Return of relative Decency in US politics

Decency even remotely possible for future campaigns ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 10.4%
  • No

    Votes: 31 64.6%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 10 20.8%
  • Other... explain

    Votes: 2 4.2%

  • Total voters
No, I want people to think for themselves. I want them to fact check, and stop blindly accepting everything they’re told because it’s what they want to hear and they’re too lazy to do the leg work necessary to find out what’s really going on.

And I want the purveyors of hate speech, like Alex Jones, to be held accountable for the damage they’ve done. I think that his actions in both the Pizzagate Conspiracy Theory and the Sandy Hoax Conspiracy theory should have consequences. People were irrevocable harmed by his lies. Actions have consequences.
Meanwhile you idiots think the election of 2016 was stolen by Russia and that #walkaway is comprised of Russian bots.

People have been irrevocably harmed because of your party’s general lunacy and blind trust in a long discredited media.

As opposed to what? Dopey conspiracies and propaganda.

Too funny.
“Propaganda” is claiming that Antifa is a predominately black group that is simply protesting fascism.

That is what MSNBC and CNN just did.

Ok. Give us their "real" agenda and demography then.
I will let Tim Poole tell you. He is a lefty.

Who is Tim Poole? Really, dude?

Yep, this is definately credible and in no way propaganda. :laugh2:
Not after the liberals showed their true colors after Trump won...

We always thought they were pathetic creatures , but we didn't know that they were this over the edge.

Dems haven't even come close to where the repubs were 20 years ago.

The dems at least investigate real crimes and get real results.

So lying under oath and obstruction of Justice is not a real crime now?

And why did you ignore the obvious of my post? You all showed your real colors after Trump was elected, it proves with out a doubt liberal indoctrination has succeeded , till you all became sissified , whiners and cry baby's and want your participation tropheys.
Not after the liberals showed their true colors after Trump won...

We always thought they were pathetic creatures , but we didn't know that they were this over the edge.
Yes, libtards, the most indecent uncivil sobs the planet are always calling for decency and civility!

We used to have decency and civility.

You called it polical correctness and said it was bad.
I have never seen a decent democrat!
As it turns out I've never met a Republican that wasn't a POS racist.

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You don't get out much do you?

The Ten Commandments of decent Campaigning and running the office...
1. Thou shall focus on your plan/agenda... which should be detailed.
2. Thou shall never demean your adversary for effect (small hands, dishonest Ted,...)
3. Thou shall respect campaign financing rules
4. Thou shall never tell a blatant lie (good luck with that... lol)
5. Thou shall demonstrate a minimum of empathy.
6. Thou shall never waste donors' money.
7. Thou shall not commit adultery (oh boy....)
8. Thou shall provide your tax returns when asked lol
9. Thou shall act presidential... or get coaching if you have no clue about acting that way lol.
10. Thou shall respect the institutions that support your country.
I asked how do you propose we enforce this?

You do not enforce this. These should be natural reflexes/instincts... stuff your parents... grand-parents should have taught you.

If you are at a point where you need to enforce 'common sense' or decency.rules you are sick. This looks like a societal disease. Germany caught this back in the 1930's.
All right then, I'll propose that these christian democrats are mostly from 'urban' areas?
I dunno.

I'd like to think there are many fellow Christians on the Caucasian side as well.

Well if 4 out of 5 evangelical voted for Trump... I'll safely assume a big chunk of fundamentalist Christians went that way too.
White Evangelical Support for Trump Is Still Rock Solid - The Atlantic
Until this week, the highest level of support from white evangelicals PRRI had measured was 74 percent, shortly after his inauguration.

Merry Christmas.
I'd like to think that we'd be in a different place if rules of conduct were in place.... some kind of Godwin's Law for politics. Cross the line and you're out kind of thing ?
Does the following have a chance in hell in 2018 lol:

The Ten Commandments of decent Campaigning and running the office...

1. Thou shall focus on your plan/agenda... which should be detailed.
2. Thou shall never demean your adversary for effect (small hands, dishonest Ted,...)
3. Thou shall respect campaign financing rules
4. Thou shall never tell a blatant lie (good luck with that... lol)
5. Thou shall demonstrate a minimum of empathy.
6. Thou shall never waste donors' money.
7. Thou shall not commit adultery (oh boy....)
8. Thou shall provide your tax returns when asked lol
9. Thou shall act presidential... or get coaching if you have no clue about acting that way lol.
10. Thou shall respect the institutions that support your country.
Why now? Your list is far to authoritarian for me. Intentionally vague.

Kiss my ass.
I'd like to think that we'd be in a different place if rules of conduct were in place.... some kind of Godwin's Law for politics. Cross the line and you're out kind of thing ?
Does the following have a chance in hell in 2018 lol:

The Ten Commandments of decent Campaigning and running the office...

1. Thou shall focus on your plan/agenda... which should be detailed.
2. Thou shall never demean your adversary for effect (small hands, dishonest Ted,...)
3. Thou shall respect campaign financing rules
4. Thou shall never tell a blatant lie (good luck with that... lol)
5. Thou shall demonstrate a minimum of empathy.
6. Thou shall never waste donors' money.
7. Thou shall not commit adultery (oh boy....)
8. Thou shall provide your tax returns when asked lol
9. Thou shall act presidential... or get coaching if you have no clue about acting that way lol.
10. Thou shall respect the institutions that support your country.
I thought my Republican party had sunk to a new low by 2006, and so I stopped voting on the federal level.

Little did I realize the GOP still had a very, very, very, very long way to go before it hit bottom.

I'm still waiting to see how much lower they can go.

We are deep in a pseudocon version of the Jacobin Club territory now.
"Your Republican party?" Everyone knows you were never a Republican, douchebag.
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First [albeit, little] step toward a return to some semblance of decency, is to repeal Citizen United.

Citizen United allowed to OPENLY bribe the spineless congress. You may bitch about unions contributing....but unions represent WORKERS, while large corporations represent only CEOs and their corrupt BOARS.
Citizens United did not affect donations to political campaigns, moron
Now that's interesting! A global village perceived as a threat. This idea definitely has religious foundations.
Most conservatives will seek the status quo and the preservation of its values usually defined by the christian faith. This is in fact what Iran did back in the 1970's.... ;(
A. Not true.
B. Equating US Christianity with Iranian Islamic Fascism is nothing but religious bigotry on your part.

There's a discrete fascist odor developing... Time to wake up and smell it.
In closed-door meeting, Trump warned Christian leaders of violence if GOP loses
But Trump cited this alleged accomplishment as one in a series of gains he has made for his conservative Christian supporters, as he warned, "You're one election away from losing everything that you've got," and said their opponents were "violent people" who would overturn these gains "violently."

Hellooooo.... ;) ding ding ding.... a synaptic connection maybe ?.... sometimes it works sometimes not.
Violence is far more likely if the GOP wins. That's what the last election demonstrated beyond all doubt.
The Ten Commandments of decent Campaigning and running the office...
1. Thou shall focus on your plan/agenda... which should be detailed.
2. Thou shall never demean your adversary for effect (small hands, dishonest Ted,...)
3. Thou shall respect campaign financing rules
4. Thou shall never tell a blatant lie (good luck with that... lol)
5. Thou shall demonstrate a minimum of empathy.
6. Thou shall never waste donors' money.
7. Thou shall not commit adultery (oh boy....)
8. Thou shall provide your tax returns when asked lol
9. Thou shall act presidential... or get coaching if you have no clue about acting that way lol.
10. Thou shall respect the institutions that support your country.

Some of these are good as guidelines. How exactly would you enforce this, culturally? Or some sort of law?

Putting a robot up there might do the job :abgg2q.jpg:

But seriously, if you have to actually highlight 'common sense' rules like this for a 'presidential' race or actually running the country, something is definitely broken.
This should be a no-brainer for everyone... That's why 'rule of law' as expressed by the Mueller investigation is possibly the last hope for any decent future democratic republic and avoiding a blatant dictatorship.
The Mueller investigation is the exact opposite of the rule of law. Having one set of laws for Republicans and another set for Democrats is not the rule of law.
Now that's interesting! A global village perceived as a threat. This idea definitely has religious foundations.
Most conservatives will seek the status quo and the preservation of its values usually defined by the christian faith. This is in fact what Iran did back in the 1970's.... ;(
A. Not true.
B. Equating US Christianity with Iranian Islamic Fascism is nothing but religious bigotry on your part.

There's a discrete fascist odor developing... Time to wake up and smell it.
In closed-door meeting, Trump warned Christian leaders of violence if GOP loses
But Trump cited this alleged accomplishment as one in a series of gains he has made for his conservative Christian supporters, as he warned, "You're one election away from losing everything that you've got," and said their opponents were "violent people" who would overturn these gains "violently."

Hellooooo.... ;) ding ding ding.... a synaptic connection maybe ?.... sometimes it works sometimes not.
Violence is far more likely if the GOP wins. That's what the last election demonstrated beyond all doubt.
I don’t know about that.

If Democrats win Antifa will be emboldened and Democrats won’t stop them.
Step one is to require full tax returns for any candidate running for political office. Rich tax evaders like manager are outed. Let the voters scrutinize the rich candidates tax returns through law. But it will never happen because the system is filled with wealthy businesspeople aka the swamp.
I'd like to think that we'd be in a different place if rules of conduct were in place.... some kind of Godwin's Law for politics. Cross the line and you're out kind of thing ?
Does the following have a chance in hell in 2018 lol:

The Ten Commandments of decent Campaigning and running the office...

1. Thou shall focus on your plan/agenda... which should be detailed.
2. Thou shall never demean your adversary for effect (small hands, dishonest Ted,...)
3. Thou shall respect campaign financing rules
4. Thou shall never tell a blatant lie (good luck with that... lol)
5. Thou shall demonstrate a minimum of empathy.
6. Thou shall never waste donors' money.
7. Thou shall not commit adultery (oh boy....)
8. Thou shall provide your tax returns when asked lol
9. Thou shall act presidential... or get coaching if you have no clue about acting that way lol.
10. Thou shall respect the institutions that support your country.
ironic op, truly and utterly ironic
Folks before I moved to the US we knew for a fact that there is a good portion of Americans that are unbelievably dumb, narcissists, abnoxious and claim to be religious...I never thought that one day the president of this country will represent that group. Hate me all you want but that's the trurh....trump supporters and those who back him up are *****, racists. Stupid, dumb, and non tolerant. I'm yet to meet a decent trump supporter.
Go back where you came from. We certainly don't need you here.
Folks before I moved to the US we knew for a fact that there is a good portion of Americans that are unbelievably dumb, narcissists, abnoxious and claim to be religious...I never thought that one day the president of this country will represent that group. Hate me all you want but that's the trurh....trump supporters and those who back him up are *****, racists. Stupid, dumb, and non tolerant. I'm yet to meet a decent trump supporter.

What an arrogant, condescending dick. So what loser country are you from you think that about americans... but came here anyway? You don't deserve to be here.

You're the sort of jackass who goes to someone's house and criticizes the food. Go back, scum
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