Revenge of the strippers

Most exotic dancers are not "whores".

Fine, you win. "Not whores". How about low on self-esteem, high on drugs, or of no moral value? Their only value is derived from the freaks that pay to see them and that is not moral.

What the hell is wrong with what strippers do??

Men want to see titties. They want to be fawned over by pretty women. And they are willing to pay for it. No man goes to a strip club looking for love. And the women give the guys what they want, up to a point.

Its sad, men are still somewhat marginilized in human contact; must drink alcohol, appear "horny", or perform a "SERVICE" to just be...........friends. I'll take the heat; men are more violent because kindness, soft humor, and gentle silliness are denied them.
First of all, the church people decided to stick their nose where it didn't belong and picket the strip club.

Second of all, if none of those decent people have seen breasts, it is about time they did. The strippers weren't having sex. They were topless. Jeez, why does a pair of mammary glands cause such a big deal??

Then why show them for money? Are you gay?

They show them for money because men will PAY to see them. There is nothing wrong with women being topless.

Because they are a BIG DEAL, unless you don't like girls. I always get annoyed by the stupid comments (usually made by women) that "they're only breasts, what's the big deal" when every functioning human being knows breasts are sex objects; that's why men find them "attractive".

Everything has its place, and big puffy tits with bullet nipples belong in private. Let's deal with reality.
Chicks are hypocrites. Some dress like sluts on the beach because their nature is to find a mate and fornicate, but if they don't like you staring at them then they get pissed, unless of course, the guy staring at them has a big fat wallet or something the cave woman brain can justify for the hookup. It's usually about the money with secular heathens in heat.
Everyone is born naked!

Yes, naked is our natural state. The only reason breasts are considered to be erotic is because they covered. If everyone was naked they would no longer be an issue.

Strippers have every right to earn a living and the church butted in and got what it deserved in my opinion. If they hadn't been picketing the strippers in the first place they wouldn't have had to deal with being picketed in return.

This is an object lesson in getting back exactly what you give out.
They did it wrong. The right thing to do is, when they picket the club, one of the dancers should say (loudly) to whoever is leading the thing: "Hey, welcome back! Sorry, but Sapphire is on vacation until tomorrow...didn't you get lap dances from Ashley and Dusty last time?"
Everyone is born naked!

Yes, naked is our natural state. The only reason breasts are considered to be erotic is because they covered. If everyone was naked they would no longer be an issue.

Strippers have every right to earn a living and the church butted in and got what it deserved in my opinion. If they hadn't been picketing the strippers in the first place they wouldn't have had to deal with being picketed in return.

This is an object lesson in getting back exactly what you give out.

Ain't America grand ? Free speech everywhere !
Fine, you win. "Not whores". How about low on self-esteem, high on drugs, or of no moral value? Their only value is derived from the freaks that pay to see them and that is not moral.

What the hell is wrong with what strippers do??

Men want to see titties. They want to be fawned over by pretty women. And they are willing to pay for it. No man goes to a strip club looking for love. And the women give the guys what they want, up to a point.

Its sad, men are still somewhat marginilized in human contact; must drink alcohol, appear "horny", or perform a "SERVICE" to just be...........friends. I'll take the heat; men are more violent because kindness, soft humor, and gentle silliness are denied them.

Actually, we just like boobs
Even a wife must be paid for...

Actually I think men gladly pay more to the strippers who dance in clubs
than mothers are paid to bring up kids
or teachers are paid to educate them.

Do you see mothers or teachers making 300 a day?

Stripper/Exotic Dancer Salary (United States)

Somewhere in that post are the solutions to numerous govt fiscal problems. If govt can set up gambling infrastructure, shouldnt they also be in the lucrative titty peeking biz? :D

Gives new alternatives to school bake sales also... Maybe the church and the strip club could find some mutual causes to raise funds for...
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Never paid to see boobs, never will. Same for sex. However, if men want to pay for that, and the women want to sell it to them, each to their own.

As for the sanctity of sex and marriage, marriage is grand, divorce is a hundred grand. Cynical, but reality.

A partnership entered into by sane adults, involving sex and children, can only be sanctified by the actions of the participants over a period of decades, no church or wedding vows can substitute for that.

Really don't see what the fuss is about. The church picketed the strippers, the strippers picketed the church. Fair play and all of that.
Then why show them for money? Are you gay?

They show them for money because men will PAY to see them. There is nothing wrong with women being topless.

Because they are a BIG DEAL, unless you don't like girls. I always get annoyed by the stupid comments (usually made by women) that "they're only breasts, what's the big deal" when every functioning human being knows breasts are sex objects; that's why men find them "attractive".

Everything has its place, and big puffy tits with bullet nipples belong in private. Let's deal with reality.

It is a reality that has been created by uptight people trying to maintain victorian standards.

There are plenty of places where breasts are not a big deal. And that is largely because both men & women can go topless.
Chicks are hypocrites. Some dress like sluts on the beach because their nature is to find a mate and fornicate, but if they don't like you staring at them then they get pissed, unless of course, the guy staring at them has a big fat wallet or something the cave woman brain can justify for the hookup. It's usually about the money with secular heathens in heat.

" He isn't worth anything, he doesn't have anything". Yes I have known a few females say that, I didn't get sarcastic, I just walked away. I should have argued.........I was weak.
Maybe the church should invite the girls to join their congregation

It would help the collection plate
Maybe the church should invite the girls to join their congregation

It would help the collection plate

Maybe men could be friends without having to prove themselves as "MEN". Maybe men could hug more, cry, and feel lonely without being called "sissies", and maybe should not be treated as robots, but as humans? I guess not, somebody has to die in wars.................
Maybe the church should invite the girls to join their congregation

It would help the collection plate

Maybe men could be friends without having to prove themselves as "MEN". Maybe men could hug more, cry, and feel lonely without being called "sissies", and maybe should not be treated as robots, but as humans? I guess not, somebody has to die in wars.................

Who do you think is pressuring men into being "tough guys". I'm not seeing that nearly as much anymore. Metrosexuals and even gay men seem to be all the rage.

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