Reuters/Ipsos poll: Who's to blame for the shutdown?

Since the dems refuse to compromise, they are responsible for the shutdown. The GOP adults put compromise offers on the table. So the polls need to factor that into the question instead of letting the fake news MSM promote their propaganda.
Trump needs to go all out, since he is getting the blame for Schumer's shutdown. Also demand all federal funding to be halted for planned parenthood to be in the deal. We have obamacare for everyones medical needs.
54% blame Trump or Republicans in Congress. 33% blame Democrats.
Forty-seven percent of adults hold Trump responsible, while 33 percent blame Democrats in Congress, according to the Dec. 21-25 poll, conducted mostly after the shutdown began. Seven percent of Americans blamed congressional Republicans.
Hillary by a landslide.

The average of polls had Hillary by 3%, not a landslide. Don't make things up.

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Total bullshit.
Always look for the methodology. This poll is bullshit.

The Reuters/Ipsos poll was conducted online in English across the United States. It gathered responses from 2,440 adults, including 946 Democrats and 846 Republicans.

More Americans blame Trump for government shutdown: Reuters/Ipsos poll | Reuters

Couple things:

1. 946 Democrats means approx 40% responses came from Dems and approx 35% came from 846 Repubs, so what do you suppose the results would be if the responses were 50-50? My guess, somewhat fewer blaming Trump and instead more people blaming the Dems.

2. Which means 648 responses came from people who did not align themselves with either party, but if you extrapolate from those numbers I mentioned then what would the results of that poll be if the ratio of those 648 people was also slanted to the Left? Across the US, huh? Wonder how many calls were made to rural areas and red states. And how random were those phone calls, were they to the same people that indicated Hillary Clinton would win back in 2016?

3. Curiously, the poll questions were not to be found in the Reuters story, why is that? Knowing the way some people like to interpret poll data, one wonders exactly what the poll questions were.

4. Curiously, there was a Quinnipiac poll done a few weeks ago of 1,147 voters found that 43% now support a border wall and 54% oppose it. In August, support was at 38%, thereby reflecting a five-point jump in a relatively short period of time. More importantly for the president, 86% of Republicans and 47% of Independents support building the wall, while 51% of those Independents oppose it. Given the margin of error, that's kinda close. 90% of the Dems oppose the wall, go figure. But it's easy to see how the breakdown of who is polled really can influence the results.
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Has this partial government shutdown had any major impact or any impact on the life of anyone here? I can honestly say none for me.
54% blame Trump or Republicans in Congress. 33% blame Democrats.
Forty-seven percent of adults hold Trump responsible, while 33 percent blame Democrats in Congress, according to the Dec. 21-25 poll, conducted mostly after the shutdown began. Seven percent of Americans blamed congressional Republicans.

I blame the GOP who had 2 years to get it done and now are trying to blame the Dims.

Why not as a party just own up to the fact that they have no intention of ever securing the border?
Lyin' Donald and the pseuedocons blamed Obama for the 2013 shutdown. In fact, Crooked Donald said Obama should be fired over the shutdown.

Karma's bitch slapping them once again.
54% blame Trump or Republicans in Congress. 33% blame Democrats.
Forty-seven percent of adults hold Trump responsible, while 33 percent blame Democrats in Congress, according to the Dec. 21-25 poll, conducted mostly after the shutdown began. Seven percent of Americans blamed congressional Republicans.

I blame the GOP who had 2 years to get it done and now are trying to blame the Dims.

Why not as a party just own up to the fact that they have no intention of ever securing the border?

True that the CA GOP congressmen stopped the needed GOP immigration reform, but, IMHO immigration reform helps the dems in the middle class get better jobs and better pay, so why won't some dem congressmen vote for the wall over the objections of the dem CA leaders?
54% blame Trump or Republicans in Congress. 33% blame Democrats.
Forty-seven percent of adults hold Trump responsible, while 33 percent blame Democrats in Congress, according to the Dec. 21-25 poll, conducted mostly after the shutdown began. Seven percent of Americans blamed congressional Republicans.

Trump said he would own it.

To do it, he will have to do it without Congressional support.
Leftista said:
The lie I am supposed to promote is that most polls were actually close, you're supposed to ignore your own experience that in 2015/2016 every major "news" outlet and all the media insisted hitlery was chosen above every republicrat, Bernie, Jesus Christ Himself and the appointment was imminent. The election was held only as a matter of procedure.
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They are so full of shit. No sentient adult believes the polls and reports of the polls were done for any other reason than to manipulate the public.

It failed, so now the narrative is that the polls were "neutral".

Complete horse shit like anything any of these bed wetting servile pieces of shit parrot.

If i was dependent on the govt, i would want it to continue, dumbfuck.
Try reasoning with your "insults" next time

Or the Gods will punish you by filling your dreams with visions of Maxine Waters doin' the wild thing with Pete King ..:eek:

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