Revisionist history focusing on 1/6 is getting louder.

I disagee with Trump putting pressure on Pence the way he did, actually. (I know you seem incapable of nuanced discussion and need to stay on the bumper stickers). but while I disagree with Trumps pressure, he was free to call for peaceful protests for his cause, as Democrats do for their causes all the time (BLM/George Floyd)

And then we now know that what actually happened on January 6th isn’t what was initially reported, and was kept from the public on purpose by leftists. You can’t explain the new evidence and testimony, which is why you won’t address it and just call anyone who does as some conspiracy theorist.

You’re clinging to an outdated narrative.
Trump was proud of his mob attack on the Capitol. Now he's blaming Pelosi?
You just can't stop mixing up U.S. Capitol Police and District of Columbia National Guard....can you?
It has been explained to you numerous times, but still you don't seem to understand.
One has NOTHING to do with the other.
The Capitol Police did their job during the insurgency to the best of their ability but they were outnumbered and overwhelmed.
The ONLY person who could have ordered National Guard troops to The Capitol to back up Capitol Police, DC Police, and Sherriff's Dept. personell was The POTUS, and he dropped the ball.
Then he told a lie and blamed his failure on Pelosi.
We, in this thread, went through this without you and found Nancy Pelosi derelict in her duty to protect the Capitol.

We proved with Links that the authority to activate the National guard was delegated to the general of the army.

We have proved that an official request must come from the legislative branch of government. The separation of powers dictate that the executive branch can not order troops into the legislative branch. That would be an insurrection.

We have established the National Guard is not a quick reactionary force. They must leave their jobs, their homes, whatever activity they are involved in. Hence they will always be late if called last minute.

We have shown multiple requests were made by the Capitol Police and the Capitol Police Board, the day of, and before. All refused by Nancy Pelosi.

Your opinion that the National guard is a quick reactionary force only activated by the president is proven false.
Trump was proud of his mob attack on the Capitol. Now he's blaming Pelosi?
Separation of powers, the executive branch can not send troops into the legislative branch's jurisdiction.

Pelosi is by law responsible for the security of the Capitol building and congress. Which is the legislative branch of government.

Nancy Pelosi even has her own Police force.
The requests before the 6th are well documented.

The 5 requests jan 6th are documented

The fact that an "emergency" was not declared allowing the chief of the Capitol Police to call the national guard is evidence that Nancy Pelosi was derelict in her duty.

Pelosi is smart enough to not leave a paper or electronic record.
I can't help wondering, since Nancy and Mitch McTurtle share the same responsibilities regarding the Capital police, why his name hasn't been included in your specious allegations?

Just kidding. I already know why.
We, in this thread, went through this without you and found Nancy Pelosi derelict in her duty to protect the Capitol.

We proved with Links that the authority to activate the National guard was delegated to the general of the army.

We have proved that an official request must come from the legislative branch of government. The separation of powers dictate that the executive branch can not order troops into the legislative branch. That would be an insurrection.

We have established the National Guard is not a quick reactionary force. They must leave their jobs, their homes, whatever activity they are involved in. Hence they will always be late if called last minute.

We have shown multiple requests were made by the Capitol Police and the Capitol Police Board, the day of, and before. All refused by Nancy Pelosi.

Your opinion that the National guard is a quick reactionary force only activated by the president is proven false.
You cannot "prove" things that just aren't true.
That is where your argument falls apart.
Separation of powers, the executive branch can not send troops into the legislative branch's jurisdiction.

Pelosi is by law responsible for the security of the Capitol building and congress. Which is the legislative branch of government.

Nancy Pelosi even has her own Police force.

Liar. The Capitol Police Board is responsible for Capitol security.

Pelosi was only in charge of the House. Not the entire Capitol.
What’s happening is that there is new evidence and testimony that splinters the CNN/MSNBC/Democrat narrative, but they won’t let go of it and will call those who simply observe the new evidence and Draw updated conclusions as trying to change something.

It’s on leftists to address the new evidence. They probably haven’t even watched the new videos, they don’t want to. They like the old narrative, they’ll take it to their graves.

  • This wasn’t a legitimate threat to the nation, there was no way they could succeed. The democrats are continuing to lie about that.
  • No congressman’s life was in danger (AOC lied)
  • The rioters in the Capitol were rather calm
  • police let many into the building, and now those who were waved in are getting decades in prison (that’s messed up)

It’s very different because of what we know now.
More revisionist lies from the right.
Listen to this partisan asshole. Calling others partisans.

Newsflash. You fuckers are lying and we are setting the record straight.

Oh yeah sure. Like the pee tapes, right?

Stupid brain dead leftard con artists.

The fucking leftards are worse con artists than Trump ever was.

You just don’t like facts.

No, I just don't like YOU.
He denounced it, so, you can lie but don’t expect anyone to take you seriously


Before announcing he would pardon them if elected, he said he loved them, they're very special, and justified the assault on the Capitol.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.

Before announcing he would pardon them if elected, he said he loved them, they're very special, and justified the assault on the Capitol.

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.
How can you denounce violence and live it at the same time?

He SHOULD pardon those who have been jailed for minimal/nonviolent crimes and sent to prison for decades. That’s a horrible, immoral abuse by the Democrats to throw someone in prison for 17 years for knocking over a fence at the Capitol.
How can you denounce violence and live it at the same time?

He SHOULD pardon those who have been jailed for minimal/nonviolent crimes and sent to prison for decades. That’s a horrible, immoral abuse by the Democrats to throw someone in prison for 17 years for knocking over a fence at the Capitol.
It's beyond abusive.

It's downright malicious.

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