issues!!!!! holy crap man!!! you should go relieve yourself of something. I think you might explode if you don't.

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