Revenge of the strippers

Actually, we just like boobs

Ok, no pressure on men to hold back emotion, be "strong", not cry, and men hug & comfort each other when is faced with terrible events.........................not buying it..........I have seen it: "C'mon Joe, tough break but.....". Women: "That is awful" , then hugs, and "You poor thing, can I help you in anyway"?


That is contrary to established "Man rules #2"


I am glad you agree with me, raise your sons as kindly as you do your daughters.

First of all, the church people decided to stick their nose where it didn't belong and picket the strip club.

Second of all, if none of those decent people have seen breasts, it is about time they did. The strippers weren't having sex. They were topless. Jeez, why does a pair of mammary glands cause such a big deal??

I, for one, support mammary glands and the women who show them to me.


Does that make you a "living bra"? :D

every functioning human being knows breasts are sex objects; that's why men find them "attractive".

False. That depends on society.

There are countries where topless women are the norm, but it is illegal for them to walk around in public showing their thighs, because breasts are viewed as a utility for feeding babies and thighs are the sex objects.

Frankly, that's always made more sense to me.
from the 16 hundreds to the early 19 hundreds in Europe and the US low cut dresses were high fashion ,however showing your ankles was considered scandalous..
besides everybody has tits.
I sure some of you men have a fine pair of man boobs!
um, what is wrong with Prostitutes? Don't they own their own bodies and shouldn't they be free to use their own bodies as they see fit just like Abortionists?

First of all, the church people decided to stick their nose where it didn't belong and picket the strip club.

Second of all, if none of those decent people have seen breasts, it is about time they did. The strippers weren't having sex. They were topless. Jeez, why does a pair of mammary glands cause such a big deal??

I think witnessing is a good thing, in this case.
This is a tempest in a tea cup.

Men truly are not too worried about what women think about what makes a man a man. Women, you don't have a clue on how to "improve" it. If you don't like it, tough. Leave a guy if you don't like it.

This deal should be no big deal. I have seen two women's anatomies in my life, and I was married to each of them in turn, separated by first wife's death.

That men wish to go to a club is their business: certainly not a church's concern.

I would suggest for the entertainers is to have somebody vidcam the church entrance at beginning of services for several weeks. Let the girls ID the guys who come to the club. Put the photos up in a Guest Bulletin Board. I guarantee you the harassment will stop.

First of all, the church people decided to stick their nose where it didn't belong and picket the strip club.

Second of all, if none of those decent people have seen breasts, it is about time they did. The strippers weren't having sex. They were topless. J ieez, why does a pair of mammary glands cause such a big deal??

I think witnessing is a good thing, in this case.

Yes, the strippers have every right to witness to the church members. Have a "New Beginnings Church Night" at the club. Let the members in free for proof of church membership.

First of all, the church people decided to stick their nose where it didn't belong and picket the strip club.

Second of all, if none of those decent people have seen breasts, it is about time they did. The strippers weren't having sex. They were topless. Jeez, why does a pair of mammary glands cause such a big deal??

I think witnessing is a good thing, in this case.

So video taping people's faces & license plates and threatening to put them online is now called "witnessing"?
First of all, the church people decided to stick their nose where it didn't belong and picket the strip club.

Second of all, if none of those decent people have seen breasts, it is about time they did. The strippers weren't having sex. They were topless. Jeez, why does a pair of mammary glands cause such a big deal??

I think witnessing is a good thing, in this case.

So video taping people's faces & license plates and threatening to put them online is now called "witnessing"?
it's the Christian way to fuck over thy Neighbours
Is it really "revenge" or is it an indication of the porn side of society knowing where the political power in pop culture America lies? The stripper clubs know the media is on their side and you can bet your bare ass that politicians support more strippers than churches.
Is it really "revenge" or is it an indication of the porn side of society knowing where the political power in pop culture America lies? The stripper clubs know the media is on their side and you can bet your bare ass that politicians support more strippers than churches.
you just keep telling yourself that...
um, what is wrong with Prostitutes? Don't they own their own bodies and shouldn't they be free to use their own bodies as they see fit just like Abortionists?

very interesting point. if women really do control their own bodies, shouldn't they be free to use them as they see fit?
um, what is wrong with Prostitutes? Don't they own their own bodies and shouldn't they be free to use their own bodies as they see fit just like Abortionists?

very interesting point. if women really do control their own bodies, shouldn't they be free to use them as they see fit?
can you state the obvious a little more succinctly :lol:
Strip Clubs are just another place men go to pray

I won't tell you what they pray for

The god of sex and drums and rock & roll? :eek:
ahhh.. that's sex drugs and roll and roll...

No, it's least, not to Meat and Jim. :mm:

I'd Do Anything For Love, But i Won't Do That, second bridge:

Some days I pray for silence
Some days I pray for soul
Some days I just pray to the god of sex and drums and rock 'n' roll
Some nights I lose the feeling
Some nights I lose control
Some nights I just lose it all when I watch you dance and the thunder rolls

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