REVEALED: Biden Intentionally took Sixty-Four (64) Executive Actions to open the Southern Border and undo President Trump's actions to seal it


  • Jan 2022: Between July 2021 and January 2022, the United States admitted more than 79,000 Afghan evacuees as part of Operation Allies Welcome after the Biden State Department and Department of Defense botched the nation’s withdraw from Afghanistan. The DHS OIG determined that DHS failed to fully vet the evacuees. Failure to vet refugees, signaled that the Administration might also apply lax vetting to asylum seekers, further encouraging asylum abuse.
  • Apr 1, 2022: The Biden Administration announced intent to end Title 42. Federal District Court Judge from Louisiana temporarily blocks the action.
  • Apr 3, 2022: ICE Principal Legal Advisor issued memorandum promoting termination of cases in immigration court and directing ICE Office of the Principal Legal Advisor (OPLA) trial attorneys to comb through their cases to determine whether aliens would be considered a “priority” for removal under the Biden “enforcement priorities.”
  • Sep 9, 2022: The Biden Administration reversed Trump-era public charge rule, allowing aliens who are likely to become a burden to taxpayers to receive immigration benefits – such as a visa, admission, or adjustment of status.
  • Oct 31, 2022: DHS finalized a rule to “fortify DACA”, which declares DACA recipients as “lawfully present” and grants them employment documents despite ongoing litigation.
  • Dec 13, 2022: The Biden Department of Justice (DOJ) sued the State of Arizona in order to force Arizona to remove shipping containers placed to close gaps in the border wall.
  • Jan 2023: CBP changed CBP One app to allow border crossers to schedule online appointments, expanding the number of aliens allowed into the United States.
  • Jan 6, 2023: The Biden Administration began abusing statutory parole authority under INA 212(d)(5) by creating a categorical parole program for nationals of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela. Parole was intended by Congress to be used sparingly and only on a “case by case” basis, yet DHS continues to create and administer categorical parole programs to allow hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to classes of aliens.
  • Feb 25, 2023: The New York Times reported data showing the Biden Department of HHS has lost track of 85,000 alien children over the prior two years. NYT exposes details of minor children working in factories in the United States.
  • Mar 2023: ICE continued to ignore the need for deportations, allowing criminal aliens to stay in the U.S. ICE’s non-detained docket grew to an estimated 5.3 million aliens, including 407,983 criminal aliens. Meanwhile, ICE arrests in Fiscal Year 2022 fell by 69% compared to Fiscal Year 2018 and arrests of convicted criminals fell 65% (to 36,322 in Fiscal Year 2022 from 105,140 in Fiscal Year 2018).
  • Mar 25, 2023: Despite record numbers of illegal aliens arriving at the southern border, the Biden Administration proposed cutting detention beds by 25 percent as part of its Fiscal Year 2024 budget request.
  • Mar 28, 2023: DHS Inspector General (IG), citing lax oversight, issued a report that identified misuse and fraud of federal emergency funds, resulting in up to $110 million in funds appropriated in the American Rescue Plan and other legislation being awarded to pay for services to illegal aliens and not Americans suffering due to COVID.
  • Apr 13, 2023: The Biden Administration announced DACA recipients would be eligible for Obamacare benefits and Medicaid, giving taxpayer-funded healthcare to illegal aliens.
  • Apr 27, 2023: The State Department and DHS announced plans to end Title 42, expand CBP One app, and create additional unlawful categorical parole programs for aliens from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Colombia. The program violates the law and allows aliens to enter before they receive a green card and without a visa.
  • Apr 30, 2023: The Biden Administration circulated guidance that waters down the vetting process for Chinese illegal aliens, requiring that interviews used to question a Chinese illegal alien consist of five basic questions. The media reported that Chinese illegal aliens “quickly adapted” to the new CBP guidelines and were “coached” to give “stories that are identical.”
  • May 5, 2023: CBP expanded appointment capability of the CBP One App. Through Nov. 2023, nearly 360,000 appointments had been scheduled on the app (43,000 in November alone). The CBP One app continues to be vulnerable to exploitation by the cartels.
  • May 11, 2023: The Biden Administration terminated use of Title 42 policy expulsion authority.
  • May 31, 2023: The Biden Administration ended the DNA testing program used to verify that adults who crossed the border with a child and claimed to be related to that child, are in fact related. Ending the program promotes not only illegal immigration, but also child exploitation and trafficking.
  • July 7, 2023: The Biden Administration expanded unlawful parole programs to include individuals from Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras.
  • July 24, 2023: The Biden Department of Justice sued the State of Texas to remove newly placed floating barriers in the Rio Grande River.
  • Aug 10, 2023: The Biden Administration Office of Management and Budget requested nearly $14 billion in emergency funding that perpetuates the Biden Administration’s open borders policies. For example, $600 million was requested for FEMA’s Shelter and Services program, which provided airfare and hotels to illegal aliens. This is on top of the $363.8 spent by the program in Fiscal Year 2023.
  • Aug 29, 2023: ICE scrambled after releasing into the U.S. more than a dozen Uzbek nationals with ties to an ISIS smuggler.
  • Aug 2023: DHS rebranded “Alternatives to Detention” as “Release and Reporting Management,” effectively using ICE to provide social services to aliens instead of allowing ICE to function as a law enforcement agency.
  • Sep 8, 2023: The Biden Administration promulgated a proposed rule to reverse Trump-era policy and allow Immigration Judges to administratively close or dismiss removal proceedings without any action (something not allowed by statute), resulting in no decision denying asylum.
  • Oct 4, 2023: The Biden Administration issued new rules on UACs that fails to prevent the release of illegal alien children to strangers, fails to facilitate age determinations, and fails to collect immigration information on sponsors. All of this will encourage trafficking of children, including by the cartels.
  • Dec 21, 2023: Biden Administration announced the creation of a new “juvenile” docket within immigration courts which is so expansive, it gives specialized treatment to 18, 19, and 20 year-old illegal aliens who should be deported through the expedited removal process.
  • Dec 28, 2023: Following a trip to Mexico by Secretary of State Blinken and DHS Secretary Mayorkas, the Mexican government reported that their discussions focused on “regularizing” status – i.e., amnesty – for “Hispanic migrants who have been undocumented… and DACA beneficiaries.”
  • Jan 3, 2024: The Biden Administration sued the State of Texas for enforcing a recently enacted Texas state law that allow Texas judges and magistrates to order illegal aliens to return to the foreign nation from which they entered.

The rich neighborhoods in San Diego are leftist, so yeah, they voted for it. Hope they're feeling the MS13 love even as we speak.

I see the mob of illegals who assaulted the NYC police hopped a bus and fled to California, jumping their no cash bail. Obviously won't be showing up to court. Democrats have become a complete laughing stock.
Trump undid Obama's EO's so Biden undid Trump's. We live in an age where pettiness isn't just tolerated, it is encouraged.
Sixty-Four intentional executive actions meaning it was all by design to destroy the United States from within using the Cloward-Piven strategy. This is what that Usurper has done. It's a treasonous act.

No bullshit charges sre going to save Trump. :cool-45:
Sixty-Four intentional executive actions meaning it was all by design to destroy the United States from within using the Cloward-Piven strategy. This is what that Usurper has done. It's a treasonous act.

And THAT is violation of his oath of office and an impeachable offense.
And THAT is violation of his oath of office and an impeachable offense.

After he took those 64 executive actions, Biden refused to execute his duties to protect the States from invasion as required by Article 4 Section 4 of the Constitution.
  • IV ,s.4
    "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence."

  • This makes Biden impeachable as well as being a criminal because of his treason.

  • BIden should be placed under house arrest within the WHite House pending a full impeachment hearing on his treason and other high crimes he has committed as discovered by Congress.
    Congress should direct Biden's confinement by the Sgt. at Arms obtaining a federal court warrant of confinement pursuant to direction of Congress and enforced by the US Marshal Service.

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