Reuters cameraman killed in Gaza by Israeli military

Terrorists usually have cars marked TV? Alrighty then....

Its a war zone. They are soldiers. Taking chances is their job.

Wrong, taking calculated risks maybe their job, allowing someone to blow them up just because is not one of those. Let me see if I have this right? No terrorist would ever use a vehicle marked as a news vehicle? Just like they respect ambulances right?

Now if the mile estimate is right I must note several contradictory statements.

One being that at that distance telling it was a news vehicle is problematic and if they thought the Camera man was aiming a missile system at them, they had every reason to fire.

The second one is, as far as I know there is no shoulder fired anti tank system that travels a mile. Those ranges usually involve mounted weapon systems.
Wrong, taking calculated risks maybe their job, allowing someone to blow them up just because is not one of those. Let me see if I have this right? No terrorist would ever use a vehicle marked as a news vehicle? Just like they respect ambulances right?

Now if the mile estimate is right I must note several contradictory statements.

One being that at that distance telling it was a news vehicle is problematic and if they thought the Camera man was aiming a missile system at them, they had every reason to fire.

The second one is, as far as I know there is no shoulder fired anti tank system that travels a mile. Those ranges usually involve mounted weapon systems.

Just so ya know....the Javelin antitank missile has a range just over 2500 meters. the Dragon (Javelin's predecessor) had a range about half that.
Just so ya know....the Javelin antitank missile has a range just over 2500 meters. the Dragon (Javelin's predecessor) had a range about half that.

Ahh and any Russian or French made missile systems able to reach those distances? Isn't Milan what they use? French I mean.

In other words do the Pals have any access to a shoulder fired missile system that can reach a mile ( 1600 meters for those not in the know)
Wow, a journalist gets out of a vehicle commonly used by the terrorists, puts something to his shoulder (camera or RPG, who knows) and gets his ass blown away by a tank over a mile away. :eusa_doh:
Hmmm, seems to me like the IDF wasn't taking any chances because they wanted to go home in one piece. Maybe the reporter should have realized this and taken some precautions as well.

oh yes..

a vehicle clearly marking it's role as a news source reporting on international conflict probably IS to blame for putting a CAMERA on their shoulder.



hey, let's pretend that arabs are the only ones who can rationalize all the killer behaviour necessary to perpetuate violence some more!
Have you ever seen Chris Rock's video on how to avoid getting your ass beat by the police?

Maybe those journalists should have applied a little common sense........

sure sure..

NOTHING to see here.. MOVE along...

I mean, we're ONLY talking about the state of israel killing reuters reporters out DARING to question the right of israel to defend itself from... civilian populations that get in the way of an israeli bulldozer.

sure sure..

NOTHING to see here.. MOVE along...

I mean, we're ONLY talking about the state of israel killing reuters reporters out DARING to question the right of israel to defend itself from... civilian populations that get in the way of an israeli bulldozer.


Admit it...You know you liked that video.....And if you dont want to get killed dont go into a war zone...It is pretty simple. :eusa_boohoo:
sure sure..

NOTHING to see here.. MOVE along...

I mean, we're ONLY talking about the state of israel killing reuters reporters out DARING to question the right of israel to defend itself from... civilian populations that get in the way of an israeli bulldozer.


Fine to argue about about Israeli policies, but there is nothing yet to suggest that the tank crew knew that they were firing on a reporter and did so because he was a reporter. Perhaps you are right that this is the case, but we don't know that yet (and probably never will).
Fine to argue about about Israeli policies, but there is nothing yet to suggest that the tank crew knew that they were firing on a reporter and did so because he was a reporter. Perhaps you are right that this is the case, but we don't know that yet (and probably never will).

and yet we never give the same leeway to pals who, apparently, are all suicide bombers in training. When do they get that kind of automatic benefit of the doubt? Before or after you read that this is hardly the first time israel minimizes international coverage of it's little vendetta treatment of pals?
and yet we never give the same leeway to pals who, apparently, are all suicide bombers in training. When do they get that kind of automatic benefit of the doubt? Before or after you read that this is hardly the first time israel minimizes international coverage of it's little vendetta treatment of pals?

I don't think that when a reporter is killed by a suicide bomb people come to the conclusion that they were targeting the reporter. I would tend to think that the reporter was collateral damage.

I have no doubt that Israel would love to minimize coverage of what is going on in the West Bank and Gaza strip. I just doubt that this tank crew thought that killing this reporter was the way to minimize coverage.
The last few seconds of video shot on Shana's tripod-mounted camera show the tank firing, then a mid-air explosion consistent with the burst of a missile. The camera was shattered in the explosion that killed Shana. Black metal darts were embedded in his body armor, which bore a fluorescent strip reading "PRESS".

Shana's soundman, Wafa Abu Mizyed, was wounded in the arm and two teenage bystanders were also killed in the incident. A Reuters car carrying "TV" and "Press" markings was destroyed.

Reuters, backed by media organizations in the region and around the world, has requested an urgent investigation by the Israeli army, which has defended its use of flechette missiles in Gaza against complaints by human rights activists.

An Israeli military spokeswoman said she could not confirm that a tank fired at the cameraman nor comment on weaponry it might have used but said the army, which has expressed regret, hoped to cooperate with Reuters to study the incident.

listen, dude. you make as many allowances as you think are necessary. I mean, I'd be worried about two potential terrorists with a video camera too if I were sitting almost a mile away.. IN A FUCKING TANK.

Notice, DESPITE THE FUCKING VIDEO, israel just won't admit any wrong. Long live Israel, right or wrong.
When he turned, Shana and two of the bystanders lay dying or dead in pools of blood. Then a second explosion set the Reuters car ablaze. "If Fadel hadn't asked me to get the children away, more of them would have been killed," Abu Mizyed said.

indeed, when an arab kills children civilians, we call it terrorism.. but when an israeli does it from the comfort of a tank almost a mile aways.. well, THATS just practical defense.

now move along, nothing to see here.
The Reuters crew had stopped on a back road, some 150 meters (yards) off a main highway, to film the Israeli force visible in the distance. No fighting was taking place at the time though there had been clashes in the area earlier in the day.

Now the terrorists can simply disguise themselves as camera crews and have free access.
The last few seconds of video shot on Shana's tripod-mounted camera show the tank firing, then a mid-air explosion consistent with the burst of a missile. The camera was shattered in the explosion that killed Shana. Black metal darts were embedded in his body armor, which bore a fluorescent strip reading "PRESS".

Shana's soundman, Wafa Abu Mizyed, was wounded in the arm and two teenage bystanders were also killed in the incident. A Reuters car carrying "TV" and "Press" markings was destroyed.

Reuters, backed by media organizations in the region and around the world, has requested an urgent investigation by the Israeli army, which has defended its use of flechette missiles in Gaza against complaints by human rights activists.

An Israeli military spokeswoman said she could not confirm that a tank fired at the cameraman nor comment on weaponry it might have used but said the army, which has expressed regret, hoped to cooperate with Reuters to study the incident.

listen, dude. you make as many allowances as you think are necessary. I mean, I'd be worried about two potential terrorists with a video camera too if I were sitting almost a mile away.. IN A FUCKING TANK.

Notice, DESPITE THE FUCKING VIDEO, israel just won't admit any wrong. Long live Israel, right or wrong.

No one is disputing that the cameraman was killed. As for Israel, it seems natural that they wouldn't comment yet. Perhaps they will admit they fucked up later, and perhaps they won't.

I just don't understand why you are so determined to believe that they intended to kill a Reuters cameraman. It isn't like this kind of activity will keep the press out of Gaza. It clearly won't. News agencies go to places at least as dangerous as this on a regular basis. It also doesn't help Israel's image. I hardly think this is the kind of publicity they seek.

First, you are attributing intent where I see no obvious reason that there should be any.

Second, you are attributing intent to Israel proper for the decision of its tank crew. Israel may be responsible, but I don't think that orders came down from Olmert for the IDF to kill the first reporter they see.
When he turned, Shana and two of the bystanders lay dying or dead in pools of blood. Then a second explosion set the Reuters car ablaze. "If Fadel hadn't asked me to get the children away, more of them would have been killed," Abu Mizyed said.

indeed, when an arab kills children civilians, we call it terrorism.. but when an israeli does it from the comfort of a tank almost a mile aways.. well, THATS just practical defense.

now move along, nothing to see here.

If your argument is that the tank crew shouldn't have fired, then pretty obviously you are right. If your argument is that Israel uses disproportionate force in a sometimes reckless manner, you may be right. If your argument is that Israel is targeting Reuters, I think you need a little more than this.
Wow, a journalist gets out of a vehicle commonly used by the terrorists, puts something to his shoulder (camera or RPG, who knows) and gets his ass blown away by a tank over a mile away. :eusa_doh:
Hmmm, seems to me like the IDF wasn't taking any chances because they wanted to go home in one piece. Maybe the reporter should have realized this and taken some precautions as well.

How white of you
the hell it doesn't. The absoute WORST thing that could happen for israel is to even up the scope of their conflict with Pals. By humanizing them, via REUTERS reporters, the world doesn't take an automatic side that israel is used to. Notice, just yesterday, I posted another story about Israeli Dozers taking out ANOTHER pal settlement. To act as if this type of thing ISNT a concerted effort is like ignroing the treatment of Jimmy Carter who, as it turns out, is the man who is why israel has peace with Egypt. We can rationalize racism all day long, dude. It happened in between the emancipation Proc and the 1960s too despite "official" national positions.

You argue with the video, dude. does it take 30 feet of neon day glo spraypaint and invidible forcefields to keep israel from manipulating how this conflict is presented?
With respect to Israel, there are plenty of valid and strong arguments that they are acting inappropriately and wrongly in Gaza. Yet, by painting them out to be rabid killers of the news media because they don't like coverage, you are behaving little better than those who, instead of disagreeing with Obama because they don't like his policies, focus on the idea of him as a Trojan Horse muslim.
the hell it doesn't. The absoute WORST thing that could happen for israel is to even up the scope of their conflict with Pals. By humanizing them, via REUTERS reporters, the world doesn't take an automatic side that israel is used to. Notice, just yesterday, I posted another story about Israeli Dozers taking out ANOTHER pal settlement. To act as if this type of thing ISNT a concerted effort is like ignroing the treatment of Jimmy Carter who, as it turns out, is the man who is why israel has peace with Egypt. We can rationalize racism all day long, dude. It happened in between the emancipation Proc and the 1960s too despite "official" national positions.

You argue with the video, dude. does it take 30 feet of neon day glo spraypaint and invidible forcefields to keep israel from manipulating how this conflict is presented?

The video clearly shows that they fired on the reporter. Nobody is disagreeing with that.

Yes, of course Israel doesn't like negative news coverage of what is going on in the Gaza strip. However, to jump from that to the idea that Israel was intentionally trying to kill members of the news media (so they will get better coverage???) is a leap. You may be right, but you have only asserted it, which doesn't make it true.
If your argument is that the tank crew shouldn't have fired, then pretty obviously you are right. If your argument is that Israel uses disproportionate force in a sometimes reckless manner, you may be right. If your argument is that Israel is targeting Reuters, I think you need a little more than this.

they would be targeting anyone who is not falling in line with the zionist agenda. Shall I start posting the long line of israeli propaganda demonizing anyone who does not tow the line? For christs fucking sake, the FIRST thing you saw in this thread from the zionist posse wasn't how horrible this event was but rather that taomon has to admit how horrible kassam rockets are BEFORE even giving the first fuck about an attack on how the conflict is reported.

Like I said, if everything were played in reverse and it were an arab killing a jewish reuters crew wantonly without regard for anything beyond preserving islam we'd hear the fucking sirens for months and then use it to validate dozing another pal settlement.

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